Friday, 23 October 2020

50 questions for rabbis who want to end lockdown

  1. Does God exist?
  2. If God exists, did He cause the pandemic?
  3. If God caused the pandemic, what does He expect us to do in response?
  4. Assuming God is punishing both Jews and gentiles, who is He intending to punish more?
  5. What does God expect of Jews?
  6. What does God expect of gentiles?
  7. Is God punishing gentiles for not having governments administering righteous gentile nations?
  8. Is God punishing Jews for not promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles?
  9. How could Jews be promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles?
  10. Is establishing Education and Sharing Day in America as long ago as 1978 enough to ensure that America is a righteous gentile nation?
  11. Is America a righteous gentile nation?
  12. Does any of the documentation concerning Education and Sharing Day in the US mention the Noahide laws?
  13. If none of the documentation concerning Education and Sharing Day in the US mention the Noahide laws, why not?
  14. Is the US a Christian country?
  15. What percentage of Americans consist of confirmed Christians?
  16. Should anyone who is not a confirmed Christian be entitled to call himself Christian?
  17. Is Christianity Noahide?
  18. Is Islam more in conformity with the Noahide laws than Christianity?
  19. Out of all the four gentile religions, is Christianity the least in conformity with the Noahide laws?
  20. Can rabbis be presumed to know that Christianity is the least in conformity with the Noahide laws since we know that Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques but are forbidden to enter churches because they are places of abomination where idolatry and blasphemy are practised?
  21. Is Christianity idolatry and blasphemy?
  22. Is Christianity idolatry because Christians are required to worship Jesus as God?
  23. Is Christianity blasphemy because Christians have been worshipping the Jesus as God knowing that he was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin according to their own narrative for 2000 years?
  24. Was shituf a concept created to make the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity not quite so bad as the idolatry Jews are supposed to suffer the death penalty for according to the Torah because Jews in the late Middle Ages wanted to do business with Christians? 
  25. Should rabbis who want to end lockdown rank the four gentile religions in accordance to how much they conform to the Noahide laws? 
  26. Are the Amalek still in existence?
  27. If the Amalek are still in existence, are they to be found in those who are least in conformity with the Noahide laws?
  28. If it is supposed that Christians are the religious group least in conformity with the Noahide laws, should we be surprised that Christians and/or Post-Christians would be the ones more likely to promote or condone laws that go against the Noahide laws? 
  29. Is Christianity really a corrupt bargain whose get out of hell free card is belief in the Trinity because its terms are that you will get absolution from the priest if you confess your sins on your deathbed if you declare Jesus is God?
  30. Is the reason why God allowed three Christian global empires to rise and fall because He wanted a globalised world to collectively suffer and collectively repent by adopting the most Noahide religion available?
  31. Is Israel conforming to the Noahide laws?
  32. Of all the countries in the world that should be a theocracy, should Israel be a theocracy?
  33. Since we know Jews have not lived in a Torah theocracy for 2000 years, could Israel adopt a Koran-based theocracy to be "Torah Lite" to be in better standing with God and perhaps end lockdown that way?
  34. What is the standing of Israel if it relies on the protection of a nation Iran calls the Great Satan, presumably because its laws go against the Noahide laws?
  35. Is liberalism - pronounced "obsolete" by Putin in 2019 - Noahide? 
  36. Is liberalism in the 21st century no more than (i) the neoconservatism of US imperialism with military aggression and (ii) neo-liberalism with open borders and transnational progressivism that any moral and rational citizen of  any nation would instinctively find objectionable?
  37.  Are rabbis afraid to antagonise Christians because Christian Zionists support US military spending on Israel - and they are very much the minority in America - while other Americans would not?
  38. Is Israel in effect an American Protectorate?
  39. Is America a Noahide nation or in effect Amalek when you think of the policies it promotes globally that are against the principles of the Torah and Koran ie "satanic" - if you define Satan as rebellion from God?
  40. While we know Pope Francis must have been a confirmed Catholic, could we be forgiven for thinking he is really an atheist and nihilist who does not fear God at all?
  41. To observant Jews, would living under sharia be less restrictive than a Torah theocracy?
  42. Since people who identify with  Christianity are mostly so theologically ignorant that even the Archbishop of Canterbury had to be reminded that he is supposed to believe in the Trinity, we can conclude that Jews and other gentiles who point out the idolatry and blasphemy will no longer be burned at the stake. Do rabbis have a duty to warn Christian and Post-Christian Western politicians and intellectuals of the folly of persisting with Christianity which is now indistinguishable from Liberalism?
  43. Does Christianity and the sexual liberation of 21st century Liberalism from the rules of marriage and good parenting amount to the flouting of not just two but three of the Noahide laws against idolatry, blasphemy and sexual immorality? 
  44. Why are most rabbis so reluctant to discuss the Noahide laws with gentiles?
  45. Is the least rabbis could be doing to end lockdown to discuss the Noahide laws amongst themselves?
  46. Would it be a good idea for rabbis who want to end lockdown to rank the four gentile nations in order of their conforming to the Noahide laws to begin approaching the idea of telling Christians and Liberals that their moral system flouts the Noahide laws? 
  47. If it is the conclusion of rabbis who want to end lockdown that Christianity is the least Noahide but Islam the most Noahide, should they put political and Christian leaders of the West on notice of this eg by writing to the US President, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church, the UK Prime Minister and other Western nations with an established church? 
  48. If rabbis are presuming to tell gentiles - from righteous to Amalek - what to do, should Israel itself be a theocracy and be light unto the nations as God's Chosen People?
  49. Should a Register of Jews be kept by rabbis to ensure that only observant, halachic and righteous Jews can be called Jews?
  50. Since it is not practicable for Jews to perform their continuing duty of exterminating the Amalek - presumably gentiles who want to flout the Noahide laws - would it not be more sensible for them to outsource this job to Islam which would deal with them fairly, firmly and effectively?

