Saturday, 15 June 2024

The Great Debate | E. Michael Jones vs. Jared Taylor: Is Race an Important Reality or a Fiction?

10:00  JARED TAYLOR argues that race is not a fiction.
12:00  Superior and inferior human beings

30:00  E MICHAEL JONES argues that race is a fiction.
31:00  The difference between categories of the mind and categories of reality
Indiana and Daylight Saving Time
Indianans resetting their clocks twice a year
33:00  False dichotomy
34:00  Fiction can be real. 
Race can be an instrument of oppression. 
35:00  Being bi-racial
36:00  Germans
37:00  Five main races
38:00  Universals

"A basket of deplorables" is a category of the mind of Hillary Clinton, not a category of reality ie that it is her subjective opinion that Trump supporters are indeed deplorable. 

39:00  Umar Lee the white Muslim convert categorised those who wanted to remove the statue at St Louis as white supremacists rather than Catholics. 

39:00  Feminism

40:00  "Catholics still have rights, but white supremacists don't." 

White supremacist was a category of the mind.

Catholic was a category of reality.

Categories of the  mind can be manipulated for abstract purposes. 

Making value judgements on race as regards status

41:00  The working class of America was once divided by race for the purpose of a docile workforce.

Affirmative action is a form of economic injustice.

Muzungu = Swahili for white person

42:00  "White is a category of the mind."

43:00  Ethnicity is based on language. 

44:00  "Hey, asshole!" 

"Asshole is both a category of nature and of mind." 

45:00  If you identify as white, you are the biker who turned round at the biker rally when someone yelled 'Hey, asshole!'

White is a derogatory term which allows those in power to deprive those who identify as white of their rights. 

45:00  Identifying as white is somewhere between being "deplorable" and being an "asshole" internalising the commands of his oppressors and asking for trouble. 

46:00  Identifying as "gunowner" gives you a higher status than being merely white who have been deprived of their free speech and right to assemble. 

47:00  Race is a category of the mind which gets weaponised for political purposes. 

JARED TAYLOR responds.

56:00  Christianity is identified as white. 

58:00  The idea that race is a fiction is exceedingly dangerous to white people, says Jared Taylor. 

1:00:00  E MICHAEL JONES on the sleight of hand used by the equivocal use of the same word.

Illegitimacy in whites and blacks

1:01:00  The Flynn Effect
1:02:00  Family and faith
1:03:00  The Moynihan Report
1:04:00  Brookings Instituate
Cultural change
1:05:00  White have more bastards than blacks.

The culture has changed.

1965 was the crucial year in which the law changed when the law banning the sale of contraceptives  was repealed. 

Hollywood broke the Production Code.

The Pawnbroker

Triple Melting Pot Theory - after three generations, religion is the source of ethnic identity in America

1:06:00  America is made up of three ethnic groups based on three religions: Protestant, Catholic and Jew.

Refusing to consider religion as the problem and solution will make what happened in America "fundamentally mysterious". 

Cultural Revolution of the 1960s led to illegitimacy.

1:06:00  Estelle Griswold

Birth control was a Protestant crusade.

The Rockefeller family is white.

1:06:00  Hollywood was Jewish from its inception.

1:07:00  Religion, not race is the matrix of cultural conflict in America.

The Jewish ADL conceived of hate speech. 

Are Jews white?

1:07:00  Southern Poverty Law Centre  - another Jewish organisation - praised American Renaissance for not being antisemitic. 

1:08:00  America's cultural tribal warfare

1:09:00  Jared Taylor is claimed to be subverting the white race for Jewish interests.

As soon as Jews become white, they become invisible. 

1:11:00  Barbara Lerner Spectre

1:13:00  Jared Taylor's mendacious use of the word "race"

Kevin McDonald, David Duke and Evelyn Rich

Taylor is a "commissar for Jewish interests".

1:14:00  "Once the Jew becomes white, he becomes one of us, which means he becomes invisible and free to wage war on the West by promoting culture-destroying phenomena like abortion, gay marriage, pornography and gay marriage."

By making Jews white, Taylor simultaneously makes whites Jews, turning them into unwitting accomplices in the destruction of their own culture and their own lives.

"Anyone who claims Jews are white is the enemy of white people."

Jared Taylor is accused of handing out spears to white boys to be mown down by machine guns. 

1:15:00  Jennifer Rubin

If Jews are white, why does Jennifer Rubin feel the need to prevent minority white rule?

