THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Sunday, 30 June 2024
Discussing the future of America with Dennis Dale from 1:44:00
Saturday, 29 June 2024
Friday, 28 June 2024
Why I do what I do
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 28, 2024
1:00 E Michael Jones and David Duke
2:00 Poor listening skills
3:00 Jared Taylor, Greg Johnson, Millennial Woes and the Viking
5:00 E Michael Jones and Gemma O'Doherty
6:00 Nick Griffin
7:00 5 Pillars on Rumble
8:00 Mark Collett
9:00 My dedication praised.
10:00 Translating tools
11:00 Latin
12:00 Latin mass
14:00 Judaism is not an organised religion.
15:00 Sunnis are like Jews.
16:00 A court of final appeal
17:00 Unwritten constitution
18:00 Rule book
19:00 Declaration of Independence
20:00 US constitution
21:00 Secular Koranism
22:00 Commandments of Allah
23:00 Bill of Rights
24:00 Human rights
25:00 Civic nationalist
26:00 Flag and gun photos
27:00 Why I was expelled from the BNP
30:00 Riven Vincent
31:00 Victoria Derbyshire
35:00 Compulsion
36:00 Arguments
The truth trumps our feelings offence.
37:00 The green light needs to be given.
40:00 The Germans in Fawlty Towers
Things will come to a rolling boil.
Nathan Cofnas, Noah Clark, Eric Kaufmann, Samuel Moyn
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 28, 2024
5:00 Trump and Biden debate
11:00 Samul Moyn
12:00 PERSPECTIVE joins.
14:00 NATO
15:00 Hungarian perspective
18:00 Trump
19:00 Israel
22:00 Trump's foreign policy
23:00 Eastern Block, Warsaw Pact and Ukraine
24:00 Colour Revolution
25:00 Polls
26:00 Black Panther
27:00 Hanging chad
28:00 GAZELLE joins.
31:00 Orban supporter
Not enough doctors and nurses
37:00 Softball questions by journalists
38:00 ROB joins.
40:00 Cancel culture
45:00 Democracy
46:00 Rob burbles with enthusiasm.
50:00 Twitter hustings
51:00 Women in the LibDems
52:00 Nathan Cofnas and Noah Clark
55:00 Feminist
57:00 Calling things by their proper name
59:00 Feminists won't slut shame.
1:00:00 Rectification of Names
1:02:00 Eric Kaufmann
Gay Faith Play with unprincipled Christian and Muslim men
— Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) June 27, 2024
2:00 Gay chat rooms
6:00 Vincent does not think life is irrational and absurd.
Gay Christians admit the Trinity is cruel.
10:00 Ishmael
12:00 Abu Mujahid
15:00 Theologically knowledgeable but not unprincipled
16:00 Gay Muslim man's arguments about quran.com/4/16
18:00 The Trinity
20:00 Ishmael
21:00 Independent Muslim
22:00 The story of Abraham and Isaac
23:00 You don't need to understand, just obey.
24:00 Wife beaters
26:00 WikiIslam
27:00 Hollywood spanking
28:00 Vincent's feelings towards women
29:00 Helpless women are arousing to men.
30:00 Role play in sex
33:00 Artificial wombs
36:00 Social progress
37:00 Marriageability
38:00 You can't support marriage without religion.
39:00 Marriage
40:00 Triple A
41:00 The case for religion
42:00 Collective child-rearing
43:00 Grueling marriages of Vincent's parents
44:00 Maternal gay men
45:00 Being thought of as gay
46:00 Right-wing chat rooms
48:00 Discord
49:00 Nice guys will be accused of being gay.
50:00 Gays have nicer manners than heterosexual men, apparently.
54:00 Men don't smile back at children for fear of being accused of paedophilia.
58:00 Unpleasant alt-right
59:00 Why do men who hate women have sex with them?
1:01:00 Are men in charge of women?
1:02:00 NUR joins.
1:08:00 Wife beating
1:15:00 Men imposing order
1:22:00 Women are well-behaved round gay men.
1:25:00 Depression women
1:34:00 Rape
1:43:00 Capitalism and feminism
1:49:00 Western imperialism
1:50:00 Noahide laws
2:03:00 Christianity
2:05:00 Married
2:15:00 The Abrahamic God
2:19:00 Gravity
2:21:00 Polytheism
2:25:00 Birth rate and sharia
2:28:00 Mormons
2:38:00 Quakerism and Christianity
2:45:00 Obedience is more important than knowing.
2:49:00 Idolatry
3:02:00 Vincent's evil plan
3:11:00 Jews making up holidays
3:16:00 Jews and Muslims
3:17:00 Noahide laws
3:18:00 Ted Cruz and Obamacare
3:19:00 Education and Sharing Day
3:20:00 Jews, Muslims and Christians
3:23:00 Yemen
3:25:00 Muslims beating up a little old lady.
3:27:00 Secular Koranism
3:37:00 Jews are not an organised religion and neither are Sunnis.
Thursday, 27 June 2024
A Consumer's Guide to Religion
— Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) June 27, 2024
2:00 Interrogation of Chinese Noahide by Vincent begins.
4:00 My explanation of the Trinity
5:00 Ancient Chinese belief rejects an immanent God.
