Monday 24 June 2024

What's Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24) Claire Khaw from 2:22:00

41:00 to 1:22:00 MIKE MALZAHN introduces himself to the Luke Ford community.


2:24:00  Sam Moyne
2:25:00  Human rights
2:27:00  Empires want their imperial political orthodoxy to lord it over the other ideologies it tolerates. 
2:28:00  Free love v marriage
2:29:00  High school students in Luke's school who fornicated and go to church on Sundays

Religion in America is a mile wide and an inch thick.

Christianity is only a communal affiliation and so-called Christians did not allow this affiliation to get in the way of their genital needs. 

2:30:00  America does not have an official religion its ruling classes take seriously and this explains how the American greeting of "happy holidays" came from. 


2:31:00  I know of no religious people who religiously adhere to their religious principles in real life. I do know a few people sincerely and earnestly believe in environmentalism and have sought unsuccessfully to convert me 

2:33:00  Religious principles cannot remain merely optional or people will just opt not to follow them and democratic politicians not follow these principles because they fear unpopularity or do not themselves believe in them.  

What does 17:104 of the Koran mean?

Claire Khaw talking to David Duke in February 2024 from 41:00

What would David Duke do as President to Jews and illegal immigrants?

48:00  What would David Duke do about America not having an official moral system?

49:00  David Duke's membership of the KKK

50:00  David Duke confuses Jews with liberals.

53:00  David Duke conflates Jewish supremacy with American supremacy.

55:00  David Duke answers my question on American military supremacy by blaming Jews for it.

57:00  Jewish supremacy

Chief Rabbi Yosef of Israel

1:00:00  John Mearsheimer

1:01:00  "America is a conquered country."

1:02:00  Neocon Jews talking about the white man's burden

1:03:00  Lawfare

1:04:00  Elon Musk

1:15:00  Jews/liberals/democracy divide and conquer.

1:16:00  "Jews supported ISIS."

1:24:00  Regrets KKK and regrets failed marriage

1:26:00  Trump on Gaza

1:30:00  China

1:33:00  "Zombie corpse of America"

1:35:00  Russia

1:37:00  "Hate speech is Jewish."

1:38:00  Big Pharma

1:39:00  AI in June 2024 from 38:00

What does David Duke think of E Michael Jones?

Sunday 23 June 2024

What's Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24) Claire Khaw from 2:22:00

41:00 to 1:22:00 MIKE MALZAHN introduces himself to the Luke Ford community.

2:24:00  Sam Moyne
2:25:00  Human rights
2:27:00  Empires want their imperial political orthodoxy to lord it over the other ideologies it tolerates. 
2:28:00  Free love v marriage
2:29:00  High school students in Luke's school who fornicated and go to church on Sundays

Religion in America is a mile wide and an inch thick.

Christianity is only a communal affiliation and so-called Christians did not allow this affiliation to get in the way of their genital needs. 

2:30:00  America does not have an official religion its ruling classes take seriously and this explains how the American greeting of "happy holidays" came from. 


2:31:00  I know of no religious people who religiously adhere to their religious principles in real life. I do know a few people sincerely and earnestly believe in environmentalism and have sought unsuccessfully to convert me 

2:33:00  Religious principles cannot remain merely optional or people will just opt not to follow them and democratic politicians not follow these principles because they fear unpopularity or do not themselves believe in them.  

E Michael Jones: "We are all Zulus now."

17:00  White nationalists have no rights.
18:00  Zulu War
39:00  Thomas Massey is the first Zulu.
40:00  Mike Johnson
42:00  A second Zulu
43:00  Rick Wiles or Brian Mass
1:04:00  Serbia
1:05:00  Are AfD Zulus? Are we all Zulus?
1:08:00  "The Catholic Episcopacy in Germany is worse than the Episcopacy in America."
1:09:00  Traditional Catholic teaching on Jews
1:10:00  Climate change
1:13:00  Pregnancy is not a medical condition. 
The morning after pill is abortion. 
Contraception is not medicine. 
Pregnancy and fertility is not an illness. 
Fertility was created by God to carry forth the human race into the future. If you're attacking that, you're attacking God's plan.  
Medicine restores health. There is nothing wrong with fertility or pregnancy.
The government should have nothing to do with distorting natural processes.
Transgenderism is the deliberate mutilation of children. 

Saturday 22 June 2024

Marriage, men and fundamental British values

1:00  The role of religion in influencing culture

2:00  Even the children of the most religious parents will be affected by the culture.

3:00  An attractive narrative will generate the political will required to change things because people basically choose the narrative they want to believe in and then live their lives to make that story come true.

British people don't take Anglicanism seriously. 

4:00  Believability is the most important feature in any religion. Adherents of a religion have to feel comfortable defending the narrative of their religious group ie not feel stupid defending nonsense and lies.

5:00  Men can begin bargaining with women who resent transgender women encroaching into their formerly exclusively female spaces by promising to defend women if they give up feminism.

6:00  Many men think it is easier to be women than men which is why they now become transgender to get a bit of female privilege.

Feminine privilege - the privilege of having more offers of sex than you are prepared to accept

7:00  Feminine Serbian women

Men's requirements are eternal and simple: food, sex and respect.

8:00  Neither men nor women understand their gender roles.

9:00  Men are have adopted feminine stratagems of mendacity and manipulativeness.

10:00  Men agreeing with feminism to have sex with women only make things worse in the long run. 

11:00  Dating apps

12:00  Observant Jews are supposed to thank God every day they were not born women.

14:00  The world is divided between people who want to be married parents and those who don't. Guess which group s going to become extinct first?

15:00  Jewish and Chinese diasporas, the Highland Clearances

16:00  Chinese demographics and gender relations

17:00  Monogamy is the ideal.

18:00  The Jefferson Koran

19:00  Mental illness

20:00  Gender roles

21:00  Unisex clothing forbidden in the Torah.

22:00  Transgender women of low standard

23:00  Jon Vance

24:00  Sex dolls

25:00  Stepford Wives

26:00  Marital aids

27:00  Eastern and Western porn

28:00  Porn for men and women

29:00  Prostitutes and brothels in Nevada

31:00  Stephen J James

32:00  quran.com24/33

33:00  No middle ground between wives and prostitutes.

34:00  Not everyone should have reproductive rights.

35:00  Sublimation

36:00  MATCHA joins

37:00  Vanilla sex

38:00  Pornographers

39:00  Extramarital sex is the opiate of the people.

40:00  Incest porn

43:00  Islamophobia

44:00   Degenerate culture is now global.

45:00  Redemption, penitence, sackcloth and ashes

46:00   Attributing suffering to failure to follow Koranic principles of governance.

47:00  Porn should be banned.

50:00  Addressing the people in charge ie CIA

Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones

51:00  Men are primarily motivated by sex.

52:00  St Augustine

53:00  Polyamory

54:00  Trad wife and trad life

55:00  "Fundamental British values"

58:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

1:00:00  The government is a contradiction machine.

1:01:00  Exponential curve

1:03:00  Baltic States

1:04:00  Do we know what is in our own interests, let alone our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes know what is in the long term national interest?

Vincent Bruno

1:05:00  What religion would we choose if we had a country to run?

1:06:00  Orthodox Christians, Amish, and Mormons

1:07:00  The culture is poison.


1:08:00  The Sopranos and Breaking Bad

1:09:00  Rap music

1:10:00  Islam and Christianity

Parents cannot raise their children the way they want.

1:11:00  Chemsex

1:13:00  Vincent Bruno

1:14:00  Married parents

1:15:00  Marriage is for legitimate children.

1:17:00  Superheroes

1:18:00  Liberalism and atheism keeps our docile.

1:19:00  Atheists v Theists

1:20:00  There is no advantage in being a new religion.

1:22:00  Lowering the status of non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders

1:23:00  Who is in charge?

1:24:00  CIA

Elon Musk and AI

1:25:00  AGI

Artificial General Intelligence

1:27:00  AI lawyers and judges?
1:29:00  Peaking
1:30:00  We have to choose our morality by choosing our religious group.
1:32:00  Becoming extinct
1:33:00  The possible future

Friday 21 June 2024

Our self-destructive matriarchy

6:00  Space begins.

