Sunday, 26 April 2020

OV on rendering unto Caesar and God what is theirs

2:00  Generalisations
3:00  ‘Destroying the Knesset’: Thousands protest in Tel Aviv against coalition deal
Demonstrators castigate Blue and White’s Gantz for failing to prevent Prime Minister Netanyahu from obtaining leverage over the justice system that is trying him

6:00  "When the Torah specifies the death penalty of stoning, the Talmud explains it meant the offender was hurled down from a high place – rather than pelted with stones."

8:00  I want Jews to acknowledge that liberalism is bad for both Jews and gentiles and commend Secular Koranism to the gentile after adopting it in Israel. Most Jews and gentiles of the West are liberal and that is the problem.

9:00  Noahide laws

10:00  Rabbis relied on to interpret the Torah to dilute its harshness.

11:00  Progressive revelation

12:00  Scripture is the source of the rule of law.

12:30  The codification of the Torah by Maimonides

13:00  The Ten Commandments and divine law

14:00  Islam is Monotheism III, Christianity is Monotheism II and Islam is Monotheism I.

15:00  Noahide laws

16:00  It would be irrational to worship any deity less powerful than the Abrahamic God.

17:00  The Abrahamic faiths are three competing routes to the same Abrahamic God.

18:00  The rule of law

19:00  If Israel should be a theocracy and Jews should be at least Noahide, and Koran-based Islam is already Noahide, then Secular Koranism - also based on the Koran - has the same status as Islam, which is more Noahide-observant than Christianity.

 20:00  The purpose of the Noahide laws for me

21:00  Why even atheists need the Hypothetical Supreme Authority that is the Abrahamic God to settle their disputes

22:00  The divine right and the Mandate of Heaven

23:00  The rules of fasting

27:00  Secular Koranism

If Nazi Germany were still around and decided to adopt Secular Koranism, it would presumably be finding ways of being mean to Jews but only within the parameters of the Koranic principles. They would not be able to do anything to Jews that the Koran does not permit. Actually, nothing in the verses cited at referring to Jews says do anything nasty to Jews so really even Nazis operating under Secular Koranism and interpreting it literally wouldn't be able to do any more than give them disapproving looks and read verses of the Koran critical of Jews at them. They cannot incite crime, violence or provoke public disorder against Jews AKA the Children of Israel, as they are referred to in the Koran. 

29:00  Rabbinically-guided Noahidism

30:00  My intention is to be helpful to both Jews and gentiles who have had such a troubled relationship with each other.

31:00  If Jews adopted Secular Koranism to make Israel a theocracy, they would at last be light unto the nations because other nations would follow in Israel's footsteps too.

32:00  Rabbi Kahane who wanted Israel to be a theocracy and an ethnostate was assassinated in 1990.

32:30  Israel is an American Protectorate. Previously, it was a British Protectorate.

37:00  The Noahide laws
39:00  Civic nationalism
44:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest.
46:00  White people who passed the Hart-Celler Act
47:00  Jews look white.
48:00  Mexicans
49:00  Jews who marry out
50:00  Mamzer
51:00  How to stay Jewish
51:30  Groups that practise marriage and family values
52:00  Christianity
53:00  Jews and Muslims are people with a religion while the people who complain about them are without the advantages of organised religion. In fact, their organised religion - Christianity - has already failed them.
54:00  The nature and purpose of religion
55:00  When Christianity died
Scofield Bible and Vatican II
59:00  The Koran says Christ was not killed.
1:04:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
1:05:00  All the Abrahamic faiths expect the Messiah.
1:07:00  Virgin birth
1:08:00  How Jews, Christians and Muslims define themselves
1:09:00  Forbidding idolatry in others but practising it oneself
1:10:00  The idolatry of Christianity
1:12:00  The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Nicene creed
1:13:00  The Council of Nicaea
1:14:00  "In Trinitarian doctrine, God exists as three persons or hypostases, but is one being, having a single divine nature. The members of the Trinity are co-equal and co-eternal, one in essence, nature, power, action, and will."
1:19:00  Nicene creed
1:21:00  Unitarian Christianity
1:24:00  Jehovah's Witnesses
1:26:00  The schisms of Christianity
1:28:00  Separation of Church and State
1:30:00  It was the Americans who dealt the death blow to Christianity by quarantining the church from their state.
1:31:00  The First Amendment was based on
1:32:00  Why Thomas Jefferson Rewrote the Bible Without Jesus' Miracles and Resurrection
The third president had a secret: his carefully edited version of the New Testament.
1:32:30  Muhammad performed no miracles, but he was a successful military and a political leader.
1:33:00  Splitting the moon
1:35:00  The Koran comes from God, the New Testament was written by mortal men.
1:36:00  Hearsay
1:37:00  Talmud
1:38:00  The devil is in the detail.
1:39:00  The legal draughtsmanship of the Koran
1:40:00  Render unto Caesar
1:52:00  Temptation of Christ