6:00 Laozi
The “truth” of the Laozi is “timeless,” according to this view, transcending historical and cultural specificities.
13:00 Noahide laws
14:00 Midrash/Talmud/Mishnah are not from God.
18:00 Only the Torah comes from God.
19:00 The Talmud and the New Testament has human authors.
22:00 Fan confirms that he is not yet Jewish.
23:00 Judaism is not an organised religion.
24:00 Politics and religion are the same thing. The Noahide laws are useful in getting people to agree on what is obviously the most Noahide gentile religion by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws.
25:00 Dungan Revolt
26:00 Heaven
27:00 People want a more hedonistic heaven than singing the praises of God forever.
28:00 Heaven and hell not mentioned in Judaism
29:00 Chinese converts to Judaism
32:00 What happens to good people who don't believe in God?
The Koran says hypocrites whose final destination are cursed by God.
33:00 Tikkun olam
34:00 Jews don't preach.
39:00 Evil inclination
43:00 Satan is controlled by God.
44:00 Agent provocateur
47:00 Book of Job
48:00 Vincent's background
50:00 The Eucharist
51:00 Religious beliefs and principles
A Consumer's Guide to Religion
55:00 Philosophy
Western Confucian
58:00 CCP
1:00:00 Gratitude to God would keep us happy.
1:02:00 Moral agency is displayed when you choose the best religion for your country.
1:03:00 Wuwei
Go with the flow, go along to get along.
1:04:00 Chairman Mao did not go with the flow or go along to get along.
1:06:00 Christianity is idolatry.
1:08:00 China is the country that is most SK-ready.
1:09:00 Muhammad Ma Jian
1:11:00 Jews are Islamophobes and Fan is thinking of converting to Judaism. The rabbi converting a Chinese man would think a Chinese convert a feather in his cap.
1:12:00 Muslims admit they break their own rules.
1:13:00 Divine right of kings is for absolute monarchs.
1:14:00 Afghanistan
1:15:00 Follow the recipe.
1:16:00 Islamicise!
1:17:00 America's culture war
1:18:00 Penitence
1:19:00 Ottoman Empire
Iranians got their country back with Islam.
1:20:00 It is better to have a recipe book than not to have a recipe book.
1:21:00 If America became an Islamic Republic.
1:22:00 Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.
A Muslim king is not halal.
1:23:00 Sunnis want to think they are better than the Shias.
1:24:00 Demographics is destiny.
1:25:00 More Indians than Chinese.
1:27:00 Sichuan's unmarried parents
1:29:00 CURIOUS GAZELLE joins.
1:30:00 MI6
1:32:00 Chinese an empire.
1:33:00 Every generation will be the ideological enemy of the next.
Generations in the West are divided by their taste in music.
1:34:00 Western Confucian
1:36:00 Christianity is a corrupt bargain.
1:37:00 Milo
1:38:00 Luke Ford
1:39:00 Behaving as if you believe
1:40:00 Shavian, Wavian and Khavian
1:41:00 If you believed in God ...
1:43:00 People bored of genocide
1:44:00 quran.com/18/4
Said this many times before. MI5/MI6/many British institutions don’t do anything now except act as formalities. It’s a total shitshow. Nonstop comms. Totally empty rhetoric. @Dominic2306 is right. https://t.co/QjijnwOxBz
— Curious Gazelle (Autism Researcher) (@CuriousGazelle) June 26, 2024
Serious, curious, furious.
1:51:00 Infantilised gay men
Wednesday, 26 June 2024
Introducing the Mighty Mike Malzahn!
What's wrong with Sharia (Islamic law)? Marriageability class 12
Monday, 24 June 2024
Gay people can support marriage without practising it
— Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) June 24, 2024
2:00 VINCENT complains about being blamed.
3:00 Vincent should become a Secular Koranist to remedy the situation.
4:00 Did people become gay to avoid having children?
5:00 Bachelor tax of Rome
6:00 Patriarchy is a breeding programme for married parents.
7:00 Vincent is in a position of immense power.
8:00 Comrade clubs
9:00 Gradualism
10:00 Only registered prostitutes are allowed the pill.
11:00 Religious women would prefer to be wives, not prostitutes.
12:00 Rational women would want to be wives rather than prostitutes.
13:00 Concubine contract
16:00 Upgrading to a marriage contract
17:00 Legalism
21:00 "Getting white people to think legalistically is like pulling teeth."
23:00 Finding Jesus
26:00 Gender roles, sex and status
28:00 Changing the political orthodoxy
29:00 The Beyondist Breeding Programme
31:00 Udio and Uno
32:00 AI art
34:00 Artificial wombs
1 million roubles to Mother Heroines
36:00 JAY RAIDU joins.
38:00 Jewish conspiracy
39:00 Birth control
40:00 Third World
41:00 Gentiles likened to children.
45:00 Register of Jews
46:00 Why are gentiles so suggestible?
47:00 Luke Ford
49:00 Living in a ghetto
50:00 Legalism of Judaism
52:00 We are seekers of pleasure and avoiders of pain.
