Monday, 11 March 2024

Vincent Bruno demonstrates the burdens of patriarchy on men

5:00  Hindus and the Noahide laws

6:00  Idolatry is not punished by the Koran in this life.  

7:00  If you are not bothered about genocide, what does it say about you?

9:00  The woman who said she didn't care about the failure of Christianity because she wasn't Christian, or about the failure of liberalism because she wasn't a liberal

10:00  There is no religion whose rules everyone in the group will unanimously support, but the one that is fair enough must be the one. If ranking the four gentile religions produces the ranking that Islam is the most and Christianity the least Noahide, then Westerners must conclude that it is time to take Christianity out with the trash and replace it with Islam. If it can be agreed that patriarchy must be restored to reverse the moral degeneracy of feminism, then Secular Koranism must be the way forward because it is not quite Islam and is intended to be enforced through most of the existing institutions of the West after a reform and a purge.  

Beggars can't be choosers.

11:00  Cults take centuries to be accepted.

12:00  Mormonism

13:00  The ruling classes of democracies

Trumpian social conservatism

14:00  Married sex only.

15:00  Are there ten good men in the global empire that is America capable of considering honestly and fairly my proposal to abolish the matriarchy?

16:00  Defining degeneracy - when each subsequent generation strays further away from the Noahide laws

17:00  Defining eugenics - when each subsequent generation moves closer towards the Noahide laws through the practice of marriage

18:00  Don't the ruling classes also want stable marriages and stable families?

19:00  What it means to have fault-based divorce

20:00  Apportionment of blame on the Divorce Registry

21:00  The party in breach is the party at fault.

22:00  Is there no one at all in the entire global empire of America prepared to discuss protecting the institution of marriage or make arguments for it?

Uncontrolled immigration is the consequence of not having an indigenous labour force.

23:00  Religion protects the practice of marriage.

24:00  The average empire survives for 250 years.

25:00  All empires become a victim of their own success and invariably lower standards of sexual morality thinking themselves invincible to any external enemy, ignoring the ever-present internal enemy.

27:00  End capitalism by ending usury with Islam.

28:00  Vincent agrees parents do neglect their children.

29:00  Extended families helped reinforce gender roles. 

30:00  Equal pay has made the traditional family impossible.

31:00  Women won't put up with men if they can have their own careers, but men won't  marry if they can screw around.

32:00  Vincent says Westerners are entitled to get what they demand even though they are not prepared to make the sacrifices for it. 

33:00  Marriage was working until the Swinging Sixties and the Sex Revolution.  

34:00  Would Trump really lose the election if he promoted Secular Koranism or would he definitely win it?

35:00  Low birth rates are also being suffered in East Asia and Australasia. 

36:00  A gay couple should not be treated as equal to married parents. 

37:00  Marriage has sustained all known civilisations so far. 

38:00  The quality of the next generation produced and parented by Vincent's rules would be even more degenerate than the current matriarchy.

39:00  Secular Koranism will forbid and punish extramarital sex. 

40:00  Vincent would be an oddity to be invited on Muslim channels if he supported Secular Koranism.

41:00  Secular Koranism relies on Jewish and Muslim theology, but decisively rejects the Trinity because it is idolatry and blasphemy. 


42:00  The Abrahamic God is the strong and simple system of problem-solving atheists and nihilists would rather die than admit would work perfectly if followed.

43:00  The divine narrative easily displaces the official narrative.

Theology is better than antisemitic conspiracy theories. 

45:00  Thomas Jefferson:

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

49:00  Trying to save America with Secular Koranism

50:00  With the cooperation of the Fourth Estate, the sheeple can be made to believe in anything.

53:00  Unprincipled Christians

54:00  UKSteve

55:00  Einsof

In Modern Hebrew as spoken in contemporary Israel, "ein sof" (often contracted to "einsof" – אינסוף) is commonly used as simply the word for "infinity", without reference to God and to the above intricate Kabbalistic connotations.

56:00  Is it "obvious" that God was made up by somebody? 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #4

AI fun with Secular Koranism and  @RealVinBruno  #4.3 — Cyborg of Secular Koranism (@Book_of_Rules)  March 6, 2025 [...