Sunday, 31 March 2024

Vincent Bruno rejects the idea of progressive revelation

4::00  Hypocrisy 

7:00  Maimonides' 13 Principles of Judaism

8:00  Spinoza's heresy of idolatry

9:00  Henry Abrahamson

Rabbi Mizrachi

10:00  Judaism is a religion of social clubs.

11:00  Presbyterians and Congregationalist

12:00  Donald Trump and Ann Coulter are Presbyterians.

13:00  Kulturkampf and the Doctrine of Papal Infallibility

14:00  Islam is a political religion.

15:00  Your legal system would be based on your political orthodoxy.

17:00  Koranic principles exist but no Christian principles have been derived. 

18:00  What was the law Jesus was supposed to have fulfilled?

19:00  Believing and  rational Jews should prefer the Koran to the Torah.  

20:00  The Torah is too hard for Jews to follow.

21:00  The Koran is gentle on idolaters but harsh on hypocrites. 

22:00  Hidden idolatry

24:00  The Torah does not mention hypocrisy at all. 

26:00  Would any gentile feel confident that his people would obey the Torah better than Jews?

28:00  Even Ultra Orthodox rabbis don't want a Torah theocracy.

29:00  Rabbi Kahane

Americans want Jews and Arabs  to fight.

30:00  British and Anglo Israelism

31:00  The Balfour Declaration

32:00  British Israelism

34:00  Geopolitical reasons for a British presence in Israel

35:00  Jewish pride

36:00  Failed predictions

37:00  Progressive revelation

39:00  Jews could have ranked the four gentile religions when Islam became successful and declared it to be the most Noahide or taken the opportunity of being Americans with First Amendment rights or as Europeans under the European Convention of Human Rights to say exactly what they thought of Christianity but they did not. 

41:00  Hegelian dialectic

42:00  Jews becoming Noahides would still be light unto nations. 

44:00  Natural law

46:00  God created good and evil.

This life is an examination hall. 

48:00  Heaven and hell

50:00  Justice

The Side Effects Of Religion, Recovery, Wellness, Exercise (3-31-24)

2:52:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins.

Saturday, 30 March 2024

When the door of Christianity closes, the door of Islam opens

3:00  Monologue begins.

4:00  People's Democratic Dictatorship

5:00  Why is a republic better than a monarchy?

6:00  General elections get in the way of good government.

7:00  America is falling into its Thucydides Trap.

8:00  The judiciary ultimately protects the First Amendment.

9:00  Disputed elections

10:00 The legitimacy of the US government and its international status is called into question because of the fiercely disputed elections of 2020.

11:00  "The West" is a political and imperial expression of Western hegemony.

12:00  The Mandate of Heaven

13:00  The divine right of kings is supported by Christianity.

14:00  Christians cannot say what Christian principles are. 

15:00  Muslims have established Islamic principles. 

The Church is a Creature of the Liberal State. 

16:00  Is the priest above or below the monarch?

17:00  Christianity has yielded to the liberal order.

18:00  Atheists are more likely to change with the times than those with religious principles. 

19:00  The Noahide laws

20:00  The eternal and universal laws protecting the practice of marriage

21:00  The Abrahamic God is a problem-solving system.

22:00  There are only five world religions.

23:00  Christians have culturally appropriated Jewish scripture.

24:00  Islam has a higher authority and superior scripture.

25:00 Westerners have not noticed the end of Christendom in 1918.

26:00  Western governments have been ignoring the fact that Christianity has utterly failed in its purpose to defend the divine right of kings to rule.

27:00  Discussing the failure of Christo-Liberalism is taboo. 

28:00  Westerners cannot deny that Christendom ended in 1918 or that most Westerners are not confirmed Christians. If they are confirmed Christians, they do not really believe Jesus is God. In fact, they do not believe in God at all because if they did, they would be cease and desist their idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer. 

Why would people pretend to believe Jesus is God when they do not? 

Because they are hypocrites who are using Christianity as lifetime membership to being white and middle class. They do not even believe in God, or they would be able to defend their Christian principles better. In fact, Christianity is such a disordered religion that Christians cannot even agree on what Christian principles are. Many will claim Christian principles are in the Ten Commandments, but Jews will say that the Ten Commandments are for them but that the Seven Noahide laws are for gentiles. Unfortunately, the Noahide laws are from the Talmud which is a lower status document compiled by rabbis over the ages than the Torah believed to be from God.

If you have no codified principles, you will not know what they are. 

If you do not know know what your principles are, how can you defend them?

If you now so morally and intellectually corrupted by the failure of your religion which has no principles, you would continue to concentrate on how much you hate Jews and Muslims rather than considering the problem that Christianity has no principles. 

If Christianity could be said to have any principles at all, it would be the principle of worshiping the Trinity. 

Since the Trinity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of God and the Holy Spirit, it can only be concluded that the entire moral system of Christianity has been illegitimate, incoherent, corrupted by expedience and definitely man-made.

If the Abrahamic God was in fact corporeal, what Christians could be said to have done to Him was attach the head of Jesus and the Holy Spirit on to a body that was only designed for one. 

29:00  Secular Koranism will phase in the correct moral system in a manageable way.

Wednesday, 27 March 2024

Vincent Bruno is dismayed to be told that theocracy is necessary to make white people marry again

10:00  Gender relations

12:00  Anthony Trollope

14:00  Being both a Beyondist and Secular Koranism

16:00  Idolatry

17:00  Marxism and liberalism are really religions.

19:00  Communism and Capitalism are both materialist ideologies.

20:00  If you were an orphan and had a country to run, what religion would you choose?

22:00  Witnessing a loan agreement

24:00  Freedom of disposition and intestacy

26:00  Free DNA test for married fathers every time his wife has baby.

28:00  Theist and Deists

29:00  Absolute monarchy

30:00  Salem Witch Trials in the US and the Wars of the Reformation

32:00  National  identity

Edict of Expulsion of 1290

33:00  The right of national self-determination

35:00  The British didn't have much of an army.

36:00  Poland had a Saxon king in the late 1600s and early 1700s.

38:00  French birth rates fell after secularisation.

39:00  Most white people in America are of German stock.

41:00  One-party state required.

43:00  Marriage is necessary.

44:00  People want to believe.

