Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Abdal Hakim Murad, Islamic scholar, calls Donald Trump an Amalekite

I listened to this moving and profound sermon more than once. Is Abdal Hakim Murad himself not engaging in backbiting that he warns us against when he calls Donald Trump and Amalekite? But Man is a political animal, and doubtless the desire to call certain people Amalekite even if we are not Jewish - for Jews are the only people religiously obliged to exterminate them - is part of this trait of humanity. If so, let debate be honest, rational and moral! I too suffer from the desire to speculate on who is an Amalekite myself. Some Jews claim they have been exterminated, others look uneasy or frightened when I ask them what has become of their duty to exterminate them or even promote the Noahide laws as they have been chosen by God to do. I have come to the conclusion that Amalekites are at least people who propose policies that flout the Seven Noahide Laws eg anyone who supported the legalisation of gay marriage, such as David Cameron and all MPs who voted for it.

Perhaps the next sermon by Abdal Hakim Murad will be on the Islamic view of Amalekites.

"mindfulness in every breath"

"Microbes and viruses are part of the army of God."

"the global 1%"

"the plagues of Egypt"

"oppression and pride"

"God does not guide the unjust."

"The smallest creatures overcome the proud with hubris."

"The Black Death in Cairo records that 20,000 people a day were dying and the Imams would cry out "Shahada Shahada" the reference no doubt was to the Bukhari hadith that says that those who stay in a plague stricken land reckoning that nothing can befall them will receive a reward equal to that of martyr."

"the Islamic roots of the modern hospital"

"Our modern attitude to death a very unrealistic evasive and stressful atheist beliefs which of themselves spread like a virus thanks to the unclean matter which is accumulated in our heart persuade many that clinical death is the end of ourselves."

"Believers enjoy better mental health outcomes than atheists."

"Islamic resignation"

When the clouds are dark and dreary
at the close of mortal way.
When with faltering footsteps weary,
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.
Then I think of loved ones parted from me
now full many a day and I feel quite blithe hearted
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder,
at least so the poet's say,
and there'll be no parting yonder.
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.
Though lone the path I travel,
though my immortal powers decay,
my feet tread upon sure gravel,
I'm going home to stay.

Be it late or be it early, comes the call I must obey.
Cheerfully I'll meet it fairly
I'm going home to stay, evermore to stay.

20:00  " ... the Amalekites of our age like Donald Trump ..."

"This epidemic of fear and sorrow which are paralyzing our supposedly blase and sophisticated world are not only about death however but about the frailty the precariousness of dunya."

"Be in this world as though a stranger or a traveller."

"If Mr Hancock's predictions of an unlocking at the end of April come true, it will be a 40 day retreat - literally a true quarantine. During this time the atheist materialist world will be suffering from boredom fear and financial anxiety. Its dilemma is clear: either leave people in their homes or revive the economy. The fear of death and the fear of poverty are two agitated giants clashing in their hearts. To the extent that we have internalized our Islam, we will not suffer much from such clashes or from such fears. The future belongs to Allah, not to man. All is His and we travel into it as He decrees."

"We realize also with sorrow how impoverished must be the life of the godless."

"How good a friend is a book when friends are unavailable as we spend our days in peaceful detachment and our heart calmed down. In an uncanny way, we can establish a feeling of connection with the souls of scholars of past pages by respectfully engaging with their works. We can in some mysterious sense become their disciples. We can enjoy their company in the same way."

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