Monday, 5 October 2020

Special Hebrew Prayers and Songs with Dooooovid for the Sukkah Holiday

2:00  Intermediary days
6:00  Tisha B'Av
8:00  Doooovid's lulav and etrog
13:00  A nation of priests and Confucius
16:00  Jewish calendar and intercalation
14:00  Julian calendar
21:00  Dimensions of a sukkah
25:00  Moses
38:00  Rain dancing 
44:00  Chinese high IQ
46:00  Impulse control, high rate of Covid-19 infection in Israel more than China
48:00  Netanyahu
49:00  Josh
51:00  Covid: 16,000 coronavirus cases missed in daily figures after IT error
52:00  Suffering
53:00  No pain, no gain.
54:00  Moral laws and laws of physics
55:00  Following in China's wake in lockdown
56:00  Shura and consultation
57:00  Atheist and religious political views on lockdown.
58:00  Black death
59:00  Suffering and changing behaviour
1:01:00  Thanking God even for misfortune.
1:03:00  Freewill 
1:04:00  It's not what happens to you, it's how you deal with it.
1:06:00  Messiah
1:07:00  Ecclesiastes 
1:09:00  Prayer
1:11:00  Doooovid singing
1:18:00  Leader of Bobov Hasidic sect, held up by New York City as example of mask-wearing, tests positive for COVID-19
1:24:00  Sukkot in your front or back garden
1:25:00  Me dancing with Jewesses
1:26:00  Abraham being hospitable
1:27:00  Big name rabbi and his Sukkah Party
1:29:00  Noahide laws
1:30:00  A renunciate is a Prince of Israel.
1:31:00  King David
1:32:00  King Solomon
1:33:00  The rabbinic class
1:36:00  King David DNA
1:37:00  A birthday on Tisha B'Av
1:38:00  Superstition
1:39:00  Multiple Truth Hypothesis
1:41:00  End Days and idolatry
1:45:00  Prophecies and Iran
1:46:00  Jews ranking the four gentile religions according to their Noahide observance
2:14:00  Colin Colenso banned.

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