Psychology Of The Mind - Soulmates, Dating & Relationships #2

1:03:00  Practical wisdom

Friday, 24 April 2020

Fasting for Ramadan 2020

1:00  Secular Koranism
4:00  Ramadan can be any month in the year because the next one is always 10 or 11 days earlier than the previous one.
5:00  Fasting time worldwide should be based on daylight hours of Mecca

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Jew Unpacks Hate of Westboro Baptist Church

Christians are idolaters and blasphemers and it is time Jews and Muslims told them exactly what they are, no holds barred. Jews, don't hold back if you want to be light unto the nations!

Why would Jews read the New Testament that was written by some guys called Matt, Mark, Luke, Johnny, Paul and Pete when their Torah already comes from Hashem Himself?  

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

No, the Declaration of Independence really is not all that important.

1:00 The American Declaration of Independence is mere puffery, as the Victorians would say.

The US constitution was written a whole decade after the American Declaration of Independence.

4:00 The proposition that all men are created equal comes from the French Revolution.

5:00 The pursuit of happiness was the second draft after it was thought that the pursuit of property made Americans seem like a bunch of unprincipled landgrabbers. However, it was the idea that the pursuit of happiness was in some way acceptable led to America becoming a land of hedonism steeped in sin. Why not substitute "justice" for "happiness"? That could turn America into a nation of moral and political philosophers away from the morbidly obese transgender and gaily married people they have now become.

5:30 The American Civil War was an American War of Unification. That is why Lincoln is now deified and sits like Zeus upon his throne in the Lincoln Memorial. Will future archaeologists one day conclude that the Americans worshipped their presidents when they discover the enormous idols at Mount Rushmore? "The ones we have found were the good ones, we suppose, but after indulging in their sin of President Worship, their Presidents got worse and worse until their civilisation became extinct after they all died of the Chinese flu."

7:00 Is equality democracy? Equal before God, was all it meant when the declaration said men were created equal, surely? Does either the Bible or the Koran deny the moral validity of patriarchal hierarchy? (Patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers where beta males choose an alpha male to be their leader to protect their interests as married fathers. Suffrage is denied to women because they already get to choose their husbands who will provide and protect them. Otherwise, their fathers are to protect and provide for them. A matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring. As you can imagine, such a society would be dysgenic, rife with social parasites and NEETs that need to be bribed with UBI, extramarital sex and the option of becoming transgender to keep them quiescent and sexually occupied under their matriarchy. The sexually sated male is politically inert. This explains why no white man in a senior position in the Western political establishment will raise the alarm against the matriarchy or even use the term. The perfect patriarchy - 100% married parents. The perfect matriarchy - 100% unmarried parents. The West is now a matriarchy.)

9:00 How many times has the US constitution been amended?

9:30 Have you considered using the Koran as the basis of your constitution?

13:00 Legal positivism

14:00 Should the Overton Window be smashed?

15:00 Natural law is divine law and divine law is God's law. This can only mean the Abrahamic God and there are only two revelations: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. The New Testament is clearly insufficient for any society to base its laws on. This was clearly the message Thomas Jefferson intended to convey when he compiled the Jefferson Bible.