45:00  The Abrahamic God is a self-correcting mechanism. 

48:00  Koranic principles

50:00  A referendum on Secular Koranism

53:00  Publicity agent

54:00  Secular Koranism

56:00  Michael Dallen  and Alan Cecil

Muslims taken aback by it.

57:00  Hypocrites cursed by God

1:05:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

Vincent never baptised.

1:07:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

1:11:00  Gay marriage and child marriage

1:13:00  Gay children and the low birth rate

1:16:00  Secular Koranism

1:20:00  Celibacy

1:22:00  Kant's principle of universalisability

1:24:00  Marriage

Islamic values are traditional and enlightenment values

2:00  CANDICE joins.

4:00  Muslim agrees with me! 

5:00  Westminster Abbey flying the Pakistani flag on Pakistan Day

14:00  Nick Griffin BNP

16:00  America does not have an official system.

17:00  So many problems avoidable by being Muslim, says Candice.

20:00  Women destroying their own marriageability by their promiscuity.

21:00  Edward Martin

22:00  You can't teach an old dog new tricks.

23:00  Guardian hit piece

24:00  Sun hit piece

25:00  Antisemitism

26:00  Secular Koranism

27:00  JESUS IS KING joins.

28:00  Last 250 years of Western history have been rejections of Christianity and monarchy.

29:00  Muslims-Christian relations

30:00  Muslims accept the Virgin Birth.

31:00  The Koran

Before the disease, the cure exists.

32:00  Constantine's adoption of Christianity

33:00  Constantine and the Conversion by A H M Jones

35:00  Book of John

37:00  People of the Book protected by

38:00  Secular Koranism is not a belief system.

39:00  Feminism

Rejecting representative democracy

40:00  George Washington warned  against  political parties.

42:00  Tim Farron and other social conservatives not allowed in the ruling classes.

43:00  Moral leadership

44:00  Speaking  to real people.

45:00  IMRAN AHMED joins to say Britain is not a Christian country but based on atheist values. 

47:00  The Ottoman Empire protected Jews and Christians.

48:00  Sharia

51:00  Islam is an imperial religion.

53:00  The enemy is within.

Game theory is a race to the bottom.

54:00  CANDICE  on state surveillance outside mosques.

56:00  Why there is no state surveillance outside churches

59:00  Cancel culture

1:00:00  Social pariah

1:01:00  Economic warfare

1:02:00  People who only half agree with you

1:03:00  The purpose of being a member of a religious group

1:05:00  Sexuality and programming


1:06:00  Consensus filter


1:12:00  Jews are not responsible for liberalism.

1:13:00  Christianity was always meant to fail. 

1:14:00  Is Christianity doing well or not?

1:15:00  Christendom ended in 1918.

1:16:00  Logos

1:19:00  Paula White is Trump's spiritual adviser.

1:20:00  Kanye West and other antisemites

1:28:00  Federal Reserve

1:30:00  Churches flying the LGBT flag and gay priests

1:31:00  Traditional values

1:33:00  A moderate Muslim

1:34:00  White people don't become brown when they become Muslim

1:38:00  SAL joins.

1:39:00  Religion and politics

1:40:00  Canon law

1:41:00  Groypers

1:42:00  An Islamic West

TikTok and Instagram show an increasing interest in Islam.

1:44:00  Orthodox Christianity

1:45:00  Birth rates

1:46:00  Ladyboys

Jewish supremacy

1:47:00  Half of Jewry is not observant.

1:48:00  Divide and conquer

1:49:00  Using Jews as an excuse not to have children.

1:50:00  Use Islam  to beat the Jews.

1:51:00  A range  of political organisations

1:53:00  "Islam not Western."

1:56:00  Jews are not responsible for liberalism.

1:58:00  Consensus filter

1:59:00  Christian rulers

2:01:00  How Corporate America pays the piper of Congress

2:05:00  Putting Christians in charge

2:06:00  CANDICE joins.

2:12:00  TRUTH ONLY against Islam.

2:13:00  Rabbi Shmuley

NUR joins.

2:21:00  Joel Osteen

2:24:00  Idolatry

2:26:00  Injil

Dead Sea Scrolls

2:27:00  Book of Isaiah

2:28:00  Masoretic Text and Septuagint

2:30:00  "He's not a an, he's God."

2:33:00  VINCENT BRUNO asks about God's laws.

2:39:00  Ten Commandments

2:47:00  "Societies that don't follow logic collapse."

The Noahide laws are "logical".  

2:51:00  MARCHUS MITCHELL asks about 72 virgins and other silly questions.

3:15:00  Sadducees

3:16:00  If Israel didn't exist, we would have to create it.

3:19:00  Clean break memo

3:20:00  Trust fund baby

3:21:00  NUR on Islam

3:34:00  Slavery

3:41:00  We need the safety rails of the Koran.

3:44:00  Idolatry

3:52:00  Hypocrisy

Noahide laws < The Koran

3:53:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

3:54:00  Hypocrisy gets you to hell.

3:55:00  Low status countries practise idolatry.

3:56:00  John Hyrcanus

The forced conversion of the Idumeans (Edomites) to Judaism by John Hyrcanus (135–105 bce) is the only such recorded case of forced conversions to Judaism.

3:57:00  Hidden idolatry can cause as much harm as open idolatry because it causes Muslims not to follow Islamic principles.

4:01:00  Roman Republic and Roman Empire

4:02:00  Christianity superseded by feminism

4:09:00  Islam acknowledges free will and protects religious freedom.

4:16:00  Speakers' Corner

4:25:00  Noahide  laws

4:27:00  Muslims don't accept the authority of Jews.

4:32:00  Judaism Lite

4:35:00  Hypocrisy is hidden idolatry.

4:40:00  How hidden idolatry might be worse than murder


4:45:00  The Crusades were the punishment for Muslims who disobeyed 18:4.

4:47:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

4:48:00  Jews do not take their duty to teach the Noahide laws seriously.

4:49:00  The Trinity

4:51:00  God the Father > the crucified Christ

4:52:00  Fathers have to set boundaries.

4:53:00  Messianic Jews

4:54:00  The Third Principle

4:55:00  Ir nidachat

4:57:00  If all Jews converted to Islam they would still be doing what made them His Chosen People to do: be light unto nations lighting the way of gentiles away from the idolatry of Christianity.

