Monday, 19 October 2020

The moral imperative of adopting Secular Koranism

Isn't the moral imperative something you cannot ignore if you wish to be considered a rational and moral human being?

I would say that there is a moral imperative to obey the Seven Noahide laws.

1.  Not to commit murder.

2.  Not to commit sexual immorality.

3.  Not to steal

4.  Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal

5.  To establish courts of law

I like to think the first five would be regarded as uncontroversial by any reasonable and moral human being.

The remaining two - not to worship idols and blaspheme against the Abrahamic God - would be more controversial since such a prohibition would infringe on First Amendment rights.

The First Amendment is based on 2:256 of the Koran.

All religions including secular political ideologies are moral systems.

All operating moral systems have rules that are legally enforceable.

The purpose of morality is to keep your group in existence and apart from others.

Judaism is the exemplar of this since Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe.

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism but Christianity is kaput as well as being idolatrous and blasphemous. Christianity is now indistinguishable from liberalism and liberalism in the 21st century is only about sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting, with each already degenerate generation producing ever more degenerate offspring because most people in the West no longer even think to marry before having children, much less of staying together for the sake of the children of their marriage. would make people choose their sex partners who must also be their spouse more carefully with a view to obtaining a licence to have sex and children with their marriage partner.  

By forbidding extramarital sex and other marriage substitutes and raising the price of sex, it would have the effect of making people take their marriage vows ie their duty to rear the next generation in optimum conditions more seriously.

Once this is done, the quality of the national gene pool will improve, the crime rate will lower and society stabilise.  

It would appear that there is a moral imperative to adopt Secular Koranism - a legal system designed to accommodate atheists to polytheists and restore the patriarchy while guaranteeing freedom of belief with

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