Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Diagnosing the decline of the West and deciding it must be the failure of Christianity centuries ago

2:00  Degeneracy as I see it
4:00  The nature and purpose of having religious principles
5:00  Men who want to be househusbands
6:00  Faith, Family and Freedom
7:00  Materialism
8:00  Competing moral systems
9:00  Theism and atheism are lifestyle choices.
12:00  The Achilleion
13:00  Female masochism
17:00  Yin and Yang
18:00  Fuzzy logic
19:00  We must have rules and must choose the most rational moral system available. 
20:00  Marriage is eugenic. 
21:00  Secular Koranism would restore the patriarchy and produce more marriageable men and women.
22:00  Campaigning for the abolition of no fault divorce would be the first step for men.
24:00  Anti-feminist activist Mike Buchanan refused to support my proposal to abolish no fault divorce.
25:00  Who may marry each other according to the Bible and Koran
27:00  Secular Koranism would abolish AID and IVF.
The Tragedy of Oedipus Rex
29:00  British identity under Secular Koranism
30:00  The burned and bloody history of Christianity
31:00  The Domino Theory of Secular Koranism
32:00  Secular Koranism would be implemented as a one-party theocracy.
33:00  There is only one Koran. 
36:00  Fake controversy about there being more than one Koran
45:00  Secular Koranism would be introduced to the public through the Fourth Estate.

46:00  Secular Koranism can only persuade through the use of arguments relying on Truth, Logic and Morality. Obviously, if no one in the West can be persuaded by Truth, Logic and Morality, then my mission to persuade honourable and influential members of the Western political establishment would be dead in the water because there are no honourable and influential people prepared to support Secular Koranism. 

50:00  A sandwich of corruption from the top and the bottom
51:00  Nationalists
52:00  Nationalism
53:00  Immigration
55:00  Nick Griffin
57:00  Wish list politics < Roadmap politics

59:00  Once the patriarchy is restored, men would no longer be afraid of being cancelled by the matriarchy for saying they want to end immigration and their one-party theocracy would act on this wish. 

1:02:00  Rob claims his Christian faith would solve the problems better than Secular Koranism.
1:03:00  quran.com/24/2
1:04:00  Secular Koranism rejects the Hadith where it contradicts the Koran. 
1:08:00  Rob doesn't want to be authoritarian! 
1:09:00  I am Cruella De Ville.
1:11:00  I am accused of wanting to "wipe out history".
1:12:00  Heidegger was a nihilist.
1:15:00  Women see problems but not cannot solve them.
1:16:00  Rob thinks Jesus would solve the problem of matriarchy better than Secular Koranism.
1:17:00  Catholicism
1:19:00  Christianity is a spent force.
1:20:00  Rob denies the Koran is divine. 
1:21:00  Sociopaths and psychopaths
1:28:00  Secular Koranism
1:29:00  I reject the democratic process.
1:30:00  I am selling Secular Koranism directly to the government.
1:31:00  The Fourth Estate
1:34:00  Matriarchy is dysgenic.

1:35:00  DR HERBERT jons.
1:40:00  Rob was baptised as Catholic.

1:47:00  CONOPS joins to discuss colonialism.
2:15:00  Feminists
2:16:99  Females undergraduates

2:20:00  RALPH joins.
2:21:00  Adolescent females pressurised to behave and dress like sluts.
2:22:00  Why wouldn't the Koran have the moral and divine authority from the most powerful deity conceivable?
2:24:00  When will I stop promoting Secular Koranism?
2:25:00  The Day of Atonement 16 September 2021
2:26:00  "Artefacts" and the Christian practice of heretic burning
2:27:00  The First Amendment of the American Republic destroyed Western belief in the Trinity.
2:28:00  European identity will have a shiny new packaging after European nations adopt Secular Koranism.
2:30:00  Culture is fluid.
2:31:00  The culture will be wrong if the law and moral system is wrong. 
2:33:00  Music
2:37:00  Liberalism
2:45:00  Progressivism
2:52:00  Christianity
2:58:00  God and His revelation
2:59:00  Israel
3:12:00  Science as evidence that God doesn't exist
3:33:00  Morality
4:07:00  St Thomas
4:08:00  Josephus
4:17:00  Repent, repent!
4:19:00  The Holocaust and the specialness of Jews
4:20:00  Conops Administrator of Corporal Punishment with a special uniform
4:24:00  Islam
4:25:00  Child marriages
4:29:00  Tolerance and gay culture
4:30:00  India
4:31:00  Being solicited as a man by a man
4:33:00  Conops being approached by men in Egypt
4:46:00  Secular Koranism accommodates discreet LGBTs.
4:47:00  Stephen Pinker and Brian Cox
4:53:00  Don't get caught cottaging under Secular Koranism.
4:54:00  George Michael
4:56:00  Gay pride
4:57:00  Anal grandstanding
4:58:00  Conops proposes to get Ralph to attend Gay Pride.
5:00:00  quran.com/4/16
5:10:00  AfD
5:13:00  Secular Koranism would attract the support of women who want to be married mothers.
5:14:00  My masculine method and solution
5:15:00  The moral imperative to tell and believe the Noble Lie
Pygmalion is an allegory of my proposal to fake it till you make it. 
5:17:00  Agnosticism is the most intellectually respectable position to take.
5:18:00  Jews, the Torah and the Koran are physical evidence of God's existence.