5:01:00  White people won't turn brown if they convert to Islam.

5:02:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson.

5:03:00  Deists were proto-Muslim, Theists were Trinitarian.

5:04:00  Church of the Holy Trinity v US

5:08:00  Submitting to the inevitable

5:09:00  Muslims are scary.

5:11:00  Homophobia

5:13:00  Book of Isaiah

5:14:00  Father > Son

5:15:00  Pope Sylvester I

Tuesday, 26 March 2024

A brief conversation with Ryan Dawson

From 1:07:00 

Talking to Vincent Bruno about the First Amendment and gay adoption

3:00  Antisemitism

9:00  Transgenderism
12:00  Conversion therapy
15:00  Physiognomy
17:00  Children's rights
19:00  Sorcery should be discouraged.
20:00  Food preferences
22:00  "Spiritual rights"
Age of majority
23:00  First Amendment
24:00  Trump
26:00  Sorcery, abortion and being in the wrong party
28:00  Expressing the opinion that it is OK to kill people for fun
32:00  Permissible hiring policy
34:00  No Democrats etc need apply.
39:00  Euthanasia and women past the age of child-bearing
40:00  Jobs for women
41:00  Married parents
42:00  Vincent could promote Beyondism as a Secular Koranist.
43:00  Agreeing on the principle of married parents
45:00  Talking about things in theory
46:00  Vincent privileged
48:00  Straight white males who are obtuse
50:00  Not all adults like children.
51:00  Biological married parents
52:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
54:00  Surrogacy fees
56:00  Spacepan
59:00  Non-working mothers
1:02:00  The Fourth Estate
1:10:00  Happiness
1:11:00  Patriarchy

1:12:00  Encouraging marriage
1:15:00  Why Vincent is better than a straight man
1:16:00  Dolce & Gabbana
1:17:00  Minimum moral standard that is the gold standard of marriage
1:19:00  Vincent shaming straight white men
1:20:00  Vincent can still promote his Beyondism as a Secular Koranism.
1:24:00  A Jehovah's Witness takeover
1:25:00  Secular Koranism with Jehovah's Witnesses Characteristics
1:27:00  Koranic principles of warfare and international relations
1:28:00  Conscientious objectors
1:30:00  Higher verbal intelligence
Mormons have a college.
1:32:00  Judaism is not an organised religion and stopped being an organised religion in 425.
1:36:00  Butterfly effect

A dying empire is a vortex of chaos

4:00  The sinking of the Titanic and the life cycle of giant star is like the death of empires.
6:00  Sir John Glubb's Fate of Empires
7:00  When empires lower standards of sexual morality
8:00  Decay is a gradual process, so is dementia and degeneracy.
9:00  You can't lie to all the people all of the time.
10:00  Liars eventually lie to themselves and lose contact with reality. 
11:00  Censorship of truth means blocking out truth and reality.
12:00  Which is worse - a slow or fast growing kind of cancer?
14:00  Maintenance is boring but essential. 
16:00  Morally apathetic men ignore the problem thereby worsening it.
17:00  Morally degenerate men who are intellectually dishonest cannot even agree that the West is a matriarchy.
18:00  Secular Koranism is taboo to Islamophobes, atheists, Christians and liberals.
19:00  Men in denial have not noticed that Christendom ended in 1918.
20:00  The British government blamed Germany for WW2 to hide its foreign policy mistakes. 
23:00  The difference between the material and the moral, between legitimate and illegitimate offspring
24:00  The problem of casually conceived and parented illegitimate offspring
25:00  All empires decline and fall for the same reasons.
26:00  The problem solving system of the Abrahamic God
27:00  Demographics is destiny.
28:00  The nature and purpose of divine scripture
29:00  Free speech is the facilitator of truth.
A Ministry of Complaints and Solutions
30:00  The virtue of humility

Monday, 25 March 2024

Chinese man very offended to hear that China is an empire

2:00  An empire is a land consisting of the lands of different peoples and empires.

3:00  Belgium, Canada, Britain and America

5:00  Tibet, India and Pakistan

6:00   Kazakhstan

Imperialism is the highest state of capitalism. 

7:00  America is an evil empire. 

9:00  Imperialism

10:00  The Koran

11:00  Changing with the times

12:00  Imperialism

Imperialism is the highest state of capitalism. 

14:00  Competing empires

16:00  Empire is a morally neutral term. 

17:00  I am to read Das Kapital, Hegel and Kant.

1) The best example is Hong Kong, when the Sino-British Joint Declaration was signed, the relationship between the PRC-HK was agreed to be unchanged for 50 years from the relationship between the Britain and HK. If the Anglo-HK relationship was colonial (which is was), then the immediate continuity of unchanged insitutions and a consitution that China can change at will, points to the same colonial relationship being maintained.

2) It doesn't really matter if you think tibet, xinjjiang, or inner mongolia is chinese or not; the assimilation policies of those other ethnities (and even regional dialects and cultures) are imperial in nature. Sinocisation is fundamentally no different to anglicisation, that happened in Wales, or the clearings in the Scottish highlands.

3) Observing that China is or is not an empire is not a moral statement, it does not mean it is good or it is bad. It is simply an observation that no nation (definitely no nation as large as china) is formed without continuous conquest of others, and subjugation of nomadic/tribal/insular peoples that rejected government from the centre. That has been the case throughout the ages.

18:00  Polygamy

19:00  Which is worse?

a) Sichuan overwhelmed by illegitimacy.

b) Wealthy men of Sichuan encouraged to take up to four wives whose offspring will be legitimate. 


If I were a wealthy oligarch, I would still only have one wife but possibly have girlfriends on a girlfriend contract terminable without notice. 

22:00  Samuel Huntingdon

All great empires are great civilisations. 