I have attempted to answer my own questions at


  1. 10. Is establishing Education and Sharing Day in America as long ago as 1978 enough to ensure that America is a righteous gentile nation? No

  2. 11. Is America a righteous gentile nation? No

  3. 12. Does any of the documentation concerning Education and Sharing Day in the US mention the Noahide laws? Yes

  4. 24. Was shituf a concept created to make the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity not quite so bad as the idolatry Jews are supposed to suffer the death penalty for according to the Torah because Jews in the late Middle Ages wanted to do business with Christians? No. (Torah laws regarding shituf were given by G-d to Moses at Mount Sinai.)

  5. @MS May I know which of the Noahide laws in Israel the current government is not conforming to?

  6. @MS Could you please tell me which verse in the Torah mentions shituf?

  7. (1) Genesis 4:1 and Rashi there (that is a positive example of shituf, which husbands and wives should engage in).

    (2) Genesis 4:26 and Rashi there (ascribing deity to created entities was the initial practice of shituf that degenerated into idol worship).

    (3) Exodus 20:3.

    (4) The first part of Deut. 4:19 - "Lest you raise your eyes... and you be drawn astray" (as the first step toward idolatry)

    (5) The first part of Deut. 11:16 - "Beware for yourselves, lest your heart be seduced and you will turn astray" (as the first step toward idolatry)

  8. @MS Should Education and Sharing Day be disestablished until such time as America is actually Noahide?

  9. No. For many years already, starting with President Clinton, Education and Sharing day has not had any connection with the Noahide Commandments.


    (1) Genesis 4:1 and Rashi there (that is a positive example of shituf, which husbands and wives should engage in).
    Adam made love to his wife Eve, and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth[c] a man.”

    (2) Genesis 4:26 and Rashi there (ascribing deity to created entities was the initial practice of shituf that degenerated into idol worship).
    Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh.
    At that time people began to call on[a] the name of the Lord.