53:00 Single mothers and married fathers
54:00 Nathan Cofnas and Noah Clark
56:00 WW3
59:00 Gay rights in China
1:00:00 Stephen J James in Nevada
1:01:00 Jobs for the boys and girls
How to talk to the CIA
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 24, 2024
1:00 RICHARD FAN joins to denounce theocracy.
2:00 Marxism is a religion.
3:00 Democracy is a fringe religion with fanatics in China.
4:00 The correct concept of God
5:00 The Abrahamic God
The Third Principle of Judaism
6:00 The Holy Spirit
Transcendent God
7:00 A Unitarian God
8:00 "Religion is not politics."
Religion and politics are the same.
10:00 The Torah and Zionism
11:00 Messiah
12:00 The End Times
13:00 The bargain with God
"Religion is not true."
15:00 A corrupt and incompetent political class
16:00 The Koran
Organised religion
18:00 "Judaism is not a religion."
19:00 Religions without God
20:00 Idolatry
21:00 Hidden idolatry
Religion: values, rules and beliefs
23:00 Religion should be separated from politics.
24:00 Islam values obedience.
25:00 Bad people in high places
26:00 Islamic rules of warfare
27:00 Ottoman Empire
America is a warlord nation.
28:00 The solution to not following the rules is to follow it next time.
30:00 The line in the middle of the road
31:00 Revolution
32:00 Following the recipe
33:00 An official handbook
The New Testament
35:00 British Empire
36:00 Hongkong law better than China.
37:00 ABU ROOSEVELT joins.
38:00 Corrupt Christianity
39:00 Fundamental British values
Tang Dynasty
40:00 Jihad
41:00 War is a bad thing.
42:00 War is a necessary evil.
43:00 Islam is not warlike.
44:00 How is war immoral?
45:00 China's wars of national unification
46:00 Victorious wars should not be celebrated.
48:00 Napoleonic Wars
49:00 Islam is better than Christianity.
50:00 Sharia for the West
51:00 Manual amputation
53:00 Following God's laws
54:00 The Torah is much harsher than the Koran.
56:00 The Koran > Buddhist scirpture
57:00 Death penalty in China
58:00 The law under Islam
1:02:00 Crucifixion verse
1:03:00 Christianity in Singapore
1:04:00 The Trinity and a rabbi in Beijing
1:05:00 So many Jews and synagogues in China
1:06:00 Tithing system
1:07:00 Non-Christians won't get to heaven.
1:08:00 Chinese Muslims
1:10:00 Mosques in China and Japan
1:11:00 Mosques in Laos
1:12:00 Mandate of Heaven
1:14:00 The Koran is not for sale in book shops.
1:15:00 Preaching a religion is forbidden in China.
1:20:00 ABU ROOSEVELT joins.
1:25:00 Al-Ghazali and Fakhr al-Din al-Razi
1:29:00 People who believe in God are more susceptible to reason than those who do not.
1:30:00 Usury
1:31:00 Jews have been around for centuries.
1:32:00 Secular Jews, righteous Jews
1:33:00 Atheists gentiles feel more comfortable with atheist Jews.
1:34:00 Religion and politics are the same.
1:36:00 Dugin's Fourth Political Theory
1:40:00 The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.
1:41:00 Nathan Cofnas
1:45:00 Morality
1:46:00 Americans should pursue justice instead of happiness.
1:47:00 "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
1:48:00 Theists v Deists
1:49:00 Freemasons
1:50:00 Modernisation
1:54:00 Catholics are excommunicated for becoming Masons.
A letter of Pliny
1:56:00 Masons obliged to accept transgender women as members.
1:57:00 Masons powerful people
2:02:00 Compulsion
2:03:00 The most powerful demographic is the female voter between 18-25
2:05:00 Female voters don't give a fuck about foreign policy.
2:07:00 Not in my 30s
2:08:00 Reading the Koran in 2006
2:10:00 Vatican II
2:11:00 Latin mass is show time.
2:13:00 Allah
2:14:00 Muhammad is the last messenger of God.
2:15:00 I agree with Muslim theology.
2:17:00 My methodology
2:18:00 Arguing our points to the bitter end
2:19:00 Confucius
2:20:00 Islam
2:21:00 Antisemitism and Islamophobia have become a religion.
2:24:00 Ruling classes on psychotropic drugs ending the world with WW3
2:27:00 The CIA
A Chinese Noahide, thalassocracies and AI
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 23, 2024
3:00 Blocked by a gay Muslim
6:00 Richard Fan, Chinese Noahide
7:00 Formerly Protestant
8:00 People who identify themselves as Noahides rather than Muslims are Islamophobes.
10:00 Holy War/jihad
14:00 Islam is more tolerant towards non-Muslims.
Talmud blah blah
17:00 Noahide laws and Talmud
18:00 "Organised religion always causes corruption."
20:00 The Talmud modifies the Torah.
22:00 The Talmud does not come from God.
24:00 Rambam
25:00 Christianity is idolatry.
26:00 Two years a Noahide
Rejects the Trinity
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 23, 2024
7:00 Midrash
8:00 "Divinely inspired"
9:00 Chapter and verse
11:00 Legal hierarchy
15:00 Kabalah, Zohar blah blah
Temple cult
16:00 Eschatology
17:00 Jews becoming gods.
Jesus was not a literal historical figure.