17:00 Rights can only be legal rights and legal rights can be created or destroyed overnight. The only legal rights that have divine protection are divine laws and to have the benefit of divine laws we would have to live in a theocracy where belief in God is general.

18:00 " ... all men are created equal" [by God, if you believe in Him]. If you don't believe in God, then you wouldn't obey His laws. God's laws are contained in the Torah which is for Jews, and in the Koran which is for gentiles. If Americans believe in equality, then they must also logically and necessarily believe in God who created them equal. If they do indeed believe in God, then they must also believe that He made laws for them to follow. Therefore any law in America that is not in harmony with God's laws for gentiles should be repealed. The First Amendment was based on

As Nietzsche says, interpretation is not a function of truth but that of power.

21:00 Entailed rights are traditional rights and traditions become sacred with the passage of time.

24:00 Neo-liberalism is the economic arm of the American empire and neoconservatism its military arm.

29:00 "Interpretation is not a function of truth, but that of power." Why are Conservatives incapable of formulating arguments against Liberal positions? Or is it cowardice that prevents them from articulating these arguments?

33:00 The matriarchy is irrational, which is why it is a danger to itself. It is time to admit that the West is now a matriarchy.

43:00 Fox News ain't what it was.

48:00 Is it time to admit that both Conservatism and Christianity are kaput?

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Did the Easter story really happen? Robert Price explains.

29:00  If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism then Islam is divine civic nationalism. Christianity is kaput anyway.

31:00  Christianity is the idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by the Ten Commandments.

37:00  Moral Identity + Shared Heritage = RELIGION

38:00  Intersectional politics = matriarchy and feminist hierarchy

44:00  Even if Christianity dies, Christmas will not.

46:00  Islam, sexual mores, patriarchy

55:00  Liberals lie to themselves about science eg denying gender and race.

1:14:00  Does Conservatism require Koranism? If you want to be a Conservative, God's laws would help you be Conservative. It would help you to obey God's laws if you believed in His existence and the narrative of being sent to heaven if you are good and to hell if you are bad.

1:05:00  Prophets are not allowed to claim divinity in Judaism and Islam. Muhammad was the last prophet anyway.

1:12:00  Was the Jonestown massacre caused by organised religion or by a cult leader whose followers rejected organised religion in favour of a cult? Survival of the fittest comes to mind since Jones preyed on the emotionally and intellectually vulnerable enticed by the false promises of socialism and communism. The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

1:18:00  Why can't we have more discussions on religion? I would be very happy to discuss these matters on your show.

1:20:00  One cannot trust either an atheist or a Catholic. Only philosophers can be trusted to behave ethically. Belief in God is necessary to behave ethically.

1:25:00  Patricia Crone is an Islamophobe.

A Jew in Jerusalem frets about the state of Israel in the State of Israel

Aaron Amihud walks to the shop in Jerusalem to buy some toilet paper. He frets about the state of Israel in the State of Israel.

Aaron frets about the ethnostate and wonders whether race/genetics or culture is more of an influence on a people.

My view is this:

Laws are the algorithms of people making them do or not do certain things. Laws are part of morality and morality comes from religion. The religion of Israel is not Judaism but liberal democracy. Liberal democracy is a matriarchy and a matriarchy is a danger even to itself. Matriarchies are by definition degenerate because matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who casually conceived and casually parented their illegitimate offspring, and patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. If you are a liberal democracy, you are a matriarchy, and a matriarchy is a danger even to itself. If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, then the vehicle must be theocracy. There are only two possible theocracies you can be if you are Israel: a Torah theocracy or a Koran-based theocracy. A Torah theocracy would be too harsh even for Jews and most Jews even in Israel are not observant.

Why Jews are so clever

Will Rabbi Zobin be the next Chief Rabbi?

Weren't Jews chosen to promote the Noahide laws? Aren't Jews punished for not doing what they are religiously obliged to do through rising antisemitism?

