Thursday, 30 January 2020

Liberalism came from the French Revolution

If France had been an Islamic State, the conditions that provoked the French Revolution would not have existed. Now that Western Man knows Christianity is kaput, now is the opportunity to trade up to Islam. Secular Koranism is here to make the transition easier. All that is required of Jews is they confirm that Islam is more Noahide than Christianity which it is their religious duty to do.

If Judaism is Monotheism Mark I and Christianity is Mark II, then Islam is Monotheism Mark III, the latest and most advanced model of Monotheism, complete with driver's manual and MoT. Why settle for anything less?

Jews have a duty to the gentile

The least Jews should be doing - if they care about their duty to promote the Noahide laws - is to say that Islam is more Noahide than Christianity. Since they refuse, we all suffer.

It is unlikely that Christians would relish being told by Jews that their worship of an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God amounts to blasphemous idolatry, so it is really up to Muslims to give them a bit of a nudge and a prod since I cannot see Jews being too keen to perform this centuries neglected task unbidden. They will probably be too ashamed of themselves to draw attention to this omission. If Jews and Muslims are too afraid to do this themselves for fear of provoking another Inquisition or Crusade, they could just pay me to do it.

Muslims could be contacting their local rabbis asking them what they think 18:4 of the Koran could possibly mean and why Jews are allowed to enter mosques but forbidden from entering churches.

Rabbis should be asked what they think Jews have been chosen by God to do if not promote the Noahide laws by promoting Islam in Western nations and campaigning for the Israeli government to adopt Secular Koranism.  When Israel becomes a one party theocracy, it can finally do what it is supposed to do: be light of the nations to light the way for one party theocracies all over the world. 

My road map to global Secular Koranism

Those who are most humble before God obey His laws most conscientiously.

The Torah is too harsh, and had its principles diluted by the Talmud.

The New Testament was written by some guys called Matt, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, Pete and Tim who are not even claimed by Christians to be divine. If the distillation of Christian wisdom is contained in the Sermon on the Mount with its confusing, extremist but vague statements, then it is clearly vastly inferior to the Koran. Any civilisation basing their theocracy on the New Testament would end up fighting a continental War of Religion, and this was exactly what the European Wars of Religion was all about. Too bad most Islamophobic Westerners have never heard of this.

The Koran is capable of being interpreted literally without doing violence to our ideas of Justice, Reason, Truth and Humanity.

If I were a billionaire, I would have essay writing competitions for lawyers who have read the Koran for the best essays on how their government adopting slut-shaming Secular Koranism would make their nation and the world a better place if major nations of the world adopted it.

The best essay would get £3M, the second £2M, the third £1M. There will be smaller prizes too for graduates who have read the Koran eg philosophy, economics, sociology, psychology.

This can be done globally in all non-Muslim countries for global Secular Koranism.

Let us hope that it is in 2020 that my genius will finally be acknowledged, nationally and internationally.

Muslims doing their dawa should already be lavishly donating to my Patreon account to reward me for my global dawa.

Jews should declare Christianity idolatrous and non-idolatrous Islam more Noahide than Christianity

0:01  I didn't manage to get the sound of the Aaron "party" stream after all. Apologies. This Neo-Nazi/alt-right house party in Jerusalem has been deleted.

2:00  Aaron Amihud won't let me on his streams because he hates and fears Secular Koranism. If you asked him for a reason, he would pretend it is for reasons of restoring the patriarchy, but that is just nonsense, and restoring the patriarchy does not mean not allowing Claire Khaw - who wants to restore the patriarchy - on your streams. My position is that only Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy in Western nations and Aaron in his cowardice cannot accept that nor can he argue against it. Christianity is kaput and is in any case idolatrous, so as a Jew Aaron cannot tell Western nations to be more Christian. He knows he is conflicted, and he knows I know he is conflicted and that is the real reason why he bans me from his streams. In fact, I tried to ask him about his views on Chabad's Jew-administered Noahidism, but he ended a stream rather than answer my question, because he feared my forensic questioning. We presented five streams together at his suggestion and you can hear them all at  It seems he gave up trying to demonstrate that Secular Koranism was not viable or moral and wants to deprive me of the oxygen of publicity by excluding me from the conversation, just like liberal media.

4:00 The irony of Jewish Aaron allowing White Nationalists and larping Nazis to take over his stream

6:00  My exchanges with Chabad rabbis on the Noahide laws

8:00  The medium of the written word is more subject to analysis than the spoken word.

10:00  Our religion defines our politics.

11:00  Religion is a standard of behaviour.

12:00  Unprincipled people make society unstable and life unpredictable.

13:00  A political system with a high turnover means the velocity of buck-passing is high and government unaccountable.

14:00  We prefer to deal with people we know and trust.

15:00  We want our leader to be the same person for as long as possible if we already trust him.

16:00  The obvious solution of a one party theocracy

17:00  All political parties should promote the national interest, and nationalism is government in the national interest.

18:00  Wisdom is long-term thinking with a goal in mind, and with the discipline of postponing pleasure, to the extent of waiting until the afterlife to enjoy guilty pleasures.

19:00  Time and energy is wasted in political rallies, making false promises and telling lies in liberal democracies.

20:00  Just govern the country properly already!

21:00  Democracy and Christianity is really stupid so it was always bound to crash and burn anyway. Antisemites attribute the indifference, incompetence and corruption of their governments to Jewish subversion and refuse to believe that their kaput religion that they themselves don't even believe in and the democracy that they now reject for a White Nationalist Dictator were anything less than perfect, until the Jews came along. They are like a householder whose roof is leaking going around beating up other members of the household after falsely accusing them of causing the roof to leak and evicting them rather than calling the roofer. Things will only get worse for the White Man if he does not adopt Secular Koranism pronto. 

22:00  The bloody history of schismatic Christianity and the European Wars of Religion

23:00  People of the same race and religion can be horrid to each other eg European Wars of Religion, War of the Roses, the Highland Clearances, the American Civil War, WW1, WW2,

24:00  The in-fighting of echo chambers and the splintering of echo chambers into mini-echo chambers

25:00  Patriarchy is more likely to endure in a theocracy that promotes patriarchal moral values.

26:00  Even murderers can see the point of laws against homicide.

27:00  The New Testament is not a good enough document to base your theocracy on, but the Koran is. The Torah is far too harsh even for Jews, which is why over the centuries they have interpreted away most of it with the Talmud.

28:00  The defective scripture of Buddhism and Hindus explains why they have never achieved empire. The Chinese government is wise enough not to identify China with Buddhism because it is useless for statecraft. For statecraft, the Chinese government has always used political philosophers operating on legalism. Legalism would have a field day with Secular Koranism and I look forward to the day when I hear the Chinese government proclaiming that it is operating "Secular Koranisim with Chinese characteristics". It is envisaged that there will be many varieties of Secular Koranism eg American, French, Italian, German, Polish, Hungarian, Austrian, Russian, Irish etc and last but not least, one with British characteristics, whatever that will mean by then.