8:00  Waves of feminism

9:00  The only good feminist is a [fill in the blank].

10:00  It was men who put feminists in charge.

11:00  Right thought, right speech, right action.

13:00  Women, being risk-averse, will always support the status quo.

15:00  UNHINGED & DANGEROUS joins.

16:00  No family justice in the Family Courts.

17:00  No consideration for the welfare of the children of the marriage. 

18:00  No marriage, no patriarchy.

19:00  Transgenderism comes from feminism.

20:00  Men think they can acquire feminine privilege by becoming transgender. 

21:00  War and men

22:00  Men need to have a stake in society ie have wives, children and property.

23:00  Women who cannot see the harm of feminism

24:00  Women are never satisfied.

25:00  Women are ambition.

26:00  Men do everything for women anyway.

The Judgement of Paris

27:00  The poor find it easier to have children.

28:00  Low expectations make one more likely to be grateful.

29:00  Spiritual needs of the people

30:00  Tribal living

31:00  No one to calm people down.

32:00  Legitimate children internalise hierarchy.

33:00  Respect for one's elders depends on a father in the home.

35:00  Yin and Yang

36:00  Degenerates don't even try. 

37:00  Our beliefs are being changed.

38:00  Official government narratives are aimed at the average female voter. 

39:00  The end of America, Christendom and European hegemony

40:00  Let's have a war to forget our troubles. 

Suicide by cop

43:00  War in the South China Sea?

44:00  France

44:00  1984

45:00  People can't afford to travel any more.

46:00  A solution

49:00  The solution in theory

Motivating people with narratives

50:00  The narrative of suffering being punishment for sin

6.02 billion people are supposed to believe in the narrative that good triumphs over evil.

51:00  The narrative of being cursed by God 

52:00  The Bible is a very clever book. 

55:00  Vincent Bruno and gay marriage

56:00  BLINDMAN joins to complain about feminine privilege. 

58:00  The Great Reset

The Koran is more comprehensive than the Noahide laws

2:00  The Koran > The Babylonian Talmud

3:00  Messiah

4:00  New World Order

5:00  Noahide New World Order

6:00  Chabad established Education and Sharing Day

7:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

8:00  Supreme Leader of Iran should be Caliph.

MUJAHID joins.

9:00  The Catholic Church has a Pope. 

10:00  Iranian Revolution 1979

11:00  The Caliphate

12:00  Nationalism amongst Muslims

Monarchies are not halal.

13:00  All Muslim countries should be modelled on Iran.

14:00  Right-thinking members of an Islamic republic

15:00  Not neocons


16:00  End of the petrodollar

17:00  Emirs can choose their Caliph.

A federated Caliphate

18:00  People of influence, thoughtleaders of Islam

20:00  The Koran is the Book of Bargains.

21:00  BLINDMAN joins.

22:00  Adultery

23:00  Fornication is different to adultery.

24:00  Deer blind

27:00  Stoning is exemplary punishment.

31:00  Raped women

Muslim monarchies are not representative of Islam.

35:00  Noahide laws

Taj Mahal

37:00  Hindu temples

39:00  Muslim Moghuls broke their own rules.

42:00  British India

44:00  Europeans are much better at ethnic cleansing than Muslims.

48:00 protects freedom of belief.

51:00  Hindus and Muslims

54:00  Bangladesh is not an Islamic State.

No representative democracy can ever be an Islamic State. 

57:00  Indian men want to marry a Jewess.

58:00  The enemy of my enemy is my friend is not a sustainable strategy.

1:00:00  Noahide laws

1:01:00  Vincent thinks the harsher punishment of the Noahide laws is a sign of divinity.

1:02:00  The Noahide laws are not practicable because they come into conflict with the First Amendment supported by

1:03:00  Prophets prior to Moses were Noahides.

1:05:00  Hindu biting the throat of a goat

1:07:00  Shiva's penis

The difference between the Noahide laws and the Koran is that the latter is supposed to be the directly revealed Word of God while the Noahide laws were only what was derived from the Torah by rabbis.

According to the Talmud, the seven laws were given first to Adam and subsequently to Noah. The Tannaitic and Amoraitic rabbinic sages (1st–6th centuries CE) disagreed on the exact number of Noahide laws that were originally given to Adam. Six of the seven laws were exegetically derived from passages in the Book of Genesis, with the seventh being the establishment of courts of justice. The earliest complete rabbinic version of the seven Noahide laws can be found in the Tosefta. 


"So, gentiles who call yourselves Noahides rather than Muslims, you prefer the Talmud  to the Koran, do you? Why are you antisemites pretending to prefer the word of mortal and fallible rabbis who are Jews whom you hate when you have the directly revealed Word of God? Are you fucked in the head or something?"

1:08:00  Red Heifer

1:11:00  Prayer

1:13:00  Muslims in the West

1:17:00  Noahide laws < The Koran

1:18:00  The Noahide laws predated the Torah.

1:19:00  The Noahide laws were basic and primitive and not supported by divine generation. 

1:20:00  Muslim civilisation

1:23:00  Free will

1:24:00  Muslims acknowledge the existence of the Torah and the Gospels.

1:26:00  God warns before He punishes.

1:29:00  Religion was perfected in the Koran.

1:33:00  Comprehensive system

White Sharia

Nick Fuentes

1:35:00  Both men and women get punish for their sexual offences.

1:43:00  Usury, Black Rock


Wednesday 19 June 2024

Gay Secular Koranism

5:00  ELLIOT joins.

9:00  Definition of eugenic

10:00  Three way parenting

11:00  Fish flying and birds swimming

12:00  Designer babies

17:00  Intentional parenthood

18:00  Breeding bulls

20:00  Choosing a spouse

22:00  Tortoise and the Hare

25:00  Vincent's political objectives

26:00  Belief in God and the divine attitude towards designer babies

28:00  Being philosophical

29:00  Rescue pets

31:00  Gay parenting

33:00  GAZELLE joins.

34:00  Sex cults and dating gurus

Not  having children

36:00  Chinese

37:00  LGBT rights in China

39:00  Gazelle's religious views

40:00  Vietnamese

41:00  Secular Koranism

45:00  Judaism

49:00  Peter Mandelson

53:00  One son

54:00  Moral agency

56:00  Atheism

57:00  China

58:00  Brown and black people are going to outbreed yellow and white people

59:00  Dominic Cummings

1:00:00  Ukraine and China

1:01:00  Pakistan

1:03:00  Eric Prince and Blackwater

1:04:00  Critical thinking neocon

1:07:00  Japan

1:09:00  Catholics

1:10:00   Bronze Age Pervert

1:18:00  Maths

1:20:00  Derailing conversations

1:22:00  Dominic Cummings

1:26:00  Rory Stewart

1:31:00  Atheist

1:32:00  Daniel Haqiqatjou

1:35:00  Compassionate imams

1:36:00  Speakers Corner

1:37:00  Hyde Park prayer mats


1:38:00  Illegitimate Gulf kingdoms

1:39:00  Caliphate

1:40:00  Saudi Arabia under Sykes-Picot Agreement

1:41:00  Iranian Presidential Elections 2024

1:42:00  Abu Mujahid

1:45:00  Arabic

1:46:00  Literal but permissive approach of Secular Koranism

1:47:00  Secular Koranism with American Characteristics

1:50:00  Singing

2:05:00  Cute

2:06:00  Carol Balizet

2:09:00  White flight

2:10:00  Dropping out

2:11:00  CBT

2:12:00  We are too empathetic.

2:13:00  We don't I have to become parents to support marriage.

2:17:00  Contraception

2:18:00  Russian mothers

2:19:00  Vikings

2:21:00  Vincent can talk the talk without walking the walk.

2:22:00  Gay Secular Koranism


Comrade Clubs under Secular Koranism

2:00  Right thought, right speech, right action. 

4:00  PHINNEOUS joins.

5:00  Spinoza

6:00  Divine revelation

7:00  Chief Rabbi Metzger

8:00  Idolatry

11:00  Shituf is worse than avodah zara.

