Tuesday, 7 April 2020

My five Pesach questions to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks


Question 1
What were Jews chosen by God to do if not to promote the Noahide laws?

Question 2
What could be more blasphemous and idolatrous than worshipping an executed Jew who was convicted of blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem?

Question 3
If you had to rank the four other world religions according to their Noahide-observance, is Christianity the furthest away from conformity with them because of its supreme blasphemy and idolatry?

Question 4
Is the rise in antisemitism linked to how little Jews have been promoting the Noahide laws amongst gentiles?


Question 5
How long have Jews been neglecting their religious obligation to promote the Noahide laws amongst gentiles?


In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that Trinitarianism is not forbidden to non-Jews.


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