Why are the Noahide laws not mentioned at all in this discussion? That would be the key differences between Judaism and other faiths, would it not?

2:00  Fussing over the practicalities of abstract concepts is a feature of Judaism.

4:00  Rules and the rule of law

5:00  Thinking about thinking about things, especially on the Sabbath

7:00  Praising God for extraordinary human beings

8:00  Embracing family life and rejecting celibacy and monasticism

9:00  Valuing education

9:30  Our imperfect perfect world or perfect imperfect world

11:00  Thinking big, rejecting fatalism and wrestling with God

Friday, 10 April 2020

Why even atheists need the Hypothetical Supreme Authority that is the Abrahamic God to settle their disputes

Because it is morally and intellectually necessary to do so.

Atheists do this every time they have a dispute with each other and appeal to a higher authority to decide who wins.

If this were a legal dispute, it would go to the Supreme Court. If they were still not happy, one of them would be invoking some hypothetical entity with more justice than the Supreme Court, whether or not he believed in God.

Let us imagine that this court higher than the Supreme Court of his country could be set up, and he was still not happy with the decision with the International Supreme Court.

If he were still not happy, he would be going higher and higher until he got to God Himself, even if he insisted on calling the Abrahamic God "a Hypothetical Supreme Being".

And so I have demonstrated the logical necessity of the Abrahamic God for atheists.

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

What's in a name?

1:00  Calling a spade a spade
2:00  Names are political.
3:00  Darling
3:30  Confucius
3:30  Rectification of Names
4:00  Name-calling
5:00  Careless talk cost lives.
6:00  A Register of Jews
7:00  alt-right
8:00  Hopeless cases that will never amount to anything
9:00  Bumping along at the bottom with the alt-right
10:00  A spatula is not a spade.
10:30  Refining our thoughts
11:00  Having your cake and eating it
12:00  Rectification of Names
13:00  Tower of Babel
14:00  The Amalekite
15:00  Genocidal extermination is a Jewish idea.
16:00  Scapegoating and idolatry are also Jewish ideas.
17:00  The rules of a moral system derived from religion
18:00  Emotionalism and mental illness
19:00  Faith gives us patience and perseverance.
20:00  The peace that comes after submitting to the Truth, Logic and Morality of the Hypothetical Supreme Being
21:00  Words are but the names of ideas.
22:00  Nostalgia is a sign of death and dying.
23:00  Abdal Hakim Murad AKA Tim Winter
24:00  Names are political.
25:00  A way of doing dawah better
26:00  Rejecting our past and wishing to change our sex
27:00  Offending the people who gave us our name
28:00  Oscar Wilde on fashion
29:00  The source of our problems is not fixing our mind and actions firmly on obeying the universal and eternal laws of a Universal and Eternal God.
30:00  Phobias, traumas, psychoses and neuroses
31:00  Doooovid has not yet give us his Jewish view of Covid-19
32:00  Is a virus alive?
33:00  The nature of a virus
36:00  A purpose to the pandemic
37:00  John 1:1
38:00  The idea of God implicitly includes all other ideas thinkable in the past, present and future.
39:00  Ideas are like viruses.
40:00  Thinking accurately and analytically
41:00  The Abrahamic God defined
42:00  Atheists are lower in status than those a religion protects.
43:00  The dishonesty, irrationality and immorality of atheists
44:00  Even if sense could be got out of the alt-right, no one listens to them anyway.
45:00  E Michael Jones
45:30  Is it quite true to call an executed revolutionary God and is idolatry and blasphemy really "logos"?
46:00  Lying, not keeping your promises and not knowing what you are supposed to do with your life
46:30  Mark Collett and Millennial Woes who only focus on race but do not acknowledge the dysgenics of bastardy and do not really care about their own racial hygiene or want to discuss restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism because unmarriageable men leading other unmarriageable men cannot be expected to support marriage and family values
47:00  Not having an army and not being dictator
48:00  Straw man argument
49:00  Rabbis and Islamic scholars
50:00  Isn't the West functionally Post-Christian?
51:00  Is religion also politics by another name?

