Sunday 19 January 2020

The nature and purpose of faith

The nature of faith is choosing to believe, the purpose of faith is to keep our supposedly immortal souls safe and good.

The concept of the Abrahamic God certainly exists. Faith is choosing to believe in Him rather than not.

The concept of the Abrahamic God is supreme over any idea because it is impossible to conceive of an entity more powerful than the Abrahamic God. Choosing to believe in Him presupposes a desire to obey His laws, and choosing not to believe in Him presupposes a desire not to obey His laws.

If we wish to obey God's laws, then it would help us to obey His laws better and for longer if we believe in the Abrahamic God who knows our hearts and minds. If we choose not to obey His laws, it would make sense for us not to believe in Him or else we would be forever looking our shoulders fearing His punishment.

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