Thursday, 30 January 2020

Jews should declare Christianity idolatrous and non-idolatrous Islam more Noahide than Christianity

0:01  I didn't manage to get the sound of the Aaron "party" stream after all. Apologies. This Neo-Nazi/alt-right house party in Jerusalem has been deleted.

2:00  Aaron Amihud won't let me on his streams because he hates and fears Secular Koranism. If you asked him for a reason, he would pretend it is for reasons of restoring the patriarchy, but that is just nonsense, and restoring the patriarchy does not mean not allowing Claire Khaw - who wants to restore the patriarchy - on your streams. My position is that only Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy in Western nations and Aaron in his cowardice cannot accept that nor can he argue against it. Christianity is kaput and is in any case idolatrous, so as a Jew Aaron cannot tell Western nations to be more Christian. He knows he is conflicted, and he knows I know he is conflicted and that is the real reason why he bans me from his streams. In fact, I tried to ask him about his views on Chabad's Jew-administered Noahidism, but he ended a stream rather than answer my question, because he feared my forensic questioning. We presented five streams together at his suggestion and you can hear them all at  It seems he gave up trying to demonstrate that Secular Koranism was not viable or moral and wants to deprive me of the oxygen of publicity by excluding me from the conversation, just like liberal media.

4:00 The irony of Jewish Aaron allowing White Nationalists and larping Nazis to take over his stream

6:00  My exchanges with Chabad rabbis on the Noahide laws

8:00  The medium of the written word is more subject to analysis than the spoken word.

10:00  Our religion defines our politics.

11:00  Religion is a standard of behaviour.

12:00  Unprincipled people make society unstable and life unpredictable.

13:00  A political system with a high turnover means the velocity of buck-passing is high and government unaccountable.

14:00  We prefer to deal with people we know and trust.

15:00  We want our leader to be the same person for as long as possible if we already trust him.

16:00  The obvious solution of a one party theocracy

17:00  All political parties should promote the national interest, and nationalism is government in the national interest.

18:00  Wisdom is long-term thinking with a goal in mind, and with the discipline of postponing pleasure, to the extent of waiting until the afterlife to enjoy guilty pleasures.

19:00  Time and energy is wasted in political rallies, making false promises and telling lies in liberal democracies.

20:00  Just govern the country properly already!

21:00  Democracy and Christianity is really stupid so it was always bound to crash and burn anyway. Antisemites attribute the indifference, incompetence and corruption of their governments to Jewish subversion and refuse to believe that their kaput religion that they themselves don't even believe in and the democracy that they now reject for a White Nationalist Dictator were anything less than perfect, until the Jews came along. They are like a householder whose roof is leaking going around beating up other members of the household after falsely accusing them of causing the roof to leak and evicting them rather than calling the roofer. Things will only get worse for the White Man if he does not adopt Secular Koranism pronto. 

22:00  The bloody history of schismatic Christianity and the European Wars of Religion

23:00  People of the same race and religion can be horrid to each other eg European Wars of Religion, War of the Roses, the Highland Clearances, the American Civil War, WW1, WW2,

24:00  The in-fighting of echo chambers and the splintering of echo chambers into mini-echo chambers

25:00  Patriarchy is more likely to endure in a theocracy that promotes patriarchal moral values.

26:00  Even murderers can see the point of laws against homicide.

27:00  The New Testament is not a good enough document to base your theocracy on, but the Koran is. The Torah is far too harsh even for Jews, which is why over the centuries they have interpreted away most of it with the Talmud.

28:00  The defective scripture of Buddhism and Hindus explains why they have never achieved empire. The Chinese government is wise enough not to identify China with Buddhism because it is useless for statecraft. For statecraft, the Chinese government has always used political philosophers operating on legalism. Legalism would have a field day with Secular Koranism and I look forward to the day when I hear the Chinese government proclaiming that it is operating "Secular Koranisim with Chinese characteristics". It is envisaged that there will be many varieties of Secular Koranism eg American, French, Italian, German, Polish, Hungarian, Austrian, Russian, Irish etc and last but not least, one with British characteristics, whatever that will mean by then.

29:00  There is a natural and logical hierarchy of everything.

30:00  The impracticable ideas of the French Revolution

31:00  Egalitarianism is the greatest injustice of treating unequal things equally, but the caste system is too rigid. Secular Koranism will bring about a socially mobile meritocracy that is intended to benefit the traditionally despised lower middle classes.