Keith Woods fails to ask E Michael Jones how the Christian idolatry of worshiping Christ as God is logos

36:00  Wasn't Thomas Aquinas also an intellectual prostitute?

How is worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God "logos"?

Muslims and Jews regard Christianity as idolatrous and have failed in their duty to the non-Muslim gentile to point this out again and again until the message is understood and acted on, to the point of martyrdom.

50:00 would be a gentile way to deal with allegedly Jewish pornography.

55:00 would deal with "Jewish economics".

My two interviews with E Michael Jones

E Michael Jones tells me he would become Muslim if he thought Islam provided the solution

E Michael Jones on St Augustine, Aquinas, sharia in Iran and the logos of theocracy

Time to SMASH the Overton Window [starts 1:30]

3:00  The Overton Window
6:00  The Overton Window is PR shit.
7:00  Joseph P Overton
8:00  Henry Jackson Society
10:00  Douglas Murray
12:00  Neoconservatism
13:00  The Henry Jackson Society is a charity.
15:00  Liberal democracies only are legitimate according to HJS.
16:00  De-emphasising mlitary measures
18:00  Principles, the Torah and the Koran
19:00  The Neocon Spectator
20:00  Symptoms of the malaise
21:00  Immigration
21:30  Diverse casting in dramas
24:00  In the days when white people blacked up to play black characters
25:00  The nature and purpose of the white urban proletariat
26:00  Luvvies
26:30  No religion, no identity.
27:00  The militant atheism of white people
28:00  Civic nationalism
30:00  If Judaism is divine ethno-nationalism, then Islam is divine civic nationalism.
31:00  Jews would be extinct now but for Judaism even if most of them are not observant Jews.
32:00  Man-made political ideologies created by merely mortal men have a significantly briefer duration than the five world religions.
34:00  It is harder to be a Jew than a Muslim. If Islam is Judaism Lite, then Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.
35:00  Tribe, nation, empire
36:00  Great civilisations are great empires. Great empires can only be sustained by the rule of law and it has to be the right rule of law, not the shifting principles of shifty academics who support the Henry Jackson Society like Alan Mendoza who acts as minder for Melanie Phillips, the Zionist Jewess.
38:00  Phillip Schofield questioned racism against Meghan Markle and this black academic wasted no time correcting him
40:00  If the White Man is incapable of formulating a counter-argument against black feminist academics or too afraid of articulating it, I am very happy to step into the breach.
46:00  White men complaining like leaderless women who don't even know they need a leader.
51:00  White settlers in America were more robust than alt-right whingers whose leader is Richard Spencer the adulterer and Greg Johnson the sodomite.
53:00  The prospect of men of the alt-right becoming marriageable men in their lifetimes is remote.
55:00  Rape of the Sabine Women

Some depictions of the abduction event depict the Sabine women as being willing participants. ‘The Rape of the Sabines: The Invasion’ by Charles Christian Nahl 

Abdal Hakim Murad, Islamic scholar, calls Donald Trump an Amalekite

I listened to this moving and profound sermon more than once. Is Abdal Hakim Murad himself not engaging in backbiting that he warns us against when he calls Donald Trump and Amalekite? But Man is a political animal, and doubtless the desire to call certain people Amalekite even if we are not Jewish - for Jews are the only people religiously obliged to exterminate them - is part of this trait of humanity. If so, let debate be honest, rational and moral! I too suffer from the desire to speculate on who is an Amalekite myself. Some Jews claim they have been exterminated, others look uneasy or frightened when I ask them what has become of their duty to exterminate them or even promote the Noahide laws as they have been chosen by God to do. I have come to the conclusion that Amalekites are at least people who propose policies that flout the Seven Noahide Laws eg anyone who supported the legalisation of gay marriage, such as David Cameron and all MPs who voted for it.

Perhaps the next sermon by Abdal Hakim Murad will be on the Islamic view of Amalekites.

