Friday, 2 October 2020

An Israeli Jew in his sukkah hosts a Q&A


Could God have allowed three global Christian empires so that when they all collapse, Islam moves into the vacuum as being the obvious solution because it is the only rational and moral choice?


You are correct about Christianity but wrong about Islam. Jews reject Islam for different reasons to Christianity. Sikhs are also ethical monotheist but their theology is false.

If God created evil, did He create antisemitism to punish Jews for disobeying His laws, particularly that of promoting the Noahide laws to gentiles by ranking the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws?


Antisemitism is indeed a punishment both for not behaving ourselves and for refraining from teaching others how to behave morally.

Which translation of the Koran did you read?


I read one of the Iraqi Jew translation that you recommended N J Dawood. 

Which verse(s) did you find objectionable?  

The Quran gives credence to the Christian claim of Jews scheming against Jesus, " ... but God also schemed, and God is the best of schemers." [Quran 3:54])


In the Muslim view, the crucifixion of Jesus was an illusion, and thus the Jewish plots against him ended in failure. According to Gerber, in numerous verses ([Quran 3:63];


[Quran 3:71];


[Quran 4:46];


[Quran 4:160–161];


[Quran 5:41–44],


[Quran 5:63–64],


[Quran 5:82];


[Quran 6:92]) the Quran accuses Jews of altering the Scripture.