29:00  There is a natural and logical hierarchy of everything.

30:00  The impracticable ideas of the French Revolution

31:00  Egalitarianism is the greatest injustice of treating unequal things equally, but the caste system is too rigid. Secular Koranism will bring about a socially mobile meritocracy that is intended to benefit the traditionally despised lower middle classes.

32:00  A meritocracy logically and necessarily has class mobility and Secular Koranism would bring this about by giving society a formal hierarchy while allowing for class mobility. In practice, Secular Koranism would favour the lower middle classes that have been traditionally despised by those above and below them.  Islamic inheritance rules and freedom of disposition

33:00  The eugenic nature of marriage and how it is the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy

34:00  I have been asking white people to take me to their leader for years but nobody can tell me who it is really because the velocity of the buck-passing is increasing  ie the buck was being passed around faster and faster until it is now just a blur. Harry Truman was saying as long ago as the 1950s that the buck stops at the White House, but that didn't happen, did it? Perhaps it is time for America to have a more Chinese political system. This would stop them from being always angry and envious of the Chinese and I think this is what the Chinese are hoping the Americans will do, eventually. Presumably, this is why the Chinese are producing their helpful and tuneful propaganda videos with catchy songs sung in American accents about how China is run so much better with its much cleverer politicians because it just has a much more rational political system run by people who are not completely intellectually crippled through indoctrination by feminism and Political Correctness.

35:00  The long term national interest, national identity and how history is being taught

36:00  Female masochism

37:00  BBC Radio 4 dumbed down by feminism.

38:00  Perhaps 2020 will be the year my genius is nationally and perhaps internationally acknowledged. This is not just for my own aggrandisement and I am thinking of my dear parents. Currently, they think I am just a crank, so it would be so nice if they could feel proud of me after all they have done for me, having paid for my expensive education.

39:00  Phatic expressions of antisemitism are an emotional release for emasculated and helpless men like OV and his associates who know their matriarchy only wants them to become women and will provide them with the means to mutilate their sex organs and sterilise themselves, further morally crippling the men and making it impossible for them to even aspire to become a society of married fathers that is a patriarchy. Make no mistake: a matriarchy is in fact satanic, and, dare I say it, Amalekite. I am not saying they should be exterminated by Jews,  of course. In any case, Jews are only a very small minority of humanity and lack the personnel to do so even if they wanted to.

"As of 2010, there were about 14 million Jews around the world, representing 0.2% of the global population."

The problem is that there is an Amalekite in each of us in the form of the Yetzer Hara, the evil inclination.  It was Muhammad who said that the Greater Jihad is the struggle with oneself.

If Jews have a duty to the gentile, the it must be to denounce Christianity as being kaput, idolatrous and blasphemous to monotheism and to raise the status of Islam by being declared it Noahide-compliant.

My communications with a Chabad Rabbi Michael Schulman have revealed that Chabadniks are not about to endorse Secular Koranism as Noahide-compliant because they are themselves pushing a Jew-administered Noahidism on ex-Christians who are presumably Islamophobic and dim-witted. Indeed, they do not regard Muslims or Islam or the Koran as being Noahide -compliant. The reason they give is that the Koran does not punish idolatry or blasphemy as harshly as Jews ie with the death penalty.

Why would any gentile subject himself to a religion run by rabbis who would execute gentiles for idolatry if they could rather than trust other gentiles to run their society properly without infringing the First Amendment as Secular Koranism is guaranteed to do? One has to wonder at the as yet unplumbed depths of human stupidity.

40:00 Why I like discussing religion with rabbis

41:00  Why is child prostitution not being run by white men but by non-white and foreign gangs?

43:00  Gillick Competence

44:00  Condoning underage sex plays into the hands of child prostitution gangs

45:00  If child prostitution gangs were run by white men, Islamophobic white men would be shrugging their shoulders.

46:00  White sex predators work alone because they lack male solidarity having never met their unmarried fathers and were "educated" in their co-ed schools by female teachers. Non-white men tend to come from married parents which means they are more likely to have the male solidarity and male co-operation necessary to share information and resources with each other to run an enterprise, criminal or otherwise.

48:00  No British philosopher will even discuss the definition of masculinity, certainly not the late of Roger Scruton who pointedly refused to discuss feminism with me. Indeed, I recently heard a rumour that he was known to be bisexual. While my own morals have not been perfect, I have no difficulty at all discussing what the law should be as regards sexual morality and propose to treat unmarried parents as sex offenders attracting the punishment of

50:00  I define a Christian as someone who has been confirmed. There are not that many of them.

53:00 Safe spaces for men

Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The utilitarian and teleological Abrahamic Darwinian God

It is the easiest thing to demonstrate the wisdom of laws said to be from the Abrahamic God.

Once this wisdom is demonstrated and accepted, one will be led towards the logic of obeying them.

Once we accept the logic of obeying them, we would have to accept the utility of believing in God's actual existence to keep our society obeying these laws from generation to generation in order to avoid the pain of having to relearn the painful lessons of human nature over and over again.

A Secular Koranist solution to Israel's political and religious problems

  1. Surely all Jews who think Jews deserve a homeland are Zionists?
  2. Surely no gentile nationalist can now deny the right of Jews to their homeland now that they are in possession, whatever the nature of the territorial dispute between Jews and Muslims?
  3. Surely the desire for return existed the moment Jews were expelled from Israel by the Romans?
  4. Surely the divide between Jews in Israel should be between the observant and the non-observant Jew?
  5. Surely the non-observant Jew if he wants to remain in residence in Israel must observe standards of morality that are recognised to be at least Noahide?
  6. Surely the only way to make non-observant Jews in Israel at least conform to the minimum moral standards of being Noahide is for the Israeli government to govern as a one party theocracy following the principles of  Secular Koranism
  7. Wouldn't it be nice if Israeli Jewish lawyers applied Secular Koranism so Israel can show us how it fares and in this way be light unto the nations by showing the rest of the world how to do it?
  8. Wouldn't it be nice if America followed suit and adopted Secular Koranism?
  9. Wouldn't it be nice if America's vassal states ie NATO member states followed suit?
  10. Wouldn't it be nice if Russia and China also followed suit?
  11. Wouldn't that be a lovely way of defeating the globohomo gayplex in one fell swoop?
  12. Wouldn't it be nice to see world leaders in sackcloth and ashes repenting of their individual, national and imperial sins the way the King of Nineveh did? 
  13. Wouldn't it be nice to think of Judaism and Islam as complementary rather than competing and opposing?
  14. Wouldn't it be nice to see Post-Christian Western nations repenting of their idolatrous practice of worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of Hashem after 2000 years?

How emunah and bitachon would have helped the Chinese deal with their coronavirus flu bug more sensibly

I am surprised the Chinese are being so stupid. They should have said:

"Oh dear. We seem to have a bit of a flu bug here. Some people may die, especially the ill and elderly, but they have had their innings, and these things happen from time to time, don't they? Keep calm and carry on, as the British used to say."