5:21:00  Using our moral reasoning to decide which moral system to choose and obey
5:22:00  The Chinese and Mormons
5:23:00  How is Jesus God?
5:24:00  Rabbi Singer

5:30:00  Efficacy of prayer
5:39:00  Ralph accuses Conops of being "ontologically promiscuous".
6:00:00  Russell's teapot
6:03:00  Santa
6:05:00  Believing in God is a political act.
6:08:00  Reason
6:15:00  Afghanistan
6:18:00  Russians
6:19:00  The Islamophobia of Conops
6:26:00  Sati
6:28:00  Papua New Guinea
English females being victims of sex predators
6:30:00  CONOPS accuses Ralph.
6:33:00  Tommy Robinson
6:38:00  Conservative Christian

6:43:00  Tommy Robinson

6:52:00  DOMINGO joins.
6:55:00  Restoring the patriarchy
6:56:00  Prostitution
6:57:00  White indigenous males in fatherless homes incapable of organising a piss-up in a brewery
6:59:00  Daughters of unmarried mothers
7:09:00  Ethnicity and race
7:31:00  The problem of progressive liberalism
7:34:00  Governments favouring their own citizens
7:46:00  Religion and the Thirty Years War
7:47:00  Ralph considers the greater likelihood of Secular Koranism being adopted in Delhi
7:48:00  Samuel Pepys
7:49:00  Repealing the Equality Act 2010

7:50:00  CHURCH OF ENROPY joins ending the serious discussion.
8:00:00  Our debate when she thought she proved that her theocracy is better than my theocracy.
8:03:00  Tom Rabbittt
8:26:00  Doooovid
8:32:00  Jackson Wheat
8:42:00  Vincent Bruno

The idolatry of Christianity and its three global empires unchallenged by Jews and Muslims

I am agnostic, but it makes my mind squirm when I think of this question:

If the Abrahamic God exists and forbade idolatry and blasphemy, what would He do to those who claim that God has begotten a son and have been practising idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years with three global Christian empires unchallenged by Jews and Muslims?

My tidy mind wants to resolve the tension of the Jewish and Muslim concept of idolatry and associating partners with God coinciding with the Christian concept of God. 

If God exists, then He is either a unity or a trinity. Have you ever asked Christians how Jesus is God?

And if so, did you get a coherent answer that you can remember?

If they did mention a verse, it would be from the New Testament, which is the world of mortal and fallible men.  

If you are complaining about an evil empire that is turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah. are you not in fact part of it if you refuse to ask and resolve these questions yourself?

The Bible and Koran are both nationalist in the sense that they acknowledge tribal identity and nationhood. The New Testament is so vague and ambiguous that it allows governments claiming to be Christian to pretend their laws have the approval of Jesus while a dumbed down populace await the Second Coming of Christ.

If you expect Jesus to return, you must think he is divine. If you think he is divine, then you worship him. If you worship him, you are guilty of the idolatry and blasphemy explicitly and specifically forbidden by the Ten Commandments, the Seven Noahide laws and defined by Maimonides in the Third Principle of Judaism.  

If you ignore this as a Christian, you must really be atheist denying the existence of God and the afterlife. If you really believed in God and the afterlife, you would fear punishment for idolatry and blasphemy.

Jews and Muslims claiming to be afraid of taking away the faith of Christians by pointing out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity are in fact afraid offending the feelings of atheists and nihilists.

Nihilism is a product of atheism. Nihilists are people who are proud not to have any moral principles believing that moral principles only get in the way of their self interest.  

Can you think of a Western politician who is not a nihilist? Trump comes closest because he did say what he stood for and did his best to stand by them before he was cancelled by the Western political establishment. Anyone else? 

If God exists, then I imagine He would have a bone or two to pick with Jews and Muslims who have let all this happen under their watch.  

For how long have Jews not been properly teaching the Noahide laws?

For how long have Muslims been ignoring quran.com/18/4 of the Koran commanding them to admonish those who claim God has begotten a son?

Is God if He exists showing signs of impatience and irritation?

