Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Comrade Clubs under Secular Koranism

2:00  Right thought, right speech, right action. 

4:00  PHINNEOUS joins.

5:00  Spinoza

6:00  Divine revelation

7:00  Chief Rabbi Metzger

8:00  Idolatry

11:00  Shituf is worse than avodah zara.

12:00  Breaking the Sabbath by flicking the light switch

13:00  The Noahide laws

14:00  Secular By Design by Alan Cecil

20:00  Beth Din, mikveh and synagogue

22:00  Chabad

24:00  Jews being liberal and divided

26:00  Joke

31:00  Idolatry

32:00  Associating partners with God

33:00  Jesus is the Messiah.

34:00  Deuteronomy 13

35:00  Rabbi Schneerson

36:00  Excommunication

Sam Samuels

37:00  Jesus was executed for blasphemy.

38:00  Isaiah was a prophet and a revolutionary.

41:00  Messiah

42:00  Benjamin Netanyahu

43:00  Trump

44:00  Chabad are a bad influence.

45:00  Jews don't want a Torah theocracy.

46:00  People want the world to end.

47:00  Jehovah's Witnesses

48:00  Messiah

49:00  We still have to obey God's laws whether the Messiah is coming or not.

52:00  Messiah Substitute

53:00  Vincent as a Secular Koranist

55:00  Right thought, right speech, right action

56:00  Islam

57:00  Vincent wriggling out of becoming a Secular Koranist

59:00  LGBT

1:01:00  Artificial wombs and castrated men living longer

1:03:00  Corporal punishment for sex offenders who are unmarried parents

1:04:00  I pretend to be Vincent Bruno announcing becoming Secular Koranist.

1:08:00  Frightening white people into marrying 

1:09:00  Marriage is a very delicate mechanism.

1:10:00  Vincent's niche position

1:11:00  Vincent Sharia Lord of America

Domestic partnership contracts and the Noahide laws

1:12:00  Apps for domestic partnerships

1:13:00  MAGA

1:14:00  We are the people with the bad mad sad government.

1:15:00  No atheists in foxholes.

1:16:00  Comrade Clubs

1:17:00  Muslims inviting Vincent on their channels

1:18:00  David Duke

1:19:00  BLINDMAN joins.

1:25:00  Corporal punishment

1:26:00  Jordan does not have corporal punishment.

1:27:00  Family Security Unit

1:29:00  Jews


1:30:00  Sharia

1:32:00  JIMMY CHEN joins.

1:34:00  Sichuan's unmarried parents

1:35:00  Polygamy

1:37:00  Marxist manuals

1:38:00  Evil empire

1:39:00  Jews

1:42:00  Communist China

1:44:00  AI

Shanghai Stock Exchange

1:48:00  Zoroastrianism

1:49:00  Idol worshipers

1:53:00  No such thing as freedom.

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