On the whole, I think the Jewish idea of Emunah and Bitachon would have been more useful to the atheist Chinese. All this nonsense trying to stop the spread of what will prove to be no more than the flu just makes my blood boil. All these families separated and symptomless people quarantined on islands and military bases. KUH RAY ZEE.

It is probably something to do with their one child families and atheism.

Emunah - belief in God
Bitachon - trust in God that He will do the right thing for you and everyone else, in the end

The difference between Emunah and Bitachon:
When Job's wife said "Curse God and die," she was displaying emunah but not bitachon.

Coronavirus: Britons returning from Wuhan to be quarantined 'in military base' for two weeks

The heresy of Chabad and Jewish accelerationism

24:00  Chabad's replacement theology
25:00  Christian supersessionism
25:30  Chabad's replacement theology
27:00  Judaism as a secular identity
28:00  Chabad's obsession with novelty
29:00  The Diaspora Judaism of Chabad
30:00  Instead of waiting for the Messiah to arrive in his own time, Chabad practices accelerationism.
31:00  Chabadnik: "The Messiah just happens to be our rabbi."
32:00  Chabad discourse is now primarily about whether the late Rabbi Schneerson is dead or alive.
33:00  Chabad teleportation
36:00  Redemption reality
36:30  Exciting evangelical Judaism
38:00  Feelgood virtual reality and the great cost of it because it distorts the truth and misleads people
39:00  Spurious claims people want to believe
40:00  Chabad Judaism is accepted by many intelligent and well-intentioned Jews, but Rabbi Bar-Hayim says "This is not the truth: this is replacement theology."

A Christian woman begins to repent of her nation's idolatry and arrogance

Canon Angela Tilby feels "existential dread" while thinking of God "questioning our pride and reminding us of our smallness".  She thinks of the doomed expedition of Captain Scott and of the 16th century philosopher Francis Bacon speaking with such confidence of "stretching the limits of human dominion", of "putting Nature on the rack of science and torturing her for her secrets".

She is uneasy after so many centuries of blasphemous idolatry by the British, of worshipping the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God as a man with a friendly kindly face, and wonders whether we now need to "discover how far away we are from God to recognise God's love confronting us through fire and through ice, with  an otherness we can barely comprehend*, even as it calls us to weep our way to sanity."

Damn right, Angie baby.

* In my view, the Jewish and Islamic conception of God as the Supreme Being who created the Universe by kicking it off with the Big Bang but who now lives outside it as pure spirit, sending the Holy Spirit from time to time to perform miracles, is probably the most logical way of looking at things. This makes Christianity the odd one out and the weakest link. However, I like to think it is not too late to repent. for my as yet undeleted comments on Canon Tilby's Thought For The Day.

How God was created

2:00  Nixon v JFK debate on TV and radio
3:00  The written word
4:00  Reading is absorbing information at your own pace
5:00  2 Jews, 3 opinions
6:00  Jews are non-hierarchical and Jews won't listen to each other.
6:30  Gentiles don't listen to each other, but they will listen to Jews, but Jews don't listen to each other.
7:00  A Rabbinical Pope of Rabbinical Infallibility?
9:00  A Hypothetical Supreme Being
10:00  It's always 50/50.
11:00  Understanding God through His laws
12:00  Noble lie
13:00  A divine idea
14:00  The idea of the Abrahamic God powered civilisation more than anything else, probably.
15:00  The written word = the rule of law = the spread of empire
16:00  The New Testament cannot be used to base any theocracy on.
17:00  The most profound truths are paradoxes.
18:00  How God might have been created
20:00  Hamlet

Idolatry, idolatry, the supreme idolatry is Christianity!

Tuesday, 28 January 2020

I tell Vincent Bruno that it doesn't matter if Chabad don't think Muslims or Secular Koranists are Noahides

Rabbi Schulman says "That makes the Quran and Secular Koranism not Noahide-compliant."

This is not surprising because if you are Chabad  promoting Jew-administered Noahidism for gentiles, you must already think that Islam - which is based on the Koran - is not good enough.

As I see it, Judaism and Islam are complementary in that the Torah is for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. Unlike the Torah and Koran which are believed by Jews and Muslims to be the Word of God, not even Christians are claiming that the New Testament was the Word of God. As we know, it was written by some guys called Matthew, Mark, Luke, John etc. Since Christianity is ipso facto idolatrous in the worst possible way - it is hard to think of exceeding the blasphemy of worshiping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God  - it drops out of the picture leaving Islam the only team to join if you want to worship the Abrahamic God without being guilty of idolatry.

It seem the late Rabbi Elijah Benamozegh whose idea it was in the 1860s to devise a Jew-administered religion for gentiles had some rather eccentric. His Wikipedia entry states:

"He claimed that Christianity is too monotheistic in comparison with the Kabbalah which views all pagan deities in their essence as partial manifestations or faces of the Absolute. Similarly, Benamozegh criticized the Christian view of Jesus as incarnated God on monistic or panentheistic grounds. According to Benamozegh's Kabbalistic view, the entire world is an incarnation of Shechina, the feminine aspect of Divinity. He believed that Hinduism is closer in this respect to mystical Judaism than Christianity."

His declaration of faith as an Italian Jew would doubtless be regarded as blasphemy and idolatry attracting the punishment of stoning, for it was as follows:

"O Israelites, that you will always love Italy, that you will love her with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind."

If Spinoza was so horribly cursed for confusing the Universe with God, then all the more would Rabbi Benamozegh if he had lived in the same time and place as Spinoza.

The point is that we cannot expect Chabad to be enthusiastically acknowledging Secular Koranism over their own Jew-administered Noahidism which they have been promoting since the 1860s.

The fact that Rabbi Benamozegh said idolatrous things whose punishment would attract the death penalty in a Torah theocracy would tend to discredit his idea of Jews devising a Jew-administered Noahidism for gentiles.

There are also the practicalities of selling it to gentiles. What kind of gentile would have his religion administered by Jews when he could avail himself of Islam? I think it would be a dim and Islamophobic kind of gentile tending to idolise Jews who would go for this sort of thing.

Now that I have demonstrated how easy it is for rabbis and gentiles to fall into idolatry, it is easy to justify not having a formal punishment, as the Koran does not, other than admonishing idolaters from time to time.

Finally, Jews and gentiles should not idolise their hatred and fear of Muslims and Islam to the extent of ignoring their own rules. I see no reason why Jews cannot simply promote Islam as a suitably Noahide religion other than the one of not wishing to antagonise Christian American Zionists. However, if they settled their territorial dispute with their neighbours, then all should be well again, and Jews will finally be able to speak the truth about idolatrous Christianity without fear or favour.

I am certain Israel adopting Secular Koranism (which is just another School of Sharia) would mollify Muslims everywhere and create an atmosphere of keen interest in what kind of job Jews make of interpreting and applying Secular Koranism.  Nothing in Secular Koranism (which is based on the Koran) should offend a reasonable Jew, I like to think. If only the Chabad rabbis would read it!