12:00  Breaking the Sabbath by flicking the light switch

13:00  The Noahide laws

14:00  Secular By Design by Alan Cecil

20:00  Beth Din, mikveh and synagogue

22:00  Chabad

24:00  Jews being liberal and divided

26:00  Joke

31:00  Idolatry

32:00  Associating partners with God

33:00  Jesus is the Messiah.

34:00  Deuteronomy 13

35:00  Rabbi Schneerson

36:00  Excommunication

Sam Samuels

37:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.

38:00  Isaiah was a prophet and a revolutionary.

41:00  Messiah

42:00  Benjamin Netanyahu

43:00  Trump

44:00  Chabad are a bad influence.

45:00  Jews don't want a Torah theocracy.

46:00  People want the world to end.

47:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

48:00  Messiah

49:00  We still have to obey God's laws whether the Messiah is coming or not.

52:00  Messiah Substitute

53:00  Vincent as a Secular Koranist

55:00  Right thought, right speech, right action

56:00  Islam

57:00  Vincent wriggling out of becoming a Secular Koranist

59:00  LGBT

1:01:00  Artificial wombs and castrated men living longer

1:03:00  Corporal punishment for sex offenders who are unmarried parents

1:04:00  I pretend to be Vincent Bruno announcing becoming Secular Koranist.

1:08:00  Frightening white people into marrying 

1:09:00  Marriage is a very delicate mechanism.

1:10:00  Vincent's niche position

1:11:00  Vincent Sharia Lord of America

Domestic partnership contracts and the Noahide laws

1:12:00  Apps for domestic partnerships

1:13:00  MAGA

1:14:00  We are the people with the bad mad sad government.

1:15:00  No atheists in foxholes.

1:16:00  Comrade Clubs

1:17:00  Muslims inviting Vincent on their channels

1:18:00  David Duke

1:19:00  BLINDMAN joins.

1:25:00  Corporal punishment

1:26:00  Jordan does not have corporal punishment.

1:27:00  Family Security Unit

1:29:00  Jews


1:30:00  Sharia

1:32:00  JIMMY CHEN joins.

1:34:00  Sichuan's unmarried parents

1:35:00  Polygamy

1:37:00  Marxist manuals

1:38:00  Evil empire

1:39:00  Jews

1:42:00  Communist China

1:44:00  AI

Shanghai Stock Exchange

1:48:00  Zoroastrianism

1:49:00  Idol worshipers

1:53:00  No such thing as freedom.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Heidegger, authenticity and moral agency

4:00  "Our identities are handed to us."
6:00  Kierkegaard
7:00  Jews who don't want to live as Jews
8:00  Obeying God's laws as Jews and gentiles
13:00  Monarchy of Denmark
15:00  Kierkegaard died in 1855.
18:00  We should question our traditions.
19:00  Existentialism
20:00  What are we to do with ourselves?
21:00  If we were orphans
22:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
23:00  Religious groups are the most powerful groups in the world.
Religious and political solutions to our moral and social problems
24:00  The transition from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy in Denmark
25:00  Choosing the best religion in the world
Western civilisation is more than people being white.
26:00  What did Heidegger mean by authenticity?

27:00  Is being principled being authentic? If so, what principles should we hold if we have no religion? We have the following options: the religion of our parents and ancestors, or the political orthodoxy of our country, or the values that we create for ourselves. 

If we were rational, we would choose to be a member of the most powerful religious group in the world with a longstanding track record with the protection of the most powerful being conceivable with the clearest most easy to follow book of rules.

28:00   Fundamental British values
29:00  A proper religion would have codified moral principles.
30:00  We have to choose a moral system and a religious group whether we like it or not.

To believe or not believe in God?

3:00  I complain.

4:00  Crazy Chinese Catholic

6:00  The daddy issues of the Western ruling classes playing out the trauma of their fatherless childhood

8:00  Hierarchy and protocols

9:00  Searchability of Spaces

10:00  Secularism v Religion Space

11:00  Haitians v Dominicans

16:00  History is written by the victor. 

17:00  KMT v CCP

18:00  Spartans v Athenians

19:00  Family squabbles

20:00  Trotsky v Stalin

21:00  Foreign policy is off limits for voters.

22:00  Worst case scenario of Trump being elected in 2024

23:00  Most voters will never get foreign policy.

24:00  The American readership

25:00  The happy ending

26:00  Norman Vincent Peale

27:00  Nobody thinks Jews are stupid for believing in God.

28:00  A Jehovah's Witness childhood

29:00  Values

30:00  Do people who claim to be Jews, Christians and Muslims really believe in God?

Should Muslims use Western philosophy to do dawah?

31:00  Jewish theology is Jewish philosophy.

32:00  We must learn from our history.

Tisha B'Av

33:00  Gentiles going over their history to learn from their mistakes.

34:00  Why are liberals so warlike?

Yom Kippur

New Light 

36:00  Double or quit

37:00  What is success?

38:00  Was Jesus a success?

39:00  If there is an afterlife
40:00  A limited afterlife
41:00  Our capacity for moral reasoning
42:00  Free will or predestination
43:00  Fated or just an accident?
44:00  Everyone has free will but not everyone will make a considered moral choice.
47:00  Joining a political party or changing your religion
48:00  An official moral system 
49:00  Driving on the right or left 
50:00  Choosing the best moral system
51:00  Free speech
Fundamental British values
53:00  Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws
54:00  Banning conversion therapy
56:00  Sexual morality
57:00  Feminism
59:00  Privileging married parents over non-parents
1:00:00  Vincent Bruno needs to endorse me as Messiah Substitute.
1:01:00  Vincent's niche position
1:04:00  A registered Republican in the primaries
1:07:00  Primaries
1:07:00  Presumptive nominee
1:08:00  Presidential debate
1:09:00  Nikki Haley
1:14:00  Spoil your ballot paper on 4 July 2024.

Monday 17 June 2024

Haitians and Dominicans on Hispaniola - divided and ruled by the US

 Set a reminder for my upcoming Space!

4:00  Authoritarian

5:00  Dominican Republic is East Haiti.

7:00  Hispaniola and Santa Domingo

10:00  Taino people

13:00  Queen Isabella

14:00  The Spanish created a settlement colony, the French created an extraction colony.

15:00  1697 Treaty

21:00  Taino

23:00  Christian

25:00  Belief and behaviour

30:00  Witch doctors

34:00  French Revolution

35:00  Napoleon

37:00  The US

38:00  1913 and 1929

39:00  1967

40:00  Haitians once had complete control of the entire islandn of Hispaniola.

41:00  Haitian Revolution 1803-4

42:00  1821

43:00  Boyer

44:00  Chattel slavery

46:00  Beheadings of Moca

Use of Spanish restricted

47:00  Panama Canal Zone, gold and oil

48:00  Muslim presence in Hispaniola

50:00  Christianity

51:00  Islam

52:00  Papal Bull

Christian Zionism is an American idea.

53:00  British and Anglo Israelism

54:00  Herbert  W Armstrong

56:00  Arguing about beliefs

57:00  Albigensian Crusade

58:00  HAN SOLO joins to discuss the Reformation.

59:00  WASP supremacy

1:00:00  American, French and Russian Revolution

1:02:00  There are no rules in the New Testament.

1:03:00  Jews and Muslims have principles.

1:05:00  Constantine the Great

1:06:00  Edward Gibbon said Christianity was the cause of the decline and fall of Rome.

1:08:00  Christendom ended in 1918

1:09:00  British monarchy

1:10:00  5G installed by Huawei

1:11:00  Civil liberties committee report demands end to indiscriminate collection of personal data by British and US agencies 

1:12:00  Content controller

1:13:00  Deborah Turness

1:15:00  Trump the nationalist

1:16:00  George Washington's farewell speech

1:18:00  The principle of governing in the national interest

1:19:00  Not supporting marriage means being an ageing and shrinking population.

1:20:00  Reintroducing slavery

1:21:00  Marriage and family courts

1:23:00  Secular Koranism

1:24:00  White people

1:25:00  Marriage contract AKA nikkah

1:26:00  Marriage is buying a house for a woman you hate. 

