Sunday, 10 November 2024

Possession is nine-tenths of the law and the law of non-contradiction

9:00  Space begins joined by Abdel Rahman.

10:00  Remembrance Sunday to stop Britons questioning whether their ancestors died for Zionism.

11:00  The Ottoman Empire and the Palestine Mandate

12:00  Israel is a US colony.

Balfour Declaration 

15:00 Nothing burger 

16:00  Israeli and Moroccan football violence

17:00  SHARON SCOTT joins to say that the Remembrance Sunday ceremony was a disgrace.

18:00  Zionism is required of the British political establishment. 

20:00  WW2 and the Balfour Declaration


21:00  Lies


22:00  The British government is invested  in the Holocaust narrative.

Estimates of the total number of people who died in World War II range from 35 million to 85 million. The war was the deadliest in history, and more than half of the deaths were civilians. 

23:00  Russian casualties

24:00  The beneficiary of WW2 was America.

The purpose of WW2 was to create Israel. 

25:00  Theodore Herzl

26:00  Wars are funded by usury.

27:00  Proposals for a Jewish homeland at first did not include Israel.

Garbled history of Israel

28:00  The conquest of Canaan

31:00  Canaanites are Palestinians. 

32:00  The Canaanites were idolaters who deserved  to be conquered by a stronger religion. 

33:00  Genetics

What was Palestine before it was Palestine?

34:00  Sykes-Picot Agreement 

37:00  France was conquered by the Romans.

38:00  It is not unimaginable that the French are expelled from France the way Jews were expelled from Israeli. It wouldn't be fair, but it could in theory happen. 

39:00  Nobody can agree on morality but people are likely to agree on whether a law is in force or not. 

42:00  Love thy neighbour.

43:00  Can ethical monotheists live in harmony with idolaters who practise human sacrifice?

44:00  Would a marriage of an ethical monotheist and an idolater be capable of producing children who are a credit to their parents?

Even atheists have their own belief systems. 

45:00  Open society is not open borders?

47:00  The rules, the rules

God is not a good liberal. 

48:00  "It wasn't one god that created the Universe, but gods. God with Mother Nature created the Universe."

49:00  "I believe in humanity."

50:00  Women cannot be reasoned with. 

51:00  Hierarchy

52:00  Stories

Creation Story

There is not much explanatory power to anything else that is not the Uncaused First Cause.

54:00  Christianity displaced the Greek pantheon because a more powerful idea displaced a less powerful idea. 

The Torah has 36 capital offences.

Jesus was convicted of blasphemy.

Christians are guilty of idolatry when they worship Jesus. 

55:00  Capital offences in Judaism 

56:00  The Koran has the most explanatory power.

How to win the argument against Jews

57:00  Aesthetics

58:00  Unpleasant things like slaughter and war

The ugly truth

59:00  Does the Koran abrogate the Torah?

1:00:00  King Solomon succeeded David

1:01:00  Eternal kingdom or covenant?

1:02:00  Monarchy is not supported by God.

1:03:00  The Book of Samuel

1:05:00  The Messiah would come from the Davidic line. 

1:08:00  Reverse  psychology

Pragmatic secular Jews would choose sharia if they could only choose between sharia and a Torah theocracy.

1:10:00   The Eastern religions are not good enough.

1:11:00   Christianity is only a cultural affiliation for atheists and nihilists.

1:13:00   Job 

1:14:00   Sadducees did not even believe in God.

Atheists are very easy to bribe and threaten.

1:15:00  Jesus did not die on the cross.

1:16:00  Calling out Christians on their hypocrisy.

Acts of the Apostles

1:20:00  Jesus the lamb of God was a down payment of our sins.

1:21:00  Last prophet

1:22:00  Christians are now defenceless against accusations of idolatry.

1:23:00  Why Westerners are nervous of Nazis

1:25:00  The law of non-contradiction

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...