If Jews are whites, then whites are Jews.

If Jews have power and whites do not then whites who follow Taylor's understanding of race end up internalising the commands of their oppressors and being controlled by the very people they need to oppose. 

Do you turn around when someone yells "Asshole"?

Are you prepared to ruin your life over a category mistake?

1:16:00  JARED TAYLOR responds.

1:17:00  The Flynn Effect

Racial and religious divisions

1:18:00  Not all Jews are enemies.

1:19:00  Family and faith determine intelligence.

1:21:00  E MICHAEL JONES responds on "chubby lesbian kike". It is a matter of status. A "chubby lesbian kike" can call herself a "chubby lesbian kike", but not anyone else. 

1:22:00  Amy Dean

1:23:00  George Soros


1:24:00  Triple Melting Pot

1:25:00  Race is being weaponised.

Segregated schools

1:26:00  If Jews are not white, would everything be fine between EMJ and JT?

Brown v School Board

1:27:00  "Jewish science"

1:33:00  Ancestor worship

1:34:00  Choosing our moral system as a survival strategy

1:35:00  Race, ethnicity and the Catholic Church

1:36:00  Protestant Reformation

1:37:00  The failure of Christianity created racial consciousness.

Madison Grant

1:38:00  Protestant Reformation

1:39:00  "Purely a religious difference"

1:40:00  A Jew can become a Chinaman.

The crucial issue is language.

Blacks becoming Poles and Catholics

1:41:00  "I didn't know black people ate sandwiches."

1:42:00  Weaponised  migration and ethnic cleansing

1:43:00  Why the Irish moved out when they realised blacks were coming to their neighbourhoods

1:44:00  Roman Empire and a question of numbers

1:45:00  Inter-racial  marriages under Catholicism

1:47:00  Difference between the Catholic and Protestant colonisation of America

British imperialism in Canada and wars over whether Christians in Nova Scotia should be Presbyterians or Catholic before being expelled to Louisiana

1:49:00  Critical Race Theory

1:50:00  Race weaponised in a different way

1:54:00  Christianity 

1:55:00  Greece

The Hebrews had history without philosophy and the Greeks had philosophy without history. Christianity combined  them. 

1:56:00  Would EMJ prefer  to live in a non-white Christian society or a white non-Christian society?

He lives in a non-Christian society whether he like it or not.

The issue is morality and morality is based on religion. 

Religion is what protects morality.

Morality is practical reason.

The colour of your skin doesn't matter one way or another if it is a moral culture. 

1:57:00  Isn't not identifying as white conceding to the enemy of white people?

1:58:00  Umar Lee was defeated by the Catholic identity of the statue protectors.

1:59:00  Columbus was white, Italian and possibly a Jew.

2:01:00   The Philippines is more Christian than the West. Soon Christianity will no longer be perceived as white. 

2:02:00  The Catholic Church in Africa

2:04:00  The Jewish Question

Christian and Muslim societies in Africa have very little social trust. 

2:05:00  Neocolonialism

2:06:00  "Left and right are meaningless categories now. Jewish control of our culture is the issue."

The Jewish Question

2:07:00  "the innate altruism of whites"

2:08:00  Liberalism and Conservatism

2:08:00  Catholic Irish replaced by Catholic Poles?

2:09:00  Language, culture and religion is the vehicle of any people.

There would be a Irish-Polish conflict if Poles tried to take over without speaking English. 

2:10:00  Robots

2:11:00  The language of the Irish was stolen from them.

The Protestant colonisation of Ireland and the destruction of Ireland through the Irisih potato famine. 

2;11:00  The Vikings who raped and pillaged their way round Europe were eventually assimilated.

2:12:00  Anti-white or anti-Christian?

2:13:00  White people must defend their rights or go extinct, says Taylor. But how are they going to organise themselves other than through having an official moral system?


2:14:00  Logos, Francis Xavier, China, Matteo Ricci learning Chinese

2:15:00  Regarding Chinese ancestor worship as idolatry ruined the chances of Catholic missionaries in China.

2:16:00  Japanese

The centrality of language

2:17:00  Sports

2:18:00  Brain and mind are two different categories.

2:19:00  "You need a brain to have a mind."

2:20:00  Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

2:22:00  Access to white society meant access to white females.

Norman Mailer the Jew

2:23:00  "White is not a tribe."

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