    (3) Exodus 20:3.
    You shall have no other gods before[a] me.

    (4) The first part of Deut. 4:19 - "Lest you raise your eyes... and you be drawn astray" (as the first step toward idolatry)
    And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven.

    (5) The first part of Deut. 11:16 - "Beware for yourselves, lest your heart be seduced and you will turn astray" (as the first step toward idolatry)
    Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them.

  11. Should Education and Sharing Day be disestablished until such time as America is actually Noahide?

    No. For many years already, starting with President Clinton, Education and Sharing day has not had any connection with the Noahide Commandments.

  12. The literal meaning of the word shituf in Hebrew is a "partner". For example, someone who works in a business as a part-owner is a shituf. Or, two people who work together on a project are shutafim (שותפים = partners) in the effort. We can ask if there is such a thing as a shituf with G-d, and if or when such an idea is sinful.

    (1) Here is the first example in the Torah:

    Genesis 4:1 -

    "Now the man knew [i.e. had relations with] his wife Eve, and she conceived and bore Cain, and she said, 'I have acquired a man with the L-rd.' "

    Rashi explains:

    "with the L-rd": Heb. אֶת י-הוה, [grammatically] like עִם י-הוה, [together] with the L-rd. When He created me and my husband, He [G-d] alone [without any partner] created us, but with this one [Cain], we [my husband and me] are שותפים [partners] with Him. — [from Genesis Rabbah 22:2, Midrash Tadshei, Tractate Niddah 31a]

    This means that there are 3 who participate together in the conception of a child: the man who supplies the sperm, the woman who supplies the egg, and G-d who supplies the miracle of forming a human being from the combining together of the sperm and the egg. The man and the woman can be considered partners with G-d in this process, because they chose to engage in relations, using their freedom of choice (that G-d granted to them). If they choose not to have relations, a child will not be conceived. G-d wants husbands and wives to choose to partner with Him in producing children, as He said in Genesis 1:28 (to Adam and Chava) and Genesis 9:1 (to Noah and his sons), "Be fruitful and multiply..."
    Conclusion: By a couple choosing to engage in relations that produce conception and childbirth, they can be considered partners with G-d in that process.

    (2) Genesis 4:26 -

    "And to Seth also to him a son was born, and he named him Enosh; then it became common to call by the name of the L-rd."

    Rashi explains:

    "then it became common": Heb. הוּחַל [common], is an expression of חוּלִין [profaneness]: to name people and idols with the name of the Holy One, blessed be He, to make them idols and to call them deities. — [from Genessis Rabbah 23:7; Baraitha of 49 Methods, quoted in Yalkut Shimoni]

    This means that the people started ascribing deity [G-dly powers] to created entities.
    For example, they started saying that G-d not only gave the Earth the power to produce crops, but He also assigned to the Earth the power to choose how and when it would use its G'd-given power. I.e., that the Earth was choosing whether to produce good crops or bad crops in any given year. In this way, they imagined that the Earth was a shituf (a partner) with G-d in the production of crops.

    After that mistaken idea took hold, individuals arose who preached that if the people would worship the Earth, it would produce better crops for them. So their mistaken idea of a shituf degenerated into the sin of idol worship.

  13. @MS Why do you think for many years already, starting with President Clinton, Education and Sharing day has not had any connection with the Noahide Commandments?

  14. Why do I think this happened? My guess is that it probably made President Clinton gag and choke whenever he would think about the idea of observing the Noahide Commandments, so he didn't feel inclined to sign off on something that would promote them.

  15. On the question of Israel conforming to the Noahide laws, is enough?

  16. But the Torah does not forbid fornication or abortion, does it?

  17. For Gentiles, elective abortion that's done 40 days after conception is pure murder according to the Torah laws of the 7 Noahide Commandments.

    The Gentile abortionist is the murderer.

