Thursday, 27 June 2024

A Consumer's Guide to Religion

2:00  Interrogation of Chinese Noahide by Vincent begins.

4:00  My explanation of the Trinity

5:00  Ancient Chinese belief rejects an immanent God.

6:00  Laozi

The “truth” of the Laozi is “timeless,” according to this view, transcending historical and cultural specificities. 

13:00  Noahide laws

14:00  Midrash/Talmud/Mishnah are not from God.

18:00  Only the Torah comes from God.

19:00  The Talmud and the New Testament has human authors. 

22:00  Fan confirms  that he is not yet Jewish.  

23:00  Judaism is not an organised religion.

24:00  Politics and religion are the same thing. The Noahide laws are useful in getting people to agree on what is obviously the most Noahide gentile religion by ranking the four gentile religions according  to their conformity with the Noahide laws.

25:00  Dungan Revolt

26:00  Heaven

27:00  People want a more hedonistic heaven than singing the praises of God forever.

28:00  Heaven and hell not mentioned in Judaism

29:00  Chinese converts to Judaism

32:00  What happens to good people who don't believe in God?

The Koran says hypocrites whose final destination are cursed by God.

33:00  Tikkun olam

34:00  Jews don't preach.

39:00  Evil inclination

43:00  Satan is controlled by God.

44:00  Agent provocateur

47:00  Book of Job

48:00  Vincent's background

50:00  The Eucharist

51:00  Religious beliefs and principles

A Consumer's Guide to Religion

55:00  Philosophy

Western Confucian

58:00  CCP

1:00:00  Gratitude to God would keep us happy.

1:02:00  Moral agency is displayed when you choose the best religion for your country.

1:03:00  Wuwei

Go with the flow, go along to get along.

1:04:00  Chairman Mao did not go with the flow or go along to get along.

1:06:00  Christianity is idolatry.

1:08:00  China is the country that is most SK-ready.

1:09:00  Muhammad Ma Jian

1:11:00  Jews are Islamophobes and Fan is thinking of converting to Judaism. The rabbi converting a Chinese man would think a Chinese convert a feather in his cap.

1:12:00   Muslims admit they break their own rules. 

1:13:00  Divine right of kings is for absolute monarchs.

1:14:00  Afghanistan

1:15:00  Follow the recipe.

1:16:00  Islamicise!

1:17:00  America's culture war

1:18:00  Penitence

1:19:00  Ottoman Empire

Iranians got their country back with Islam.

1:20:00  It is better to have a recipe book than not to have a recipe book. 

1:21:00  If America became an Islamic Republic.

1:22:00  Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy.

A Muslim king is not halal.

1:23:00  Sunnis want to think they are better than the Shias.

1:24:00  Demographics is destiny.

1:25:00  More Indians than Chinese.

1:27:00  Sichuan's unmarried parents

1:29:00  CURIOUS GAZELLE joins.

1:30:00  MI6

1:32:00  Chinese an empire.

1:33:00  Every generation will be the ideological enemy of the next.

Generations in the West are divided by their taste in music.

1:34:00  Western Confucian

1:36:00  Christianity is a corrupt bargain.

1:37:00  Milo

1:38:00  Luke Ford

1:39:00  Behaving as if you believe

1:40:00  Shavian, Wavian and Khavian

1:41:00  If you believed in God ...

1:43:00  People bored of genocide



Serious, curious, furious. 

1:51:00  Infantilised gay men

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