Saturday, 31 October 2020

The origins of the First Amendment

It is only to be expected that religions that go against God's Commandments and the Noahide laws against idolatry and blasphemy would fade away when the political establishment no longer have the political will to enforce belief, when they no longer believe in its efficacy themselves.

Belief that Jesus is God could only be enforced through state intimidation because it is so patently absurd. After the subjects of a European monarch were forcibly converted to Christianity, they were easily kept within the fold by the practice of burning heretics.

Edward Wightman was the last man in England to be burned at the stake in Lichfield in 1612 for denying that Jesus is also God.

Thomas Aikenhead was the last man in Britain to be hanged for blasphemy in Edinburgh in 1697. He was only 20.

Blasphemy remained a capital offence in Scotland until 1825.

If it had not been for the Christian-on-Christian religious persecution of Christian Europe, the Americans would not now have the First Amendment to prevent the nastiness of totalitarian Trinitarianism from following them from the Old World into the New World. The First Amendment is based on

Judaism Lite

God does not have to actually exist for people to believe in Him because faith is actually a choice, and people can choose or choose not to believe.

Why would one choose to believe even if uncertain?

Because there is a utility to belief in that it comforts us spiritually while giving us the correct moral values to uphold from generation to generation to keep our group in existence.

If God was a creation of Man, He was created for a purpose and that purpose remains operational from the time of Abraham to us in our time and beyond.

We already know that the five world religions have lasted significantly longer than secular political ideology because they are support patriarchal moral values ie marriage and family values.

We should already know by now that deviation from supporting patriarchy results in matriarchy, and to discover that your society is a matriarchy is to know that your civilisation is suffering from a terminal disease.

If God was a creation of Man, then He was created for a purpose, and that purpose was to keep our group in existence and apart from others.

Judaism has been the most successful because Jews remained in existence despite having been deprived of their homeland for 2000 years.

The Abrahamic faith most similar to Judaism is Islam.

What are liberal principles?

We do not even have a moral system if its principles cannot be either identified or agreed on.
Would those identifying as liberal be able to state the principles of liberalism even if you locked them up in the Sistine Chapel and deprived them of food, drink and toilet facilities?

Because we have no moral system, none of our institutions are fit for purpose. This explains why Western media are not discussing the failure of Christianity and Liberalism, whether it should be replaced, and with what. It won't even deign to reject my solution after examining it because they are too afraid of looking at it. That is because the women who control of content of news and entertainment at the BBC are simply incapable of having a rational and honest discussion about anything.

Friday, 30 October 2020

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin

8:00  Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’

15:00  Shas

21:00  Political Correctness

29:00  When Rabbis Speak "Heresy"

33:00  Natan Slifin

50:00  Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions


53:00  The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord that Christians are only pretending to believe in for the sake of status and income. 

The Sad Situation Of The Jewish World Today

Jeremy Corbyn suspended from Labour Party for defending himself against accusations of antisemitism

2:00  BNP and equality group both claim victory in legal wrangle
Nick Griffin defies bid to find him guilty of contempt after court battle over membership rules for far right party

3:00  Labour suspends Jeremy Corbyn over reaction to anti-Semitism report

6:00  John Tyndale and Nick Griffin

7:00  Khaw v Conservative Party

9:00  Cameron v Hogan

13:00  Inability of the political establishment in a matriarchy to solve and avoid problems

15:00  Jeremy Corby on the UK leaving NATO and the EU

16:00  Keir Starmer

17:00  Are Jews trying to provoke antisemitism?

18:00  Secular Jews and Rabbi Sacks

21:00  It is not possible to be a good liberal and a good Jew nor a righteous gentile if you are liberal.

22:00  The revealed scripture of the Torah and the Koran  v the made-up shit of the idolatrous and blasphemous Doctrine of the Trinity that the Americans have destroyed with their First Amendment

23:00  Nationalism

24:00  Antisemitism is thoughtcrime. 

25:00  In a matriarchy, to defend yourself against an accusation is evidence of guilt. 

26:00  The rights of the members of Chinese Communist Party

28:00  Louisa Weinstein

30:00  Do we need to learn to live with more risk?

36:00  Antisemitic Muslim Labour members

37:00  Have Jews had their morals corrupted by liberalism?

38:00  A Register of Jews

39:00  Jewish privilege

40:00  Are white people liberal or nationalist? 

41:00  Assimilated Jew asserting Jewish privilege.