32:00  A meritocracy logically and necessarily has class mobility and Secular Koranism would bring this about by giving society a formal hierarchy while allowing for class mobility. In practice, Secular Koranism would favour the lower middle classes that have been traditionally despised by those above and below them.  Islamic inheritance rules and freedom of disposition

33:00  The eugenic nature of marriage and how it is the indispensable ingredient of patriarchy

34:00  I have been asking white people to take me to their leader for years but nobody can tell me who it is really because the velocity of the buck-passing is increasing  ie the buck was being passed around faster and faster until it is now just a blur. Harry Truman was saying as long ago as the 1950s that the buck stops at the White House, but that didn't happen, did it? Perhaps it is time for America to have a more Chinese political system. This would stop them from being always angry and envious of the Chinese and I think this is what the Chinese are hoping the Americans will do, eventually. Presumably, this is why the Chinese are producing their helpful and tuneful propaganda videos with catchy songs sung in American accents about how China is run so much better with its much cleverer politicians because it just has a much more rational political system run by people who are not completely intellectually crippled through indoctrination by feminism and Political Correctness.

35:00  The long term national interest, national identity and how history is being taught

36:00  Female masochism

37:00  BBC Radio 4 dumbed down by feminism.

38:00  Perhaps 2020 will be the year my genius is nationally and perhaps internationally acknowledged. This is not just for my own aggrandisement and I am thinking of my dear parents. Currently, they think I am just a crank, so it would be so nice if they could feel proud of me after all they have done for me, having paid for my expensive education.

39:00  Phatic expressions of antisemitism are an emotional release for emasculated and helpless men like OV and his associates who know their matriarchy only wants them to become women and will provide them with the means to mutilate their sex organs and sterilise themselves, further morally crippling the men and making it impossible for them to even aspire to become a society of married fathers that is a patriarchy. Make no mistake: a matriarchy is in fact satanic, and, dare I say it, Amalekite. I am not saying they should be exterminated by Jews,  of course. In any case, Jews are only a very small minority of humanity and lack the personnel to do so even if they wanted to.

"As of 2010, there were about 14 million Jews around the world, representing 0.2% of the global population."

The problem is that there is an Amalekite in each of us in the form of the Yetzer Hara, the evil inclination.  It was Muhammad who said that the Greater Jihad is the struggle with oneself.

If Jews have a duty to the gentile, the it must be to denounce Christianity as being kaput, idolatrous and blasphemous to monotheism and to raise the status of Islam by being declared it Noahide-compliant.

My communications with a Chabad Rabbi Michael Schulman have revealed that Chabadniks are not about to endorse Secular Koranism as Noahide-compliant because they are themselves pushing a Jew-administered Noahidism on ex-Christians who are presumably Islamophobic and dim-witted. Indeed, they do not regard Muslims or Islam or the Koran as being Noahide -compliant. The reason they give is that the Koran does not punish idolatry or blasphemy as harshly as Jews ie with the death penalty.

Why would any gentile subject himself to a religion run by rabbis who would execute gentiles for idolatry if they could rather than trust other gentiles to run their society properly without infringing the First Amendment as Secular Koranism is guaranteed to do? One has to wonder at the as yet unplumbed depths of human stupidity.

40:00 Why I like discussing religion with rabbis

41:00  Why is child prostitution not being run by white men but by non-white and foreign gangs?

43:00  Gillick Competence

44:00  Condoning underage sex plays into the hands of child prostitution gangs

45:00  If child prostitution gangs were run by white men, Islamophobic white men would be shrugging their shoulders.

46:00  White sex predators work alone because they lack male solidarity having never met their unmarried fathers and were "educated" in their co-ed schools by female teachers. Non-white men tend to come from married parents which means they are more likely to have the male solidarity and male co-operation necessary to share information and resources with each other to run an enterprise, criminal or otherwise.

48:00  No British philosopher will even discuss the definition of masculinity, certainly not the late of Roger Scruton who pointedly refused to discuss feminism with me. Indeed, I recently heard a rumour that he was known to be bisexual. While my own morals have not been perfect, I have no difficulty at all discussing what the law should be as regards sexual morality and propose to treat unmarried parents as sex offenders attracting the punishment of

50:00  I define a Christian as someone who has been confirmed. There are not that many of them.

53:00 Safe spaces for men

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