Five Eyes

24:00  The West is in technological decline.
26:00  Ancient China was an empire.
"China should be the New Soviet Union and the liberator of the working classes."
27:00  Russia Empire was a Socialist Empire.
28:00  All men are created equal.
Joe and Hunter Biden
29:00  Economic equality
Jackass Ma etc
31:00  Capitalism cannot be function without usury.
32:00  Loan sharks
4% interest annualised
34:00  All Chinese banks are SOEs - State Owned Enterprises.
US Treasury Bonds
35:00  Dedollarisation
37:00  US thuggery
43:00  Armed struggle and polygamy
44:00  Definition empire
46:00  Hegemonic and unipolar

Sunday, 24 March 2024

Discussing Maimonides with Vincent Bruno

6:00  It is rational to believe in the Abrahamic God.
8:00  The Abrahamic God is transcendent.
9:00  To think of God as immanent is to be an idolater.
15:00  Parallel courts and circles of virtues
18:00  Arbitration
20:00  Secular Koranism is intended to become the law of the land. 

The Supreme Court would be the final court of appeal in any nation. 

21:00  Secular Koranism with Californian Characteristics would be different to Secular Koranism with Hawaiian Characteristics.

23:00  Koranic principles of international relations.

24:00  Americans have had their First Amendment rights eroded. 
26:00  Social media platforms should be nationalised. 
28:00 Nick Fuentes
33:00  Twitter deplatformed a sitting President.
38:00  Nick Fuentes and E Michael Jones
40:00  Christian Amendment

46:00  Maimonides
Snake oil
47:00  Usury

53:00  TAYO joins.
59:00  Judge not, lest ye shall be judged.
1:01:00  Judgmental
1:03:00  Christians are dishonest.
1:04:00  "Dishonest and a liar"
1:08:00  "Christian idiot"
1:10:00  "Nonsense semantics"
1:16:00  Sola scriptura
1:18:00  Celestial Church of Christ
1:21:00  "Successful"
1:28:00  "Judgement"
1:33:00  The concept of God
1:34:00  Unicorns
1:40:00  Judging
1:45:00  Sola scriptura
1:48:00  Maimonides
1:49:00  A material God
1:50:00  Immanence
1:53:00  "The Creation is the Creator."

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


Classes in marriageability ep 1

Marriage app for white nationalists

1:00  Marriageability
2:00  Unrealistic expectations caused by Hollywood
3:00  Second wife in Syria
4:00  Cost of marriage higher in Jordan than Syria
5:00  Nature and purpose of marriage
8:00  Eligibility
9:00  Legitimate and illegitimate children
10:00  Family areas
11:00  The Waltons
12:00  Safety, respectability and care for the next generation
13:00  Gender roles
15:00  No gender roles, no marriage.
Complementary relationships
16:00  Sugar high
17:00  Marriage is a eugenic breeding programme, bastardy dysgenic.
18:00  White people and South Korea
19:00  Sichuan bastardy
21:00  After a ruinous war, polygamy is probably required.
22:00  How to be marriageable
24:00  Suicide of the Radical Right by Matthew Rose
26:00  Baby brian
27:00  Two extremes of unmarriageability
28:00  Max Demian
30:00  Political activists
31:00  Marriage is a burden.
32:00  Models who are size zero
36:00  "Adultery of the eyes"
40:00  We are attracted to people who like us.
41:00  Kindness

48:00  Good men are for good women.
51:00  Paternity leave
56:00  Paedophilia
57:00  Government should support marriage.
58:00  Marriage is a government breeding scheme.
59:00  The price of sex
1:04:00  My final words

Marriage app, book and livestream plan

Naming of the app
1:00  3 projects
2:00  Environmental activists
3:00  Sexually frustrated men scapegoating Muslims
4:00  Target group: white nationalists
6:00  A marriage adjective app, not a dating app.
7:00  Arranged marriages

Book, app and aftercare

4 topics

1)  Nature and purpose of marriage
2)  How to be marriage
3)  How to be lovable
4)  How to make the government support marriage

15:00  The purpose of the book
17:00  Annoying the Islamophobes
18:00  Polygamy
20:00  Honest, principled, kind
22:00  Attributes and adjectives

"Muslim, obedient and polygamous"

23:00  A male marriage app
25:00  How to be marriageable
27:00  WhatsApp

Features of the proposed marriage app

29:00  Silly or serious adjectives
30:00  Airbnb
31:00  Frictionless
32:00  Marriage contract and pre-marriage counselling
36:00  Self-publishing
37:00  Margin
38:00  3 adjective
43:00  Age of marriage
46:00  Adjectives
The most important requirement
47:00  "Fit" ...
52:00  Convictions are based on principles and values.

Matthew Rose on Dominique Venner

2:00  Andy Nowicki
4:00  Matthew Rose on Dominique Venner
6:00  Yukio Mishima and Aaron Bushnell

50:00  Reading ends.

We both agree that the essay is platitudinous.

53:00  25 Nazi objectives

1:01:00 Andy Nowicki and me
1:03:00  Projection by Andy Nowicki
Brass tacks

1:05:00  Infantilised Dissident Right
1:06:00  "We'd rather die."
1:07:00  Dominique Venner's suicide
1:08:00  Secular Koranism
1:09:00  Carol
1:10:00  Licensed brothels in red-light districts
1:11:00  Phasing out free love
1:12:00  "People who hide never win."
1:13:00  Lack of moral leadership
1:14:00  Proposing solutions is to get above yourself.
Jay Walker
1:16:00  Aarvoll
Secular Koranism is easy to understand. 

Secular Koranism is the elephant in the room.

1:18:00  Matriarchy v Patriarchy
1:19:00  The alternative to patriarchy
Vincent's Beyondism
1:21:00  Regulating sexual behaviouor 
1:23:00  Biological imperative
I am not banning all forms of contraception. Just the pill for women who have not yet completed their families. 
1:26:00  Changing the law and religion
Love hotels
1:28:00  Banning porn
1:29:00  Supporting the principle encouraging married parents by privileging them over non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders
1:30:00  Secular Koranism has to be promoted on mainstream media.
1:32:00  The British Royal Family is a tool of distraction.
1:35:00  Divorce = failed  marriage
1:36:00  China is on a slippery slope.
1:37:00  Vincent's value system
1:38:00  Free love is degenerate.
1:39:00  Artificial wombs
1:40:00  Jon Vance and Snake
1:42:00  Secular Koranism is fully grown, fully dressed and full armed.

Friday, 22 March 2024

Talking to Vincent Bruno about child sexual abuse

2:00  Kosher Jesus
Deuteronomy 13
4:00  The narrative of Jews being cunning and cohesive
5:00  Rabbi Sacks

Judaism is not an organised religion. 