Religious questions for Jews, Christians and Muslims

Monday, 27 January 2020

Religion gives us status and identity without which we are but mere cattle

If the Universe was created by a Supreme Being, was that being good, evil or indifferent to either?

Would there be any point in choosing to believe in a supreme being that is indifferent to us or actually evil? No, because it would do us no good. Believing in an evil supreme being would neither improve our behaviour nor give us comfort.

Therefore we could choose to believe in a supreme being that is morally perfect, He would be omnipotent because He created the Universe and He must be omniscient to have created the Universe.

What if such a supreme being that is the Abrahamic God does not really exist?

It would still be useful to believe in Him because a Hypothetical Supreme Being would be the final authority for every question or decision, allowing us to order our thoughts and actions according to the Word of God found in scripture.

The advancement of civilisation is the consequence of allowing belief in God to guide our actions through the rule of law.

It may be that the Abrahamic God is no more than a Noble Lie, but it is belief in God and obedience to His laws that made Jews the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. The most ancient gentile empire is China whose emperors relied on the Mandate of Heaven - an idea that contained in it a conditional grant of earthly authority, but only if the emperor gave his people good government. Jews and Chinese are peoples who have maintained their identity over the ages. In our time of dentity crises of individuals, especially transgender individuals as well as nations and empires, a well-balanced and realistic national identity would give individuals and nations the self-esteem they crave. If framed attractively, imaginatively and inspirationally, it could even herald the moral regeneration of the degenerate, provided a suitable attitude of humility before God (if He exists) could also be instilled.

Open letter to Claire Khaw on Secular Koranism from Rabbi Dr Michael Schulman, Executive Director of Ask Noah International

1 Shevat 5780 / 27 January 20′20

Open letter to Claire Khaw (C.K.) and

I write in response to C.K.’s misrepresentation of my position about her concept of “Secular Koranism,” on her web page

This response is posted at this URL:

The following are quotes from my statements in recent emails to her, with clarifications added in brackets:

1. On 27 January 20′20:

“...the web site does not represent the Torah law” [as to whether believers in any non-Torah religion are considered or regarded as Noahides].
[It is a project of AICE: Quoting from that page:]

“The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise (AICE) was established in 1993 as a nonprofit and nonpartisan organization to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship by emphasizing the fundamentals of the alliance — the values our nations share.”

“Here is a correct restatement of those issues, in the view of Torah law:

‘In the view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as non-idolaters...’

2. On 26 January 20′20, I wrote this conditional statement:

“If Secular Koranism says that the things [in the specific 7 Laws] are forbidden, and that they are punishable by a ‘Secular-Koranism’ court, but only by a punishment that is lighter than execution, [then Secular Koranism] is compliant [if the specified punishment is a real deterrent].

If a court system [such as proposed in Secular Koranism] only punishes for transgressions of some of the 7 Laws, but not others ... then it [the court system] is in partial compliance [with the Noahide commandment to establish courts of law], but not full compliance.”

C.K. then responded in her reply:

“The Quran admonishes blasphemy, but does not specify any worldly punishment for blasphemy.”

To which I responded on 27 January 20′20:

“That makes it [the Quran and Secular Koranism] not Noahide compliant, in regard to the Torah-based definition of the capital sin of blasphemy [i.e. speaking a curse against G-d, using His most holy Name in Hebrew]”


C.K. has misrepresented my position. Secular Koranism fully exempts some violations of the 7 Noahide Commandments from liability to any worldly punishment. That alone makes it not compliant with the Noahide Code, even if its courts are in partial compliance. And the fact that Secular Koranism is clearly being promoted as “secular” puts it out of the category of the Noahide Code. The Noahide Laws are given by G-d as divine commands within the Torah. Authentic Noahide observance is therefore not secular, and is based on the complete truth of the Chumash being G-d’s word given through Moses.

Dr. Michael Schulman
Executive Director, Ask Noah International and

But Rabbi Singer says YES, Muslims are definitely Noahide.

5:00  Jews are not allowed to enter churches but are allowed to enter mosques.

5:00 Jews are not allowed to enter churches but are allowed to enter mosques.

6:00 Aren't Judaism and Islam in fact complementary ? Judaism is for Jews only, and Christianity is kaput because of its idolatry and failure to prevent gay marriage in formerly Christian Western countries. Islam therefore remains the only rational and moral choice. Secular Koranism is intended to ease the transition from Post-Christian atheism into a one party theocracy.

8:00 Even Christians don't claim that the New Testament is the word of God. Only Jews and Muslims believe that their scripture is really the word of God. Christians therefore suffer from having an inferior scripture as well as having practised the worst kind of idolatry for 2000 years. It is bad enough to claim that an executed revolutionary is divine, but what could equal the blasphemy of claiming that he is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

If Muslims who base their religion on the Koran are regarded by Jews as Noahides, then all the more so would they regard Secular Koranism as Noahide-compliant since it follows the Koran more closely than Muslims who have their obedience to the Koran distorted by their Hadith which frequently contradicts it.

Idolaters fight amongst themselves on Doooovid's Week In Review

16:00  Secular Koranism

22:00  Why would anyone choose Secular Koranism rather than Noahidism? Because gentiles would rather follow their own religion than trust Jews to create a religion and try them for going against this religion, of course.

Why would anyone become a Noahide when they could have Islam after rejecting Christianity as idolatrous unless they were Islamophobes?

And if they are rejecting Islam because they are Islamophobes, then they are letting their hatred of Muslims and Islam blind them to their own interests. In any case they seem to be rather dimwitted people.

The fact is that there are 1.8 billion Muslims and only about 20,000 Noahides.

According to a Noahide source in 2018, there are over 20,000 official Noahides, and the country with the greatest number is the Philippines.

23:00  It is now that we divide religion into its two separate components: its private and public role.  Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief with so gentiles are free to be Jew-administered Noahides if that is what they wish. There will also be gentiles who would rather be Noahide-compliant as Muslims.

Judaism does not accommodate Christianity, and Christianity does not accommodate Muslims. Only Islam guarantees freedom of belief for all, from atheists to polytheists, with  The rational atheist, Jew, Christian and idolater would choose to live under a theocracy governed by Secular Koranism administered by gentiles rather than a Torah theocracy administered by Jews. I am sure atheist reasonable Jews in Israel would choose a Secular Koranist theocracy rather than a Torah one because a Torah theocracy would be regarded as too harsh by most Jews. Better therefore to have a Torah-compliant universal standard of Secular Koranism than Jews stoning each other to death for breaking the Sabbath or picking up sticks on Saturdays or honour killing their drunken and disobedient sons.

I am not sure why the Noahide laws "don't make a heck of a lot sense" to Church of Entropy. I would have thought you would have to be an antisemite to reject them just because they are Jewish. Church of Entropy lurks in corners of the alt-right in the hope of picking up vulnerable white men who would willingly scratch her back if she scratches theirs by never contradicting her ensuring that they remain in receipt of validation from a white middle class college-educated woman known to be passably attractive and charismatic.

