Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Keith Woods fails to ask E Michael Jones how the Christian idolatry of worshiping Christ as God is logos

36:00  Wasn't Thomas Aquinas also an intellectual prostitute?

How is worshipping an executed revolutionary as the co-equal of the supreme and eternal Abrahamic God "logos"?

Muslims and Jews regard Christianity as idolatrous and have failed in their duty to the non-Muslim gentile to point this out again and again until the message is understood and acted on, to the point of martyrdom.

50:00 would be a gentile way to deal with allegedly Jewish pornography.

55:00 would deal with "Jewish economics".

My two interviews with E Michael Jones

E Michael Jones tells me he would become Muslim if he thought Islam provided the solution

E Michael Jones on St Augustine, Aquinas, sharia in Iran and the logos of theocracy

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