19:00 Rejecting Christian and Zionism
Adam Green
Rejecting all Abrahamic religions
20:00 "Jewish myths"
21:00 Graeco-Roman culture
22:00 Tranny flags
23:00 A rule system
24:00 "Judaism is nothing to do with religion."
25:00 Following God's laws
26:00 Are Muslims Amalek?
"Retarded people who believe in the same God"
Ben Shapiro
Talmud and Torah
27:00 Christians want Jews to convert to Chrsitianity.
28:00 Messianic Judaism
29:00 Jews reject Jesus.
30:00 Eschatology
33:00 Those who reject the Abrahamic religions
Using a spear when your opponent has a gun.
34:00 Jewish supremacy
35:00 BROTHER B joins.
36:00 Jews
37:00 We need rules.
38:00 TIM DEGRAQ joins.
39:00 The American Empire/Jews
40:00 Neocons
41:00 WW3
42:00 Britain fell into its Thucydides Trap/twice.
43:00 Dugin's Fourth Political State
44:00 Sea and land empire
45:00 BRICS
46:00 Demographics is destiny.
47:00 40 is the average age of Western countries.
48:00 Space exploration
The West is poaching the human resources of other countries.
49:00 Global majority and global minority
50:00 Roman Empire
51:00 Complaining on social media is low IQ.
52:00 Religion, marriage and parenting
53:00 Marriageable and unmarriageble people
54:00 Indians
55:00 Low expectations
57:00 Christian
"Super familiar" with my ideas
A legal system is crucial for religion.
59:00 Noahide laws
1:00:00 North Korea
1:01:00 Soviet Jew
1:04:00 Kabbalah
1:05:00 Ishmael, Leviathan, blah blah, Russia, China, Iran
1:06:00 QAnon, second term of Trump
1:08:00 Nick Fuentes
1:10:00 Japan is doomed.
1:11:00 Run to your ranches.
1:13:00 AI curveball
1:14:00 Wyoming and Joshua Tree
Deep buried military bases
1:15:00 Cheyenne mountains
"China doesn't win."
1:16:00 "Japan will come out top."
1:17:00 "China has great infrastructure."
1:17:00 Cybernetics and Kabbalah
1:18:00 Chatgpt and Israel
1:19:00 The United Goyim
When the Messiah comes
1:20:00 Yuval Noah Harari
"AI will create a true religion."
1:21:00 AI theft of identity
1:22:00 Chatbots
1:23:00 A background in humanities
1:24:00 AI moral systems
1:26:00 Noahide law AI
1:27:00 Arguing with an AI Socrates
1:28:00 AI lawyers and judges?
1:29:00 Lawyers
1:30:00 Curated personalities from AI
1:31:00 AI God
1:32:00 Secretary
1:35:00 David Duke
What's Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24) Claire Khaw from 2:22:00
Claire Khaw talking to David Duke
https://speakfreeradio.com/2024/02/04/the-dave-and-duke-call-in-show-068/ in February 2024 from 41:00
What would David Duke do as President to Jews and illegal immigrants?
48:00 What would David Duke do about America not having an official moral system?
49:00 David Duke's membership of the KKK
50:00 David Duke confuses Jews with liberals.
53:00 David Duke conflates Jewish supremacy with American supremacy.
55:00 David Duke answers my question on American military supremacy by blaming Jews for it.
57:00 Jewish supremacy
Chief Rabbi Yosef of Israel
1:00:00 John Mearsheimer
1:01:00 "America is a conquered country."
1:02:00 Neocon Jews talking about the white man's burden
1:03:00 Lawfare
1:04:00 Elon Musk
1:15:00 Jews/liberals/democracy divide and conquer.
1:16:00 "Jews supported ISIS."
1:24:00 Regrets KKK and regrets failed marriage
1:26:00 Trump on Gaza
1:30:00 China
1:33:00 "Zombie corpse of America"
1:35:00 Russia
1:37:00 "Hate speech is Jewish."
1:38:00 Big Pharma
1:39:00 AI
https://speakfreeradio.com/2024/06/23/the-dave-and-duke-call-in-show-087/ in June 2024 from 38:00
What does David Duke think of E Michael Jones?
Sunday, 23 June 2024
What's Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24) Claire Khaw from 2:22:00
E Michael Jones: "We are all Zulus now."
Saturday, 22 June 2024
Marriage, men and fundamental British values
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 22, 2024
1:00 The role of religion in influencing culture
2:00 Even the children of the most religious parents will be affected by the culture.
3:00 An attractive narrative will generate the political will required to change things because people basically choose the narrative they want to believe in and then live their lives to make that story come true.
British people don't take Anglicanism seriously.
4:00 Believability is the most important feature in any religion. Adherents of a religion have to feel comfortable defending the narrative of their religious group ie not feel stupid defending nonsense and lies.
5:00 Men can begin bargaining with women who resent transgender women encroaching into their formerly exclusively female spaces by promising to defend women if they give up feminism.
6:00 Many men think it is easier to be women than men which is why they now become transgender to get a bit of female privilege.
Feminine privilege - the privilege of having more offers of sex than you are prepared to accept
7:00 Feminine Serbian women
Men's requirements are eternal and simple: food, sex and respect.
