Sunday, 30 June 2024

Discussing the future of America with Dennis Dale from 1:44:00

1:44:00  I join.
1:46:00  E Michael Jones says American politicians doesn't know how to talk any more.
1:49:00  Informality and hierarchy
1:50:00  Calling the boss by his first name.
1:51:00  Sexual liberation is sexual slavery.
Dress down Fridays turns men into women.
1:53:00  Metrosexual men
1:54:00  The nature and purpose of religion
1:55:00  Conventions are there to protect us from making fools of ourselves. 
1:56:00  Women in the workplace
1:57:00  Admitting errors
1:58:00  Argue your point and only concede when truth, logic and morality defeat us.
1:59:00  The previous generation should apologise to the younger generation.
2:00:00   Redemption
2:01:00   The CIA and Avril Haines
2:02:00   Who runs the CIA?
2:03:00   William Burns reports to Avril Haines.
Propaganda is aimed at the average female voter.
2:05:00  "It's the culture, not a conspiracy."
The buck didn't stop at the White House.
2:07:00  Nobody is in charge.
The opacity of the matriarchy.
2:08:00  The emperor is far away.
Mandate of Heaven
2:10:00  One nation under God 
In God we trust.
2:11:00  "We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion."
2:12:00  The British do not have a constitution at all.
2:13:00  The Doctrine of Parliamentary Supremacy
The Administrative State by Dwight Waldo
2:14:00  Arthur Goldberg and his conversion therapy clinics supported by Torah
2:15:00  Congress has the power of an absolute monarch over the American people. 
2:16:00  Belief in the afterlife is necessary to maintain morality.
2:17:00  "Everyone should be religious but me!"
2:18:00  The Circle of Virtue
2:19:00  The benefits of having a moral system
Foundational values = the Noahide laws
Americans should pursue justice instead of happiness.
2:20:00  What is happiness?
2:21:00  What is justice?
2:22:00  Dennis Dale is now a Secular Koranist! 
2:25:00  How SK USA is to be adopted
2:29:00  The rules are more important than the narrative.
2:31:00  The Enlightenment and empiricism
2:32:00  The Noahide laws
2:33:00  China's social problems
2:34:00  Fair is better than equal.
2:35:00  Married parents should be privileged over non-parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders.
2:36:00  Hindu caste system 
The Three Estates of the Realm
2:38:00  George Washington's warning against political parties
2:39:00  Representative democracy is the problem. 
2:40:00  China would be worse off if it were a representative democracy.
2:41:00  Unprincipled political parties
2:42:00  Atheists, nihilists and narcissists rule us.
2:43:00  Governing in the national interest
2:44:00  The marriageable and unmarriageable
2:45:00  Good times create weak men, weak men create hard  times, hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men.  

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