Friday, 27 August 2021

British government more invested in Holocaust Denial laws than Jews

2:08:00  DOMINGO joins.
2:12:00  Do Muslims say Jesus was without sin?
2:15:00  What does God say?
2:17:00  Western imperialism exploiting Muslim countries
2:19:00  Hitler
2:20:00  Muslims invented the university.
2:21:00  Judging the success of a religion
2:26:00  Domingo says he is "a retired Catholic".
2:29:00  Getting more and more triggered by idolatry
2:32:00  The cannibalism of Christians
2:39:00  Christianity is human sacrifice begun again after it was ended 
by Abraham. 
2:40:00  Theology, idolatry and politics
2:43:00  Beheading
2:44:00  Guillotine
2:48:00  Dead Man Walking
2:50:00  The Green Mile
2:53:00  The Torah has 36 capital offences. 
2:56:00  Heaven
Scrooge McDuck
2:58:00  Rabbi Tovia Singer
3:00:00  Alison Chabloz
3:01:00  The Holocaust  
3:08:00  The Final Prophet with the Final Solution
3:09:00  CONOPS joins.
3:14:00  Ralph
3:18:00  Anne Frank wanted to become Dutch.
3:26:00  Jesus
3:27:00  Tacitus
3:36:00  Forms of execution
3:37:00  Saudi executioner
3:43:00  Germaine Greer
3:49:00  Stoning of sodomites
3:51:00  Beheading
3:53:00  Speakers Corner
3:55:00  Brexit/Protestantism v EU/Catholicism
3:57:00  Church of Entropy's pantheism
3:59:00  God hitting the pinyata and the Big Bang
4:02:00  Spinoza and a 3D periodic table
4:03:00  Caring about what's real and useful
4:04:00  The opportunity cost of idolatry
4:05:00  Bad government
4:06:00  Noahide laws
4:08:00  Slaughter methods
4:12:00  OV
4:14:00  Hierarchy of priorities and Plato's Ideal Forms
4:15:00  The stories are just the packaging.
4:16:00  The Abrahamic God
4:17:00  Satan is God's Prosecuting Counsel
4:18:00  Manicheanism
4:19:00  The evil inclination
4:20:00  Rabbis
4:22:00  Obsession with Jews
4:23:00  Magic special Jews
4:25:00  Tikkun olam and idolatry
4:28:00  Managerial race
4:32:00  Brundlefy
4:33:00  Jews who wants to be Noahides
4:34:00  Jewish neurosis
4:35:00  British Mandate in Palestine
4:36:00  Antisemitism is punishment for Jews for disobeying God's laws.
4:37:00  Vincent Bruno
4:38:00  Jews haven't been teaching the Noahide laws for centuries.
4:39:00  quran.com/18/4
4:40:00  Israel should be a theocracy.
4:41:00  Neturei Karta
4:42:00  Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics
4:43:00  Israeli Jews would choose Islam Lite rather than a Torah theocracy. 
4:44:00  Secular Koranism - the entry level starter theocracy
4:45:00  Israeli referendum on a theocracy
4:46:00  Deadly Sin of Pride
4:47:00  Trump Derangement Syndrome
4:49:00  Torah theocracy v Secular Koranism
4:50:00  The Fourth Estate
4:51:00  The Five Stages of Grief
4:52:00  Men find patriarchy too much of a burden.
4:53:00  Morally compromised nationalists
4:54:00  Marriage is eugenic.
4:55:00  I am more of a nationalist than antisemites, Islamophobes and racists who call themselves nationalists because I am better able to consider the national interest.  
4:57:00  Nick Griffin
4:59:00  Nationalists morally crippled by their character defects
5:00:00  John Calvin allowed usury in the 1500s.
5:03:00  Joint stock companies and limited liability and limited liability companies
5:04:00  Slavery
5:05:00  UnIslamic British foreign policy
5:06:00  The greatest achievement of Britain was its global empire.
5:08:00  Land and marine empires
5:11:00  Empires are a measure of human achievement.
5:12:00  Running on margin
5:13:00  Consolidation
5:16:00  Macedonia
5:17:00  China
5:18:00  When China was unified
5:19:00  Empire
5:20:00  Global empire is Britain's greatest achievement.
5:21:00  Shakespeare
5:22:00  The Vikings
5:25:00  Would Constantine still have chosen Christianity if Islam had been around?
5:27:00  Council of Nicaea
5:28:00  European Wars of Religion
5:30:00  Armenian genocide
5:32:00  Fighting a crusade against idolatry and blasphemy
5:33:00  Falklands War and the American Republic
5:34:00  First Amendment and the Crimean War
5:35:00  Eastern Question
5:36:00  Anglo-Dutch War
5:37:00  Battle of Waterloo
5:38:00  Hitler
5:40:00  Hitler should have converted Germans to Islam.
5:41:00  Napoleon and Hitler
5:42:00  Imperial rivalry
5:43:00  Dutch
5:45:00  Nazi aesthetics
5:48:00  Holocaust Denial
5:50:00  David Irving
5:51:00  Holocaust Denial laws provoke antisemitism.
5:52:00  The British government is more invested in the Holocaust than Jews themselves.
5:54:00  Wannsee Conference

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Secular Koranism analysed by TJump at the Claire Witch Trial