  1. If Jews find the burden of Noahidising gentiles too much of a burden, why not point out to degenerate non-Muslim atheist gentiles that Christianity is kaput, the West is a matriarchy and they need a religion that at least maintains minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensures that most parents in their society are married parents? (This should concentrate their dull degenerate minds.)
  2. What does RDBH think of my proposal that rabbis rank the gentile religions according to the Noahide laws?
  3. Why wouldn't God reveal the Torah first to Jews then subsequently complete His revelation to gentiles through the Koran?
  4. Is it not a foregone conclusion that if secular Jews had to choose between a Torah theocracy and Secular Koranism, they would choose Secular Koranism because it is less restrictive than a Torah theocracy infamous for its 36 capital offences?
  5. Why would gentiles choose the Torah with its 36 capital punishments when they can follow the Koran which hardly mentions death penalty at all? 
  6. Have you read the Koran in its entirety?
  7. How many rabbis do you know who have read the Koran?
  8. Who is your favourite rabbi?
  9. Who is your least favourite rabbi?
  10. What's your view of Christians?
  11. What's your view of Muslims?
  12. What's the biggest problem Jews face?
  13. You have admitted to being an Islamophobe. A phobia is an irrational fear and hatred. Admitting to being irrational is to admit you have lost the argument, wouldn't you agree?
  14. Has the Judeo-Christian tradition of the West been in harmony with Judaism?
  15. Would the West having a Judeo-Islamic tradition be more in harmony with Judaism? 
  16. Is Christianity idolatrous? 
  17. If so, how is Christianity idolatrous?
  18. Is Christianity blasphemous?
  19. If so, how is Christianity blasphemous? 
  20. Isn't it true that Jews are allowed to pray with Muslims in their mosques while forbidden to enter churches which are places of abomination where idolatry is practised?
  21. How would you rank the four gentile religions according to how in conformity they are to the Noahide laws?
  22. Would you agree with my ranking of Islam (1), Buddhism (2), Hinduism (3), Christianity (4)? 
  23. Do Jews consider Paul a heretical Jew?  
  24. Could it be said that Christianity was created to punish Jews by causing antisemitism?
  25. Shouldn't Jews denounce Christianity as being ipso facto antisemitic as well as idolatrous and blasphemous? 
  26. Would you say that the New Testament is antisemitic? 
  27. Is the narrative of Christianity antisemitic?
  28. How would you define antisemitism? 
  29. Why has Rabbinic Judaism been more effective than Temple Judaism? 
  30. What did the Sadducees represent?
  31. What did the Pharisees represent? 
  32. Do you think the Al Aqsa Mosque has been put on Temple Mount for a purpose? 
  33. If the Al Aqsa Mosque has been put on Temple Mount for a purpose, do you think it might be to remind Jews that Muslims also claim to have revealed scripture from the Abrahamic God?
  34. If you did build the Third Temple, wouldn't you also be reviving the culture war between the Pharisees (of whom rabbis are descendants) and the Sadducees? You would actually have to recreate a priesthood and that would be enormously controversial. Will you be having a group different to rabbis to perform the rituals, or will rabbis be performing them? 
  35. If you decide not to revive the priesthood, then wouldn't the Third Temple just be a museum from the beginning?
  36. If you revive the priesthood after rebuilding the Third Temple, wouldn't that cause more disagreement and division amongst Jews when Muslim antisemitism would be inflamed against Jews after the demolition of Al Aqsa?
  37. Could it be said that Al Aqsa was put on Temple Mount by God to protect Jews from making the mistake of rebuilding the Third Temple?
  38. You say I am "wrong about Islam". In what way?  
  39. Why have Jews refrained "from teaching others how to behave morally"?
  40. Has liberalism corrupted the morals of Jews?
  41. Should Jews blame gentiles for corrupting their morals with liberalism?
  42. Should gentiles blame Jews for corrupting their morals or allowing the morals of gentiles to be corrupted by liberalism without challenging the basis of liberalism?
  43. Does liberalism come from the ideas of the French Revolution eg Liberty, Equality, Fraternity?
  44. Is it possible to be a good Jew and a good liberal?
  45. What are the main differences between Judaism and Liberalism?
  46. What do you think of Yoram Hazony? 
  47. Since all the five world religions have lasted longer than any secular political ideology, should any Jew who believes in God submit to any manmade political ideology such as liberalism whom President Putin pronounced "obsolete"?
  48. Could it be said that Jews are not allowed to assimilate with gentiles until and unless gentiles have a righteous religion that conforms to the Noahide laws?
  49. Why are rabbis so reluctant to discuss the Noahide laws?
  50. Is it considered dangerous for Jews to discuss the Noahide laws with gentiles, in particular Christians because Christians are known for murdering Jews whom they regard as killers of their divine prophet and also for burning each other at the stake for denying the divinity and his co-equal status with Hashem according to their idolatrous and blasphemous Doctrine of the Trinity?
  51. Have you read the Athanasian creed?  
  52. If you have read the Athanasian creed, what do you think of it?
  53. Do you know that a Jew I know thought Christophobes were lying about Christians when he was first informed about what Christians are actually supposed to believe?
  54. Do you think God could be punishing Christians or people who call themselves Christians for 2000 years of idolatry and blasphemy?
  55. Could God be punishing Jews for not telling Christians that Islam is more Noahide observant than Christianity?
  56. Could God be punishing Muslims for not admonishing those who claim that God has begotten a son as commands? 
  57. What is the purpose of shituf
  58. Was the purpose of shituf trying to make Christianity not seem as idolatrous and blasphemous as Jews are meant to think?
  59. Who created the concept of shituf
  60. Do you acknowledge that the verses you find to be objectionable in the Koran is just a narrative and would have no legal effect on Jews if Secular Koranism were adopted? (This is because Secular Koranism is only interested in the dos and don'ts of the Koran and ignores its narratives, promises and threats.)
  61.  Do you acknowledge that Secular Koranism is a legal system (like EU law) and not a belief system (like a religion where an adherent is expected to affirm a particular narrative)?
  62. Do you acknowledge that you have not been able to find a single verse in the Koran that tells Jews to in any way go against the principles of Judaism? 
  63. If what is kosher is halal, and what is halal is not kosher, does this mean that Jews are supposed to be under a more restrictive religion than gentiles because they are supposed to be the people chosen by God to set and uphold standards? 
  64. In what way are Jews setting and upholding standards for humanity by refusing to say rank the four gentile religions according to the Noahide laws? 
  65. Do you accept that guarantees freedom of belief and is the basis of the First Amendment? 
  66. Would you agree that the Islamic principle of shura would end lockdown sooner rather than later? Government consulting business organisations and trade unions on whether to continue with lockdown would do the trick nicely.

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