10:00  The Pope is liberal. 
11:00  America does not have an official religion. 
12:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
13:00  Americans are losing their First Amendment rights.
15:00  What is reasonable?
16:00  Sam Melia
19:00  Julian Assange
21:00  Rabbi Barclay traducing Candace  Owen

23:00  Israel
British Israelism
24:00  Right-wing philosemites
25:00  Greenland and Iceland
26:00  Our beliefs are constantly being manipulated.

Marriage is a breeding programme for the patriarchy.

Bastardy is a breeding programme for the matriarchy.

27:00  Welfare state
28:00  Free Love is idolatry.
Hidden idolatry
29:00  Fornication is a mortal sin.

The Koran is better than the Torah which forgot to mention fornication. 

Sexual immorality
30:00  Michael Dallen
32:00  Colonial American bastardy laws

34:00  Child sexual abuse
Child abuse by mothers' boyfriends: why the overrepresentation?
39:00  Married parents should be encouraged.
41:00  Child Sexual Abuse by Cornell Law Review
49:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
50:00  Child sexual abuse should be a separate category and not to be conflated with child abuse.
56:00  Domestic violence and being raped and robbed by a stranger
1:00:00  Agendas
1:01:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
1:17:00  Corporal punishment is illegal in some countries.

1:20:00  Who is more likely to be guilty of child sexual abuse? Male or female? Family member or someone unrelated? Someone known to the child or a stranger? Someone in the home or outside?

1:22:00  The correlation between the rise in child sexual abuse and the normalising of unmarried parenthood

1:25:00  Social Trends and Child Maltreatment Trends

1:31:00  Not even men want the patriarchy.

1:32:00  More white babies
1:33:00  The matriarchy does not support marriage.
1:34:00  Using Jews as an excuse not to have white babies.
1:37:00  Moral authority lacking in those who have had extramarital sex
1:38:00  We can agree on the principle that marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. 
1:39:00  Vincent supports this principle but still won't support Secular Koranism.
1:40:00  Unmarried women can access the pill if they acknowledge that they declare themselves to be prostitutes.  

Licensed brothels in red-light districts with love hotels for those who want to bring their own prostitute.

1:41:00  Vincent's "eugenic cult"
1:42:00  No retrospective legislation
1:43:00  Marriage is an institution.
1:44:00  Register of Secular Koranists

  • A schools for children of married parents
  • B schools for children of repentant unmarried parents
  • C schools for children of unrepentant unmarried parents as well as orphans and abandoned children who may end up in A schools if they are adopted by married parents

1:48:00  Canaries
1:49:00  Rabbi Barclay on Candace Owen
1:52:00  Jews provoking antisemitism with their Chillul Hashem to create a cycle of censorship provoking more antisemitsim
1:55:00  What is our official moral system?
1:57:00  Anglicanism

Are Americans supposed to believe in whatever Congress tells them to believe in?

Belief systems and cults require a narrative, values and rules

1:58:00  The values of the matriarchy: extramarital sex ie free love, victimhood, anti-natalism, suicide, transgenderism

1:59:00  Banning of conversion therapy

"Soon, there will be no gay people left because they will be trans."

2:06:00  8 children per Russian?
Artificial womb
2:09:00  Dolly
2:11:00  Childcare
2:12:00  Abandoned children and abandoned pets
2:13:00  Single parent households
2:14:00  Blended families is not polyamory,
2:17:00  Gay men can support marriage.
2:19:00  Parenting
2:21:00  Mother
2:22:00  Anti-Noahide activism
2:23:00  Siblings
2:24:00  Father
2:25:00  Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws
2:26:00  God > Vincent
2:27:00  Jehovah's Witnesses > Vincent
2:29:00  Aarvoll

2:31:00  Christianity
2:32:00  Secular legal system

Discussing the correct conception of God with Vincent Bruno 

Vincent speaks from 7:35:00.

Vincent complains about rude people in Spaces. 

12:00  Insulting Muslims

13:00  Insulting gays

17:00  Adam Green/Lucas Gage split

21:00  Aarvoll

28:00  Monism, dualism, pluralism

33:00  Monotheism and polytheism

34:00  Photons and material

35:00  Is the Creator the same substance as His Creation?

38:00  Noahide laws

39:00  Aarvoll

41:00  Noahide laws

42:00  The Abrahamic moral system

43:00  13 Principles of Judaism

44:00  Spirituality

46:00  If God were material

47:00  Humans living on God's body as germs, fleas and lice  ....

48:00  God and the Venn diagram

50:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens

51:00  God helps us tell truth.

52:00  Liberalism requires more faith.

54:00  Ahmadis

55:00  Islam

56:00  Catholicism

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

Vincent Bruno on surrogacy, artificial wombs and a gay fathers' guild

Lucas Gage

2:00  Nick Fuentes' Catholic monarchy

3:00  Snake

4:00  Non-white "white nationalists"

5:00  Getting incels to overthrow the government

6:00  Making the arguments

7:00  Preferring to blame Jews rather than tackle feminists

8:00  Jews influenced by liberal media.

9:00  Artificial wombs and genetic engineering

10:00  Gender justice

11:00  Parenting issues of offspring from artificial wombs

12:00  Bioethics against artificial wombs

13:00  Marriageability is the desirable heritable trait.

14:00  Women enjoy their pregnancy.

15:00  Secular Koranis would ban artificial wombs.

The kind of woman who would approve of artificial wombs would be morally suspect.

16:00  "Women are the problem." 

17:00  Both options - Vincent's and mine - would be available under Vincent's scenario.

War against polygamous Mormons by monogamous men.

20:00  South Korea and Japan

Repealing feminist legislation

22:00  Since people are never happy, we should just do things the correct way.

All Vincent wants is sexual reproduction outside traditional marriage which is ipso facto dysgenic.


23:00  Affordable surrogacy programmes

24:00  Children reared in a "nice military encampment, a housing complex, a  meeting hall and an apartment for their biological parents to meet.

Snake and Jon Vance seemed supportive of Vincent's proposals.

26:00  "Just buy your baby."

"Don't marry your girlfriend and let her ruin your life."

Fathers' guild

28:00  Smart woman genes

29:00  "Getting rich men to buy babies is easier than getting women to leave the workforce."