1:00  Richard Dawkins
1:30  Criminalised for telling the truth
2:00  "Weird photos"
4:00  Demon Victoria
5:00  Secular Koranism
7:00  Waiting them for them to ask the next question
11:00  A moral secular system
12:00  Capital and corporal punishment
14:00  Testing my ideas to destruction with the best minds of America
I am a "polarising figure".
16:00  My political activism
18:00  Promoting nationalism defined as government in the national interest
18:00  What does it mean to govern in the national interest?
20:00  US constitution
21:00  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness
22:00  George Washington's farewell speech
24:00  Democracy and Nazism
26:00  Associating myself with nationalism
27:00  Not guilt of antisemitism
"America is not the same as other nations."
28:00  I don't know any Nazis.
29:00  Governing in the national interest
30:00  Geneva Convention, defensive wars and international relations
31:00  I am perceived to be a "nice person".
32:00  Scotti denounces me. 
33:00  I do promote the TJump server.
35:00  TJump speaks.
36:00  Cult of Claire cultivating debating skills
37:00  Discord TOS
38:00  Jen
39:00  Death penalty
40:00  Gladiators
42:00  Pretending to be Jay Dyer
45:00  Pokemon
46:00  Secular morality
47:00  Koran good for society
48:00  The benefits of corporal punishment would be deterrence
49:00  Jordan Peterson
50:00  A system of compulsion
51:00  Uniting people
52:00  Noahide laws and the Golden Rule
53:00  Christianity and Islam are imperial religions. 
54:00  Calling my legal system Secular Koranism
56:00  The First Amendment is based on quran.com/2/256 
57:00  The ability of Secular Koranism to compel
59:00  Pragmatic approach
1:00:00  The value proposition of Secular Koranism
1:01:00  Being objectively measurable is not the same as being objectively good.
1:02:00  The Muslim Jordan Peterson
1:04:00  What could be better than Secular Koranism?
1:12:00  Hamza's Den
1:18:00  SC Dawah

Monday, 23 August 2021

I make enquiries about the Trinity

1:00  I ask about the Trinity.

Repent as soon as possible before Yom Kippur 5782

What would be the reason for God not making another revelation to gentiles after giving the Torah to Jews? The Torah is obviously too hard for Jews since half the Jews in the world don't want to follow it and there is no clamour in Israel to reject liberal democracy in favour of a Torah theocracy.  

If the Torah is too hard for Jews, all the more would it be too hard for gentiles subject to less restrictive religions, if any, in the Post-Christian West. Most Western gentiles are Post-Christian atheists living under governments ignorant of the Noahide laws. 

If all Jews believed in the afterlife, they would be in fear of the punishment they would be expected to undergo since each Jew could clock up more than one death penalty in one lifetime even if it were not carried out in the lifetime of the errant Jew. The prospect of spending an afterlife being punished for one's transgressions must be dismaying.  One could be stoned to death and then resurrected in order to be beheaded, resurrected in order to be strangled and then resurrected in order to undergo death by fire, rinse and repeat as necessary until all the accumulated penalties are finally discharged. 

If Jews truly believed in God and His power to punish them in their olam haba, then surely they would all want to be Noahides.  

And if they wanted to be Noahides then they would acknowledge that Islam is Noahide for their purposes and get to a more paradise-like heaven using a less restrictive and tortuous route. 

If Islam is the answer to Jews who want to be Noahides, then rabbis would want to properly teach the Noahide laws by ranking the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws with Islam being ranked most and Christianity least Noahide, even less Noahide than Hinduism which is only idolatry.  If shituf is blasphemy and avodah zarah is idolatry, then it must mean that Hinduism is only idolatry while Christianity is both idolatry and blasphemy because Christians worship a Jew crucified for blasphemy according to their own Christian narrative. 

The Christian defence to an accusation of idolatry is that Christianity is not idolatry if Jesus is God. But how is Jesus God? 

Can Christians ever explain this coherently and satisfactorily without resorting to adopting the tactic of "winning" the argument through violence, torture and religious persecution?  

Perhaps the Archbishop of Jerusalem could be invited to explain this to the satisfaction of the Chief Rabbi of Israel, if he is the most senior Christian in Israel. If Jews are still serious about teaching properly the Noahide laws, whether places of worship for idolaters should be allowed in Israel would provoke much debate.   

Christians have been worshiping a Jew crucified for blasphemy for 2000 years and now may be the time God's Chosen People to point this out to them and in this way discharge their religious obligation to gentiles and the world as God chose them to do.   

If all good and evil come from God, then suffering must be punishment for sin. If this is so, God must be angry with Jews for failing to rid the world of idolatry. The fact that the last three global empires have been Christian is conclusive evidence of this failure.  

If they are no longer up to the job of ridding the world of idolatry because half the Jews in existence are non-observant Jews, they must acknowledge this and outsource this job to Islam and Muslims by declaring Islam the most Noahide of all gentile religions and Christianity the least so that Christians are in no doubt about the status of their idolatrous and blasphemous religion.  

This can only be done by through a formal and public statement to the world on Yom Kippur with a invitation to Christian and Muslim representatives to join them in an act of penitence. 

I would be very interested to know the rabbinical answer to my proposal. 

Friday, 20 August 2021

Talking to a Calvinist about theocracy

1:00  Scripture
2:00  Muslims don't pray to the Kabbah.
3:00  Catholics don't pray to the wafer.
4:00  Prayer
5:00  Jews
6:00  Last rites
7:00  A corrupt priesthood and individual responsibility
8:00  Catholicism
10:00  Christophobe
11:00  The past three global empires have been Christian.
12:00  Most people in the West are Post-Christian.
13:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.