1:27:00  Jefferson's Koran

1:28:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

1:29:00  Sunnis like Jews -  a disorganised religion. 

1:30:00  Houthis

1:31:00  Caliphate

1:32:00  Iranian Presidential elections

1:35:00  Trump doesn't want WW3.

Trump prevented many wars. 

1:36:00  Praetorian Guard

1:38:00  Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan

1:43:00  Righteous

1:44:00  Pope

1:49:00  Theology

1:52:00  Unmarried parents

1:58:00  Being unprincipled and keeping promises

2:00:00  Youth

2:01:00  Social conservatives are considered to be party poopers by the sexually liberated.

2:05:00  Arranged marriages

2:06:00  Discrimination

2:17:00  Senegal

2:27:00  Unmarried mothers

2:29:00  Man crush on the Jews

2:31:00  Black divisions

2:28:00  When Han Solo became Muslim

2:40:00  Arabic

2:45;00  ADONIS CABRERA joins.

2:48:00  Uncontrolled immigration in the DR

2:56:00  Haiti is the poorest country in the world where gangsters oppress the police.

3:04:00  Haitian population in Flat Bush.

3:06:00  Defamation of the Dominicans by the Haitians

3:12:00  Sharia

3:15:00  Nationalism

3:16:00  USA

3:20:00  Sugar

3:23:00  International Courts

3:46:00  Being Muslim and divorced

4:03:00  Caribbean politics and the hidden hand of Uncle Sam in Hispaniola

4:05:00  Weaponising Haitians against Dominicans

Ukraine and Russia

4:06:00  Betrayal

4:07:00  Crime against humanity

4:09:00  Trump

Third World corruption in America the Banana Republic

4:10:00  Teaching of history changed

4:11:00  The divine narrative defeats the official government narrative.

4:15:00  Slavery and international courts

4:18:00  Treason

4:19:00  Spied on and targeted


4:21:00  Agriculture - slash and burn/planting trees

4:23:00  "taking our sovereignty from us" 

4:24:00  Elections

4:25:00  Black Panther

4:27:00  Zelensky and Guaido

4:28:00  Rabbi Dweck

4:30:00  Chief Rabbi of Israel

4:32:00  Righteous rabbis and neocon rabbis

4:34:00  Elections 2024

4:35:00  Israel

4:40:00  The average female voter is indifferent to foreign policy.

4:41:00  Mr and Mrs Zelensky in Vogue

4:42:00  The average age of the Western voter

4:44:00  America does not have an official moral system.

4:45:00  Sharia

4:47:00  Manley P Hall

4:49:00  George Washington's farewell speech

Jefferson's Koran

4:52:00  Separation of church and state

4:54:00  Against liberal  democracy

4:56:00  Constantine and the Conversion of Europe by A H M Jones

4:58:00  Three stage legislative process to implement Secular Koranism

5:03:00  State sponsored prayer in public schools

5:05:00  Paper terrorism

5:06:00  Loss of community

5:07:00  Abuja

5:09:00  Judeo-Christian values

5:12:00  Profiteering pastors

5:14:00  Banning usury

5:15:00  Separation of Church and State

5:16:00  Caesar's Messiah

5:22:00  Usury
5:25:00  Maliki
5:26:00  Interpretation is a function of power, not of truth.
Justice must not only be done, it must seen to be done.
5:30:00  Legitimate and moral authority to exercise power with justice
5:31:00  We must trust in our government, the future and God.
5:32:00  Unbiddable adults with daddy issues acting out through foreign policy
5:35:00  Laws are weapons.
5:36:00  Truth, Logic and Morality are religious matters.
5:37:00  People believe what they want to believe.
5:38:00  Moral compass, rules and narratives
5:39:00  Idolatry

Who Determines The Winning Narrative? (6-16-24)

2:19:00  The divine narrative would be the winning narrative.
2:20:00  God who forbade idolatry and blasphemy would curse Christians whose religion is idolatry and blasphemy.
2:20:00  Iranians got their country back with Islam. 
2:21:00  The solution to not following your recipe book and suffering from bad cooking is to follow your recipe book next time. 
2:22:00  The CIA which controls Western media imposes a dominant narrative.
2:23:00  The official government narrative is for the average female voter. 
2:24:00  Juan Guaido
2:25:00  Yuval Harari's Sapiens
2:26:00  Do stupid beliefs make clever people stupid?
2:27:00  WW1 and UFOs
2:28:00  Beliefs of Jews, Chrsitians and Muslims
2:29:00  Joining a social club of religion
2:30:00  Aren't we supposed to die for our principles?
2:32:00  Conquering soldiers
2:33:00  Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of the blood of patriots and tyrants."
2:34:00  Kiddush Hashem
2:35:00  A dearth of Jewish and Muslim martyrs
2:36:00  Atheism is a religion.
2:37:00  Atheists mock the idea of dying for religious principles. 
2:38:00  A culture war requires people prepared to defend their principles and speak the truth as they see it.
2:39:00  Regimental system
2:40:00  Religious people are more likely to marry, be parents of legitimate children and be better parents. 
2:41:00  People choose their religion on the basis of their lifestyle choice. 
2:42:00  Vincent Bruno
2:43:00  Race is ultimately less divisive than religion ie beliefs in the efficacy of one religion over the other. 
Athenians v Spartans
2:44:00  Hero System
2:45:00  Objective morality
2:46:00  "Problematic"
2:47:00  Aaron Hughes
2:48:00  Righteous, inclusive, empirical, rational
2:50:00  Different hero systems
2:51:00  Marriageability and being principled
2:52:00  The principle of masculinity atheists do not have
2:55:00  Deserters
2:56:00  Fading beauty
2:57:00  Khalid Safir's second wife
2:58:00  I didn't particularly notice my fading beauty.
2:59:00  Being treated as a celebrity just for being a passably attractive woman of childbearing age
3:00:00  Self esteem
3:01:00  Saying exactly what I mean is a pleasure and a privilege

Only Fuentards support Fuentes


1:25:00  Southern accent begins.

1:27:00  Is Trump a fed?

1:28:00  I sound transgender.

1:30:00  Fuentards

1:31:00  David Duke

1:32:00  Secular Koranism


1:35:00  I deny I am Jewish.

1:36:00  I laugh like a dude. 

1:37:00  "Shiksa" is Korean for dinner.

1:55:00  Nick Fuentes has painted himself into a corner.

1:56:00  Americans shoud ask Trump about his foreign policy?

1:57:00  Israel

2:01:00  Trump is anti-Iran.

2:06:00  David Duke

2:10:00  Foreign policy affects voters not interested in informing themselves about foreign policy.

2:11:00  Iranians got their country back with Islam.

2:13:00  Could Israel exist without American funding?

2:24:00  "Shiksas are just for practice."

Saturday 15 June 2024

The Great Debate | E. Michael Jones vs. Jared Taylor: Is Race an Important Reality or a Fiction?

10:00  JARED TAYLOR argues that race is not a fiction.
12:00  Superior and inferior human beings

30:00  E MICHAEL JONES argues that race is a fiction.
31:00  The difference between categories of the mind and categories of reality
Indiana and Daylight Saving Time
Indianans resetting their clocks twice a year
33:00  False dichotomy
34:00  Fiction can be real. 
Race can be an instrument of oppression. 
35:00  Being bi-racial
36:00  Germans
37:00  Five main races
38:00  Universals

"A basket of deplorables" is a category of the mind of Hillary Clinton, not a category of reality ie that it is her subjective opinion that Trump supporters are indeed deplorable. 

39:00  Umar Lee the white Muslim convert categorised those who wanted to remove the statue at St Louis as white supremacists rather than Catholics. 

39:00  Feminism

40:00  "Catholics still have rights, but white supremacists don't." 

White supremacist was a category of the mind.

Catholic was a category of reality.

Categories of the  mind can be manipulated for abstract purposes. 

Making value judgements on race as regards status

41:00  The working class of America was once divided by race for the purpose of a docile workforce.

Affirmative action is a form of economic injustice.

Muzungu = Swahili for white person

42:00  "White is a category of the mind."

43:00  Ethnicity is based on language. 

44:00  "Hey, asshole!" 