8:00 Neither men nor women understand their gender roles.
9:00 Men are have adopted feminine stratagems of mendacity and manipulativeness.
10:00 Men agreeing with feminism to have sex with women only make things worse in the long run.
11:00 Dating apps
12:00 Observant Jews are supposed to thank God every day they were not born women.
14:00 The world is divided between people who want to be married parents and those who don't. Guess which group s going to become extinct first?
15:00 Jewish and Chinese diasporas, the Highland Clearances
16:00 Chinese demographics and gender relations
17:00 Monogamy is the ideal.
18:00 The Jefferson Koran
19:00 Mental illness
20:00 Gender roles
21:00 Unisex clothing forbidden in the Torah.
22:00 Transgender women of low standard
23:00 Jon Vance
24:00 Sex dolls
25:00 Stepford Wives
26:00 Marital aids
27:00 Eastern and Western porn
28:00 Porn for men and women
29:00 Prostitutes and brothels in Nevada
31:00 Stephen J James
32:00 quran.com24/33
33:00 No middle ground between wives and prostitutes.
34:00 Not everyone should have reproductive rights.
35:00 Sublimation
36:00 MATCHA joins
37:00 Vanilla sex
38:00 Pornographers
39:00 Extramarital sex is the opiate of the people.
40:00 Incest porn
43:00 Islamophobia
44:00 Degenerate culture is now global.
45:00 Redemption, penitence, sackcloth and ashes
46:00 Attributing suffering to failure to follow Koranic principles of governance.
47:00 Porn should be banned.
50:00 Addressing the people in charge ie CIA
Libido Dominandi by E Michael Jones
51:00 Men are primarily motivated by sex.
52:00 St Augustine
53:00 Polyamory
54:00 Trad wife and trad life
55:00 "Fundamental British values"
58:00 Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
1:00:00 The government is a contradiction machine.
1:01:00 Exponential curve
1:03:00 Baltic States
1:04:00 Do we know what is in our own interests, let alone our corrupt and incompetent ruling classes know what is in the long term national interest?
Vincent Bruno
1:05:00 What religion would we choose if we had a country to run?
1:06:00 Orthodox Christians, Amish, and Mormons
1:07:00 The culture is poison.
1:08:00 The Sopranos and Breaking Bad
1:09:00 Rap music
1:10:00 Islam and Christianity
Parents cannot raise their children the way they want.
1:11:00 Chemsex
1:13:00 Vincent Bruno
1:14:00 Married parents
1:15:00 Marriage is for legitimate children.
1:17:00 Superheroes
1:18:00 Liberalism and atheism keeps our docile.
1:19:00 Atheists v Theists
1:20:00 There is no advantage in being a new religion.
1:22:00 Lowering the status of non-parents and treating unmarried parents as sex offenders
1:23:00 Who is in charge?
1:24:00 CIA
Elon Musk and AI
1:25:00 AGI
Artificial General Intelligence
Friday, 21 June 2024
Our self-destructive matriarchy
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 20, 2024
6:00 Space begins.
8:00 Waves of feminism
9:00 The only good feminist is a [fill in the blank].
10:00 It was men who put feminists in charge.
11:00 Right thought, right speech, right action.
13:00 Women, being risk-averse, will always support the status quo.
16:00 No family justice in the Family Courts.
17:00 No consideration for the welfare of the children of the marriage.
18:00 No marriage, no patriarchy.
19:00 Transgenderism comes from feminism.
20:00 Men think they can acquire feminine privilege by becoming transgender.
21:00 War and men
22:00 Men need to have a stake in society ie have wives, children and property.
23:00 Women who cannot see the harm of feminism
24:00 Women are never satisfied.
25:00 Women are ambition.
26:00 Men do everything for women anyway.
The Judgement of Paris
27:00 The poor find it easier to have children.
28:00 Low expectations make one more likely to be grateful.
29:00 Spiritual needs of the people
30:00 Tribal living
31:00 No one to calm people down.
32:00 Legitimate children internalise hierarchy.
33:00 Respect for one's elders depends on a father in the home.
35:00 Yin and Yang
36:00 Degenerates don't even try.
37:00 Our beliefs are being changed.
38:00 Official government narratives are aimed at the average female voter.
39:00 The end of America, Christendom and European hegemony
40:00 Let's have a war to forget our troubles.
Suicide by cop
43:00 War in the South China Sea?
44:00 France
44:00 1984
45:00 People can't afford to travel any more.
46:00 A solution
49:00 The solution in theory
Motivating people with narratives
50:00 The narrative of suffering being punishment for sin
6.02 billion people are supposed to believe in the narrative that good triumphs over evil.
51:00 The narrative of being cursed by God
52:00 The Bible is a very clever book.
55:00 Vincent Bruno and gay marriage
56:00 BLINDMAN joins to complain about feminine privilege.
58:00 The Great Reset
The Koran is more comprehensive than the Noahide laws
— Real Vincent Bruno (@RealVinBruno) June 20, 2024
2:00 The Koran > The Babylonian Talmud
3:00 Messiah
4:00 New World Order
5:00 Noahide New World Order
6:00 Chabad established Education and Sharing Day
7:00 Judaism is not an organised religion.