"Theocracy is heretical in Christianity."

14:00  Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

16:00  Mark 12

22:00  Mecca
25:00  Corrupt priesthood
26:00  The Unlettered Prophet
27:00  Muhammad didn't write the Koran.
28:00  Obeying God's laws
30:00  New Testament
31:00  "Christianity does not require theocracy."
32:00  Ten Commandments
33:00  Noahide laws
35:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
36:00  Spinoza
38:00  Idolatry
39:00  "My God is stronger than your god."
40:00  Happy ending
41:00  Human sacrifice and Temple Judaism
42:00  Al Aqsa
47:00  "Weak powerless god"
48:00  Trojan Horse of quran.com/2/256

Claire Khaw Q and A on Secular Koranism

The problem
2:00  Immigration,Trump and Obama
3:00  The EU, low birth rate, rising average age
4:00  Secular Koranism as a rhetorical device
5:00  Innovation
6:00  Ottoman Empire
7:00  Gay rights
10:00  Sexual morality
11:00  Victimless crime and illegitimacy rates
13:00  Asian engineers
14:00  Gulf State Muslims
15:00  Flag and gun photos and my definition of feminism
16:00  Family values
17:00  Patriarchy
18:00  An agnostic can see the wisdom of God's laws.
19:00  Koranist
20:00  The Koran is clearer than the Bible.
21:00  An objectionable verse
23:00  Muslims don't believe Muhammad wrote the Koran.
27:00  The Koran is the best available guide. 
28:00  The Koran comes from the highest authority.  
29:00  Hammurabi's Code
30:00  Islamophobes cannot think of a better guide to humanity than the Koran.
31:00  Conservatism is not enough.  
32:00  Relying on the Holy Book of Muslims
33:00  Secular Koranism is indifferent to the stories of the Koran. 
34:00  The stories are just the packaging of any religion. 
35:00  Secular Koranism is only interested in the rules. 
38:00  Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
39:00  Going by the book
40:00  The word of God trumps the word of mortal and fallible men.
42:00  Hammurabi's Code
43:00  Noble Lie and Hindu scripture
45:00  Blasphemy and idolatry
47:00  Are the Islamophobes going to say Mein Kampf or the Communist Manifesto is better than the Koran?
50:00  Harry Potter
52:00  Hadith
55:00  Loan agreement
58:00  TJump as POTUS
59:00  The Koran could be from God.
1:01:00  Muhammad
1:02:00  Old Testament prophets
A convention of war to kill and enslave the women and children
1:04:00  King David
1:05:00  quran.com/4/82
1:14:00  Why I am basing my legal system on the Koran
1:15:00  Golden Rule and the Noahide law
1:16:00  Best available guide to humanity
1:18:00  The Word of God > the word of mortal and fallible men
1:22:00  Flying Spaghetti Monster
1:24:00  Noahide laws
1:26:00  The Golden Rule
1:28:00  Flag and gun photos
1:30:00  BNP
1:31:00  Disabled infants
1:32:00  Being dropped on the head
1:33:00  Slavery and licensed brothel
1:36:00  Institutions should be regulated.
1:37:00  Delusional, the Noahide laws and slavery
1:38:00  Marriage is a mutual contract of enslavement.
1:39:00  Execution methods
1:40:00  The Koran supports the principle of the death penalty.
The penance of freeing slaves
1:42:00  Rising homicide rates after abolition of the death penalty
1:48:00  This life is an examination hall.
1:50:00  Jewish view on heaven and hell
1:58:00  What is not forbidden is allowed.
2:00:00  My interpretation of the Koran
2:05:00  Flat rate income tax of 20%
2:06:00  One-party theocracy
2:07:00  Usury
2:08:00  Direct and indirect taxation
2:09:00  Oligarchy and UKIP
2:11:00  China changes its policies but Western nations never change theirs
2:13:00  Corporate America and George Washington
2:14:00  Lobbying and bribery

Talking to a Calvinist about theocracy

1:00  Scripture
2:00  Muslims don't pray to the Kabbah.
3:00  Catholics don't pray to the wafer.
4:00  Prayer
5:00  Jews
6:00  Last rites
7:00  A corrupt priesthood and individual responsibility
8:00  Catholicism
10:00  Christophobe
11:00  The past three global empires have been Christian.
12:00  Most people in the West are Post-Christian.
13:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.

"Theocracy is heretical in Christianity."

