Thursday, 23 March 2023

Jon Vance and Vincent Bruno expose the failure of Christo-Liberalism defended by a Catholic lawyer

7:00  Sideshow Bob and Mayor Quimby in the Simpsons
11:00  "Everyone is going to be committing suicide soon."
13:00  Prison labour is slave labour. 
14:00  Sentimental about Obama
15:00  Trump
16:00  Americans hate each other. 
End of empire
Shooting spree
17:00  Atheists and nihilists being members of the American ruling classes
18:00  US legal system
19:00  The government is evil.
21:00  Censorship and Gab
22:00  Being spied on
25:00  Council of Foreign Relations

26:00  JON VANCE joins telling us his account was deleted. 
28:00  Sovereign Citizens
29:00  Trust law
31:00  Jon Vance points out DD's Fox News talking points.
35:00  Evil robots

37:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.
41:00  Democracy and deporting illegal immigrants
42:00  Travis Patron
44:00  Freedom convoy and Emergency Act
45:00  Israeli affairs
47:00  Israeli proposal to criminalise Christian missionaries attempting to convert Jews.
50:00  BRICS and petrodollar
51:00  Ukraine
57:00  Jon Vance is still Muslim.

59:00  China, Paul Keating and Malcolm Turnbull
1:01:00  Uranium
1:02:00  Nuclear submarines
1:06:00  Canada
1:09:00  Noahide laws and the Far Right
1:11:00  Religion
1:12:00  TikTok
1:13:00  Canadian elections
1:14:00  Media raising the next generation
1:15:00  Religion
1:18:00  Neoconservatives
1:19:00  Warsaw Pact
1:22:00  Chechnya
1:27:00  Still Muslim
1:30:00  The Trinity
1:33:00  Christmas tree
1:35:00  Abrahamic religions
1:36:00  Jesus
1:42:00  St Augustine, Islam, submission
1:47:00  Constantine
1:48:00  Henry VIII
1:49:00  Free will
1:50:00  Book burning Catholic Church 
1:52:00  Universities
1:59:00  The Enlightenment
2:00:00  Alan Cecil
2:02:00  Lawyers
2:07:00  Latin
2:10:00  Roman law, canon law and the common law
2:11:00  Unprincipled Christian countries
2:13:00  Globohomo
2:14:00  Drag queen story time
2:17:00  New Testament
2:21:00  Confession
2:24:00  "You don't forbid what you think is grossly immoral."
2:26:00  Islamophobia
2:27:00  Jim Bowden overcomplicates things because he is a lawyer.
2:28:00  Ad hominem
2:30:00  Nothing to beheading
2:31:00  Jews and gentiles would be punished for not implementing the Noahide laws.
2:32:00  Secular By Design by Alan Cecil
2:36:00  Islamophobia
2:37:00  Christianity is mental illness. 
2:38:00  Ethno-nationalist bias
2:39:00  Idolatry and treatment of women by Islam
2:40:00  Secular Christian values
2:41:00  Making the punishment fit the crime
2:42:00  More single mothers than married mothers in stable marriages
2:43:00  "Total autocracy and total theocracy"
2:44:00  Moral progress towards degeneracy
2:45:00  "The Noahide state is not a theocracy."
2:49:00  Christian principles
2:50:00  The Trinity is mental illness.
2:51:00  People who lie to themselves
2:52:00  "You turned your back on your heritage."
2:53:00  Muslims in the West
2:54:00  Saudi Arabia
2:55:00  Hate speech
2:57:00  Inciting a person to practise idolatry
2:58:00  The Noahide Code by Alan Cecil
2:59:00  JIM BOWDEN leaves.
3:00:00  The idolatry of Christianity
3:01:00  Noahide courts
3:03:00  Ethno-nationalism
3:06:00  Rebuke and punishment
3:10:00  The punishment for idolatry, sodomy etc

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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