Sunday, 5 March 2023

Humans are higher in status than angels because humans have free will

5:48:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to point out that Halakha and Sharia have been the most enduring of all legal systems. 

5:54:00  The point is still not taken. 

6:01:00  Angels are not divine. 

6:02:00  Humans are higher status than angels.

6:03:00  Only the Creator is divine. 

6:05:00  We are not supposed to pray to angels. 

6:07:00  God commanded angels to bow to humans.

6:08:00  Angels are automatons.

6:10:00  Angels in Islam

6:23:00  Christianity is nonsense. 

Judaism is thesis, Christianity antithesis, Islam synthesis. 


6:40:00  Christians think Jesus is an angel of God.

6:41:00  The New Testament is lower status than the Torah or Koran.

6:43:00  Jews don't believe Jesus is divine. 

6:44:00  Mormonism

6:46:00  Muslims believe the Torah and Gospels are corrupted.

6:53:00  "Muslims have a more legitimate source than the Bible."

6:55:00  J A Kingston

7:00:00  Muslims must prefer the Koran over any other scripture. 

7:05:00  Islam is the worship of absolute truth of the most powerful being conceivable.

7:07:00  Islam has the most coherent narrative that explains the divine order.

7:11:00  Muhammad was God's slave.

7:13:00  Hindus do not claim that the Vedas are from God.

7:15:00  Christo-Liberalism is kaput.

7:17:00  Science

7:18:00  Our laws should be based on the best available moral system.

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