Tuesday, 14 April 2020

A Jew in Jerusalem frets about the state of Israel in the State of Israel

Aaron Amihud walks to the shop in Jerusalem to buy some toilet paper. He frets about the state of Israel in the State of Israel.

Aaron frets about the ethnostate and wonders whether race/genetics or culture is more of an influence on a people.

My view is this:

Laws are the algorithms of people making them do or not do certain things. Laws are part of morality and morality comes from religion. The religion of Israel is not Judaism but liberal democracy. Liberal democracy is a matriarchy and a matriarchy is a danger even to itself. Matriarchies are by definition degenerate because matriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of unmarried mothers who casually conceived and casually parented their illegitimate offspring, and patriarchy is a society that prioritises the preferences of married fathers who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring. If you are a liberal democracy, you are a matriarchy, and a matriarchy is a danger even to itself. If the problem is matriarchy, then the solution must be patriarchy. If the destination is patriarchy, then the vehicle must be theocracy. There are only two possible theocracies you can be if you are Israel: a Torah theocracy or a Koran-based theocracy. A Torah theocracy would be too harsh even for Jews and most Jews even in Israel are not observant.

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