Saturday, 30 March 2024

When the door of Christianity closes, the door of Islam opens

3:00  Monologue begins.

4:00  People's Democratic Dictatorship

5:00  Why is a republic better than a monarchy?

6:00  General elections get in the way of good government.

7:00  America is falling into its Thucydides Trap.

8:00  The judiciary ultimately protects the First Amendment.

9:00  Disputed elections

10:00 The legitimacy of the US government and its international status is called into question because of the fiercely disputed elections of 2020.

11:00  "The West" is a political and imperial expression of Western hegemony.

12:00  The Mandate of Heaven

13:00  The divine right of kings is supported by Christianity.

14:00  Christians cannot say what Christian principles are. 

15:00  Muslims have established Islamic principles. 

The Church is a Creature of the Liberal State. 

16:00  Is the priest above or below the monarch?

17:00  Christianity has yielded to the liberal order.

18:00  Atheists are more likely to change with the times than those with religious principles. 

19:00  The Noahide laws

20:00  The eternal and universal laws protecting the practice of marriage

21:00  The Abrahamic God is a problem-solving system.

22:00  There are only five world religions.

23:00  Christians have culturally appropriated Jewish scripture.

24:00  Islam has a higher authority and superior scripture.

25:00 Westerners have not noticed the end of Christendom in 1918.

26:00  Western governments have been ignoring the fact that Christianity has utterly failed in its purpose to defend the divine right of kings to rule.

27:00  Discussing the failure of Christo-Liberalism is taboo. 

28:00  Westerners cannot deny that Christendom ended in 1918 or that most Westerners are not confirmed Christians. If they are confirmed Christians, they do not really believe Jesus is God. In fact, they do not believe in God at all because if they did, they would be cease and desist their idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer. 

Why would people pretend to believe Jesus is God when they do not? 

Because they are hypocrites who are using Christianity as lifetime membership to being white and middle class. They do not even believe in God, or they would be able to defend their Christian principles better. In fact, Christianity is such a disordered religion that Christians cannot even agree on what Christian principles are. Many will claim Christian principles are in the Ten Commandments, but Jews will say that the Ten Commandments are for them but that the Seven Noahide laws are for gentiles. Unfortunately, the Noahide laws are from the Talmud which is a lower status document compiled by rabbis over the ages than the Torah believed to be from God.

If you have no codified principles, you will not know what they are. 

If you do not know know what your principles are, how can you defend them?

If you now so morally and intellectually corrupted by the failure of your religion which has no principles, you would continue to concentrate on how much you hate Jews and Muslims rather than considering the problem that Christianity has no principles. 

If Christianity could be said to have any principles at all, it would be the principle of worshiping the Trinity. 

Since the Trinity is the idolatry of worshiping an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of God and the Holy Spirit, it can only be concluded that the entire moral system of Christianity has been illegitimate, incoherent, corrupted by expedience and definitely man-made.

If the Abrahamic God was in fact corporeal, what Christians could be said to have done to Him was attach the head of Jesus and the Holy Spirit on to a body that was only designed for one. 

29:00  Secular Koranism will phase in the correct moral system in a manageable way.

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