31:00  Buy wombs and eggs! 

32:00  Women would lose their value.

33:00  No fault divorce

34:00  Who will look after the children in daycare? Men, women, LGBT men and women as well as trannies, apparently.

36:00  "Children complicate everything."

37:00  "Just buy the baby and get your girlfriend to look after it."

39:00  Child abuse

40:00  Who is most likely to abuse a child - male or female, gay or straight?

We live in a matriarchy where is chastity shamed


1:00  Singe parent households

2:00  Fathers should have custody of the children.

3:00  Role models

4:00  Feminism

5:00  Men should use facts and arguments to take back control.

Religion is the string that goes round the bundle sticks.

6:00  Marriage

7:00  Fornication was the gateway sexual offence.

Chastity means forbidding and punishing extramarital sex.

11:00  Gillick Competence

12:00  Feminism

13:00  White nationalists are more afraid of their women than they are of Jews. 

14:00  Attitude towards sex

15:00  Putin says Russians must have at least 8 children.

16:00  The nature and purpose of religion is to frighten people into marrying young.

17:00  Chastity

19:00  Islam is the answer.

20:00  Privileging married parents

22:00  Chastity

24:00  Barbaric, archaic

26:00  Jews

27:00  Iran

28:00  Patriarchy

31:00  Beta males choosing an alpha male leader without female interference would protect their interests. 

Ann Coulter

32:00  The biggest group of voters are women. 

33:00  George Washington's farewell speech

37:00  Jews and Muslims have the protection of their religion but those who identify as Christians are immediately identified as potential domestic terrorists and white supremacists.

38:00  Being Christian is the equivalent of wearing a "kick me" sticker on your back. 

40:00  All political activism is about changing the law.

41:00  Stop complaining about Jews.

42:00  Marriage

43:00  Regulating gender relations

44:00  Chastity

46:00  Stop blaming Jews.

Christianity was meant to fail.

50:00  Marriage is the breeding programme of the patriarchy.

Penitence and remorse

53:00  US government invites men of fighting age to join its armed and labour forces.

54:00  Seven Deadly Sins

55:00  Mocked for chastity

56:00  An ageing and shrinking society

57:00  Confirmation bias

58:00  The worship of Mammon is consumerism.

59:00  Free love

1:00:00  Being a victim of our own success

Army veteran and gay man agree with each other about the dysgenics of free love

5:00  Secular Koranism is for the Western ruling classes.

6:00  In a matriarchy no one is in charge. 

7:00  America is a driverless coach. 

8:00  God is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

Westerners suffer from dementia.

9:00  How is the mass dementia of being collectively stupid, mad and evil cured?

11:00  Stop blaming the Jews.

12:00  The definition of extremism

13:00  Jews cannot be blamed for liberalism.

Observant Jews need to be separated from secular Jews.

14:00  Righteous Jews, righteous gentiles, unrighteous Jews and unrighteous gentiles

15:00  How to become righteous 

Noahide laws

16:00  Noahide ranking of the gentile religions

17:00  Christianity is the least Noahide of all gentile religions. 

Christianity caused the most suffering of all gentile religions.

21:00  Marxism is a moral system.

22:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics

26:00  Chinese are attracted to the corrupt bargain of Christianity.

27:00  I want to be on CGTN.

28:00  JIMMY CHEN joins.

29:00  CCP is unconsciously Chinese.  

30:00  The unwritten constitution of Britain

31:00  America has no official moral system.

32:00  Muslims don't follow their own rights. 

33:00  Saudi has an absolute monarch.

35:00  US military bases in the Middle East

Iranians got their country back with Islam.

36:00  Roman emperor worship

37:00  Mandate of Heaven

38:00  Barbarian kings of Europe were run by the Pope.

39:00  The Reformation

40:00  China became a republic in 1911.

41:00  "Corrupt officials are all pro-West."

42:00  Lobbying system

43:00  Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair became very rich after she left office.

44:00  Western imperialism was powerful because of imperial exploitation.

45:00  Chinese government actually care about the Chinese than Western governments care about Westerners.

48:00  Moral and political leadership

49:00  SuperMao!

50:00  Academics in China are considered part of the working people.

52:00  Attempted  Colour Revolution in Tiananmen Square

54:00  Hu Jintao

1:00:00  Chinese soldiers burned alive.

1:01:00  People's Liberation Army and the People's  Police

1:02:00  Kunming attack

1:04:00  Why Mao was better than Chiang Kai-shek

1:15:00  The corruption of the Gulf States

1:17:00  The Bible

1:18:00  Having a rule book protects your rights.

1:19:00  Usury

1:20:00  Secular Koranism - the best kept secret of the West! 

SNAKE joins.

1:21:00  SK is the best solution available. 

1:23:00  Circle of Virtue

1:24:00  Free speech

1:25:00  National religion

1:26:00  The meaning of words

1:28:00  T G WILSON joins to discuss Washington.

1:29:00  Hannah Arendt

1:30:00  "The Bible is an ugly book."

1:31:00  The Selfish Gene

1:32:00  Altruism

1:36:00  Recipe book analogy

1:37:00  Jews are evidence of God.

1:39:00  Deists and Jefferson

1:40:00  Theocracy

1:41:00  Sinhead O'Connor

1:42:00  Speaking as a moral and political philosopher

1:43:00  Chapter and verse

1:44:00 and

1:45:00  Westphalian System and John Grotius

1:46:00  The Koran

1:47:00  Judaism and Islam are harder to debunk than Christianity.

1:49:00  General Al Sissi is a Western puppet.

1:51:00  An atheist Gramsci activist

1:52:00  "The extent that you are impacted by an action is the extent that you should be involved in it."

1:53:00  Mother Theresa

1:54:00  Anglo Saxon Empire

1:55:00  "In the long run we are all dead."

1:58:00  George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia

2:04:00  T G WILSON reveals his antisemitism saying he prefers a bottom up grassroots approach.

2:06:00  Leo Strauss and Paul Wolfowitz were nihilists who believed in the Noble Lie.

2:09:00  Iran and the IMF

2:12:00  The Golden Rule

2:13:00  Working things out logically

2:15:00  The Wizard of Oz

2:16:00  Chinese statecraft

2:17:00  Christianity failed to defend the divine right of kings.

