Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Should free love be forbidden?

10:00  An unprecedented level of paranoia? 

12:00  Is it illogical not to obey the laws of the Abrahamic God?

14:00  Carol Balizet

19:00  Ingredients of a cult

Vincent Bruno being the gay prophet mad scientist

20:00  Women's attitude towards women

21:00  Vincent thinks women are scary and subversive.

22:00  How to get women to support marriage

23:00  Mothers should look after their own children.

Carers in a nursery were high.

24:00  Art teacher in a nursery

25:00  Getting members of the extended family to do the babysitting.

26:00  Narcissists accusing each other of narcissism.

The lethal attraction of Narcissus

27:00  Vincent's relationship with his mother

28:00  Whacked by a yardstick

31:00  State interference with parenting

32:00  Warehousing kids

33:00  Church playgroups

Women's work is important. 

34:00  Somebody has to stay at home and be the responsible adult at home.

35:00  The Norland Nanny

36:00  Reactive Attachment Disorder

37:00  Toxic relationships

38:00  Bipolar

39:00  Peekaboo game

40:00  Gay men would not be thanking Vincent for his Brave New World.

41:00  Polyamory

Institutionalised orphanages


43:00  Secular Koranism

45:00  Married parents assume a more onerous burden than non-parents.

48:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

49:00  Mark Collett is not a married father.

50:00  No nationalist will campaign to abolish no fault divorce.

52:00  Bastardy is a trinity is sin. 

53:00  85-90% of children born in Jamaica are illegitimate.

54:00  Moral and political leadership

55:00  Values and narratives

57:00  Not everyone wants to live in a commune.

58:00   Women going on a sex strike

59:00   The law is the algorithm of human behaviour.

1:01:00  Licensed love hotels? 

1:02:00  Childcare

1:03:00  What is our moral system?

1:04:00  Red light districts

1:05:00  Sex shop in London

1:06:00  Prostitution

1:07:00  Neither the Bible nor the Koran forbid prostitution or slavery.

1:10:00  Carol thinks prostitutes are worse than women who give free love.

1:11:00  Ending paternity suits by requiring men to only maintain their legitimate offspring.

1:12:00  Unmarried parents should be treated as sex offenders.

1:15:00  Rahab the prostitute married a prophet of God.

1:16:00  Objectification

1:18:00  Registry of Marriage

1:21:00  Female suppliers of sex come in three groups: wives, prostitutes and fornicatresses.

1:24:00  Carol denying the humanity of johns and prostitutes.

1:25:00  Objectification

1:28:00  Marriage license

1:29:00  Bigamy and polygamy

1:30:00  Married fathers get a free DNA test every time their wife has a child. 

1:31:00  No more paternity suits if no man is obliged to maintain his children if they are not legitimate.

1:33:00  A, B and B+  school

1:36:00  Katharine Birbalsingh

1:37:00  Pupils should stand up when teacher comes into the class.

1:38:00  Catholic school

1:39:00  High school

1:40:00  No whites in a school toilet.

1:41:00  Single sex secondary school

1:42:00  Objectification of cheerleaders and jocks to be prom king and prom queen

1:45:00  International school

1:47:00  White culture

1:48:00  German culture

Trailer vacations

1:49:00  C-rations

1:51:00  Sweet Sixteen Parties

1:52:00  Irish culture

1:53:00  Culture and law

1:54:00  Parents born in 1915

1:58:00  Shouldn't the government support patriarchy over matriarchy?

2:00:00  White culture

2:02:00  Marriage needs to be supported by law.

2:03:00  Email circulation lists

2:04:00  Atheist sister

2:05:00  Vincent Bruno would only support four Noahide laws.

2:06:00  Hypocrites 

2:07:00  Swinging 60s and the Pill

Is free love a human right?

2:08:00  Gay marriage was legalised under Obama in 2015.


2:11:00  Talking to children

2:13:00  Statutory rape

2:14:00  Gay men

2:19:00  Liberal politics

2:21:00  Not talking to strange men

2:22:00  The Catholic and Protestant divide

2:23:00  WASP supremacy

2:24:00  Henry VIII

The disintegration of the Roman Empire

2:25:00  Constantine the Great

2:26:00  Divine right of kings


2:27:00  Martin Luther

2:29:00  William Tyndale

2:38:00  Henry VIII

2:39:00  Hasmonean Dynasty

Islamic scholars in Saudi do not enjoy their First Amendment rights under their absolute monarch.

2:40:00  Sunni Muslims still don't understand that monarchy is not halal. 

2:41:00  Shias are there ones with a Supreme Leader in their Iranian Republic. 

2:42:00  The Book of Samuel

The Jews did not have a good run of kings, nor did Christians or Muslims. 

2:44:00  Summary

The best way of displaying our moral agency is to choose the most powerful being conceivable who has given us His clearest and least restrictive guidance ie the Koran.

7/7 is the absolute minimum. Secular Koranism is 5/7. Vincent proposes to lower it to 4/7.

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AI fun with Secular Koranism with Vincent Bruno #11 Brian Thompson; socialised healthcare; idolatry

Healthcare under Secular Koranism mentioning Brian Thompson 7:00  [Reading begins.] 18:00  The harm of idolatry 25:00  [Reading begins.] 33:...