Thursday, 2 April 2020

In the Shadow of the Corona Virus - A Kabbalistic Perspective

There is a famous saying, the Rabbis tell us, "SheHakadosh Baruch Hu Makdim Refuah L'maka," before the onset of a disease the cure already exists.

The cure exists before the onset of the disease? Yes.

Why should the "Refuah," why should the cure be there before?

Once there is disease, go find the cure.

Why does G-d have to create the cure before the disease?

The reason for this is because G-d knows what's going to be in the future. In the future, human beings will fall repeatedly, many, many times. And as a result of that, they may come to the biggest fall of all. What's the biggest fall of all? Not the sin itself, but "Yiush," despair. People will feel, well, I've fallen so low, I've sank so low, I have no chance to come out of this. That's it, I'm a sinner. I committed all these terrible wrongs. There's no way for me to come out of this. That's the biggest fall. That despair. Don't despair. Never despair. The "Refuah," therefore, the cure that has been around even before, the potential of sin, is called 'Teshuva," is called Repentance.

G-d says, I have already prepared this, because I created you.

I know that you're capable of this.
I know that you are susceptible.
I have already created the cure.
The biggest "Refuah," the biggest and most powerful cure of all, is "Teshuvah," is Repentance.

Be careful not to despair, not to feel bad.
Be hopeful. Be happy.
Because G-d is on your side. He loves you, and he wants you to take the first step, and he'll help you with all the other steps that you still need to take.
But you take the first one.
But that will not that happen so easily if you despair.
So don't despair.
So this incident of the Golden Calf was an example of falling so low, but still being given the opportunity to correct it and not to despair. That is why you find many, many times, the prophets calling to the Jewish people, "return, return, return, return," even though you've done so much wrong.

Never, never give up hope, never despair.
You can always do a U-turn and come right back.
But in order to be able to avail yourself, and to use this cure, this very powerful remedy called "Teshuvah," Repentance, one has to have a good dose of "Anava," of Humility.
Look at the Red Heifer, the very interesting commandment, the Red Heifer. But what happens to that Red Heifer?
It's burnt to ashes.
It's the ashes that's used to drive away the impurity.
Ashes represents Humility.
It is the power of Humility that can bring one to understand that this is the right thing for him to do, it's to return to G-d, to do "Teshuva."
Without that Humility, he would never think of doing something like this.
He would never even stop for a moment to think, perhaps that he did something wrong.
And the more so, to take action to fix it.
You need Humility.

Otherwise, you can offer someone the best remedy, if he is arrogant, he doesn't think he made a mistake, he's wrong, he's never going to take that medication.

3:00  Great empires humbled
4:00  The crown 620 (613 Commandments +7 Noahide laws)
5:00  Kareth = death
8:00  Head count
11:00  The evil eye
14:00  Arrogance
16:00  Idolatry
17:00  Paganism
17:30  Physical desires
18:00  Arrogance
18:30  Titus
19:00  The flea and the fever
21:00  Lashon Hara
25:00  Toilet roll
30:00  Yetzer Hara
32:00  The cure exists before the disease
34:00  Despair
35:00  Ashes, humility, teshuvah
37:00  Lashon Hara

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