23:30  Church of Entropy pretends not to understand my position on idolatry. Muslims already acknowledge that Jews and Muslims praying correctly could be guilty of hidden idolatry and therefore it would not be the role of a Secular Koranist State to smash the idols of idolaters, which would only provoke hatred.

Most non-Chabad Jews would not be interested in creating a religion for gentiles and administering them. What is really required of Jews is that they declare Christianity to be Noahide non-compliant while Islam to be Noahide-compliant, leaving gentiles to sort out their own religious affairs. However, if there really are enough gentiles who prefer to adhere to a religion created for them by Jews and administered by Jews, that would be their choice. Secular Koranism would not forbid this.

Once Chabad Jews make their declaration of Christian non-compliance and Muslim compliance with the Noahide laws, there would be created a chain of logic that would end in gentiles globally adopting Secular Koranism.

I predict that sensible Jews will know how hopeless it is to insist that Jew-administered Noahidism stands a chance against global Noahide-compliant Islam.

26:00  Claire Khaw, debate coach

27:00  Secular Koranism is just an idea, not a movement.

28:00  According to Doooovid, there is no point endlessly debating whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant when it is only an idea. It is like talking about the tests you are going to conduct on your future offspring that is not yet born.

29:00  Vincent complains that he has not been given sufficient acknowledgement for bringing my whole idea of Secular Koranism "crashing down".

30:00  Doooovid says it was a "dumb debate" and thinks Vincent is labouring under the delusion that he would get a definitive answer from rabbis about whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant.

31:00  Vincent rages that Doooovid liked my post on Facebook on the subject. Doooovid corrected him and said he didn't like it, but "wowed" it.

Vincent and Doooovid want me on that stream but knows Church of Entropy would not allow it because she hates and fears my well-honed rhetorical skills which would cut through her ideas like hot knife through butter.

32:00  Vincent thinks accusing me of idolatry and proving that I am an idolater would lower my standing in the eyes of the Jews whose good books he thinks I am so anxious to be in. He says he is going to take a sample of 50 rabbinical opinions and take it all the way up to the Chief Rabbinate in Israel.

33:00  Dooovid warns him that the question of whether Secular Koranism is Noahide-compliant is a complicated question to which there will be no unanimous view from rabbis.

34:00  Vincent claims victory over Jews and me, not quite realising that Jews, like gentiles, don't listen to each other either. There is no hierarchy of decision-making or a Supreme Sanhedrin of Halachic and Philosophical Correctitude. There is also no Pope of Jews armed with the Doctrine of Chief Rabbinical Infallibility. The most Jews can do to achieve supremacy is to get enough gentiles to listen to them and support them. My view remains that Secular Koranism makes more sense for gentiles and Jews than Jew-administered Noahidism.

36:00  I have made Vincent bitter, says Doooovid.

39:00  I am described as radical by Vincent.

8:00  Vincent rage quits.

10:00  Church of Entropy: "It's not my doctrine, it's a fact!"

14:00  Doooovid to Church of Entropy: "Your 'authoritative' ruling is not going to change the way people use language." Veda means knowledge.

15:00  Doooovid doubts Church of Entropy's claim that her knowledge of the Veda is recognised by Brahmins.

16:00  Doooovid points out that how many followers a person has is more truly demonstrated by the number of people waiting for him at the airport when he arrives than him telling the taxi he had waited to get into at the airport how many followers he has.

Claims have to be quantified and validated, Doooovid says.

17:00  Church of Entropy accuses Doooovid of "blatantly promoting falsehood".

21:00  Vince returns after rage quitting.

38:00  Prostitution not necessarily a gangbang, says Doooovid.

39:00  Church of Entropy is snippy at Vincent.

40:00  Church of Entropy says Vincent should respect her more.

41:00  "Righteous prostitutes"

42:00  "Sacred prostitutes" "Ritualistic temple sex"

44:00  Prostitution is a special act of divine service, according to Vincent.

50:00  Only chaste/married sex is allowed.

53:00  The difference between a run of the mill prostitute and a divine prostitute

54:00  Deities that require humans to have sex in front of them rather than animal sacrifices

57:00  Church of Entropy: "How come you're not sucking my dick, Vincent?" Vincent giggles. She continues "Shouldn't you be down on your knees praising me?" "I wouldn't want to do that as a form of worship," replies Vincent. "You're not a very good temple prostitute, let me say," to which Vincent giggles.

58:00  Church of Entropy: "Welcome, Gandalf, who is better at licking my balls than you are, bud."

Doooovid interrupts the proceedings by talking about Vedic cosmology.

1:08:00  Vincent is not the only person who finds Church of Entropy's blog unreadable gibberish and "hard to understand".

1:10:00 Vedanta is the end of knowledge.

1:15:00  Vincent calls Church of Entropy "crazy".

1:16:00  Gandalf licks Jen's balls.

1:20:00  Gandalf claims he has an IQ of 150, but he is a university dropout.

1:22:00  "I've been streaming for eight months and I know more than most people in universities."

1:23:00 "It's good to be sceptical."

1:24:00  Unified Field Model

1:27:00  Doooovid very reasonably points out that being a member of the Church of Entropy Fan Club does not give one moral and intellectual authority.

1:29:00  "You just have a blog" (and that ain't the scripture you claim it is, Jen)

1:30:00  Insanely, Gandalf claims that "is very well-structured". He claims Jen is "basically right".

1:31:00 Gandalf: "80% of [] seems damn right to me."

1:32:00  The less you know, the more you know, says Jen.

1:33:00  Gandalf: "The Big Bang is obvious crap."

1:34:00  Church of Entropy could well be a charlatan.

1:35:00  When praise [by a fool] can be an insult.

1:39:00  Vincent requires a physicist to validate Jen's theories.

1:40:00  Vince asks Gandalf whom he would find authoritative. Gandalf prevaricates.

1:42:00  Church of Entropy: "Gandalf has the respect of many people in this community and lots of accomplishments as well as intellectual pursuits."

1:45:00  Church of Entropy claims she is peerless and will not subject herself ot peer review. She is hardly going to claim on her blog that her ideas have been endorsed by Gandalf, a non-scientist and intellectual prostitute who has been certified by Jen to be better at "sucking her balls" than Vincent, a self-proclaimed homosexual. In fact, Gandalf is such an intellectual prostitute that he did not even protest at being introduced by Church of Entropy as someone who sucks her balls.

1:46:00  Vincent reads the Rabbi Schulman's response to him.

The fact that Secular Koranism is clearly being promoted as secular seems to put it outside the category of the Noahide Code. The Noahide Code is given by God with divine commandments and therefore is non-secular by definition.

1:47:00  Church of Entropy wants the endorsement of Brahmins.

1:49:00  Who else agrees with Jen and Gandalf?

