Monday, 24 June 2024

What's Wrong With Human Rights? (6-23-24) Claire Khaw from 2:22:00

41:00 to 1:22:00 MIKE MALZAHN introduces himself to the Luke Ford community.


2:24:00  Sam Moyne
2:25:00  Human rights
2:27:00  Empires want their imperial political orthodoxy to lord it over the other ideologies it tolerates. 
2:28:00  Free love v marriage
2:29:00  High school students in Luke's school who fornicated and go to church on Sundays

Religion in America is a mile wide and an inch thick.

Christianity is only a communal affiliation and so-called Christians did not allow this affiliation to get in the way of their genital needs. 

2:30:00  America does not have an official religion its ruling classes take seriously and this explains how the American greeting of "happy holidays" came from. 


2:31:00  I know of no religious people who religiously adhere to their religious principles in real life. I do know a few people sincerely and earnestly believe in environmentalism and have sought unsuccessfully to convert me 

2:33:00  Religious principles cannot remain merely optional or people will just opt not to follow them and democratic politicians not follow these principles because they fear unpopularity or do not themselves believe in them.  

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...