    The Gentile mother who willingly receives the elective abortion is an accessory to murder.

    For Jews, elective abortion is forbidden by Torah law as a sin, but it is not a capital sin.

    So if a Gentile woman decides to sin by having an elective abortion, it's better if she finds a Jewish doctor who will do the procedure, so she won't be making a Gentile doctor guilty of the capital sin of murder.

    Why did you bring up the question of fornication?

  18. Because this leads to unwanted pregnancy leading to the pregnant woman wanting an abortion to avoid the consequences of having a baby she never intended to have.

  19. In the Torah law for Jews, there are commandments that forbid a Jewish man or a Jewish woman to have sexual relations unless it is within the context of a sanctified Jewish marriage.

    That is not part of the current governmental law in Israel.

    In 7 Noahide Commandments for Gentiles, sexual relations outside of marriage between a Gentile man and a Gentile woman are not a capital sin. But the Torah says that it is bad in G-d's eyes (i.e. objectively immoral). Practically speaking, it is also destructive to the stability of the society, whereas G-d wants human societies to be stable. The worst level of that immoral behavior, and the most destructive to the stability of the society, is prostitution. So it is a good thing in G-d's eyes for countries to outlaw prostitution.

    Prostitution in the current Israeli government law is legal:

    G-d did not make commandments against acting on every single human desire that could potentially, at some later time, lead to the opportunity for the person to choose to break a commandment.

    That applies more for Gentiles than it does for Jews, since Gentiles were given fewer prohibitory commandments.

  20. Are you aware that the Koran tolerates slavery and prostitution?

  21. Does God exist? STUPID QUESTION. YES. If God exists, did He cause the pandemic? STUPID QUESTION. IN SOME WAYS YES AS GO IS IN CONTROL. HOWEVER MAN WAS GIVEN FREE WILL TO CHOOSE. THE PANDEMIC IS CAUSED BY MAN'S BEHAVIOUR. If God caused the pandemic, what does He expect us to do in response? FIND A CURE AND SAVE LIVES. Assuming God is punishing both Jews and gentiles, who is He intending to punish more? NEITHER. THIS IS AN ASSUMPTION. What does God expect of Jews? TO FOLLOW HIS TEACHINGS AND TO BRING ON THE MESSIANIC AGE. What does God expect of gentiles? TO DISCOVER GOD. Is God punishing gentiles for not having governments administering righteous gentile nations? NO Is God punishing Jews for not promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles? NO How could Jews be promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles? SOME ARE. IT'S NOT AN OBLIGATIN Is establishing Education and Sharing Day in America as long ago as 1978 enough to ensure that America is a righteous gentile nation? Is America a righteous gentile nation? NOT RELEVANT.

  22. Does any of the documentation concerning Education and Sharing Day in the US mention the Noahide laws? DON'T KNOW. If none of the documentation concerning Education and Sharing Day in the US mention the Noahide laws, why not? ASK THE US GOVERNMENT Is the US a Christian country? CHRISTIAN ETHOS - YES What percentage of Americans consist of confirmed Christians? LOOK IT UP. Should anyone who is not a confirmed Christian be entitled to call himself Christian? NOT A QUESTION TO ASK A JEW. ASK A CHRISTIAN. Is Christianity Noahide? BASICALLY YES. Is Islam more in conformity with the Noahide laws than Christianity? NO. Out of all the four gentile religions, is Christianity the least in conformity with the Noahide laws? THIS IS NONSENSE. AND THERE ARE MANY MORE THAN 4 NOAHIDE RELIGIONS SO THIS IS A STUPID QUESTION SHOWING BIAS AND IGNORANCE

