Tuesday, 14 January 2020

What is the purpose of a Register of Jews?


  1. To ensure that only observant Jews are on the Register
  2. To ensure that unobservant Jews are off the Register to prevent them from committing Chillul Hashem and bring Judaism and Jews into disrepute. 
  3. To prevent Jews having the best of both worlds ie being able to claim the two protected characteristics of race and religion that entitles them to legal protection from discrimination and having their feelings hurt while avoiding the responsibility of promoting the Noahide laws which Jews are religiously required to do as God's Chosen People
  4. To avoid privileging Jews over gentiles in gentile nations and provoking resentment and outrage
  5. To ameliorate antisemitism because it drives white gentile non-Muslim Westerners into paroxysms of rage that their government cares more about Jews, Muslims and non-whites more than white indigenous men.  
  6. To prevent unobservant liberal atheist assimilated Jews from promoting anything that is considered subversive and harmful to the long term national interest of Noahide gentile nations even as subversive gentiles are themselves promoting LGBT/"globohomo".  

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