14:00  Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

16:00  Mark 12

22:00  Mecca
25:00  Corrupt priesthood
26:00  The Unlettered Prophet
27:00  Muhammad didn't write the Koran.
28:00  Obeying God's laws
30:00  New Testament
31:00  "Christianity does not require theocracy."
32:00  Ten Commandments
33:00  Noahide laws
35:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
36:00  Spinoza
38:00  Idolatry
39:00  "My God is stronger than your god."
40:00  Happy ending
41:00  Human sacrifice and Temple Judaism
42:00  Al Aqsa
47:00  "Weak powerless god"
48:00  Trojan Horse of quran.com/2/256

The concept of God definitely exists

2:00  Raising the status of married parents over non-parents and unmarried parents
5:00  The law as carrot or stick
6:00  The regrettable normalisation of divorce
8:00  A chapter on divorce in the Koran, allowed but regulated
9:00  No fault divorce would be abolished.
10:00  The law is above us.
11:00  Secular Koranism is for non-Muslims. 
EU law
12:00  Secular Koranism to restore patriarchy
15:00  The Abrahamic God
16:00  Oxymoron
17:00  Secular Koranism is a legal system, not a belief system.
18:00  Atheists can agree with some of the Ten Commandments. 
19:00  Private and public morality
20:00  Conscience
22:00  3 branches of philosophy: virtue ethics, deontology and consequentialism.
23:00  The conditional statement
24:00  Sexuality
25:00  Agnosticism
26:00  Voltaire
27:00  God is the policeman in our heads.
28:00  The idea of God definitely exists.
30:00  Is Communism a belief system?
32:00  The moral imperative to behave as if we believed in God ie the noble lie.
33:00  What is the alternative?
39:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority
40:00  The Hypothetical Situation of a Better Outcome
45:00  The Afterlife
46:00  Lying politicians
47:00  Public intellectuals
49:00  Culture is the product of law and religion.
51:00  The concept of God already exists and is not denied. 
52:00  Entertaining the possibility that God might exist.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Sex and Marriage under Secular Koranism

1:00  The crime of bastardy
4:00  No retrospective legislation
7:00  Prostitution in licensed brothels
11:00  Crisis? What crisis?
12:00  Slavery and the National Interest
13:00  Those who want to become married parents
15:00  No fault divorce
16:00  Holistic and comprehensive change
18:00  Christian practice of heretic burning
19:00  Jesus
20:00  Is there a better guide to humanity than the Koran?
21:00  Whose selection of the Koran?
22:00  Scientology
26:00  Religion is about law and war.
29:00  Death penalty
30:00  The morality authority of the Abrahamic God
35:00  The Abrahamic religions
37:00  Agnosticism
39:00  Atheists "worship" in pubs, bars, stadia and shopping malls
40:00  Liberalism
41:00  The authority of the Koran
42:00  Abortion
43:00  Divine law
44:00  Prostitution
46:00  Licensed brothels under Secular Koranism
47:00  Ten Commandments
48:00  Stefan Molyneux's views on theocracy
51:00  Liberty is what we ought to have after the necessary laws are in place. 
52:00  quran.com/2/256 is the basis of the First Amendment.
53:00  Freedom of belief guaranteed
55:00  Idolatry
57:00  Hidden idolatry
59:00  Jizya is the conditional tribute.
1:04:00  Gay marriage would be abolished.
Falling birth rate, rapidly ageing society full of immigrants
1:05:00  A stable society
1:06:00  Marriage
1:08:00  Unmarried parents are more likely to break up than married parents.
1:09:00  Fatherless homes
1:12:00  What the law allows is legal.
1:13:00  Raising the price of sex for men
1:14:00  Only people who want to be married parents would be interested in restoring the patriarchy.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Philosophy of religion

2:00  False and true beliefs 
3:00  Commands are neither true or false.
4:00  "All moral propositions are false."
8:00  Telling the truth and telling the lies are both useful.
9:00  There is an exception to every rule.
10:00  A religion that promotes human sacrifice
11:00  The utility of religion
12:00  The rules of religion keep us safe and good.
13:00  A policeman in our head
14:00  Stick and carrot
16:00  Showing humility, submission and trust in God  
17:00  The utility of believing in God
18:00  Religion increases the chances of fighting a successful defensive war.
19:00  Western nations and theocracies
20:00  Afghanistan
21:00  Religion and politics
22:00  Capitalism v Communism, Fascism v Socialism
23:00  Religion is politics.
24:00  Changing our moral and political system
27:00  An objective measure of happiness
28:00  Religion is based on fear.
29:00  Degeneracy
30:00  Morality
31:00  Genocide
33:00  A reputation for fair dealing
34:00  Bob the Builder
36:00  Trump, Muslims, left and right
38:00  Politics is a marketing strategy.
39:00  Government social policy creating a parasitic class

The moral imperative to behave as if we believed in God

 Is there a moral imperative to behave as if we believed in God by obeying His laws after we learn the wisdom of His laws?

The most intellectually respectable position is that of agnosticism. To not waste time is to be more intellectually respectable than wasting time discussing something no one alive will ever be able to prove: whether the Abrahamic God exists and whether there is an afterlife. The moral imperative remains to discuss whether we ought to obey what are said to be the laws of God and if not, why not.

There are only two divine revelations believed to be from the Abrahamic God: the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles. The latter does not contain 36 capital offences and is intended for all humanity.

Do Trump supporters know they live in a matriarchy and that ain't good?