1:50:00  What qualifies someone as an authority?

1:51:00  An objective measure of authority is one's position on a hierarchy. There must be a supreme authority, and this supreme authority must be the Abrahamic God, if only in theory.

2:00:00  "You hate your own karma" [of being poor], Doooovid tells Gandalf.

2:01:00  Were Brahmins traditionally poor, as Jen claims?

2:02:00  Doooovid to Gandalf: "You hate your own failure."

2:03:00  A story of a troglodyte who murdered another out of jealousy

2:07:00  You need money if you are going to take care of your family.

2:09:00  "Money is a reality of society."

2:10:00  "Money is a distraction from spirituality," says Church of Entropy.

Actually, spirituality is the good feeling you get when you know you are following God's laws properly. Jen will never get that feeling because of her infinitely flexible "oral tradition" she uses to trick vulnerable men into believing she has moral or intellectual authority. She tricks or bribes Gandalf the college dropout into endorsing her because she offers him what he so desperately craves: female validation from a white college-educated middle class woman, but only so long as he "licks her balls" better than a gay Hindu, which he proceeds to do on his knees, eagerly and desperately prostituting himself, either knowingly or unknowingly.

2:12:00  Being "karmically insincere"

2:13:00  The Kabbalah is a Unified Field Model

2:16:00  Jewish ideas are better because they control the money, while Entropists control nothing because they are poor.

Gandalf's economic policy

2:18:00  Is Entropism being perpetually broke?

2:29:00  Authority

2:31:00  Corona virus

2:33:00  Gandalf says he would deal with the corona virus better than the Chinese.

2:35:00  Doooovid is more concerned that the corona virus will be blamed on Jews.

2:40:00  Doooovid keeps sentencing people to three months of streaming with me for some reason.

2:55:00  Scaremongering over the corona virus to promote political agendas eg nationalism and isolationism

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Rabbi declares Secular Koranism to be Noahide-compliant

Claire, how can you say the Secular Koranism is Noahide compliant when, unlike mainstream Islam, you would allow open idolatry and blasphemy and would not execute homosexuals?

Because Islam based on the Koran has been regarded as Noahide-compliant for centuries.

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate.

Dr Michael Schulman, Executive Director of Ask Noah International and says:

If someone does not transgress any of the 7 Laws, but he does not believe in G-d, he is exempt from punishment by an earthly Noahide court.

If Secular Koranism says that the things [in the specific 7 Laws] are forbidden, and that they are punishable by a "Secular-Koranism" court, but only by a punishment that is lighter than execution, [then Secular Koranism] is compliant [if the specified punishment is a real deterrent].

Rabbi Singer says YES, Muslims are definitely Noahide.

5:00  Jews are not allowed to enter churches but are allowed to enter mosques.

5:00 Jews are not allowed to enter churches but are allowed to enter mosques.

6:00 Aren't Judaism and Islam in fact complementary ? Judaism is for Jews only, and Christianity is kaput because of its idolatry and failure to prevent gay marriage in formerly Christian Western countries. Islam therefore remains the only rational and moral choice. Secular Koranism is intended to ease the transition from Post-Christian atheism into a one party theocracy.

8:00 Even Christians don't claim that the New Testament is the word of God. Only Jews and Muslims believe that their scripture is really the word of God. Christians therefore suffer from having an inferior scripture as well as having practised the worst kind of idolatry for 2000 years. It is bad enough to claim that an executed revolutionary is divine, but what could equal the blasphemy of claiming that he is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

If Muslims who base their religion on the Koran are regarded by Jews as Noahides, then all the more so would they regard Secular Koranism as Noahide-compliant since it follows the Koran more closely than Muslims who have their obedience to the Koran distorted by their Hadith which frequently contradicts it.

Saturday, 25 January 2020

What I have noticed about Jews, Christians and Muslims

I have noticed that Jews don't like talking about the Noahide laws, Christians don't like talking about the idolatry of the Trinity, and Muslims don't like talking about the Koran being Zionist.

Happy Chinese and Vietnamese Year of the Rat 2020/4717

Today is also the Vietnamese New Year. Calendars are very political, I was telling my dear mother when I spoke to her today to wish her a happy Chinese New Year of the Rat.

The Japanese have a maddening calendar whose hours changed according to the time of year which they used for 28 years between 1844 to 1872 before Westernising and celebrating their new year on 1 January like normal people. This reminded me of how the French Revolutionaries drove themselves mad after changing their calendar and measurements. The British are still subject to the metric system. What do people think of my proposal of returning to the imperial system as an assertion of national sovereignty and having our money in pounds, shilling and pence again after rebasing our currency after our Secular Koranist Islamic Revolution? It would make children learn their time tables again, wouldn't it?

For some reason, I am not so keen on adopting the Islamic calendar and am toying with the idea of the Jewish one. (That would mean that this year is in fact 5780 rather than merely 2020.) If we all started celebrating Jewish festivals with Jews, there would be less antisemitism, I am sure. Easter and Christmas are just silly because even Christians don't believe Christ was born on 25 December or that Christ rose from the dead on Easter Bank Holiday Sunday.

Instead of Christians suffering from cultural appropriation, I propose that Jews should now be the new victims of cultural appropriation - for the excellent cause of preventing antisemitism - while we live in a one party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism.

Think of all the money to be made from Hanukkah candle holders, temporary huts we can get from Homebase/B&Q as well as palm leaves and etrog from Sainsbury's and Tesco!

Of course, the rest of us don't have to keep kosher or halal, but it would help us get along a bit better if we celebrated the same festivals. Islam only gives us a month of fasting on Ramadan and that's it, so there is nothing really to culturally appropriate from Muslims.

I have always thought that Jewish festivals are so much more fun than Christian ones, especially the thing they do with football rattles on Purim!

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Questions about Christianity

1) Do Christians really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

2) How many confirmed Catholics are there in the world?

3) How many confirmed Anglicans are there in the world?

4) Are you Christian if you don't believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God?

5) Is Trinitarianism idolatry?

6) Was Christianity a failed attempt to subvert and supersede Judaism?

7) Should you be concerned that Christianity is idolatry if you believe in the Abrahamic God?

8) If you really believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, are you perhaps too credulous?

9) If you are only pretending to believe that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God so that you can enter or remain in the priesthood, are you corrupt?

10) What is the purpose of religion?

11) What is the least your religion should be doing for your society?

12) Is Christianity fulfilling its purpose of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality?

13) Which is the odd one out?
a) Judaism
b) Christianity
c) Islam

14) Should William Tyndale have been burned at the stake?

15) Should Michael Servetus have been burned at the stake?

16) If Judaism is the original and Islam the final version, is Christianity the rough draft that can now be discarded?

