Monday, 25 November 2024

Does God really care about Nigerian pain and suffering?

17:39:00  CLAIRE KHAW joins to say that God is not Jesus.  

17:40:00  The Afterlife

17:41:00  Non-religious solutions

"The proof of the afterlife is cemeteries." 

17:42:00  Functional societies

17:43:00  Scandinavian countries


17:45:00  More feminism is being proposed to solve the problems created by feminism. 

17:47:00  Belief in God "romanticises poverty and glorifies suffering."

17:49:00  The suffering of disabled children can be explained by reincarnation. 

17:50:00  The suffering of innocents can be explained by reincarnation.

17:51:00  If we want to make it logical to believe that good is rewarded and evil punished in this life or the next, it is necessary for us to believe in the Abrahamic God because only He has the capacity to administer divine justice in a morally perfect way. 

17:52:00  There is only one Abrahamic God.

17:53:00  The importance of the afterlife

17:54:00  Only the all-powerful Abrahamic God rewards good and evil in this life and the next. 

If the Abrahamic God exists, why believe in the inferior Eastern religions?

17:55:00  Buddhism and basket case Buddhist countries

17:56:00  There are now more Muslims than Christians in Nigeria. 

17:57:00  An agnostic can still see the nature and purpose of God and the utility of obeying His laws.

Jews are evidence of God's existence.

17:58:00  Global imperialism is a global career opportunity. 
Trump is treated as a heretic by the liberal order. 
18:00:00  LGBT should be treated as second class. 
18:01:00  Married parents should be privileged over non-parents and unmarried parents treated as sex offenders.
18:02:00  My agnosticism is confirmed. 
18:03:00  The Torah endorses genocide of Amalek, but the Koran does not. 
18:04:00 supports the First Amendment. 

Muslims have been misinterpreting the Koran for nearly 1400 years. 

18:05:00  The age of Aisha was in dispute.
18:06:00  The marriage practices of child betrothal.
18:07:00  Why a waiting period of three months is necessary before divorce
18:08:00  A girl becomes a woman when she is in theory capable of bearing children ie when she begins her menses.
18:09:00  Allah is the best of all legislators.
18:10:00  The Abrahamic religions are more powerful than the Eastern religions.

I concede that religion - being about law and war - is about the ability to inflict organised violence on out groups. 

18:11:00  It is not explained how the Abrahamic God made people reject their desire for wealth and prosperity. 

18:12:00  America is not a Christian country. If Americans can be said to be Christian, they are only cultural Christians not mindful of Christian principles.

None of the most powerful American entities are Christian eg Microsoft, Lockheed Martin etc.

18:13:00  The roots of the American Republic are in fact Islamic because supports the First Amendment. 

Were the Deists of early America Spinozans?

18:14:00  When the Founding Fathers established Thanksgiving, who did they think they were thanking?

18:15:00  "In God we trust" and "One nation under God"

Halloween is a Day of the Dead.

The utility of pretending to believe in God

18:16:00  Christian beliefs are absurd.  

Muslims don't think the Kabbah is Allah. 

Muslims don't think Muhammad is divine. 

Blasphemy laws in Pakistan

18:18:00  Jihad
Holy War
Religion is social technology.

18:19:00  Judaism and Islam have been an arms race of theological weaponry. The winner must now be declared.

The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.

My agnosticism must have begun between the time I identified as atheist and the time I identified as agnostic - sometime after 2009. I was certainly agnostic in 2018.

18:20:00  I am diagnosed with psychopathy.

18:21:00  The Koran does not say execute apostates. 

18:22:00  I reject the Hadith when it contradicts the Koran. 

18:22:00  Even if you choose the religion with the best available guide to humanity, your civilisation can still fall if you don't follow it properly. 

18:24:00  Muslims are well known for ignoring their own rules causing their own empires to crash and burn. 

The penalty for breaking the Sabbath is death by stoning.

18:26:00  Christianity was a cooked up all the way back in the Council of Nicaea in 325.

Deuteronomy 13:16

18:30:00  Christianity was superseded by liberalism as the official political system of the West.

18:31:00  Patriarchy is the obvious choice if matriarchy is the alternative. Patriarchy is eugenic, matriarchy dysgenic. 

Patriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. 

Matriarchy is a society prioritising the preferences  of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. 

The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents
The perfect matriarchy -  100% unmarried parents.

All advanced and healthy civilisations are patriarchies. 

All primitive, declining, extinct or soon to be extinct societies are matriarchies. 

Non-parents would be second class, unmarried parents would be third class. 

18:32:00  Men have become second class citizens after submitting to feminism.

18:33:00  GDP

18:34:00  I propose a one-party state and China is the most Secular Koranist-ready country in the world. 

18:35:00  I equate liberalism with sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting. 

Secular Koranism is the Eight Wonder of the World! 

Nigerian currency

18:36:00  Some Nigerians want the return of their military dictatorship. 

18:37:00  Nigerians for Trump?

19:02:00  We need to acknowledge the existence of the Abrahamic God making us more likely to adopt sharia and by obeying His laws enjoy the benefit of their justice and protection.

19:03:00  If Americans adopted sharia, they would be more likely to read the Koran to know their rights to protect themselves from their corrupt and incompetent ruling classes. 

Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarchy. 

19:04:00  Muslims are too afraid to say that monarchy is haram. 

19:05:00  Because 80% of Muslims are Sunnis, they are unlikely to acknowledge that the Iranians were the ones who most successfully used Islam to get their country back from the Western imperialists. 

Iran enjoys national sovereignty. 

19:09:00  Secular Koranism with African Characteristics

19:10:00  Secular Koranism with African Christian Characteristics

Culture is a product law and morality.

19:11:00  Arabic culture

19:13:00  Scorning spirituality

19:15:00  Science and technology

19:16:00  The problem of corruption

19:18:00  Atheism justifies short term thinking.

9:00  Nigeria is the top oil producing country in Africa but it's got a low life expectancy, a high rate of illiteracy, a very high infant mortality rate. That huge amount of natural wealth in Nigeria oil which is the most valuable commodity in our Global fossil fuel-based economy is not under the control of the Nigerian people. it's under the control of Exxon Mobile BP and Chevron and the profit from Nigeria's oil is going to the Wall Street monopolies and the London Stock Exchange. HSBC Bank (which is BP), the Exxon Mobile corporation (which is Chase Bank) are the ones getting rich off Nigeria's natural wealth. 

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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