"Asshole is both a category of nature and of mind." 

45:00  If you identify as white, you are the biker who turned round at the biker rally when someone yelled 'Hey, asshole!'

White is a derogatory term which allows those in power to deprive those who identify as white of their rights. 

45:00  Identifying as white is somewhere between being "deplorable" and being an "asshole" internalising the commands of his oppressors and asking for trouble. 

46:00  Identifying as "gunowner" gives you a higher status than being merely white who have been deprived of their free speech and right to assemble. 

47:00  Race is a category of the mind which gets weaponised for political purposes. 

JARED TAYLOR responds.

56:00  Christianity is identified as white. 

58:00  The idea that race is a fiction is exceedingly dangerous to white people, says Jared Taylor. 

1:00:00  E MICHAEL JONES on the sleight of hand used by the equivocal use of the same word.

Illegitimacy in whites and blacks

1:01:00  The Flynn Effect
1:02:00  Family and faith
1:03:00  The Moynihan Report
1:04:00  Brookings Instituate
Cultural change
1:05:00  White have more bastards than blacks.

The culture has changed.

1965 was the crucial year in which the law changed when the law banning the sale of contraceptives  was repealed. 

Hollywood broke the Production Code.

The Pawnbroker

Triple Melting Pot Theory - after three generations, religion is the source of ethnic identity in America

1:06:00  America is made up of three ethnic groups based on three religions: Protestant, Catholic and Jew.

Refusing to consider religion as the problem and solution will make what happened in America "fundamentally mysterious". 

Cultural Revolution of the 1960s led to illegitimacy.

1:06:00  Estelle Griswold

Birth control was a Protestant crusade.

The Rockefeller family is white.

1:06:00  Hollywood was Jewish from its inception.

1:07:00  Religion, not race is the matrix of cultural conflict in America.

The Jewish ADL conceived of hate speech. 

Are Jews white?

1:07:00  Southern Poverty Law Centre  - another Jewish organisation - praised American Renaissance for not being antisemitic. 

1:08:00  America's cultural tribal warfare

1:09:00  Jared Taylor is claimed to be subverting the white race for Jewish interests.

As soon as Jews become white, they become invisible. 

1:11:00  Barbara Lerner Spectre

1:13:00  Jared Taylor's mendacious use of the word "race"

Kevin McDonald, David Duke and Evelyn Rich

Taylor is a "commissar for Jewish interests".

1:14:00  "Once the Jew becomes white, he becomes one of us, which means he becomes invisible and free to wage war on the West by promoting culture-destroying phenomena like abortion, gay marriage, pornography and gay marriage."

By making Jews white, Taylor simultaneously makes whites Jews, turning them into unwitting accomplices in the destruction of their own culture and their own lives.

"Anyone who claims Jews are white is the enemy of white people."

Jared Taylor is accused of handing out spears to white boys to be mown down by machine guns. 

1:15:00  Jennifer Rubin

If Jews are white, why does Jennifer Rubin feel the need to prevent minority white rule?

If Jews are whites, then whites are Jews.

If Jews have power and whites do not then whites who follow Taylor's understanding of race end up internalising the commands of their oppressors and being controlled by the very people they need to oppose. 

Do you turn around when someone yells "Asshole"?

Are you prepared to ruin your life over a category mistake?

1:16:00  JARED TAYLOR responds.

1:17:00  The Flynn Effect

Racial and religious divisions

1:18:00  Not all Jews are enemies.

1:19:00  Family and faith determine intelligence.

1:21:00  E MICHAEL JONES responds on "chubby lesbian kike". It is a matter of status. A "chubby lesbian kike" can call herself a "chubby lesbian kike", but not anyone else. 

1:22:00  Amy Dean

1:23:00  George Soros


1:24:00  Triple Melting Pot

1:25:00  Race is being weaponised.

Segregated schools

1:26:00  If Jews are not white, would everything be fine between EMJ and JT?

Brown v School Board

1:27:00  "Jewish science"

1:33:00  Ancestor worship

1:34:00  Choosing our moral system as a survival strategy

1:35:00  Race, ethnicity and the Catholic Church

1:36:00  Protestant Reformation

1:37:00  The failure of Christianity created racial consciousness.

Madison Grant

1:38:00  Protestant Reformation

1:39:00  "Purely a religious difference"

1:40:00  A Jew can become a Chinaman.

The crucial issue is language.

Blacks becoming Poles and Catholics

1:41:00  "I didn't know black people ate sandwiches."

1:42:00  Weaponised  migration and ethnic cleansing

1:43:00  Why the Irish moved out when they realised blacks were coming to their neighbourhoods

1:44:00  Roman Empire and a question of numbers

1:45:00  Inter-racial  marriages under Catholicism

1:47:00  Difference between the Catholic and Protestant colonisation of America

British imperialism in Canada and wars over whether Christians in Nova Scotia should be Presbyterians or Catholic before being expelled to Louisiana

1:49:00  Critical Race Theory

1:50:00  Race weaponised in a different way

1:54:00  Christianity 

1:55:00  Greece

The Hebrews had history without philosophy and the Greeks had philosophy without history. Christianity combined  them. 

1:56:00  Would EMJ prefer  to live in a non-white Christian society or a white non-Christian society?

He lives in a non-Christian society whether he like it or not.

The issue is morality and morality is based on religion. 

Religion is what protects morality.

Morality is practical reason.

The colour of your skin doesn't matter one way or another if it is a moral culture. 

1:57:00  Isn't not identifying as white conceding to the enemy of white people?

1:58:00  Umar Lee was defeated by the Catholic identity of the statue protectors.

1:59:00  Columbus was white, Italian and possibly a Jew.

2:01:00   The Philippines is more Christian than the West. Soon Christianity will no longer be perceived as white. 

2:02:00  The Catholic Church in Africa

2:04:00  The Jewish Question

Christian and Muslim societies in Africa have very little social trust. 

2:05:00  Neocolonialism

2:06:00  "Left and right are meaningless categories now. Jewish control of our culture is the issue."

The Jewish Question

2:07:00  "the innate altruism of whites"

2:08:00  Liberalism and Conservatism

2:08:00  Catholic Irish replaced by Catholic Poles?

2:09:00  Language, culture and religion is the vehicle of any people.

There would be a Irish-Polish conflict if Poles tried to take over without speaking English. 

2:10:00  Robots

2:11:00  The language of the Irish was stolen from them.

The Protestant colonisation of Ireland and the destruction of Ireland through the Irisih potato famine. 

2;11:00  The Vikings who raped and pillaged their way round Europe were eventually assimilated.

2:12:00  Anti-white or anti-Christian?

2:13:00  White people must defend their rights or go extinct, says Taylor. But how are they going to organise themselves other than through having an official moral system?


2:14:00  Logos, Francis Xavier, China, Matteo Ricci learning Chinese

2:15:00  Regarding Chinese ancestor worship as idolatry ruined the chances of Catholic missionaries in China.

2:16:00  Japanese

The centrality of language

2:17:00  Sports

2:18:00  Brain and mind are two different categories.

2:19:00  "You need a brain to have a mind."

2:20:00  Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

2:22:00  Access to white society meant access to white females.

Norman Mailer the Jew

2:23:00  "White is not a tribe."