2:21:00  SNAKE rejoins to discuss the Selfish Gene.

2:23:00  "Muslims will wipe white people out."

2:29:00  "It's not going to happen in my lifetime." 

2:30:00  Segregation

2:32:00  I am a political philosopher.

2:33:00  The problem is that America does not have a revolution.

2:34:00  Religious groups are the most powerful groups in the world. 

2:35:00  China

2:36:00  Marx was a Jew. 

2:37:00  Capitalism v Communism

Laws come from Congress.

2:38:00  George Washington's farewell speech

2:39:00  "Representative democracy is the best political system ever."

2:42:00  TV is idol worship?

2:43:00  PBS

2:44:00  Thomas Tank and Barbie

2:45:00  Voting Trump

2:46:00  Israel

2:50:00  Raping and pillaging of the invader

2:53:00  Christianity

2:56:00  Which is worse -  Hindu or Muslim takeover?

2:59:00  Paranoid fantasy of raping and pillaging

3:00:00  Low birth rate

3:01:00  Abortion and female suffrage

3:02:00  BNP

3:03:00  The origins of Secular Koranism

3:04:00  Patriarchy undermined by no fault divorce

3:05:00  Ann Coulter

3:06:00  Jews or feminists to blame?

3:07:00  The Sex Revolution and the pill

3:08:00  "Men don't  need sex as much as women do."

3:09:00  Ban no fault divorce.

3:10:00  No extramarital sex.

3:11:00  Women's sexual demands

3:13:00  Chastity

3:14:00  Andrew Tate and the Madagascar Plan

3:18:00  Hitler

3:19:00  Vincent Bruno

3:20:00 VINCENT BRUNO joins.

3:22:00  The utility of incels

3:25:00  The Selfish Gene and the female vote 

3:29:00  Like-minded people

3:31:00  Mixed-race white nationalists

3:34:00  Fear of feds

3:36:00  Nick Fuentes

Ali Alexander

3:38:00  Not attracted to white women

3:39:00  America exporting degeneracy

The Selfish Gene

3:41:00  Lexington, Nebraska now Somali-dominated.

3:43:00  Morale and culture

3:45:00  Very low birth rate of white nationalists

Dumb ideas of white nationalists

3:46:00  Do not abandon your position.

3:47:00  Replaced by a tranny with an X-box

3:48:00  "Joining the military is treason."

3:49:00  Secular Koranism is supreme! 

3:50:00  Marriage used to be a government-controlled breeding programme.

3:51:00  Eugenic breeding

3:52:00  The Great Replacement

3:53:00  12 kids each

3:54:00  Artificial wombs and collective child-rearing

3:55:00  An apartment complex for your very own community

3:56:00  Japan

3:57:00  Women selling their eggs

3:59:00  Genetic engineering and bio-ethics

4:00:00  Raymond Cattell

4:03:00  Sold on artificial wombs

4:04:00  Japan and China

Christianity on science

4:07:00  Dysgenic Christian babies

4:08:00  Stealing the culture and technology of the East  Asians

4:09:00  Alarmingly low South Korean birth rates

4:11:00  Stigmatising divorce

4:12:00  Monogamy and eugenics

4:15:00  Beauty standards have a dysgenic effect.

4:17:00  Parenting of legitimate children

4:18:00  Father to have sole custody

4:19:00  Military quarters of the children and standardised practices

4:20:00  The consequences of free love

4:21:00  Cancelling feminist legislation

4:22:00  Chastity

4:25:00  Raised by a single mum

4:26:00  Being male role model

4:27:00  Jimmy Chen says it is a class issue.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Discussing antinomianism with Vincent Bruno and talking to Conops about geopolitics and empires

Richard Spencer

The difference between the Proud Boys and Groypers
6:00  Michelle and Jesse Malkin
7:00  Gavin McInnes

23:00  Not having an official moral system is not having an immune system.
25:00  Secular Koranism
26:00  Agenda 47/Project 2025
31:00  Circle of Virtue and hierarchy
Douglas MacGregor
32:00  Too much to lose
33:00  Non-denominational Christians
35:00  Antinomianism
40:00  Antinomianism is being unprincipled.
43:00  Weekly confession
44:00  Christianity < Islam
47:00  Preparing the ground for Secular Koranism
48:00  A Register of Unmarried parents  divided between repentant and unrepentant unmarried parents.
53:00  Making sacrifices for the greater good
54:00  Secular Koranism
55:00  Vincent as Lord Protector of Domestic Partnerships
57:00  White people don't want to be The Waltons
58:00  Mormons
1:01:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

1:02:00  CONOPS joins.
1:03:00  Registers
1:04:00  Register of Jews
1:06:00  The Church of Register
1:15:00  Secular Koranism
1:16:00  Russian Elections 2024
1:17:00  Register of Agnostics, Atheists and Nihilists
1:19:00  Circle of Virtue
1:25:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:28:00  Peer review
1:31:00  Facts and arguments
Twitter Spaces
1:34:00  Doooovid v Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:35:00  America First
1:37:00  Nick Fuentes and Pearly Thingz
1:38:00  Age of consent and married life
1:40:00  Mauritania, Morocco and Colombia
1:42:00  Colombia
1:45:00  Bogota and Medillin
1:47:00  FARC
European farmers' protest
1:48:00  Geert Wilders
1:54:00  Digital detox
1:56:00  Discussing politics
1:57:00  Israel-Palestine
1:59:00  Zionism
2:00:00  Dubai
2:01:00  World Cup
2:02:00  Indentured servitude
2:03:00  Qatar, Yemen, Saudi Arabia
2:04:00  Morocco
2:06:00  Sufi orders
2:08:00  Dutch Royal Family
2:10:00  Dutch history and Charles V
2:11:00  Calvinists
2:12:00  Choosing a king
2:13:00  William of Orange
2:14:00  Louis Napoleon, French and Dutch Revolution
2:16:00  John Calvin
2:17:00  Republic of Iran
2:19:00  Marxist Leninism
2:20:00  Mao and Deng 
2:21:00  Russia
2:22:00  Kruschev, Stalin
2:23:00  Trotsky
2:24:00  Ukraine
2:25:00  Buffer states
2:26:00  Nationalism, imperialism and imperial nations
2:29:00  Land and marine empires
Alexander the Great
2:30:00  Nation-state with and without empires
2:31:00  Aceh Province
Special Administrative Region
2:33:00  Internal passport
2:36:00  Successful imperialism
2:37:00  Preserving the culture of a place
2:39:00  "All history is contemporary."
2:40:00  Belgium
2:42:00  Transfer union
2:43:00  Subsidiarity
2:44:00  Romans and Italians
2:46:00  Europe is an occupied country.
2:48:00  Putin
2:49:00  Poland and Russia
2:50:00  Poles are Catholics, Russians are Orthodox.
2:51:00  Ukraine and the Eastern Question
2:54:00  Crimea
2:55:00  Neocons
2:56:00  Candace Owens quuestions moon landings
2:58:00  Pearly Thingz and Andrew Tate
2:59:00  Transgender toilets

