Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the Israeli Supreme Court

7:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins and Secular Koranism is discussed.
8:00  I won't be changing the name of Secular Koranism to pander to Islamophobes.

32:00  Reading ends and content discussed. 
33:00  Flying Spaghetti Monster and Vishnu
34:00  Jehovah's Witnesses refutation of other religions
35:00  Why people stick to their religious groups
36:00  Christians who deny the Trinity but refuse to become Muslim
37:00  Principle or pragmatism?
38:00  Jehovah's Witness are not supposed to marry converts who convert to marry them.
39:00  Jews should convert to Islam to avoid the capital offence of ir nidachat.
41:00  Jews have no authority to cancel ir nidachat.
46:00  13 Principles of Judaism
47:00  36 capital offences of Judaism
48:00  Ir nidachat, shituf and avodah zarah
49:00  Post mortem beheading awaiting for Jews who lived and died as citizens of Christendom
51:00  Lot
52:00  Minyan
53:00  Ir nidachat
54:00  Tovia Singer
57:00  Claire the anti-idolatry Crusader

1:03:00  Christianity has been offensive to God.
1:04:00  Remorse
1:06:00  Edomites

1:16:00  Cuius regio, eiuis religio
1:17:00  Inquisition
1:19:00  Cult of Mary

1:28:00  Noahide laws and Islam
1:29:00  Edomites and bad gentiles.
1:32:00  Buying a Koran
1:41:00  Idolatry
1:43:00  Slavery
1:44:00  Welfare State
1:46:00  One-party state
1:47:00  Humane state slavery
1:49:00  Kohl Nidre
1:51:00  Ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:52:00  Why Vincent should become Secular Koranist in the US
1:54:00  Vincent charging an appearance fee
1:55:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:56:00  Mujahid
1:57:00  1.9 billion Muslims
1:51:00  Reforms to the Israeli Supreme Court
2:02:00  6 female judges in the Supreme Court
Israeli is a microcosm of the West
2:03:00  The 50/50 situation
2:04:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
2:05:00  Michael Shulman is an Islamophobe.
2:06:00  The pilot scheme of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
2:07:00  Secular Jews are regarded as heretics by Orthodox Jews
2:08:00  Jews clueless about Judaism.
2:09:00  Henry Abrahamson on Spinoza
Tovia Singer complaining about Jews being converted to Christianity
2:10:00  Jews don't realise that believing Jesus is alive is idolatry.
2:12:00  Anglicans in the birthplace of Anglicanism
2:25:00  Noahide laws used by Jews to identify righteous gentiles and avoid unrighteous gentiles.
2:26:00  Shituf
2:28:00  Shituf is worse than idolatry.
2:30:00  Religion is mind control.
2:32:00  Alan Clark
2:35:00  Due diligence
2:40:00  Religious radio station job
2:41:00  The Post War narrative 
2:42:00  Jews can't question their own narrative.
2:43:00  Rome was a victim of its own success.
2:44:00  The people of Rome became a minority in their own empire
2:45:00  Global majority and global minority
2:46:00  Competing narratives
2:47:00  God is a civic nationalist.
2:48:00  All empires decline for the same reason through lowering standards of sexual morality.

3:00:00  Equal opportunities oppressive
3:04:00  Erin Brokovich
3:09:00  How to incentivise unmarried parents to repent
3:11:00  Single sex secondary schools
3:13:00  Abolishing inheritance tax
3:14:00  Domestic partnership
3:17:00  Grandfather clause
3:20:00  No fault divorce clause
3:30:00  Stream ends

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...