Friday 14 June 2024

Viva Las Vegas

2:00  Licensed brothels
4:00  Prostitution in Norway
6:00  Hirers of prostitutes and non-hirers
16:00  Roulette
22:00  UK elections 2024
The carrot has been dangled in front of the donkey.
23:00  Campaigning to get voters to spoil their ballot papers
26:00  Americans who said they hadn't bothered voting in 20 years till Trump came along
29:00  Dita von Teese Queen of Burlesque
32:00  George Galloway
34:00  Black Swan events and smartphones
36:00  SJJ says vote Sunak.
38:00  SJJ wants five more years for the Tories.
40:00  Theresa May
43:00  Carl Benjamin and the Lotus Eaters
44:00  Academic Agent
45:00  Accelerationist
46:00  Tories are unlikely to improve.
47:00  Rearranging the deckchairs of the Titanic
48:00  Tony Abbott
Class based politics
50:00  Constitution of the Chinese Communist Party
51:00  Chinese Civil War
Stalin: "One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic."
54:00  Unsafe Tory seats
55:00  Richard Tice and Lee Anderson
56:00  First non-white BNP member was a Sikh.
57:00  Soylent Green
58:00  The Cube
1:00:00  Say what you mean and mean what you say.
1:02:00  Twitter
1:03:00  People who post "gm" are narcissists.
1:04:00  Facebook and AI social media contacts
1:05:00  X hiding lights
1:06:00  Chinese people on X
1:09:00  Australia's procession of short-lived Prime Ministers
1:10:00  Tony Abbott
1:11:00  Joel Davis and Blair Cotterill
1:12:00  Keith Woods and Thomas Sewell
1:16:00  Latin mass in China
1:18:00  Age of Engagement
1:19:00  National Socialism
1:20:00  Intergenerational cooperation
1:22:00  Boomers and politics
1:23:00  Cattle voting
1:24:00  Don't use words like "white"  or "anti-white".
1:25:00  British foreign policy is wrong as well as every other policy.
1:27:00  Dugin is not as radical as me.
1:29:00  Civilisational states v nation-states
1:30:00  One party state
1:31:00  The system is wrong.
1:32:00  Feminism
1:33:00  Award for the Russian Mother
1:36:00  Leave  NATO.
1:39:00  Public transport
1:42:00  Bradford 
1:43:00  Britain is the birthplace of neoliberalism.
1:45:00  National Socialism
1:46:00  The Roman Empire was flooded with foreign slaves.
1:47:00  White people are only a minority in a global empire.
1:48:00  E Michael Jones
1:49:00  Utility in religion
1:51:00  The Catholic Church was a Creature of the State. 
1:53:00  Constantine the Great
1:54:00  Russian Revolution was a rejection of Christianity and monarchy.
1:55:00  Ditto French Revolution
1:56:00  Statue of Liberty the same in America and France
1:57:00  Church attendance in America and Europe
2:00:00  British monarchy
2:01:00  The British monarch is supposedly above the law.
2:02:00  Charles III can become his own Archbishop of Canterbury.
2:03:00  Australia is very useful to America. 
2:04:00  Subic Bay and Singapore
2:05:00  George Washington farewell speech
2:07:00  My plans for the future
2:08:00  Sharia for UK


3:00  A court of justice
8:00  Enemies of Judaism
12:00  Beth Din must be the first port of call for disputing Jews.
17:00  Manis Friedman the heretic
20:00  Power to rabbis
21:00  Heresy, sin and the death penalty
22:00  Stoning, strangulation, burning and beheading
26:00 Who is Jewish?
31:00  The Torah protects Jews from the virus and vaccines.
33:00  Conspiracy theorists
35:00  Rules of evidence
Confessions rejected
37:00  Free will
38:00  The later witnesses have precedence over the first witnesses. 
40:00  Conspiracies, conspiracies! 
42:00  Mumbo jumbo
44:00  Unrighteous Jews
45:00  Heresy and fraud
47:00  Sharon Kleinbaum

1:09:00  Chief Rabbi Mirvis
1:11:00  Bilderburgers and Hamburgers
1:23:00  Singin from the same hymn sheet
1:24:00  Don't even read your horoscope.
1:30:00  Asher Meza
1:32:00  Dennis Prager the heretic is Asher's Meza.
1:36:00  Does Asher have Down's Syndrome?
1:38:00  Reinventing the wheel
1:39:00  Is Asher evil or crazy?
1:40:00  Larper, Dunning-Kruger?
1:43:00  A  matter of interpretation
1:51:00  Multiple truths
1:53:00  There is nothing new under the sun. 
2:03:00  The New Testament is full of idolatry.
2:06:00  No such thing as a righteous journalist.

Thursday 13 June 2024

Vincent Bruno on the positive thinking of Norman Vincent Peale, idolatry and the utility of God

2:00  Norman Vincent Peale 

4:00  Realistic and positive

5:00  Is Trump delusional?

7:00  Christianity has failed but no one seems to have noticed.

8:00  JAMES McFEE joins.

13:00  How do we know if someone is right to persist in doing something?

15:00  BLINDMAN rejoins.

17:00  Does God have a beginning?

18:00  Questions to Vincent by James

21:00  The utility of God


25:00  Idolatry

27:00  A conditional tribute is better than an unconditional tribute for those who have to pay. 

34:00  Liberal democracy

37:00  Positive thinking

42:00  Faith in God and positive thinking

43:00  Predestination, free will and Van Gogh

45:00  Utility

47:00  Vincent's more powerful god

48:00  Speech crime

52:00  You can still be agnostic while understanding the theory of God.

Third Degree of Freemasonry

54:00  Neoplatonism

55:00  The Abrahamic God is the ideal form of deities.

56:00  Redefining marriage

1:05:00  Trinity


1:09:00  White identity

1:10:00  The Sermon on the Mount

1:11:00  Jefferson Bible

1:12:00  Islam and Christianity are an imperial religion.

1:13:00  Arians v Trinitarians

1:18:00  Mandate of Heaven

1:19:00  Warlord or divine right of kings

1:21:00  Vincent Bruno on Adam Green

1:22:00  Irrational and hysterical pagans

1:25:00  Idolatry

1:26:00  The story continues.

1:27:00  Paganism couldn't hold its own against Christianity.

1:29:00  Prison conversions to Islam

1:32:00  Christopher Jon Bjerknes

1:33:00  Irrational and hysterical pagans

1:37:00  Joan of Arc

1:42:00  The Balkans were easily conquered by the Ottomans.

1:45:00  Aarvoll

1:48:00  Joel Davis

America does not have an official moral system.

1:49:00  European leaders only follow the orders of Washington.

1:50:00  Carry on voting is not the answer.

1:51:00  Trump and Nikki Haley

1:52:00  WW3

1:53:00  George Washington farewell speech

1:54:00  Christianity is not American religion.

1:55:00  "Fundamental British values"

1:57:00  Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

National Service

1:58:00  Men of fighting age coming to the West to fight neocon wars?

1:59:00  Do not bore the average female voter with your longwinded complicated controversial conspiracy theory, especially if it is a Jewish conspiracy theory.

2:00:00  Israel's geopolitical importance to the US marine empire

2:01:00  Anglo-Israelism

2:03:00  White Man's burden to protect to Israel

2:04:00  Cancelled election of 1915

2:05:00  Divine narrative

2:06:00  2.06 billion people

2;07:00  ABU MUJAHID joins.

Why rabbis won't rank the four gentile religions?

2:09:00  Tovia Singer

Reportedly, many Jews who have registered a religion have registered as Christians.

An estimated 20,000 descendants of Jews still live in Indonesia, though many are losing their historical identity.

2:18:00  Convert, pay the jizya or die!


Talking to Sam Samuels on Shavuot 2024

1:00  Cathartic purge

Charles Moscowitz and E Michael Jones accuse each other of idolatry.

5:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.

8:00  E Michael Jones
Caesar's Messiah by Joseph Atwill

9:00  God allowed Christianity to prosper to punish Jews.
11:00  Charles Moscowitz refuses to call out the idolatry of Christianity.
12:00  Divided Jews conquered by the Romans
13:00  Herodian
14:00  Hasmonean Dynasty
15:00  Pompey
16:00  Maccabees
19:00  Josephus Flavius
24:00  Muhammad
Mecca was Petra.
25:00  Dan Gibson
27:00  40 questions by Jews to Muhammad

45:00  David Wood
1:07:00  Complicated narratives
1:09:00  The rules 
36 capital offences in the Torah
1:10:00  Rabbinical Judaism
Jews don't have a Pope.
1:11:00  Liberal democracy is a world religion, like world communism. 
1:12:00  Jewish emancipation
1:14:00  Maimonides
1:15:00  Immunity
The Guide for the Perplexed
1:22:00  Righteousness
Noahide laws
1:23:00  Charles Moscowitz and E Michael Jones
1:25:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.
1:26:00  Idolatry
1:30:00  Rabbi Shmuley
1:31:00  Michael Brown
1:34:00  Islam is necessary to correct the idolatry and blasphemy of Chrsitianity.
1:36:00  Sam doesn't believe Muhammad wrote the Koran.
1:37:00  Christians have the mens rea for idolatry and blasphemy.
1:41:00  The godless Jew is a danger to humanity.
1:43:00  Jews seduced by idolatry.
1:46:00  Mutual cross-infection
1:47:00  Whore of Babylon
1:49:00  Karl Marx
1:50:00  Lord Acton said absolute power corrupts absolutely.
1:57:00  Goodbye Infowars
1:58:00  Redacting the Koran
1:59:00  Judaism and Islam are the only religions acceptable to God.
2:00:00  Syrian Girl
2:08:00  Jews and Muslims have not stopped Christian idolatry.
2:09:00  America runs the world. 
Second World America
2:11:00  America needs an official moral system.
2:14:00  Synthesis or reverse-engineering?
2:19:00  Christians become Noahides.
2:21:00  My solution and summary

Jew and Catholic accuse each other of idolatry!