42:00  Why the West is a matriarchy and why Jews, Christians and Muslims are too afraid to discuss this in the so-called free West

43:00  The failure of the moral and political system of the West

44:00  Christianity and Liberalism should be taken out with the trash as soon as possible. 

46:00  The role of the Registrar Rabbi

47:00  The First Amendment destroyed Christianity. 

48:00  Nietzsche should have said "Jesus is dead and we should have known this 2000 years ago."

49:00  Thought crime legislation would be unIslamic.

50:00  The Founding Fathers in their role in destroying Christianity.

53:00  Keir Starmer interviewed by Mishal Husain from 2:10:00  

1:07:00  Civil war everywhere?

1:08:00  Are men afraid of being accused of a historic sexual offence?

1:09:00  Can I find a socially conservative Jewish lawyer who has read the Koran with a rabbinical education prepared to discuss the failure of Christianity and liberalism with me in public? 

1:10:00  No point talking to Christians who will double down on their denial that Christianity is kaput.  

1:12:00  Trump

1:13:00  The Trinity is morally and intellectually indefensible.

1:14:00  Macron's provocation of Muslim terrorists

1:15:00  Liberty in France

1:17:00  Noahide laws

1:18:00  Secular Koranism is more Noahide than Christianity.  

1:19:00  Moral systems

1:23:00  Freedom of religion

1:25:00  Confirmed Christians

1:26:00  Church music

1:27:00  Sharia

1:28:00  A one-party theocracy

1:29:00  Secular Koranism


1:31:00  Conclusive evidence of antisemitism is the rejection of the Noahide laws just because they are Jewish.

1:35:00  Defining secularism

1:36:00  Islam > Liberalism

1:38:00  Patriarchy v Matriarchy

1:39:00  SUMMARY

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Josh of Jerusalem and I discuss religion and the politics of lockdown


1:00  Jeremy Corbyn suspended over antisemitism investigation.
2:00  Punch and Judy punishment
3:00  Vaccine
5:00  Bill Gates

Western pessimism from 38:00
The divide between the rich and the ultra rich from 42:00

8:00  Rabbi Mizrachi
9:00  Talmudic prediction
10:00  Rebelling against masking
14:00  Trump
15:00  The media
17:00  John Gray

18:00  Identity politics is status politics.
20:00  Boomers

24:00  Soup kitchen guy
26:00  What God might be saying to Man
28:00  Theocracy
29:00  Ecclesiocracy
30:00  The corrupt Catholic priesthood
31:00  The Orthodox Church
33:00  Small government and Jews in the Roman empire
34:00  Herod
35:00  Magna Carta
36:00  Reward and punishment
38:00  Rules are made to be broken.
39:00  Envy
40:00  Dealing with our enemies
42:00  Political activism
44:00  The average of Western nations
46:00  The role of government
47:00  The future for Western nations
48:00  The moral system of the West is not working.
49:00  Rabbinical college
50:00  Nietzsche
51:00  Doctrine of the Trinity
52:00  Death by fire
54:00  Halal slaughter
56:00  Shiva
57:00  Emotion and intelligence
58:00  The Great Tradition of Truth, Logic and Morality
1:00:00  The national interest
1:03:00  Religions last significantly longer than secular political ideologies.
1:04:00  Secular political ideologies always deviate from the gold standard of marriage.
1:05:00  Christianity was the biggest mindfuck of all.  
1:06:00  Nachmanides
1:08:00  Tolerance
1:09:00  You can't solve the Mystery of the Trinity without rejecting it.
1:12:00  Liberalism
1:13:00  The bitter pill
1:18:00  Kafir

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Does Christianity contradict the Noahide laws against idolatry and blasphemy?