8:00 Supreme Leader of Iran should be Caliph.
MUJAHID joins.
9:00 The Catholic Church has a Pope.
10:00 Iranian Revolution 1979
11:00 The Caliphate
12:00 Nationalism amongst Muslims
Monarchies are not halal.
13:00 All Muslim countries should be modelled on Iran.
14:00 Right-thinking members of an Islamic republic
15:00 Not neocons
16:00 End of the petrodollar
17:00 Emirs can choose their Caliph.
A federated Caliphate
18:00 People of influence, thoughtleaders of Islam
20:00 The Koran is the Book of Bargains.
21:00 BLINDMAN joins.
22:00 Adultery
23:00 Fornication is different to adultery.
24:00 Deer blind
27:00 Stoning is exemplary punishment.
31:00 Raped women
Muslim monarchies are not representative of Islam.
35:00 Noahide laws
Taj Mahal
37:00 Hindu temples
39:00 Muslim Moghuls broke their own rules.
42:00 British India
44:00 Europeans are much better at ethnic cleansing than Muslims.
48:00 quran.com/2/2566 protects freedom of belief.
51:00 Hindus and Muslims
54:00 Bangladesh is not an Islamic State.
No representative democracy can ever be an Islamic State.
57:00 Indian men want to marry a Jewess.
58:00 The enemy of my enemy is my friend is not a sustainable strategy.
1:00:00 Noahide laws
1:01:00 Vincent thinks the harsher punishment of the Noahide laws is a sign of divinity.
1:02:00 The Noahide laws are not practicable because they come into conflict with the First Amendment supported by quran.com/2/256
1:03:00 Prophets prior to Moses were Noahides.
1:05:00 Hindu biting the throat of a goat
1:07:00 Shiva's penis
The difference between the Noahide laws and the Koran is that the latter is supposed to be the directly revealed Word of God while the Noahide laws were only what was derived from the Torah by rabbis.
According to the Talmud, the seven laws were given first to Adam and subsequently to Noah. The Tannaitic and Amoraitic rabbinic sages (1st–6th centuries CE) disagreed on the exact number of Noahide laws that were originally given to Adam. Six of the seven laws were exegetically derived from passages in the Book of Genesis, with the seventh being the establishment of courts of justice. The earliest complete rabbinic version of the seven Noahide laws can be found in the Tosefta.
"So, gentiles who call yourselves Noahides rather than Muslims, you prefer the Talmud to the Koran, do you? Why are you antisemites pretending to prefer the word of mortal and fallible rabbis who are Jews whom you hate when you have the directly revealed Word of God? Are you fucked in the head or something?"
1:08:00 Red Heifer
1:11:00 Prayer
1:13:00 Muslims in the West
1:17:00 Noahide laws < The Koran
1:18:00 The Noahide laws predated the Torah.
1:19:00 The Noahide laws were basic and primitive and not supported by divine generation.
1:20:00 Muslim civilisation
1:23:00 Free will
1:24:00 Muslims acknowledge the existence of the Torah and the Gospels.
1:26:00 God warns before He punishes.
1:29:00 Religion was perfected in the Koran.
1:33:00 Comprehensive system
White Sharia
Nick Fuentes
1:35:00 Both men and women get punish for their sexual offences.
1:43:00 Usury, Black Rock
1:46:00 quran.com/4/16
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Gay Secular Koranism
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 19, 2024
5:00 ELLIOT joins.
9:00 Definition of eugenic
10:00 Three way parenting
11:00 Fish flying and birds swimming
12:00 Designer babies
17:00 Intentional parenthood
18:00 Breeding bulls
20:00 Choosing a spouse
22:00 Tortoise and the Hare
25:00 Vincent's political objectives
26:00 Belief in God and the divine attitude towards designer babies
28:00 Being philosophical
29:00 Rescue pets
31:00 Gay parenting
33:00 GAZELLE joins.
34:00 Sex cults and dating gurus
Not having children
36:00 Chinese
37:00 LGBT rights in China
39:00 Gazelle's religious views
40:00 Vietnamese
41:00 Secular Koranism
45:00 Judaism
49:00 Peter Mandelson
53:00 One son
54:00 Moral agency
56:00 Atheism
57:00 China
58:00 Brown and black people are going to outbreed yellow and white people
59:00 Dominic Cummings
1:00:00 Ukraine and China
1:01:00 Pakistan
1:03:00 Eric Prince and Blackwater
1:04:00 Critical thinking neocon
1:07:00 Japan
1:09:00 Catholics
1:10:00 Bronze Age Pervert
1:18:00 Maths
1:20:00 Derailing conversations
1:22:00 Dominic Cummings
1:26:00 Rory Stewart
1:31:00 Atheist
1:32:00 Daniel Haqiqatjou
1:35:00 Compassionate imams
1:36:00 Speakers Corner
1:37:00 Hyde Park prayer mats
1:38:00 Illegitimate Gulf kingdoms
1:39:00 Caliphate
1:40:00 Saudi Arabia under Sykes-Picot Agreement
1:41:00 Iranian Presidential Elections 2024
1:42:00 Abu Mujahid
1:45:00 Arabic
1:46:00 Literal but permissive approach of Secular Koranism
1:47:00 Secular Koranism with American Characteristics
1:50:00 Singing
2:05:00 Cute
2:06:00 Carol Balizet
2:09:00 White flight
2:10:00 Dropping out
2:11:00 CBT
2:12:00 We are too empathetic.