Vincent Bruno on the parting of the ways between the scholarly Adam Green and the anti-intellectual Christian nationalist Groypers

3:00  The government may have a similar agenda to Vincent about encouraging rabbinically-guided Noahidism - to make them gather in one group, show their hand and then be utterly smashed by the state.

Christianity is anti-intellectual.

4:00   Historicity of Jesus

5:00  Robert Spencer's book questioning the historicity of Muhammad

Patricia Crone and Tom Holland

7:00  Emperor worship

10:00  Idolatry makes you worship something weaker than yourself.

11:00  The New Testament is full of vague extremist statements.

12:00  Christians changed over the centuries.

13:00  The Founding Fathers, the French and Russian Revolutionaries

14:00  Christendom ended in 1918.

15:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment.

16:00 supports the First Amendment. 

18:00  Banning TikTok

19:00  Jews are the mascots of the Anglo Saxon Empire.
20:00  Jews unable to deny their own Holocaust.
23:00  The White Man's Burden
24:00  Palestine Mandate
Ottoman Empire
25:00  Israeli Immigration reject religious Jews.
26:00  Noahide Hindus
28:00  Christianity is embarrassing because of moronic Groypers.
30:00  Dumb Christianity
32:00  Adam Green's parting of ways with Groypers
33:00  Lucas Gage
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34:00  Christian nationalists

0:00 / 0:00

15 seconds

15 seconds

Monday, 18 March 2024

Possession is nine points of the law from 1:34:00

1:34:00  I chime in.
1:37:00  The narrow and wide interpretation of racism
1:40:00  It is racist to say black people are good at sport and dancing.
1:41:00  Giving offence
1:43:00  A more tolerant towards being offended
1:44:00  Non-whites wanting to complain about immigration
1:56:00  Christianity has failed.
1:57:00  I am told to have the day off.
1:59:00  I mention neocons. 
2:00:00  Ad hominem
2:02:00  There are righteous Jews and unrighteous Jews.
2:03:00  Jews are the mascots of the Anglo Saxon Empire.
2:06:00  America is a global empire. 
2:07:00  The UK is  a US vassal state. 
2:10:00  Israel is full of gentiles and foreign workers.

Humility, kindness and obedience makes women lovable

1:00  God as a soulmate.
2:00  Nature
5:00  Romantic love
God as our soulmate
6:00  Crewmates, fellow travellers, associates and colleagues
7:00  Impossibly high standards
8:00  Nobody's perfect
9:00  Good manners makes us lovable.
11:00  Love is not a business transaction. Reciprocity has its limits.
Johann Hari
14:00  Gender relations
15:00  Over-sensitivity
Hurt people hurt people
18:00  Unhealthy attitudes towards attachment
21:00  Men and women are not the same and are not meant to be the same.
22:00  Specialisation leads to efficiency.
23:00  Men feel purposeless.
24:00  The all in one person that is the wife.
25:00  Home cooking
27:00  Margaret Thatcher and other women in public life make a greater sacrifice than men for their careers.
28:00  Reversal of gender roles in a couple is more likely to lead to divorce.
29:00  Men must pay for the first date if they want to see the woman again. 
30:00  The welcoming home
33:00  The Other Shoe
34:00  My Other Half
35:00  The complementary partnership
36:00  Competition can destroy a relationship.
37:00  Male leadership
38:00  Irrational arguments by women
41:00  A hierarchy of moral priorities is crucial in winning arguments.

42:00  It's a woman's prerogative to change her mind

Stanley Baldwin: "Power without responsibility is the prerogative of the harlot."

43:00  Difference between valid and sound arguments
44:00  Men have become women.
45:00  Obeying men is obeying God.
46:00  God is above Man.
48:00  Having conviction gets you to your objective.
49:00  Marriage is half of faith.
50:00  Our children should be a model for the righteous.
51:00  Men and women should treat each other as honoured guests in their own home. 
52:00  Women and men become mentally ill if they live on their own.
53:00  Men also destroy themselves through their own promiscuity.
54:00  Bad gender relations leads to bad labour relations.
56:00  Scapegoating does not solve the problem.
57:00  Embittered white men like Jon Vance
58:00  White men are risk-averse women. 
59:00  Muslims are equipped with a road map, a compass and itinerary while Islamophobes have nothing but their hatred, fear and victimhood.
1:00:00  Loss of status of white people
1:01:00  Dating apps
1:02:00  Good women are for good men.
1:03:00  Short tern and long term thinking
1:05:00  Like attracts like, opposites attract.

1:08:00  Abolishing no fault divorce is too much of an undertaking for risk-averse men accustomed to short term thinking and immediate gratification.

1:09:00  Muslims should not marry idolaters.
1:10:00  Your legal system must rest on a foundation of moral principles.
1:11:00  Agreeing on the ground rules
1:12:00  Religious people are more likely to marry and stay married.
1:13:00  The purpose of religion is too frighten young men and women into marriage.

1:16:00  The belief most fitted to survive

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy doesn't really work unless you have a religion.

1:18:00  "There are no accidents, only lessons to be learned."
Suffering cleanses us of our sins.

1:20:00  God as soul mate.- we are attracted to God because He is all-powerful but we are not,, because He is all-wise but we are not.

1:24:00  Zero people to depend on
1:25:00  Meaningless tribalism
1:26:00  God as a friend
A relationship with God

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...