1 h 
Qur'an 9:30 - "The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.” Such are their baseless assertions, only parroting the words of earlier disbelievers. May Allah condemn them! How can they be deluded ˹from the truth˺?"
This ayah is often used to discredit Islam, we all know that Jews do not worship a man! But wait - this passage should actually hint at a greater complexity at work here.
Most Jews today are descended from Rabbinic Jews - those who believe that the oral tradition, codified in the Talmud, interprets the written Torah. But the Karaite community, which does not hold by the oral law, used to outnumber the Rabbinites, though their numbers have dwindled.
The Sadducees also did not hold by the oral tradition. They were Hellenized, ruled the Second Temple, imposed forced conversion upon the local non-Jewish population to a form of Judaism in which fewer commandments are required. (This was done without the population's knowledge, it was merely imposed, think of it as imposed citizenship, there was nothing warlike about this process.) Jews today will say - "forced conversions are an anathema to us!" Forced conversions are indeed an anathema to Rabbinic Jews, but they were not an anathema to the expansionist Sadduceans.
When the Temple fell, the Sadducees did not just disappear. They built a Temple at Heliopolis and made sacrifices there (sacrifice outside the Temple is another anathema to Rabbinic Jews).
Scholars Ibn Hazm and Al Jahiz said that the Jews who worshiped Ezra were "Sadukaya" - Sadducees
So do not be too quick to dismiss passages in the Qur'an which actually may be pointing to historical facts that we have forgotten.
There were groups of Jews who no longer exist.
Some also wonder - why is the language of the Qur'an at times harsh to Jews and at times accepting? This may be because Muhammad(pbuh) was speaking to two different groups - the Sadukaya, who were expansionist and cynically imposing religion on others, and the Rabbinites, who were cleaving to their revelation as handed down from their forebears without ulterior motive.
Think of the Cathar Christian community, which ceased to exist in the 14th century. Just like other communities have faded from the scene, the Sadducees faded, assimilating into the new host cultures.
Islam has no problem with this or that practice of a monotheist sect. Muhammad(pbuh) was not criticizing the Sadducean Jews for, say, their Sabbath observance differing from the Rabbinic Sabbath, he in fact embraced all monotheists with this proviso:
"Indeed, the believers, Jews, Sabians and Christians—whoever ˹truly˺ believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, there will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve." 2:62
See also:
"To each among you have we prescribed a Shariah (law) and Minhaj (custom). If Allah had so willed, He could have made you a single Ummah (people), but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the truth about the matters in which ye differ;" (Surat Al Maeda 5,48)
"To each is a direction of prayer to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things." (Surat Al Baqara 2.148)
The problem was using religion as a form of militant expansionism. That is what Muhammad(pbuh) bravely called out, one of many courageous declarations he made.
So embrace contradiction, it may not be contradiction after all.
Adam Schaffer and 12 others


  • What do Muslims feel about those who claim that God has begotten a son?
    Surah Al-Kahf - 18:4
    Surah Al-Kahf - 18:4
    Surah Al-Kahf - 18:4
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    • 51 m
  • What do Jews feel about Christians worshipping a man convicted and executed for blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem for 2000 years?
    Sanhedrin trial of Jesus - Wikipedia
    Sanhedrin trial of Jesus - Wikipedia
    Sanhedrin trial of Jesus - Wikipedia
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    • 49 m
    Claire Khaw replied
    14 replies
    19 m
  • Do Jews have a duty to remind gentiles of the Noahide laws?
    Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism wrote:
    We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)
    The Noahide Laws | My Jewish Learning
    The Noahide Laws | My Jewish Learning
    The Noahide Laws | My Jewish Learning
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    • 47 m
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    • 29 m
  • Claire, your comments have nothing to do with my thread.
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    • 20 m
    • Rebecca Abrahamson
       Qur'an 9:30 - "The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.”
      This was what my comments related to.
      • Like
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      • 17 m
      • Edited
  • I believe in working with all monotheists, and Christianity is accepted by traditional Rabbinic Judaism as monotheistic, with ideas about the trinity and such merely traditions that they received which they can not be held accountable for. I of course do share the 7 laws of Noah all the time.
    • Like
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    • 17 m
    • Rebecca Abrahamson
       Have you considered that traditional rabbinic Judaism declaring Christians to be Noahide was more to do with expediency than truth? Jews simply didn't want to be moved on again or get into trouble with the blasphemy laws of the Christian countries they were residing in as a minority.
      • Like
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      • 13 m
    • Rebecca Abrahamson
       I don't know if you can see my private messages to you.
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      • 12 m
  • "In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."
    The Seven Noachide Laws
    The Seven Noachide Laws
    The Seven Noachide Laws
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    • 15 m
  • CLAIRE, I will give you ten minutes to copy all the above. Then I will erase it as it does not relate to my thread at all. No I cannot see your private messages now. Please erase them as I intend to delete them. Fair warning, thank you for understanding.
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    • 10 m
  • Start erasing and copying to your own devices, you have nine more minutes.

Rebecca Abrahamson is with ‎יעקב נגן‎.

1 h  · 

Qur'an 9:30 -  "The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.” Such are their baseless assertions, only parroting the words of earlier disbelievers. May Allah condemn them! How can they be deluded ˹from the truth˺?"

This ayah is often used to discredit Islam, we all know that Jews do not worship a man! But wait - this passage should actually hint at a greater complexity at work here.