Rabbi Sacks does not once mention the Noahide laws when he talks about troubled gentile nations

6:00 What makes Britain British?
7:00 7/7
8:00 Jewish wisdom
9:00 Anglo-Jewish experience of antisemitism
10:00 Antisemitism EU conference
11:00 The fight against antisemitism be led by non-Jews was Rabbi Sacks' idea, the cunning old fox.
12:00 Theological dialogue
13:00 No Jews left in Finsbury Park.
14:00 Jewish identity
15:00 "We are not the people hated by gentile, but the people loved by God."
15:00 Christian Philosemitism
17:00 "We were such close friends. We went to Auschwitz together."
19:00 My mate Baz
20:00 Why gentile white heterosexual men might be getting triggered about Jews
21:00 The liberal democratic state, the market economy and SHARED MORALITY. In not so many words, Sacks is really saying Christianity is kaput and it time for Jews to have a look at slut-shaming Secular Koranism because it claims to be a one-size fits all legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists guaranteeing freedom of belief with 2:256 of the Koran while protecting the patriarchy.
22:00 Co-operation,competition, objective moral standards, truth as a value, religious roots
23:00 Absence of morality, the ethic of guilt has replaced the ethic of shame, no-platforming
24:00 Is autonomy more important than what binds us together?
24:30 The Benedict Option AKA White Flight
25:00 "Are we people who use terms like neutrino without any grounding physics?"
25:30 "I had tea with that Ali McIntyre, oh and Roger Scruton too!"
26:00 Are Catholics inherently pessimistic and Jews inherently optimistic on the question of original sin? Graham Greene, Stephen Pinker's Language Instinct
27:00 Pidgin English has vocabulary but no grammar. Creole has grammar.
28:00 Sign language, Generation Z
29:00 John Adams

Disgusting. Rabbi Sacks does not mention the Noahide laws even once. WHAT WERE JEWS CHOSEN BY GOD TO DO, EH, RABBI SACKS, EH, EH, EH?

Have you forgotten how you met Rabbi Schneerson whom you crossed America on a Greyhound bus to meet? Don't you remember what he said?

"We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher" (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."

Christianity is kaput, because most children born in the UK are illegitimate. When we are illegitimate, it means both our parents are really sex offenders, according to 24:2 of the Koran.

Let's debate this properly then, Rabbi Sacks.

Archie Bunker on The Jews

Mark Collett says he has "put to bed" my "silly nonsense" and "crackpot idea" of Secular Koranism

3:00  Mark Collett denounced Secular Koranism on his show last week.
4:00  The rules of natural justice require that you hear the other side.
5:00  British sense of fair play.
6:00  The right to defend yourself against your accusers.
7:00  Liberal media and  White Nationalists/alt-right employ the same tactics of demonise and destroy.
Which kind of a kafir are Mark Collett and his associates who are quietly obscuring the truth?

Kafir is an Arabic term (from the root K-F-R "to cover") meaning "infidel", "rejector", "disbeliever", "unbeliever", "nonbeliever".

There are eight kinds of Al-Kufr al-Akbar (major unbelief:

i)  Kufrul-'Inaad: Disbelief out of stubbornness. This applies to someone who knows the Truth and admits to knowing the Truth, and knowing it with his tongue, but refuses to accept it and refrains from making a declaration. God says: Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever.

ii)  Kufrul-Inkaar: Disbelief out of denial. This applies to someone who denies with both heart and tongue. God says: They recognize the favors of God, yet they deny them. Most of them are disbelievers.

iii)  Kufrul-Juhood: Disbelief out of rejection. This applies to someone who acknowledges the truth in his heart, but rejects it with his tongue. This type of kufr is applicable to those who call themselves Muslims but who reject any necessary and accepted norms of Islam such as Salaat and Zakat. God says: They denied them (our signs) even though their hearts believed in them, out of spite and arrogance.

iv)  Kufrul-Nifaaq: Disbelief out of hypocrisy. This applies to someone who pretends to be a believer but conceals his disbelief. Such a person is called a munafiq or hypocrite. God says: Verily the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of Hell. You will find no one to help them.

v)  Kufrul-Kurh: Disbelief out of detesting any of God's commands. God says: Perdition (destruction) has been consigned to those who disbelieve and He will render their actions void. This is because they are averse to that which God has revealed so He has made their actions fruitless.

vi)  Kufrul-Istihzaha: Disbelief due to mockery and derision. God says: Say: Was it at God, His signs and His apostles that you were mocking? Make no excuses. You have disbelieved after you have believed.

vii)  Kufrul-I'raadh: Disbelief due to avoidance. This applies to those who turn away and avoid the truth. God says: And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of his Lord's signs but then turns away from them. Then he forgets what he has sent forward (for the Day of Judgement).

viii)  Kufrul-Istibdaal: Disbelief because of trying to substitute God's Laws with man-made laws. God says: Or have they partners with God who have instituted for them a religion that God has not allowed.  God says: Say not concerning that which your tongues put forth falsely (that) is lawful and this is forbidden so as to invent a lie against God. Verily, those who invent a lie against God will never prosper.

8:00  My mad and silly ideas that are not even worth debunking by Christian White Nationalists such as The Distributist. Distributist was on Millennial Woes 2018 and is aware of my ideas. He is Catholic, of course. Catholics avoid me like the plague because they know they cannot convincingly deny the idolatry of Trinity.

9:00  The morality of Western Man
12:00  My YouTube Subscribers has been stuck in the 870s for months.
13:00  Nobody listens to White Nationalists.
14:00  Ethno-nationalism (Mark Collett)  v Civic Nationalism (James Goddard)
15:00  The best kept secret of White Nationalism is me.
15:30  Western masculinity
16:00  Morality
17:00  Secular Koranism and redacting the Koran as Tom Holland would really like to do.
18:00  A one party state and its constitution
19:00  The constitution of the Chinese Communist Party
20:00  A de jure one party state
21:00  The legacy of the Communist Revolution in China is the one party state which China has held onto even if the Russians abandoned theirs.
22:00  How to become a president in US, UK and China?
23:00  Corporate interests dominate America and the West because he who pays the piper calls the tune.
23:00  Yoram Hazony and the late Rabbi Kahane
24:00  Social conservatism,  patriarchy, theocracy
25:00  Has Hazony read the Koran?
26:00  Will Abdal Hakim Murad attend the Conference on National Conservatism at
The plot of Submission
27:00  Isaac Asimov's Foundation
28:00  A new school of sharia for the West

"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews."

30:00 Theocracy has only two sources of scripture: the Torah and the Koran.
31:00 The New Testament is not divinely sourced.

32:00  Michael Servetus was burned at the stake at the behest of John Calvin, father of Presbyterianism.

32:30  How many confirmed Trinitarians are there in the whole wide world?

33:00  Can you run a country on the distilled wisdom of Christianity contained in the Sermon on the Mount?

Even if you had the will and the manpower to forcibly convert Westerners into Christianity after kicking out and killing all the people you want to kill and kick out ie Jews, Muslims and non-whites, would the remaining white people be happy the plan to force compulsory Christianity on them? What do you think would happen if church attendance were made compulsory and those forcibly converted to Christianity had to affirm the belief that an executed revolutionary is the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God, which is both idolatrous and blasphemous?