  23. Can rabbis be presumed to know that Christianity is the least in conformity with the Noahide laws since we know that Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in mosques but are forbidden to enter churches because they are places of abomination where idolatry and blasphemy are practised? NOT TRUE. JEWS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PRAY WITH MUSLIMS IN MOSQUES. CHURCHES ARE NOT PLACES OF ABOMINATION AND BLASPHEMY / IDOLATRY ARE NOT PRACTICED IN CHURCHES Is Christianity idolatry and blasphemy? NO. MOST JEWISH SAGES ARE CLEAR THAT IT IS NOT. Is Christianity idolatry because Christians are required to worship Jesus as God? ASK A CHRISTIAN. Is Christianity blasphemy because Christians have been worshipping the Jesus as God knowing that he was convicted of blasphemy by the Sanhedrin according to their own narrative for 2000 years? ASK A CHRISTIAN. THE GOSPELS ARE NOT JEWISH TEXTS. Was shituf a concept created to make the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity not quite so bad as the idolatry Jews are supposed to suffer the death penalty for according to the Torah because Jews in the late Middle Ages wanted to do business with Christians? NO Should rabbis who want to end lockdown rank the four gentile religions in accordance to how much they conform to the Noahide laws? SEE ABOVE. THERE ARE MORE THAN 4 GENTILE RELIGIONS. AND WHY SHOULD THEY RANK THEM ALL Are the Amalek still in existence? THE SPIRIT OF AMALEK IS BUT THE AMALEKITES NO LONGER EXIST AS A SEPARATE NATION AND WERE DESTROYED 2500 YEARS AGO. THEY HAVE DESCENDANTS BUT WE CANNOT IDENTIFY THEM ANY LONGER AS THEY HAVE MIXED WITH OTHER NATIONS.

  24. If the Amalek are still in existence, are they to be found in those who are least in conformity with the Noahide laws? THEY ARE NOT IN EXISTENCE - SO NO RELEVANCE TO NOAHIDE LAWS. If it is supposed that Christians are the religious group least in conformity with the Noahide laws, should we be surprised that Christians and/or Post-Christians would be the ones more likely to promote or condone laws that go against the Noahide laws? IF.... THIS IS A FALSE ASSUMPTION. Is Christianity really a corrupt bargain whose get out of hell free card is belief in the Trinity because its terms are that you will get absolution from the priest if you confess your sins on your deathbed if you declare Jesus is God? THIS IS BECOMING AN ANTI-CHRISTIAN POLEMIC AND SO IS FALSE, AND BIASED AND BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS THAT ARE OT TRUE Is the reason why God allowed three Christian global empires to rise and fall because He wanted a globalised world to collectively suffer and collectively repent by adopting the most Noahide religion available? NONSENSE Is Israel conforming to the Noahide laws? YES Of all the countries in the world that should be a theocracy, should Israel be a theocracy? WHEN THE MESHIACH COMES Since we know Jews have not lived in a Torah theocracy for 2000 years, could Israel adopt a Koran-based theocracy to be "Torah Lite" to be in better standing with God and perhaps end lockdown that way? APOSTASY - NO What is the standing of Israel if it relies on the protection of a nation Iran calls the Great Satan, presumably because its laws go against the Noahide laws? ISRAEL DOES NOT DEPEND ON THE USA. ARE YOU A SUPPORTER OF IRAN AND ITS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY

  25. Is liberalism - pronounced "obsolete" by Putin in 2019 - Noahide? POLEMIC AND NONSENSE. Is liberalism in the 21st century no more than (i) the neoconservatism of US imperialism with military aggression and (ii) neo-liberalism with open borders and transnational progressivism that any moral and rational citizen of any nation would instinctively find objectionable? POLEMIC AND NONSENSE. I ASSUME NOW THAT YOU ARE AN IRANIAN APOLOGIST WHO IS AGAINST THE USA AND JUSTIFIES THE INHUMANE PRACTICES OF THE IRANIAN REGIME. Are rabbis afraid to antagonise Christians because Christian Zionists support US military spending on Israel - and they are very much the minority in America - while other Americans would not? NONSENSE. Is Israel in effect an American Protectorate? DEFINITELY NOT. Is America a Noahide nation or in effect Amalek when you think of the policies it promotes globally that are against the principles of the Torah and Koran ie "satanic" - if you define Satan as rebellion from God? POLEMIC AND NONSENSE. SEE EARLIER ANSWERS. While we know Pope Francis must have been a confirmed Catholic, could we be forgiven for thinking he is really an atheist and nihilist who does not fear God at all? ASK HIM. ASK CATHOLIC CARDINALS. DO NOT ASK A JEW FOR OPINIONS ON THE POPE'S THOUGHTS. To observant Jews, would living under sharia be less restrictive than a Torah theocracy? IT WOULD BE MORE RESTRICTIVE AND GO AGAINST THE TORAH AND NOAHIDE LAWS TOO