Most Jews today are descended from Rabbinic Jews - those who believe that the oral tradition, codified in the Talmud, interprets the written Torah. But the Karaite community, which does not hold by the oral law, used to outnumber the Rabbinites, though their numbers have dwindled.

The Sadducees also did not hold by the oral tradition. They were Hellenized, ruled the Second Temple,  imposed forced conversion upon the local non-Jewish population to a form of Judaism in which fewer commandments are required. (This was done without the population's knowledge, it was merely imposed, think of it as imposed citizenship, there was nothing warlike about this process.) Jews today will say - "forced conversions are an anathema to us!" Forced conversions are indeed an anathema to Rabbinic Jews, but they were not an anathema to the expansionist Sadduceans. 

When the Temple fell, the Sadducees did not just disappear. They built a Temple at Heliopolis and made sacrifices there (sacrifice outside the Temple is another anathema to Rabbinic Jews).  

Scholars Ibn Hazm and Al Jahiz said that the Jews who worshiped Ezra were "Sadukaya" - Sadducees

So do not be too quick to dismiss passages in the Qur'an which actually may be pointing to historical facts that we have forgotten. 

There were groups of Jews who no longer exist. 

Some also wonder - why is the language of the Qur'an at times harsh to Jews and at times accepting? This may be because Muhammad(pbuh) was speaking to two different groups - the Sadukaya, who were expansionist and cynically imposing religion on others, and the Rabbinites, who were cleaving to their revelation as handed down from their forebears  without ulterior motive. 

Think of the Cathar Christian community, which ceased to exist in the 14th century.  Just like other communities have faded from the scene, the Sadducees faded, assimilating into the new host cultures.

Islam has no problem with this or that practice of a monotheist sect.  Muhammad(pbuh) was not criticizing the Sadducean Jews for, say, their Sabbath observance differing from the Rabbinic Sabbath, he in fact embraced all monotheists with this proviso:

"Indeed, the believers, Jews, Sabians and Christians—whoever ˹truly˺  believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good, there will be no fear  for them, nor will they grieve." 2:62

See also:

"To each among you have we prescribed a Shariah (law) and Minhaj (custom). If Allah had so willed, He could have made you a single Ummah (people), but (His plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to Allah; it is He that will show you the truth about the matters in which ye differ;" (Surat Al Maeda 5,48) 

"To each is a direction of prayer to which Allah turns him; then strive together (as in a race) Towards all that is good. Wheresoever ye are, Allah will bring you Together. For Allah Hath power over all things." (Surat Al Baqara 2.148)

The problem was using religion as a form of militant expansionism. That is what Muhammad(pbuh) bravely called out,  one of many courageous declarations he made.

So embrace contradiction, it may not be contradiction after all.

Claire Khaw

What do Muslims feel about those who claim that God has begotten a son?

Claire Khaw

What do Jews feel about Christians worshipping a man convicted and executed for blasphemy as the co-equal of Hashem for 2000 years?

Rebecca Abrahamson

"Ma'asey avoteihem b'yadeihem" - the deeds of their fathers are in their hands, meaning, if someone grows up with mistaken theology, but still does good deeds, that mistaken theology is no big deal. (Who says anyone was convicted fairly under tyrannical Rome?)

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson So Jews have no duty to discuss the Noahide laws with gentiles, not even when they can see that the religion of the empire gives them protection is obviously failing?

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson So you are saying Jews have ABSOLUTELY NO DUTY WHATSEOVER to warn gentiles about their failed idolatrous and blasphemous religion?

James David Audlin

I say the following in the GOJ -- "... there is no law in the Torah forbidding Jews from claiming to be children of God. Scholars point to Leviticus 24:16, which forbids blasphemy. But, as noted in the commentary to John 10:33, the accusation of blasphemy against Jesus and the demand that he be executed for it is a canard. The Talmud clearly declares that: “If a man says to you, ‘I am God,’ he is [merely] a liar; if [he says ‘I am] the son of man,’ people will ultimately [just] laugh at him.” (Tr. Yer. Taan. 65b). And Jesus himself has cited Psalm 82:6 at John 10:34, a verse that speaks of the Jewish people as the children of God. (Another of several is found at Psalm 2:6-7.) ...

