Friday, 22 March 2024

Talking to Vincent Bruno about child sexual abuse

2:00  Kosher Jesus
Deuteronomy 13
4:00  The narrative of Jews being cunning and cohesive
5:00  Rabbi Sacks

Judaism is not an organised religion. 

10:00  The Pope is liberal. 
11:00  America does not have an official religion. 
12:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
13:00  Americans are losing their First Amendment rights.
15:00  What is reasonable?
16:00  Sam Melia
19:00  Julian Assange
21:00  Rabbi Barclay traducing Candace  Owen

23:00  Israel
British Israelism
24:00  Right-wing philosemites
25:00  Greenland and Iceland
26:00  Our beliefs are constantly being manipulated.

Marriage is a breeding programme for the patriarchy.

Bastardy is a breeding programme for the matriarchy.

27:00  Welfare state
28:00  Free Love is idolatry.
Hidden idolatry
29:00  Fornication is a mortal sin.

The Koran is better than the Torah which forgot to mention fornication. 

Sexual immorality
30:00  Michael Dallen
32:00  Colonial American bastardy laws

34:00  Child sexual abuse
Child abuse by mothers' boyfriends: why the overrepresentation?
39:00  Married parents should be encouraged.
41:00  Child Sexual Abuse by Cornell Law Review
49:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
50:00  Child sexual abuse should be a separate category and not to be conflated with child abuse.
56:00  Domestic violence and being raped and robbed by a stranger
1:00:00  Agendas
1:01:00  Marriage is a child protection scheme.
1:17:00  Corporal punishment is illegal in some countries.

1:20:00  Who is more likely to be guilty of child sexual abuse? Male or female? Family member or someone unrelated? Someone known to the child or a stranger? Someone in the home or outside?

1:22:00  The correlation between the rise in child sexual abuse and the normalising of unmarried parenthood

1:25:00  Social Trends and Child Maltreatment Trends

1:31:00  Not even men want the patriarchy.

1:32:00  More white babies
1:33:00  The matriarchy does not support marriage.
1:34:00  Using Jews as an excuse not to have white babies.
1:37:00  Moral authority lacking in those who have had extramarital sex
1:38:00  We can agree on the principle that marriage is the rearing of the next generation in optimum conditions. 
1:39:00  Vincent supports this principle but still won't support Secular Koranism.
1:40:00  Unmarried women can access the pill if they acknowledge that they declare themselves to be prostitutes.  

Licensed brothels in red-light districts with love hotels for those who want to bring their own prostitute.

1:41:00  Vincent's "eugenic cult"
1:42:00  No retrospective legislation
1:43:00  Marriage is an institution.
1:44:00  Register of Secular Koranists

  • A schools for children of married parents
  • B schools for children of repentant unmarried parents
  • C schools for children of unrepentant unmarried parents as well as orphans and abandoned children who may end up in A schools if they are adopted by married parents

1:48:00  Canaries
1:49:00  Rabbi Barclay on Candace Owen
1:52:00  Jews provoking antisemitism with their Chillul Hashem to create a cycle of censorship provoking more antisemitsim
1:55:00  What is our official moral system?
1:57:00  Anglicanism

Are Americans supposed to believe in whatever Congress tells them to believe in?

Belief systems and cults require a narrative, values and rules

1:58:00  The values of the matriarchy: extramarital sex ie free love, victimhood, anti-natalism, suicide, transgenderism

1:59:00  Banning of conversion therapy

"Soon, there will be no gay people left because they will be trans."

2:06:00  8 children per Russian?
Artificial womb
2:09:00  Dolly
2:11:00  Childcare
2:12:00  Abandoned children and abandoned pets
2:13:00  Single parent households
2:14:00  Blended families is not polyamory,
2:17:00  Gay men can support marriage.
2:19:00  Parenting
2:21:00  Mother
2:22:00  Anti-Noahide activism
2:23:00  Siblings
2:24:00  Father
2:25:00  Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws
2:26:00  God > Vincent
2:27:00  Jehovah's Witnesses > Vincent
2:29:00  Aarvoll

2:31:00  Christianity
2:32:00  Secular legal system

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