Trump supporters would find the matriarchy more objectionable than Biden supporters and it is true that Trump supporters feel cheated and marginalised making them angrier and more prone to violence, as one would expect. Once we see the culture war in *broadly* gender terms, we will see it in the correct terms:

1) those who want society to prioritise the preferences of married parents who want to properly parent their legitimate offspring, and

2) those who want society to continue prioritising the preferences of unmarried parents who casually conceived and parented their illegitimate offspring.

To see it in gender terms would oversimplifying matters. Men do not get the respect they feel they deserve in a society made up mostly of unmarried parents. The only way men can correct such a society is to collectively agree to a law treating unmarried parents as sex offenders, but it is doubted that the degenerate atheist Western male is capable of voluntarily making this sacrifice for future generations because few of them have the desire to father legitimate offspring and properly parent them or even form the intention to become married fathers or regret that they are not in fact married fathers. Indeed, because most Western men are morally compromised because they are either non-parents or fathers of illegitimate offspring, they will be unable to even acknowledge the fact that they have been morally compromised.

This means that they will continue to deny that their society is a degenerate matriarchy in need of correction. Being mostly morally compromised atheists and nihilists, they will content themselves in denying that they live in a matriarchy and refuse to engage in any such discussions until their society is analogous to an unflushed toilet for the next generation.

Being morally compromised atheists and nihilists, they will content themselves denying that they live in a matriarchy in order to go to their graves without acknowledging the errors of liberalism, preferring to blame Jews, Muslims, non-whites etc ie anyone but themselves.

Objective, public and private morality

Objective morality can only be found in scripture stating what are believed to be the laws of God ie the Koran. If it is generally accepted that morality should be defined as a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others, then it will generally be accepted that laws define public morality, for to break them would make one a criminal with a criminal record.

Private morality must therefore be the attitude of the individual as regards obeying those laws and there will be individuals who obey the law because they think it is the right thing to do, and those who only obey because they wish to avoid punishment.

I denounce liberals who approve of Holocaust Denial laws

3:53:00  Mark Reid complains about me making assumptions about him because he is a non-parent. This technique is used for marketing purposes too. I am sure people make all kinds of assumptions about me to explain my views and predict my behaviour too, but I am not a whingeing pom.  

4:11:00  I join and tell the little I knew about the Book of Numbers.

4:13:00  Jews are not allowed freedom of belief, like the British Royal Family.

4:14:00  God is the Enforcer and Compliance Officer.

4:16:00  There is only one God.

4:17:00  Jews don't follow their own rules. 

4:18:00  The Far Right

4:19:00  America's military and immigration

4:20:00  The narrative of invasion
Vocational training for the American proletariat

4:21:00  It is the urban proletariat who object to mass immigration and although they are greater in number, their views can be dismissed by a rigged legal and political system and a Fourth Estate spinning the narrative that they are Nazis for complaining about immigration.  

4:22:00  Liberal Dutchmen virtue signals about being best friends with a Syrian refugee.

4:24:00  I point out that the Liberal Dutchman is middle class more preoccupied with virtue signalling than standing up for the Dutch urban proletariat. 

4:27:00  People you don't want coming to you would be perceived as an invasion. 

4:28:00  Did the Nazis have an immigration problem as Liberal Dutchman Peter seems to be suggesting?

4:29:00  Open borders

4:31:00  Education and vocational training for the proletariat

4:32:00  "Nobody" (ie no liberal) shares my views, apparently.

4:34:00  Mark Reid accuses me of ad hominem fallacy.

4:35:00  Brexiteers and Trump supporters who reject the benefits of neoliberalism and neoconservatism do not exist, apparently. When I say these people think this or that, they are just a figment of my imagination, apparently

4:36:00  The power of the Fourth Estate - who are now the First Estate - to demonise anyone who does not share the views of the liberal elite

4:37:00  What number is Holocaust Denial?  

4:39:00  The epistemology of the Holocaust

4:40:00  Migration or invasion is a matter of perspective. 

4:42:00  Holocaust Denial
Alison Chabloz

4:43:00  Holocaust Denial is legal in the UK.  

4:44:00  Peter's indifference to the rule of law

4:51:00  The British government are more invested in Holocaust Denial than Jews.  

4:56:00  Offensive speech

5:04:00  Resurrection of Jesus and idolatry

5:05:00  The Holy Spirit

5:06:00  Christians worship Jesus, Muslims deny the divinity of Jesus.

5:08:00  The Messiah

5:09:00  Idolatry

5:10:00  How is Jesus God?

5:12:00  Christianity was a rough draft before Islam came along.

5:15:00  PBUH

5:17:00  Repulsive idolatry

5:18:00  Rabbi Mizrachi

5:20:00  Jewish ideas and the rule of law

5:21:00  The free speech of the people whose views we hate is our free speech too and we should all strive religiously to protect this precious commodity. 

5:27:00  Mark Reid denounces me.  

5:28:00  Brexiteers and Trump voters are just a figment of my imagination, apparently. 