2:13:00 We don't I have to become parents to support marriage.
2:17:00 Contraception
2:18:00 Russian mothers
2:19:00 Vikings
2:21:00 Vincent can talk the talk without walking the walk.
2:22:00 Gay Secular Koranism
Comrade Clubs under Secular Koranism
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 19, 2024
2:00 Right thought, right speech, right action.
4:00 PHINNEOUS joins.
5:00 Spinoza
6:00 Divine revelation
7:00 Chief Rabbi Metzger
8:00 Idolatry
11:00 Shituf is worse than avodah zara.
12:00 Breaking the Sabbath by flicking the light switch
13:00 The Noahide laws
14:00 Secular By Design by Alan Cecil
20:00 Beth Din, mikveh and synagogue
22:00 Chabad
24:00 Jews being liberal and divided
26:00 Joke
31:00 Idolatry
32:00 Associating partners with God
33:00 Jesus is the Messiah.
34:00 Deuteronomy 13
35:00 Rabbi Schneerson
36:00 Excommunication
Sam Samuels
37:00 Jesus was executed for blasphemy.
38:00 Isaiah was a prophet and a revolutionary.
41:00 Messiah
42:00 Benjamin Netanyahu
43:00 Trump
44:00 Chabad are a bad influence.
45:00 Jews don't want a Torah theocracy.
46:00 People want the world to end.
47:00 Jehovah's Witnesses
48:00 Messiah
49:00 We still have to obey God's laws whether the Messiah is coming or not.
52:00 Messiah Substitute
53:00 Vincent as a Secular Koranist
55:00 Right thought, right speech, right action
56:00 Islam
57:00 Vincent wriggling out of becoming a Secular Koranist
59:00 LGBT
1:01:00 Artificial wombs and castrated men living longer
1:03:00 Corporal punishment for sex offenders who are unmarried parents
1:04:00 I pretend to be Vincent Bruno announcing becoming Secular Koranist.
1:08:00 Frightening white people into marrying
1:09:00 Marriage is a very delicate mechanism.
1:10:00 Vincent's niche position
1:11:00 Vincent Sharia Lord of America
Domestic partnership contracts and the Noahide laws
1:12:00 Apps for domestic partnerships
1:13:00 MAGA
1:14:00 We are the people with the bad mad sad government.
1:15:00 No atheists in foxholes.
1:16:00 Comrade Clubs
1:17:00 Muslims inviting Vincent on their channels
1:18:00 David Duke
1:19:00 BLINDMAN joins.
1:25:00 Corporal punishment
1:26:00 Jordan does not have corporal punishment.
1:27:00 Family Security Unit
1:29:00 Jews
1:30:00 Sharia
1:32:00 JIMMY CHEN joins.
1:34:00 Sichuan's unmarried parents
1:35:00 Polygamy
1:37:00 Marxist manuals
1:38:00 Evil empire
1:39:00 Jews
1:42:00 Communist China
1:44:00 AI
Shanghai Stock Exchange
1:48:00 Zoroastrianism
1:49:00 Idol worshipers
1:53:00 No such thing as freedom.
Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Heidegger, authenticity and moral agency
To believe or not believe in God?
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 17, 2024
3:00 I complain.
4:00 Crazy Chinese Catholic
6:00 The daddy issues of the Western ruling classes playing out the trauma of their fatherless childhood
8:00 Hierarchy and protocols
9:00 Searchability of Spaces
10:00 Secularism v Religion Space
11:00 Haitians v Dominicans
16:00 History is written by the victor.
17:00 KMT v CCP
18:00 Spartans v Athenians
19:00 Family squabbles
20:00 Trotsky v Stalin
21:00 Foreign policy is off limits for voters.
22:00 Worst case scenario of Trump being elected in 2024
23:00 Most voters will never get foreign policy.
24:00 The American readership
25:00 The happy ending
26:00 Norman Vincent Peale
27:00 Nobody thinks Jews are stupid for believing in God.
28:00 A Jehovah's Witness childhood
29:00 Values
30:00 Do people who claim to be Jews, Christians and Muslims really believe in God?
Should Muslims use Western philosophy to do dawah?
31:00 Jewish theology is Jewish philosophy.
32:00 We must learn from our history.
Tisha B'Av
33:00 Gentiles going over their history to learn from their mistakes.
34:00 Why are liberals so warlike?
Yom Kippur
New Light
36:00 Double or quit
37:00 What is success?
38:00 Was Jesus a success?
Monday, 17 June 2024
Haitians and Dominicans on Hispaniola - divided and ruled by the US
Set a reminder for my upcoming Space! https://t.co/A9NpIzvTOJ
— Koranic Secularism (@Book_of_Rules) June 16, 2024
4:00 Authoritarian
5:00 Dominican Republic is East Haiti.
7:00 Hispaniola and Santa Domingo
10:00 Taino people
13:00 Queen Isabella
14:00 The Spanish created a settlement colony, the French created an extraction colony.