"mindfulness in every breath"

"Microbes and viruses are part of the army of God."

"the global 1%"

"the plagues of Egypt"

"oppression and pride"

"God does not guide the unjust."

"The smallest creatures overcome the proud with hubris."

"The Black Death in Cairo records that 20,000 people a day were dying and the Imams would cry out "Shahada Shahada" the reference no doubt was to the Bukhari hadith that says that those who stay in a plague stricken land reckoning that nothing can befall them will receive a reward equal to that of martyr."

"the Islamic roots of the modern hospital"

"Our modern attitude to death a very unrealistic evasive and stressful atheist beliefs which of themselves spread like a virus thanks to the unclean matter which is accumulated in our heart persuade many that clinical death is the end of ourselves."

"Believers enjoy better mental health outcomes than atheists."

"Islamic resignation"

When the clouds are dark and dreary
at the close of mortal way.
When with faltering footsteps weary,
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.
Then I think of loved ones parted from me
now full many a day and I feel quite blithe hearted
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
at least so the poet's say,
and there'll be no parting yonder.
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.
Though lone the path I travel,
though my immortal powers decay,
my feet tread upon sure gravel,
I'm going home to stay.

Be it late or be it early, comes the call I must obey.
Cheerfully I'll meet it fairly
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.

20:00  " ... the Amalekites of our age like Donald Trump ..."

"This epidemic of fear and sorrow which are paralyzing our supposedly blase and sophisticated world are not only about death however but about the frailty the precariousness of dunya."

"Be in this world as though a stranger or a traveller."

"If Mr Hancock's predictions of an unlocking at the end of April come true, it will be a 40 day retreat - literally a true quarantine. During this time the atheist materialist world will be suffering from boredom fear and financial anxiety. Its dilemma is clear: either leave people in their homes or revive the economy. The fear of death and the fear of poverty are two agitated giants clashing in their hearts. To the extent that we have internalized our Islam, we will not suffer much from such clashes or from such fears. The future belongs to Allah, not to man. All is His and we travel into it as He decrees."

"We realize also with sorrow how impoverished must be the life of the godless."

"How good a friend is a book when friends are unavailable as we spend our days in peaceful detachment and our heart calmed down. In an uncanny way, we can establish a feeling of connection with the souls of scholars of past pages by respectfully engaging with their works. We can in some mysterious sense become their disciples. We can enjoy their company in the same way."

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

My five Pesach questions to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Question 1
What were Jews chosen by God to do if not to promote the Noahide laws?

Question 2
What could be more blasphemous and idolatrous than worshipping an executed Jew who was convicted of blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem?

Question 3
If you had to rank the four other world religions according to their Noahide-observance, is Christianity the furthest away from conformity with them because of its supreme blasphemy and idolatry?

Question 4
Is the rise in antisemitism linked to how little Jews have been promoting the Noahide laws amongst gentiles?

Question 5
How long have Jews been neglecting their religious obligation to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles?

In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews.

Love at First Sight

Monday, 6 April 2020

Ex-Secular Koranist Jon Vance, convert to Islam, waves a can of Coors at us while he discussed Jews

6:50  "Jews aren't loyal to anything."  Are gentiles?

7:00  How have Jews deceived, manipulated and exploited you?

8:00  Jews have never said they do not commit crimes. The fact that Judaism has four kinds of death penalty is conclusive evidence that Jews have never claimed they do not commit crimes.

8:30  Israel is not a theocracy. To become a theocracy, it would have to formally declare independence from America. Currently, Israel is a protectorate of America.

11:00  Jews are supposed to believe in an afterlife. They even have a name for it.

12:00  What scripture in Judaism prescribes "hedonism and pleasure of this earth"?

12:30  What is this "Judaic strategy"?

12:40  What is the "gentile strategy"?

14:00  "Pursuing anything that is related to Judaism is antithetical to the doctrine of Islam and Christianity." You don't seem to realise that both Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism.

15:00  What part of Judaism infects everything?