"This statement of the priests may, however, be more than a mere canard. These chief priests know the Torah and would be unlikely to cite it incorrectly. However, several times in this episode [i.e., the trial of Jesus in the Gospel of John] they are clearly using psychological ploys to goad or entrap Pilate such that he has no choice but to execute Jesus, and this appears to be another example. Though it may not be against the Torah to call oneself a son of God, they are likely to know that this is from a Roman perspective a treasonous and heretical statement to make: only the emperor had the right to call himself Divi Filius (“Son of God”). These high priests are familiar with Roman law, as they must be, being subjects of Rome. But it would not be appropriate for them to inform the Roman ruler on the subject, and so they may be bringing up the subject of Divi Filius, lèse majesté, in a delicate manner, pretending to be citing such law from their own expertise, the Torah. If this is their intent, then when they say “we have a law” they are identifying themselves (“we”) as good subjects of Rome (19:15c), and so implicatively they are saying that Rome has a law to this effect. In verse 11 these Herodian priests, wannabe Romans, say they are loyal to the emperor and in verse 15 they say “We have no king if not Cæsar!” Thus, if here they are really referring to Roman law, not Jewish, then all three of their statements to Pilate are to insinuate that he would be wise not to appear less Roman than they."

In the 10:33 commentary I add -- "And indeed kings and high priests were often referred to in Jewish tradition as sons of God. Before them, Abraham was called God’s friend (II Chronicles 20:7) and Moses spoke with him face-to-face (Exodus 33:11), as do friends. Such a claim would have been high blasphemy not to Jews but to Romans; while it was customary to believe an emperor became a god only post-mortem. That this is at root a Roman issue points to the Pauline-Roman nature of orthodox Christianity."

Claire Khaw

James David Audlin The fact remains that Jesus was convicted and executed of blasphemy, was he not?

Claire Khaw

I suppose it is only to be expected that if you don't want to do something, you will say it doesn't need to be done or has already been done, or, as it seems to be the case, that no one can make you do this thing that you don't want to do anyway. If idolaters and blasphemers want to stew in their own idolatrous and blasphemous juices, that is not your problem and you don't care. Is that about right?

Claire Khaw

Is there a suggestion that you would like to see these idolaters and blasphemers get their comeuppance after 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy?

Claire Khaw

Assuming that this is the plan: that you would like to sit back and watch these blasphemers and idolaters stew in their own idolatrous and blasphemous juices and get their comeuppance, don't you think Jews would be affected? They always get the blame for everything, don't they?

Rebecca Abrahamson

Claire, Christianity did not fail.

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson How is Christianity not kaput?

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson Why are you talking to Muslims if Christianity is not already kaput? You already know that Christians won't care about their idolatry and blasphemy because they are really atheists anyway, don't you?

Rebecca Abrahamson

Claire Khaw I never heard of Jesus from my own religion. I did hear that Romans were terrible and made Jews suffer, but that ultimately our internal strife, among Jewish people, is what really caused the Temple to fall.

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson I am aware of the Disputation of Paris, when a rabbi pointed out that a particularly unflattering description of Jesus in the Talmud was that not every Jesus is the Jesus that Christians worship in the same way that not every Louis in France is the King of France.

Claire Khaw

Do Jews have a duty to remind gentiles of the Noahide laws?

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the last leader of Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism wrote:

We must do everything possible to ensure that the seven Noahide laws are observed. If this can be accomplished through force or through other kinder and more peaceful means through explaining to non-Jews that they should accept God’s wishes [we should do so]…Anyone who is able to influence a non-Jew in any way to keep the seven commandments is obligated to do so, since that is what God commanded Moses our teacher (“Sheva Mitzvot Shel Benai Noach,” Hapardes 59:9 7-11, 5745)

Kevin Villoth


Rebecca Abrahamson

Claire, your comments have nothing to do with my thread.

Rebecca Abrahamson Qur'an 9:30 - "The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah,” while the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.”

This was what my comments related to.

Rebecca Abrahamson

I believe in working with all monotheists, and Christianity is accepted by traditional Rabbinic Judaism as monotheistic, with ideas about the trinity and such merely traditions that they received which they can not be held accountable for. I of course do share the 7 laws of Noah all the time.

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson Have you considered that traditional rabbinic Judaism declaring Christians to be Noahide was more to do with expediency than truth? Jews simply didn't want to be moved on again or get into trouble with the blasphemy laws of the Christian countries they were residing in as a minority.

Claire Khaw

Rebecca Abrahamson I don't know if you can see my private messages to you.

Claire Khaw

"In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate."

Rebecca Abrahamson

CLAIRE, I will give you ten minutes to copy all the above. Then I will erase it as it does not relate to my thread at all. No I cannot see your private messages now. Please erase them as I intend to delete them. Fair warning, thank you for understanding.

Rebecca Abrahamson

Start erasing and copying to your own devices, you have nine more minutes.

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...