Sunday, 5 March 2023

Talking to Sam Samuels about Judicial Reform in Israel

1:00  Protests in Israel by the Liberal Democrats
2:00  Soros-funded protestors
5:00  Fagotron in Tel Aviv
6:00  Eurotrash - Ashkenazim etc
7:00  British Theosophical Society
9:00  Orban to move Hungarian Embassy to Jerusalem
11:00  Western civilisation is committing suicide by cop.
13:00  Should Jews be allowed to rule over themselves in Israel?
15:00  Messianic Jew
16:00  Mrs Lapid suing Tovia Singer for saying she is a Messianic Jew.
25:00  Christo-Liberalism
26:00  Spain has legalised bestiality.
31:00  Shituf
32:00  Gay parades in Tel Aviv
33:00  Korah
35:00  Israeli Supreme Court
36:00  Satanic Sanhedrin
38:00  Benjamin Netanyahu's corruption charges
39:00  Benedict Arnold
41:00  Israeli is a client state.
King Faisal and Lawrence of Arabia
43:00  Hashemite Kingdom
44:00  Biden, Kissinger, Opec, Rockefeller, petrodollar 
49:00  Jews are Jonahs.
51:00  Black Rock
Holocaust guilt
52:00  Ashkenazi Jews lording it over the other Jews
54:00  Karl Marx gay?
57:00  Yoram Hazony
58:00  Yuval Noah Harari

58:0  CLAIRE KHAW monologues.
1:01:00  Interpreting the rules
1:02:00  The Doctrine of Papal Infallibility
1:03:00  Israeli Supreme Court
1:04:00  Kohelet
1:06:00  Failure of representative democracy
1:08:00  Farewell speech of George Washington
1:09:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

1:10:00  SAM SAMUELS rejoins to talk about David Icke.
1:11:00  Deception and lies
1:13:00  Teshuvah
1:15:00  Christianity
1:18:00  Holocaust Denial in the Netherlands
1:22:00  "I would rather die."
1:24:00  Jesus Christ
1:31:00  The official handbook
1:32:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
1:33:00  Israel is a matriarchy with impossible Jewish women.

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...