Judaism is not an organised religion and has not been an organised religion since the Sanhedrin was dissolved in the first century.

Not being an organised religion means you are as leaderless as the hippy movement as well as unable to discipline members guilty of undesirable behaviour.

The worst kind of undesirable behaviour is Chillul Hashem.

Half of Jewry are heretics ie Reform, Conservative and secular Jews.

There is no leader or organisational structure to expel heretics or prevent them from claiming Jewish identity, repeating and aggravating their Chillul Hashem.

Who represents Jewry when half of it are heretics?

Whatever you think of Christians, the most powerful churches in the world still have a leader ie the Pope for Catholics, the Archbishop of Canterbury for Anglicans.

Sunnis resemble Jews in this hierarchical chaos but Shias at least have a Supreme Leader in Iran.

24:00  Why do people no longer make the distinction between righteous Jews and gentiles?

26:00  Antisemites would have the tendency to conflate bad behaviour with Jewish behaviour while ignorning the bad behavior of gentiles. The claim of Judaism that Jews are God's Chosen People must be the reason. Having a higher status than gentiles means better behaviour is expected of them.

28:00  Did Jews want Jesus dead for blasphemy?

Is it not blasphemy to claim to be the Son of God when your paternity is in question? Anyone might be outraged by the idea of a bastard claiming to be the son of God and co-equal, co-eternal and co-substantial with Him when his paternity is dubious.

29:00  Is logos the Trinity?

30:00  Who was Matthew anyway?

31:00  Do the Jews claiming to that "abortion is a fundamental Jewish right" have the right to speak on behalf of Jewry?

32:00  Should Orthodox Jews declare heretical Jews heretics and dead to Judaism?

34:00  Who speaks for Charles Moscowitz?

39:00  What is the moral law? Does E Michael Jones accept the Noahide laws?

41:00  "The criminal regime" is America.

43:00 If something was a bad idea to begin with 80 years is the limit that people can take.

46:00  Jew and Christian accuse each other of idolatry!

48:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

49:00  Heresy is now dominant in Judaism. 

49:30 Would "the miracle of 1948" have been possible without the Holocaust?

Wednesday 12 June 2024

Vincent Bruno questions God's benevolence and moral perfection

4:00  Space begins.

Jehovah's Witnesses eschatology

8:00  Pope: "Everyone has a reasonable chance of getting to heaven."

9:00  "Fundamental British values" is the new British religion.

11:00  Transgenderism encouraged in elementary school children.

12:00  Believing that God will tell you what to do and support you if He approves of your action is probably the most realistic way of looking at things.

13:00  This life is an examination hall. 

14:00  God is the best of planners.

16:00  Entrapment by Satan

17:00  Lord's Prayer

20:00  Reincarnation

22:00  Kindness

23:00  We need to believe God to be morally perfect.

25:00  Good is what God commands and evil is what He forbids.

26:00  Why does God confuse us?

27:00  Rabbis ranking the four gentile religions

28:00  Tisha B'Av


30:00  Book of Jeremiah

31:00  Jews are God's Chosen People.

32:00  Noahide laws

33:00  Rabbis refuse to engage  with Daniel Haqiqatjou.

35:00  Names of other deities

36:00  Idolatry

37:00  Maimonides

38:00  Third Principle of Judaism

39:00  Islamic influences on Maimonides

40:00  36 capital offences

42:00  Breaking the Sabbath

43:00  Haredim don't want a Torah theocracy.

46:00  Free will will end when the Messiah arrives.

47:00  The rules

48:00  6.2 billion people

49:00  About half of the individuals who take the CPA Exam don't pass on their first attempt. According to the AICPA, the national average pass rate is 45-55%. Cumulative pass rates reported by the AICPA for the calendar year 2021 show that FAR had the lowest pass rate at 44.54% and BEC had the highest pass rate at 61.94%.

51:00  The Koran is from God.

53:00  Jews at sea and run by Christians.


58:00  Gentiles not allowed to create their own religion.

59:00  Noahide laws are older than the Koran.

1:01:00  Torah theocracy or sharia?

1:04:00  Restoring the Sanhedrin 

1:07:00  Judaism is not an organised religion

1:09:00  Beth Din

1:11:00  Secular Jews would choose the less restrictive rules.

1:18:00  Vincent is angry with God.

1:21:00  God is a liar.

1:23:00  Idolatry

1:25:00  Jizya

1:31:00  Egypt

1:34:00  Midrash, Talmud, Torah, Zohar

1:36:00  Rabbinic Judaism a response to Judaism?

1:37:00  The Talmud is a post-Christian creation.

1:38:00  Usury and slavery

1:42:00  Idolatry

1:44:00  Enforcing the Noahide laws

1:45:00  Rabbi Schneerson

1:54:00  Free will

1:55:00  Beyondism

1:57:00  If it's God standard, it cannot be low standard.

1:58:00  Secular Jews are no longer Jews.

2:02:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims cannot imagine God's existence.

2:03:00  Satan

2:04:00  Entrapment

2:05:00  Adam and  Eve

2:06:00  Emunah and Bitachon

2:08:00  Rewarding good and punishing evil

2:11:00  Existentialism

2:12:00  Welfare state

2:14:00  Hadith and slavery

2:15:00  Jizya is a conditional tribute.

2:16:00  WW3

2:18:00  Darwinism

2:19:00  Chinese ancestor worship

2:22:00  Ever lowering standards of education and behaviour

2:23:00  Pride is a deadly sin.

2:24:00  The Torah is the appetiser, the Koran is the main course.

2:25:00  Oral tradition

2:26:00   The invention of writing

2:28:00  Noah

2:29:00  Abraham God organically developed.

2:35:00  Authority

Explaining how to converse to God to Vincent Bruno and meeting Tough Hike Publishing

3:00  VINCENT BRUNO complains about his therapist.

4:00  Therapist not a theologian.

5:00  The Bible

6:00  Unprincipled Christians 

7:00  The Trinity

8:00  Pope Sylvester II expelled Jews from Jerusalem.

10:00  Jesus could not be lower in status than God.

15:00  President of Jehovah's Witness

18:00  I role play Vincent's therapist.

21:00  Contemplating God and idolatry

23:00  To believe God is in the Universe would make us waste our time looking for Him.

24:00  Einstein: "Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind." 

26:00  Christianity is so corrupt.

27:00  Constantine the Great

28:00  Constantius II

30:00  Narratives

31:00  Sexual immorality

33:00  Conspiracy theorists are  bores.

The self-correcting system of the Abrahamic God

34:00  Fifth Amendment

35:00  Reincarnation

38:00  Afterlife

40:00  Sadducees didn't believe in the afterlife.

41:00  Donald Trump's positive thinking

45:00  The right attitude 

50:00  The Power of Positive Thinking

51:00  Weighing up the risks.

53:00  Polyanna

54:00  Norman Vincent Peale

59:00  Intelligent people worry more.

1:00:00  Vincent equates optimism with stupidity.

1:03:00  Stupid people are happier. 

1:04:00  Can anyone be helped by a misconception?