  26. Since people who identify with Christianity are mostly so theologically ignorant that even the Archbishop of Canterbury had to be reminded that he is supposed to believe in the Trinity, we can conclude that Jews and other gentiles who point out the idolatry and blasphemy will no longer be burned at the stake. Do rabbis have a duty to warn Christian and Post-Christian Western politicians and intellectuals of the folly of persisting with Christianity which is now indistinguishable from Liberalism? POLEMIC AND NONSENSE. YOU ARE MAKING ASSUMPTIONS THAT ARE NONSENSE ON CHRISTIANITY AND SHOWING A REAL HATRED OF CHRISTIANITY AND CHRISTIANS THAT GOES AGAINST TORAH TEACHINGS. Does Christianity and the sexual liberation of 21st century Liberalism from the rules of marriage and good parenting amount to the flouting of not just two but three of the Noahide laws against idolatry, blasphemy and sexual immorality? NO Why are most rabbis so reluctant to discuss the Noahide laws with gentiles? THEY AREN'T. JUST IDIOTS WHO SHOW NO UNDERSTANDING OF THEM OR CHRISTIANITY OR JUDAISM AS CAN BE SEEN IN THESE POLEMICAL QUESTIONS Is the least rabbis could be doing to end lockdown to discuss the Noahide laws amongst themselves? NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PANDEMIC Would it be a good idea for rabbis who want to end lockdown to rank the four gentile nations in order of their conforming to the Noahide laws to begin approaching the idea of telling Christians and Liberals that their moral system flouts the Noahide laws? SEE ABOVE ON 4 NATIONS If it is the conclusion of rabbis who want to end lockdown that Christianity is the least Noahide but Islam the most Noahide, should they put political and Christian leaders of the West on notice of this eg by writing to the US President, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church, the UK Prime Minister and other Western nations with an established church? If rabbis are presuming to tell gentiles - from righteous to Amalek - what to do, should Israel itself be a theocracy and be light unto the nations as God's Chosen People? POLEMIC AND NONSENSE. AND FALS ASSUMPTION Should a Register of Jews be kept by rabbis to ensure that only observant, halachic and righteous Jews can be called Jews? NO. THERE ARE OTHER WAYS TO KNOW WHO IS OR ISN'T JEWISH WITHOUT A FORMAL REGISTER. THE HOLOCAUST SHOWED THIS WAS DANGEROUS. Since it is not practicable for Jews to perform their continuing duty of exterminating the Amalek - presumably gentiles who want to flout the Noahide laws - would it not be more sensible for them to outsource this job to Islam which would deal with them fairly, firmly and effectively? THIS IS NOT AMALEK. AMALEK AND THE NOAHIDE LAWS ARE SEPARATE. AND ISLAM IS NOT NOAHIDE IN MANY OF THEIR PRACTICES TODAY. THEY PRACTICE JUDICIAL MURDER WITHOUT PROPER COURTS OF JUSTICE AS ONE EXAMPLE AND SO OUTSOURCING THIS TO ISLAM WOULD BE WRONG.

  27. Yes, I am aware that it tolerates slavery and prostitution.

  28. Islam does not tolerate prostitution.



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