Friday, 31 March 2023

An American Noahide wonders whether the US official religion should be based on the Noahide laws or the Koran

51:00 I’m not actually Muslim and don’t come from a Muslim background. It is obvious that our laws should not be anything our legislature passes and they can in theory pass any law they want unless it is bound by a moral system. If you were officially Communist/Fascist/Nazi etc, you would expect your government to govern according to the principles of Communism etc. What are the identifiable principles of your moral system? The US government is promoting the principles of Sodom and Gomorrah and propagating them globally throughout the American global empire. 

It seems only Islam sees the logic of your laws being in harmony with your chosen moral system, whatever it is. 

If you don’t have an official moral system, then your laws would be a cushion bearing the imprint of the buttocks of the last corrupt and incompetent legislature that sat on it. 

If you believe in the narrative of the Abrahamic God, you would have to believe that he destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because it lacked even ten good men. 

Are there as many as ten good men in the entirety of the American global empire?

Is America a Noahide nation? 

Can any of these points be made to the Republican Party and would they be receptive?

I doubt most Americans are aware of Education and Sharing Day. Why not call up your schools to find out how if they intend to mark it in a meaningful way?

Wouldn’t the Noahide prohibitions against idolatry and blasphemy conflict with the First Amendment?

The Koran is the only holy book that supports freedom of belief.  The First Amendment is based on and doesn’t call for the execution of idolaters, blasphemers, adulterers and sodomites.

It is a simple enough point to make and people will be also interested in view of the indictment of Trump to prevent him from running for President again. The Noahide law requiring your society to establish a court and legal system is intended to make it more likely for people to receive justice rather than to facilitate kangaroo courts to perpetuate the rule of your corrupt and incompetent ruling classes.

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