15:30  Which verse in the Scofield Bible says you have to donate to Israel to get to heaven?

17:00  Where does it say that Aryans are less hedonistic than non-Aryans?

18:00  Jon waves a can of beer at us.

24:00  How have Jews inverted the values and religions of gentiles?

25:00  Which Jews want to see you suffer for their own gain?

30:00  The Koran says Christ was not crucified.  

31:00  Ways of obscuring the truth

Judaism quarantined

Chaya Tova:

"Rabbi, here in Yerushalayim, my neighbors from balconies and roof tops of buildings,  started to form a minyan everyday. I can only hear the barchu and kaddish. The Hassidim who were few in numbers were helped by the Sephardim to say AMEN. Other buildings on a different street were able to bring out the Torah and do Birchat Cohanim this past Shabbat. 

The daily obligations of Charedim is really missing everyday. How we should learn our lesson quickly and do serious tshuvah or we won't get back to the way it is."

12:00 The people who suffer most are the Ultra Orthodox Jews.

16:00 Is God punishing all Jews? When was the last time a Jew pointed out that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy?

18:00 Liberal rabbis in America are now echoing the words of Rabbi Mizrachi.

22:00 The Kaddish is not being said in any synagogue because secular Jews have closed them all down in Israel.

40:00 The University of Manhattan gets a special mention.

48:00 Kissing up to wicked people is forbidden.

54:00 Does Rabbi Mizrachi mean Rabbi Sacks?

58:00 Principled leadership

Friday, 3 April 2020

The significance of the minyan and kaddish during Covid-19

1:00  I should have said "Jews being forbidden to gather in synagogues" and not said "Jews being forbidden to pray".
2:00  Quorum
3:00  Minyan
Infections spike | Ultra-Orthodox Jews ignore govt lockdown

Ollie Anisfeld asks about Rabbi Zobin about the minyan

4:00  Kaddish
14:00  Matriarchy and atheism
15:00  Sodom and Gomorrah
19:00  Lot
19:30  Are there even ten righteous men in the entire West?
21:00  Why Are Ten Men Needed for a Minyan?
Why did Abraham stop at ten in Genesis 18:32?
25:00  Herd immunity
26:00  Brazil, Mexico and Sweden
28:00  Travel ban 23 January 2020; Chinese New Year 2020 was on 25 January 2020
32:00  Kiddush Hashem to form a minyan in defiance of secular laws?
33:00  Is virus really as bad as we are being told? says FREDERICK FORSYTH
THE GREAT majority of us like it when the things we are being told actually make sense. I certainly do. So when the scary bulletins and instructions pouring out of government do not do that, I experience "red light" syndrome.
36:00  Looming hunger crisis | US food banks overwhelmed & farmers under threat
36:30  Are non-Muslim gentile men more likely to suffer cabin fever and inflict domestic violence on their female partners than Jewish and Muslim husbands during the Covid-19 quarantine? If so, what could be the reason?

Ultra-Orthodox Jews ignoring government lockdown will get their herd immunity first

Thursday, 2 April 2020

In the Shadow of the Corona Virus - A Kabbalistic Perspective

There is a famous saying, the Rabbis tell us, "SheHakadosh Baruch Hu Makdim Refuah L'maka," before the onset of a disease the cure already exists.

The cure exists before the onset of the disease? Yes.

Why should the "Refuah," why should the cure be there before?

Once there is disease, go find the cure.

Why does G-d have to create the cure before the disease?

The reason for this is because G-d knows what's going to be in the future. In the future, human beings will fall repeatedly, many, many times. And as a result of that, they may come to the biggest fall of all. What's the biggest fall of all? Not the sin itself, but "Yiush," despair. People will feel, well, I've fallen so low, I've sank so low, I have no chance to come out of this. That's it, I'm a sinner. I committed all these terrible wrongs. There's no way for me to come out of this. That's the biggest fall. That despair. Don't despair. Never despair. The "Refuah," therefore, the cure that has been around even before, the potential of sin, is called 'Teshuva," is called Repentance.