1:05:00  Ugly women who are confident

1:07:00  Lizzo

1:08:00  Dunning-Kruger

1:09:00  Not employee of the month

1:10:00  Positive thinking

1:12:00  Trump

1:13:00  Unrealistic positive thinking

1:14:00  "I am too smart."

1:15:00  Trump

1:16:00  Is Vincent equating being realistic with not believing in God?

1:17:00  "Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."

1:18:00  What can Vincent put his faith in?

1:19:00  Being realistic and positive. 

1:21:00  Divine positive thinking for individuals and governments

1:22:00  Conversation with God

1:23:00  Moral reasoning

1:24:00  A just society

1:25:00  Americans should pursue justice instead of happiness.


1:27:00  America does not have  an official moral system and Americans suffer from the Deadly Sin of Pride.

1:28:00  Some people prefer to be lied to than to be told they are being lied to. 

1:29:00  Intelligent people can have incorrect beliefs and be very creative in giving reasons to justify them.

1:30:00  Antisemitism is now the unofficial religion of the West. 

1:31:00  Our ruling classes enjoy even less free speech than we do.

1:32:00  What legal principles can be extracted from the New Testament?

"The poor will always be with us."

1:33:00  Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

The Western matriarchy of sluts and bastards

1:34:00  Is the Western matriarchy crazy enough to start WW3?

1:35:00  Democracy is dementia.

A foolish gerontocracy

1:36:00  Kamala Harris and Biden

1:37:00  Neocon Nikki Haley

When you get foreign policy wrong, you get a World War.

1:38:00  US Presidents campaign in peace and govern in war.

1:39:00  George Washington's farewell speech

1:40:00  Roosevelt

WW1 and WW2 has been periodised as the Second Thirty Years War.

Hansel and Gretel

1:41:00  Peloponnesian War

Nigel Farage

1:42:00  One party state

1:43:00  Fluid factions

Deng Xiaoping

1:44:00  Constitutions, lawfare and civil war

1:45:00  Leave NATO and be nice to Russia.

I reject Proportional Representation.

1:46:00  Shura

1:47:00  The Berlin to Baghdad Railway caused WW1.

1:48:00  The Post-War narrative is being imposed on the children, grandchildren and descendants of British soldiers who fought and died in that unnecessary war by a British government anxious to hide its mistakes. 

1:49:00  The vandalisation of Holocaust Memorials is intended to give an excuse to punish antisemites and provoke further antisemitism in an ever deepening cycle of oppression and censorship.

1:50:00  Jews are being made to behave in a way to make Arabs want to kill them to give Americans a reason to maintain their presence in Israel. 

"Fundamental British values" is the new unofficial religion. 

1:51:00  "Fundamental Tudor values"

Liberalism is the belief that voters can keep trusting their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes to keep making up the rules as they go along.

1:52:00  The laws of the Koran are finite, but the capacity for error of the Western ruling classes is infinite.

The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy

1:53:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion." 

1:54:00  The work of the Founding Fathers was incomplete and can be completed by 21st century Americans when they finally adopt an official moral system making Congress finally accountable to God under a one-party theocracy.

Racial anxiety is shared by immigrants and white nationalists.

1:56:00  Ronald Regan introduced no fault divorce to California.

The West is a black hole of anti-natalism sucking non-Western peoples into Sodom and Gomorrah.

1:57:00  Marriage is eugenic.

1:59:00  Sexual liberation is to be abolished by Secular Koranism.

2:00:00  The Russian government is nervous about becoming a one-party state.

Dugin is not as radical as Claire Khaw with his Fourth Political Theory.

2:01:00  Muslim



2:05:00  Sodom and Gomorrah


2:07:00  Aceh Province

2:08:00  Methodism

2:12:00  The Church is a Creature of the State.

2:13:00  Christian heritage

2:14:00  Christianity only exists as artefacts, not as a living faith. 

2:16:00  Secular Koranism

2:18:00  Jim Bowden

2:19:00  The British now think their religion is "fundamental British values" and don't even care what this might mean being too ignorant and stupid to question these things. Even if they did question it, they would get no answers from their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes.

Ed Dutton

2:20:00  For non-Muslims and new Muslims, just think of God five times a day.

2:21:00  Therapeutic dialogue with God

2:22:00  Vincent Bruno

2:23:00  Noahide laws

2:24:00  The Koran prescribes no this life punishment for idolatry and blasphemy.

2:26:00  Gentiles lived with Israelites.

2:27:00  Afterlife for Jehovah's Witnesses

2:29:00  Virgil was a Roman poet and propagandist.

2:30:00  Joseph Atwill and Josephus

Vincent Bruno upsetting his Christian therapist.

2:32:00  Christianity was used to support the divine of kings.

The Conversion of Constantine and Europe by A H M Jones

2:33:00  Holy Mary Mother of God

2:34:00  Mary as an intercessor

2:35:00  The worship of goddesses


2:36:00  The Vatican

2:40:00  White people no longer have a working class.

2:41:00  Secular Koranism would reintroduce slavery and license brothels. 

2:42:00  Workfare

2:43:00  Showing we understand the problems of the ruling classes

IoD and CBI

2:45:00  Inflation and crime

Christian idolatry



2:50:00  If Jews convert to Islam, people will still be able to follow them to Islam.

3:01:00  Sharia does not include liberal democracy.

3:03:00  Zionism

3:04:00  Register of Jews

3:05:00  The late Rabbi Schneerson

The 8th Decade Curse

3:07:00  Indians

3:08:00  Neocon wars and 7 October 2023

3:09:00  The Myth of the American Empire

Christian Zionists

3:10:00  The Sanhedrin cannot be restored.

3:11:00  No Jewish leadership 

3:12:00  Rabbi Kahane

3:14:00  Secular Koranism

My background

3:17:00  The purpose of religion is to support marriage.

3:18:00  Family Courts

3:19:00  Reward and punishment

3:2:00   Marriage incentives

3:21:00  Standards of sexual morality

3:22:00  Political will

3:23:00  Banning  usury

3:24:00  Gambling on the Stock Market

3:25:00  Lying media


3:26:00  One party state

3:29:00  Ian Gribbin

3:30:00  The Second Thirty Years War

3:32:00  WW1 was declared for unIslamic reasons.

3:33:00  Special Military Operation

3:34:00  Poland

3:35:00  1915 General Election

3:36:00  Iranians got their country back with Islam.

3:37:00  Caliph

3:38:00  Sunnis and Shias

3:39:00  Principalist President on 28 June 

3:40:00  Low turnout

Stop pretending to be a democracy.

3:41:00  China

3:43:00  Orderly transfer of power

Constitutional monarchy

3:44:00  Lebanon

3:46:00  France

3:47:00  Angela Merkel

3:48:00  Islamic European Union

3:49:00  AfD

3:50:00  One party, different policies or different parties but the same party/

3:51:00  Nigel Farage  or the BNP?

Legal migration

3:52:00  The rest of the West are just economic zones.

3:54:00  First Past the Post

3:55:00  Proportional Representation

3:56:00  CIA

3:59:00  Civil War

4:00:00  Nigel Farage

4:01:00  Macron and Blair

4:02:00  Repealing the 14th Amendment

Suffrage only for net contributors

4:03:00  Shura

4:04:00  Constitutional monarchy

4:05:00  Balance of power

4:06:00  One party state

4:07:00  Chiang  Kai Shek

4:08:00  Black Panther

4:09:00  Modi

4:10:00  Are political parties public bodies subject to judicial review?

4:12:00  Political parties

4:14:00   Parties without principles

4:15:00  LibDems

4:16:00  Governing in the national interest

4:17:00  Clacton

4:19:00  French Revolution and Spanish Civil War

4:21:00  More parties

4:22:00  Sunak and Nick Clegg

4:24:00  Workers Party

4:25:00  NIMBYs

4:26:00  Would have voted to remain

4:27:00  Back stop

4:29:00  Nigel Farage

4:32:00  Academic Agent

4:34:00  Not voting Reform

What's Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24) Claire Khaw from 2:22:00

41:00 to 1:22:00 MIKE MALZAHN introduces himself to the Luke Ford community. 2:22:00 2:24:00  Sam Moyne 2:25:00  Human ri...