Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Why Jews are so clever

Will Rabbi Zobin be the next Chief Rabbi?

Weren't Jews chosen to promote the Noahide laws? Aren't Jews punished for not doing what they are religiously obliged to do through rising antisemitism?

Why are the Noahide laws not mentioned at all in this discussion? That would be the key differences between Judaism and other faiths, would it not? https://radicalisedrabbi.blogspot.com/2020/02/noahide-ranking-of-other-four-world.html

2:00  Fussing over the practicalities of abstract concepts is a feature of Judaism.

4:00  Rules and the rule of law

5:00  Thinking about thinking about things, especially on the Sabbath

7:00  Praising God for extraordinary human beings

8:00  Embracing family life and rejecting celibacy and monasticism

9:00  Valuing education

9:30  Our imperfect perfect world or perfect imperfect world

11:00  Thinking big, rejecting fatalism and wrestling with God

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Who are the 14 rabbis listed in Rabbi Mizrachi’s blacklist of non-kosher rabbis?

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