The absurdity, idolatry and blasphemy of the Trinity:

The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will. As stated in the Athanasian Creed, the Father is uncreated, the Son is uncreated, and the Holy Spirit is uncreated, and all three are eternal without beginning.


William Tyndale's Betrayal and death

Eventually, Tyndale was betrayed by Henry Phillips to the imperial authorities,seized in Antwerp in 1535, and held in the castle of Vilvoorde (Filford) near Brussels. Some suspect that Phillips was hired by Bishop Stokesley to gain Tyndale's confidence and then betray him. He was tried on a charge of heresy in 1536 and was condemned to be burned to death, despite Thomas Cromwell's intercession on his behalf. Tyndale "was strangled to death while tied at the stake, and then his dead body was burned". His final words, spoken "at the stake with a fervent zeal, and a loud voice", were reported as "Lord! Open the King of England's eyes." 

Within four years, four English translations of the Bible were published in England at the King's behest, including Henry's official Great Bible. All were based on Tyndale's work.

35:00  Australasian, American and European Wars of Religion to come after Jews, Muslims and non-whites are kicked out of the West by White Nationalists. Help me stop this from happening!

35:30  Secular Koranism guarantees of freedom of belief with

36:00  Morgoth, Millennial Woes, Mark Collett

37:00  Only under a patriarchy would enough good strong men be produced capable of defending the national interest. No senior white male politician currently is even able to speak what he believes to be the truth, let alone talk about using reason to solve and avoid problems. As for morality, has any philosopher even discussed its definition? Did the late Roger Scruton do that? He actually admitted that he failed to discover what exactly it was that Conservatism was supposed to conserve at

From 2:00

"I've made my career out of the futile attempt to define it and to make it into an intellectually respectable cause."

He even goes on to say that it is an instinct rather than an idea!

He is loved by the right for his Islamophobic comments but he dared not even discuss feminism with me, telling me that his views on feminism were those of Christina Hoff-Sommers - who still calls herself a feminist. What a joke.

38:00 Western Man is no longer capable of discussing or acknowledging TLM (Truth, Logic and Morality). Indeed, he will go out of his way to deny it because most of them are cowards, hypocrites, atheists, liars, bigots, bullies, nihilists, sociopaths or  suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. If you are suffering from NPD, you will be lying to others and yourself and using irrational arguments to avoid losing status in the short and long term. Millennial Woes actually admits to being mentally ill most of the time.

39:00  Nationalism is a polite term for the beliefs of low status, low education, low information and low income men who hate Jews, Muslims and non-whites. I propose defining Nationalism as government in the national interest.

40:00  Is Roger Scruton's wife a feminist and was he afraid of her?  If he were still alive and dying, he would know that his wife would be his nurse and fear to incur her disapproval.  That was probably why he would not discuss feminism with me. How many other men are exactly in his position? What if your wife accuses of marital rape?

41:00  Miscarriages of justice in prosecutions of sexual offences
42:00  Kavanaugh hearings

43:00  Senior male politicians are too in fear of the impoverishment and loss of status they would suffer under no fault divorce to be speaking the truth because they will be terrified of their wives depriving them of their matrimonial home and access to their offspring.

44:00 There is a reason why Poland and Hungary have managed to produce national leaders capable of defending the national interest - because most of the offspring born in Poland and Hungary are not illegitimate. If you are illegitimate, then both your parents are in fact sex offenders.

45:00  Secular Koranism guarantees freedom of belief but the Church of England will have to be disestablished. Charles would have the option of sacking the Archbishop of Canterbury and heading his own church, or converting to Islam. In this way could he go down in history as the first Muslim King of Britain after assisitng in the restoring of the patriarchy.

46:00  'Circumcision is one of the oddities of the Royal Family'
48:00 Mark Collett, Millennial Woes, Morgoth, Asimov's Foundation
50:00  CIA has global media machine, ex-aides say.

Monday, 20 January 2020

Dostoevsky's Notes from Underground explains abuses of power by spiteful nihilists

32:00  Christians and Post-Christians are easily distracted from their oppression by sex and shopping.
34:00  The West's motor neurone disease
35:00  Hit and run "debating" tactics
36:00  Is Christianity kaput? What is religion for?
37:00  Moral vandalism
38:00  Dostoevsky's Tales from Underground
39:00  Doxxing
41:00  Feminists are soldiers of feminism who will end their relationship with men who support Trump.
41:30  The belief that the White Man will rise like a phoenix from the ashes of a race war
42:00  Liberals have to believe in something really stupid and do it.
43:00  Parents who are the High Priest and High Priestess of the Cult of Santa making their children believe in Santa and then telling it was all a big fat stupid lie that they must do to their own children when they have them.
46:00  School district fires 'Grinch' teacher who told first-grade kids Santa, Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny are not real
48:00  Inter-religious greetings when people are celebrating their different festivals
50:00  Worshipping maternal deities
52:00  Church of Entropy, Doooovid and his Multiple Truth Hypothesis
53:00  The New Testament and the bishops at the Council of Nicea were not divine, and Christians do not even claim this.

54:00  Idolatry and iconoclasm
55:00  Christians who support gay marriage
59:00  The Koran acknowledges Christ as a prophet of God while the Talmud curses him.
1:00:00 Islam would solve the problem of neocon wars and ban usury
1:01:00  The horror of Islamophobes at halal restaurants taking over their neighbourhood
1:08:00  Protected characteristic
1:13:00 Civil partnership now open to heterosexual couples
1:16:00 The competitiveness of Western labour
1:17:00  AI and technocrats of the future holding society to ransom
1:20:00  Depopulation agenda
1:24:00  Feminists hate and fear Trump because they sense he represents the beginning of the end of their degenerate matriarchy.
1:27:00  Tales from Underground

1:28:00  Concomitant:
naturally accompanying or associated.
"she loved travel, with all its concomitant worries"

1:32:00  People who abuse their power just because they can.
1:33:00  Adolescent angst some adults never grow out of.
1:43:00  The Outsider by Albert Camus
1:43:00  Max Stirner
1:46:00  Libertarianism and Stefan Molyneux
1:47:00  Redefining the alt-right
1:49:00 White nationalists accepting the bribe of UBI Andrew Yang
1:50:00  White nationalists like Greg Johnson who would accept the bribe of UBI from a non-white Democrat that would destroy their prospects of ever becoming married fathers
1:53:00  The West's motor neurone disease
1:54:00  White Christians unable to organise themselves. What do Conservatives think they are conserving?
1:55:00  The rules of debate and the rules of any game
1:59:00  Natalism
2:00:00  Madagascar Plan
2:02:00  Multiculturalism
2:03:00 Cosmopolitanism
2:04:00  Everything happens for a reason.
2:05:00  Leibniz
2:06:00  Reincarnation
2:08:00  Alan B’Stard: 'When Rik Mayall died, we thought the idea died with him'

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...