Tuesday, 19 March 2024

Vincent Bruno on the parting of the ways between the scholarly Adam Green and the anti-intellectual Christian nationalist Groypers

3:00  The government may have a similar agenda to Vincent about encouraging rabbinically-guided Noahidism - to make them gather in one group, show their hand and then be utterly smashed by the state.

Christianity is anti-intellectual.

4:00   Historicity of Jesus

5:00  Robert Spencer's book questioning the historicity of Muhammad


Patricia Crone and Tom Holland




7:00  Emperor worship

10:00  Idolatry makes you worship something weaker than yourself.

11:00  The New Testament is full of vague extremist statements.

12:00  Christians changed over the centuries.

13:00  The Founding Fathers, the French and Russian Revolutionaries

14:00  Christendom ended in 1918.

15:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom which later became the First Amendment.

16:00  quran.com/2/256 supports the First Amendment. 

18:00  Banning TikTok

19:00  Jews are the mascots of the Anglo Saxon Empire.
20:00  Jews unable to deny their own Holocaust.
23:00  The White Man's Burden
24:00  Palestine Mandate
Ottoman Empire
25:00  Israeli Immigration reject religious Jews.
26:00  Noahide Hindus
28:00  Christianity is embarrassing because of moronic Groypers.
30:00  Dumb Christianity
32:00  Adam Green's parting of ways with Groypers
33:00  Lucas Gage
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34:00  Christian nationalists

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  Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi, a controversial Haredi outreach speaker, along with his protégé Rabbi Yaron Reuven, publicized a "blacklist...