15:00 1697 Treaty
21:00 Taino
23:00 Christian
25:00 Belief and behaviour
30:00 Witch doctors
34:00 French Revolution
35:00 Napoleon
37:00 The US
38:00 1913 and 1929
39:00 1967
40:00 Haitians once had complete control of the entire islandn of Hispaniola.
41:00 Haitian Revolution 1803-4
42:00 1821
43:00 Boyer
44:00 Chattel slavery
46:00 Beheadings of Moca
Use of Spanish restricted
47:00 Panama Canal Zone, gold and oil
48:00 Muslim presence in Hispaniola
50:00 Christianity
51:00 Islam
52:00 Papal Bull
Christian Zionism is an American idea.
53:00 British and Anglo Israelism
54:00 Herbert W Armstrong
56:00 Arguing about beliefs
57:00 Albigensian Crusade
58:00 HAN SOLO joins to discuss the Reformation.
59:00 WASP supremacy
1:00:00 American, French and Russian Revolution
1:02:00 There are no rules in the New Testament.
1:03:00 Jews and Muslims have principles.
1:05:00 Constantine the Great
1:06:00 Edward Gibbon said Christianity was the cause of the decline and fall of Rome.
1:08:00 Christendom ended in 1918
1:09:00 British monarchy
1:10:00 5G installed by Huawei
1:11:00 Civil liberties committee report demands end to indiscriminate collection of personal data by British and US agencies
1:12:00 Content controller
1:13:00 Deborah Turness
1:15:00 Trump the nationalist
1:16:00 George Washington's farewell speech
1:18:00 The principle of governing in the national interest
1:19:00 Not supporting marriage means being an ageing and shrinking population.
1:20:00 Reintroducing slavery
1:21:00 Marriage and family courts
1:23:00 Secular Koranism
1:24:00 White people
1:25:00 Marriage contract AKA nikkah
1:26:00 Marriage is buying a house for a woman you hate.
1:27:00 Jefferson's Koran
1:28:00 Judaism is not an organised religion.
1:29:00 Sunnis like Jews - a disorganised religion.
1:30:00 Houthis
1:31:00 Caliphate
1:32:00 Iranian Presidential elections
1:35:00 Trump doesn't want WW3.
Trump prevented many wars.
1:36:00 Praetorian Guard
1:38:00 Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan
1:43:00 Righteous
1:44:00 Pope
1:49:00 Theology
1:52:00 Unmarried parents
1:58:00 Being unprincipled and keeping promises
2:00:00 Youth
2:01:00 Social conservatives are considered to be party poopers by the sexually liberated.
2:05:00 Arranged marriages
2:06:00 Discrimination
2:17:00 Senegal
2:27:00 Unmarried mothers
2:29:00 Man crush on the Jews
2:31:00 Black divisions
2:28:00 When Han Solo became Muslim
2:40:00 Arabic
2:45;00 ADONIS CABRERA joins.
2:48:00 Uncontrolled immigration in the DR
2:56:00 Haiti is the poorest country in the world where gangsters oppress the police.
3:04:00 Haitian population in Flat Bush.
3:06:00 Defamation of the Dominicans by the Haitians
3:12:00 Sharia
3:15:00 Nationalism
3:16:00 USA
3:20:00 Sugar
3:23:00 International Courts
3:46:00 Being Muslim and divorced
4:03:00 Caribbean politics and the hidden hand of Uncle Sam in Hispaniola
4:05:00 Weaponising Haitians against Dominicans
Ukraine and Russia
4:06:00 Betrayal
4:07:00 Crime against humanity
4:09:00 Trump
Third World corruption in America the Banana Republic
4:10:00 Teaching of history changed
4:11:00 The divine narrative defeats the official government narrative.
4:15:00 Slavery and international courts
4:18:00 Treason
4:19:00 Spied on and targeted
4:21:00 Agriculture - slash and burn/planting trees
4:23:00 "taking our sovereignty from us"
4:24:00 Elections
4:25:00 Black Panther
4:27:00 Zelensky and Guaido
4:28:00 Rabbi Dweck
4:30:00 Chief Rabbi of Israel
4:32:00 Righteous rabbis and neocon rabbis
4:34:00 Elections 2024
4:35:00 Israel
4:40:00 The average female voter is indifferent to foreign policy.
4:41:00 Mr and Mrs Zelensky in Vogue
4:42:00 The average age of the Western voter
4:44:00 America does not have an official moral system.
4:45:00 Sharia
4:47:00 Manley P Hall
4:49:00 George Washington's farewell speech
Jefferson's Koran
4:52:00 Separation of church and state
4:54:00 Against liberal democracy
4:56:00 Constantine and the Conversion of Europe by A H M Jones
4:58:00 Three stage legislative process to implement Secular Koranism
5:03:00 State sponsored prayer in public schools
5:05:00 Paper terrorism
5:06:00 Loss of community
5:07:00 Abuja
5:09:00 Judeo-Christian values
5:12:00 Profiteering pastors
5:14:00 Banning usury
5:15:00 Separation of Church and State
5:16:00 Caesar's Messiah
Who Determines The Winning Narrative? (6-16-24)
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
4:00 Why no feedback? 5:00 Over 1000 views Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00 Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...