G-d says, I have already prepared this, because I created you.

I know that you're capable of this.
I know that you are susceptible.
I have already created the cure.
The biggest "Refuah," the biggest and most powerful cure of all, is "Teshuvah," is Repentance.

Be careful not to despair, not to feel bad.
Be hopeful. Be happy.
Because G-d is on your side. He loves you, and he wants you to take the first step, and he'll help you with all the other steps that you still need to take.
But you take the first one.
But that will not that happen so easily if you despair.
So don't despair.
So this incident of the Golden Calf was an example of falling so low, but still being given the opportunity to correct it and not to despair. That is why you find many, many times, the prophets calling to the Jewish people, "return, return, return, return," even though you've done so much wrong.

Never, never give up hope, never despair.
You can always do a U-turn and come right back.
But in order to be able to avail yourself, and to use this cure, this very powerful remedy called "Teshuvah," Repentance, one has to have a good dose of "Anava," of Humility.
Look at the Red Heifer, the very interesting commandment, the Red Heifer. But what happens to that Red Heifer?
It's burnt to ashes.
It's the ashes that's used to drive away the impurity.
Ashes represents Humility.
It is the power of Humility that can bring one to understand that this is the right thing for him to do, it's to return to G-d, to do "Teshuva."
Without that Humility, he would never think of doing something like this.
He would never even stop for a moment to think, perhaps that he did something wrong.
And the more so, to take action to fix it.
You need Humility.

Otherwise, you can offer someone the best remedy, if he is arrogant, he doesn't think he made a mistake, he's wrong, he's never going to take that medication.

3:00  Great empires humbled
4:00  The crown 620 (613 Commandments +7 Noahide laws)
5:00  Kareth = death
8:00  Head count
11:00  The evil eye
14:00  Arrogance
16:00  Idolatry
17:00  Paganism
17:30  Physical desires
18:00  Arrogance
18:30  Titus
19:00  The flea and the fever
21:00  Lashon Hara
25:00  Toilet roll
30:00  Yetzer Hara
32:00  The cure exists before the disease
34:00  Despair
35:00  Ashes, humility, teshuvah
37:00  Lashon Hara

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Jewish Reflections on Coronavirus

This is the highlight of the 54:41 one above.

Will Jews get their herd immunity first?

28:00  I join to explain my views on Covid-19.
The only problem is the disposal of corpses.
20:00  NEETs and bedblockers
30:00  Sacrifices will have to be made.
31:00  Independent businesses
33:00  The end of civilisation as we know it
33:30  The end of American exceptionalism
34:00  Effeminate, cowardly, unmanly
35:00  The orphans of Western civilisation
36:00  Periodic clearout
37:00  Europeans went on to achieve great things after the bubonic plague.
38:00  Dying with dignity
38:30  The West is a geographical as well as a political expression.
41:00  Boomer remover
42:00  Prioritising the national interest
43:00  Is there a duty to strive officiously to keep alive?
46:00  Senescent Italy
48:00  Islamic consultation
49:00  India, Mexico, Brazil and Sweden
51:00  Covid-19 deaths in Sweden
51:30  Spanish flu
52:00  It's not what happens to you, but how you deal with it.
52:30  The divine punishment narrative
53:00  The Abrahamic God
53:30  The Ancient Greeks
54:00  The slaves of God
55:00  Prometheus
56:00  Alexander Fleming
56:30  Israel means wrestling with God.
57:00  Biblical and rabbinic responses to suffering

Throughout the literature of Jewish piety, the idea is found of accepting suffering in love and faith in God. The Mekhilta [a midrash on the book of Exodus] to the verse: “Ye shall not make with Me gods of silver and gods of gold” (Exodus 20: 23) comments: “Do not behave towards Me as heathens behave to their gods. When happiness come to them, they sing praises to their gods, but when retribution comes upon them they curse their gods. If I bring happiness upon you give thanks, and when I bring sufferings give thanks also.”

58:00  People on the whole are not interested in learning. 

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...