Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Can theocracy regulate technocracy?

1:00  KNIGHT joins.

2:00  Salafists

3:00  Hadith weak and strong

5:00  Hamza Yousuf, Sufi, idolaters

Praying to saints

6:00  Praying to Mary 


7:00  Make dua

9:00  Idolatry

10:00  Sufi

11:00  Feminised Buddha



13:00  Innovations

Law or spirituality?

15:00  Hypocrites who pretend to believe

Andrew Tate

16:00  Being mean to converts

18:00  Converts start again with a clean slate.

19:00  Brittany Renner

21:00  Feminism

22:00  Competing with each other for pecking order

CAROL joins.

23:00  Asking anyone deceased to do anything for you suggests you think they are immortal and therefore divine. 

25:00  Takfir


27:00  Sufi orders are not pacifists.

29:00  Atharism


30:00  Feminists cannot be good Muslims.

31:00  First, Second and Third Wave Feminism

33:00  Jewish heretics

34:00  Cultural Muslims

35:00  Christian idolatry

36:00  Salafist interpretation

37:00  Secular Koranism adopts the literal and permissive interpretation.

39:00  Age of Aisha

40:00  Manumission

42:00  VINCENT BRUNO joins.

43:00  Children of slaves

44:00  Liberalism

47:00  Evil Western governments are just treating white people like a bad batch of defective products to be disposed of.

51:00  The average Westerner cannot decide whether he hates Jews or Muslims more.

Natural law

52:00  Liberalism and equality

55:00  Muslims in Saudi, Jordan and Iran terror of their government begging Vincent Bruno to delete  his Spaces.

58:00 Muslims with social media posts that end them in prison or worse

1:00:00  Sodomites are considered to be sex offenders in Muslim countries.

1:01:00  Carol asks what is the difference between being jailed for boasting about being a sex offender and being sacked for expressing the wrong views. 

1:06:00  HEDGEHOG joins.

1:08:00  quran.com/2/256

1:09:00  Gulf kingdoms are not halal.

1:11:00  Marriage and family values

1:15:00  Sodomy is a sexual offence in Islam.

1:17:00  Free speech

1:18:00  Not advisable to boast about your gay lifestyle. 

1:20:00  High standards of sexual morality

1:23:00  Influencing minors

1:25:00  Carol was in California when she converted to Islam.

1:26:00  Dealing with adolescents on X

1:31:00  "It shouldn't be this way" is a childish way of saying "It's not fair."

1:32:00  Comrade clubs under Secular Koranism for gay people

1:37:00  Justice is not lowering standards of sexual morality.

1:38:00  A pair of sodomites are not the equivalent of married parents.

1:41:00  Marriage and family values

1:42:00  Forcing porn on children?

1:43:00  Justice is privileging married parents over sex offenders. 

1:44:00  Cosmetology school

1:45:00  Children playing in the park

1:46:00  Child sex predators hanging around playgrounds

Making it OK for men to be gay will not be increasing the birth rate.

1:47:00  Adultery

1:49:00  Undermining parental authority

1:52:00  Confessing to drug use

1:53:00  Teacher telling her class what she got up to at the weekend

1:55:00  Dumber and dumber high school graduates

1:56:00  Draft dodging during the Vietnam War

1:58:00  Carol's friend having her butt grabbed in public

1:59:00  Calling the cops

2:00:00  Teachers should just teach their class the lesson.

2:01:00  Teachers wasting time telling pupils they went skinny dipping

2:04:00  Chicago and Paris Airport

2:07:00  Margaret Sanger

2:08:00  Gay political activism in Saudi

2:10:00  Children and adult library card

2:11:00  HEDGEHOG rejoins. 

2:12:00  X is a private platform. 

2:13:00  Non-parents have no locus standi to tell married parents how to parent their offspring.

2:15:00  The government should be telling us how to think correctly.

2:16:00  Sex offenders would not be in a position to give lectures in morality to married parents. 

2:18:00  Saudi Arabia is known for imprisoning and executing people for social media posts.


2:19:00  Having a constitutional monarchy muddies the water about what rights subjects of a monarch have.

2:20:00  Britain is the birthplace of Anglicanism and remains a monarchy giving the British their Christian identity when in fact most Britons are atheists and liberalism is really the uncodified unofficial moral system.

Who is a paid up Christian?

2:24:00  Ahmadiyya Muslims

2:25:00  If America adopts SK, then its vassals would also adopt it.

2:26:00  SK is moral and political.

SK is a legal system, not a belief system.

2:27:00  Islam gives more privacy to the citizen. 

2:28:00  Any accusation requires more than one witness.


2:29:00  An incriminating photograph posted on media can have thousands of witnesses.

2:31:00  Catholic Italians practised honour killing.

2:32:00  Tirana in Albania

2:34:00  SK USA would prevent globohomo.

2:37:00  SK is not Islam.

2:38:00  I am described as "a kind of nationalist".

2:41:00  The SK interpretation would be the law of the land for everyone in the country - Sunni, Shia or non-Muslim.

2:43:00  SK would restore the patriarchy and promote the national interest.

2:45:00  The New Testament cannot be used as the basis of any legal system, but the Old Testament has 36 capital offences.

2:48:00  Hedgehog accuses.

2:49:00  Cultural differences

2:50:00  The international order under Secular Koranism

2:51:00  The suffrage under Secular Koranism

Just to be clear about SK's position on voting under a one-party theocracy: groups would vote for their representatives eg married fathers, married mothers, spinsters, bachelors, brothel keepers, prostitutes and even slaves, but not sex offenders because they are not supposed to exist.  

These representatives would make representations on behalf of the group that chose them and the government would consult them on matters under the principle of shura.

2:53:00  SK would promote government in the national interest. It is clearly in the national interest to restore the patriarchy ie resume the eugenic practice of marriage. 

Either the global American Empire is dismantled under SK, or it would be better run with all its vassal states enjoying what Catholic teaching calls subsidiarity under SK. Subsidiarity is the principle of allowing local autonomy if it is not against the national or imperial interest to do so.  

I have no moral objection to global empires if it is a moral empire, but it is objectionable if it is poisoning  its own people while propagating the policies of Sodom and Gomorrah. The West seems to be a kind of black hole of the DNA of all races and nations of the world at the moment.

I don't want to be seen as being hostile to white people but there are longstanding issues that they are currently unable to come to terms with, in particular their Christian/Liberal identity which I feel must be abandoned before things will get better. 

To get life-saving medical attention, the patient must first admit he is ill.

2:56:00  I am equated with Karl Marx! 

2:57:00  The US constitution would have to be reconstituted. 


3:01:00  Neurotic Westerners

3:02:00  Contraception

3:03:00  The Nanny State

Technology is neutral.

3:04:00  The right to bear arms

3:06:00  Swiping  right or left

3:07:00  Unmarried parents

The effeminacy of Western men


3:08:00  Loss of bourgeois values in white people

3:09:00  Californians are being rewarded for being irresponsible.

3:12:00  It is not technology that is causing the problem but government not supporting marriage.

3:13:00  Female encroachment

3:15:00  Red light districts in Soho

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

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