Thursday, 28 November 2024

Orthodox Christianity and the late Seraphim Rose

13:00  Moral imperative

14:00  Moral system

16:00  Jews have a better religion than Christians.

17:00  Joseph 


18:00  The difference between Hebrews and Jews

19:00  The Torah < The Koran

20:00  What is the best available guide to humanity if not the Koran?

23:00  Social and cultural reasons prevent former Christians from converting to Islam

24:00  Lutheran and Baptist before Orthodox.

27:00  A trough

28:00  Paedo-baptism and a credal ceremony

29:00  Anabaptists

30:00  Baptised 40 days after birth

32:00  Churches were indoctrination centres.

33:00  We only think we are free.


34:00  Patriarchy is a breeding programme.

36:00  Children, abortions

37:00  Extinctionists

40:00  Orthodox role models

41:00  Seraphim Rose

What did Seraphim Rose say about Islam?

Seraphim Rose wrote relatively little about Islam compared to other topics. In his book "Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future," he addresses Islam alongside Judaism in the chapter on "The Monotheistic Religions." Fr. Seraphim is clear in his position that the "god" of Islam is not the True God. He implicitly refutes Islam's doctrine of Tawhid (the oneness of Allah) by citing the essay by Fr. Basile Stakkas, where he challenges Islam's claim to be an Abrahamic faith, pointing out that Abraham worshipped the One God in Trinity as per the Old Testament account. 

Considering the context of his time, Islam was not as prominently on his radar as other Eastern religious movements like Zen Buddhism and Hinduism, which were more prevalent in the cultural and spiritual discourse of the West during his lifetime. However, reflecting on what he might say in today's context, some suggest that Fr. Seraphim would have seen events like the 9/11 attacks as signs of the times, urging repentance among Orthodox Christians and viewing such events as manifestations of the forces of evil due to the world's rejection of God. He would likely have pointed to the spirit of antichrist in the trend of Christians converting to Islam post-9/11. 

Additionally, Fr. Seraphim would have likely appreciated and supported the works of scholars and theologians like Dcn George Maximov, Dr. Mark Durie, Bat Ye'or, and Andrew Bostom, who have documented the history of Islamic jihad and the treatment of non-Muslims, drawing parallels to the struggles of Orthodox Christians under historical Islamic rule. His approach would have been to encourage a fervent, heartfelt practice of Orthodoxy as a response to these challenges.

44:00  Rose was gay.

48:00  Confession

50:00  Absolution

52:00  Non-Orthodox forms of Christianity

57:00  MURAD joins.

1:06:00  Death penalty

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