Is Holocaust Denial a crime in the UK? If not, Alison Chabloz should not have been convicted of any crime, not even s 127 of the Communications Act 2003 as a trumped-up charge. Even if Holocaust Denial is considered to be "grossly offensive" by the countries who have criminalised this, she had a right to do this.  

5:30:00  Mark is using the word antisemitism with the meaning of "giving offence to Jews" whether intentionally or not". Many things we say can unintentionally give offence, even compliments. 

Friday, 13 August 2021

Living in the best of all possible worlds where 2:256 of the Koran is the basis of the 1st Amendment

2:00  People change their minds.

3:00  Leibniz's theory that we live in the best possible worlds

4:00  God never promised us a rose garden and this life is an examination hall.

5:00  The problem of evil

6:00  We are given the freewill to choose whether to obey God's laws or not.

8:00  The problem of infinite regression is solved by positing the logic of an uncaused first cause.

9:00  People doubt God's existence.

10:00  We do not doubt the existence of a burglar who threatens us but we doubt God's existence because He only invites us use moral reasoning to get to Him and does not reveal Himself to us so we are sure.

11:00  The purpose of morality is to keep the group in existence and apart from others. 

13:00  What if Hitler sincerely repented? 

14:00  The Hegelian Dialectic of survival of the fittest ideas is being fought through its human agents. Is Islam superior to Christianity and if it is, how is it superior? If it generally agreed that Islam is superior and the American Republic was founded on Islamic principles, should the US government adopt Secular Koranism with American Characteristics?

Secular Koranism
15:00  I have not "decoupled God from Secular Koranism because belief in God is optional since the Koran guarantees freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256

16:00  The White House Koran belonged to Thomas Jefferson who drafted the First Amendment.
17:00  Thomas Jefferson

18:00  The Declaration of Independence

19:00  America is a proposition nation and that proposition was that Americans are only allowed to pursue life, liberty and happiness while obeying the laws of God in the Koran.

21:00  The self-evident chain of logic: We are here arguing about God's existence because there was a Creation. Because there was a Creation, there must have been a Creator and that Creator was the Abrahamic God. 

21:00  Benjamin Franklin

22:00  The truth is that religion is useful.
Seneca: “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.”

Hippy Dippy Debate

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Islam and the atheist Islamophobic Far Right

Apparently, Islam makes Muslims feel at home anywhere in the world, even as they marinate in the moral sewage of globohomo.
8:00  Stonehenge
The matter of Britain
10:00  "Muslims evidently belong"
Douglas Murray 
"The nihilism at the heart of contemporary nationalism"
11:00  "Atheism should be characterised as mental illness."
12:00   "The Holy Grail is actually Islam" but the grail is in the wrong place for the European ego. 
14:00  The atheist nihilist nationalism whose ego refuses to say the seven words
15:00  Hatred of Islam rooted in prejudice. 
16:00  16th century Protestant German burned at the stake for saying Europeans should let Muslims invade. 
18:88  Nationalistic Europeans are "submarines".
20:00  Milo and Church Militant
22:00  Call non-Muslims to Islam with good exhortation.
24:00  Being persecuted for hetero-normativity by the matriarchy
26:00  Spinelessness of the Archbishop of Canterbury
27:00  Batley and Spen
28:00  Ethical monotheism in Europe is only present in Islam. 
29:00  The courage to defend tradition
31:00  Censorship of sermons on Friday prayers
32:00  No free speech in Muslim and non-Muslim countries. 
35:00  Trump and Christian Evangelicals
36:00  Muslim alliances with people of the book who also believe in social conservatism
37:00  Home schooling in France shut down by intolerant liberalism
38:00  Murad stays in the UK to dawah but would rather be in Indonesia. 
42:00  Churches beginning to dump the Trinity.
Ridley yet another burned at the stake.
 A convert a week, 100,000 converts so far.
45:00  Paul Williams was Catholic.
46:00  Most mosques are full. Murad's grandfather's church in Norwich is now a mosque.
47:00  Inquisition and Reconquista
48:00  The Western demographic crisis and crisis of loneliness
50:00  Mosques and their culture
58:00  Neighbourliness 
59:00  Mosques changing their culture for different generations of Muslims

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Claire Khaw argues in favour of a theocracy

5:00  More globohomo!

7:00  Stefan Molyneux
Changing the meaning of marriage
8:00  Mental health issues

The Aztecs did not have a very developed system of writing and cannot have enjoyed the rule of law under their priesthood. The Ten Commandments represents the most famous example people can think of if they asked to give one. 

9:00  Ecclesiocracy

Objective morality is found in scripture.

10:00  Moral regeneration though theocracy
11:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority = Abrahamic God
12:00  Noahide laws
13:00  Islam is the most Noahide gentile religion.
14:00  Suffering is caused by the sin of breaking the Noahide laws.

17:00  Theocracy defined
Vatican City included.
18:00  Iran
19:00  The Fourth Estate
20:00  Stability of sharia theocracies
21:00  Civil liberties
22:00  Scripture
23:00  Alleged infallibility
24:00  Problem verses
25:00  Separation of powers
26:00  Codification and precedent

Female testimony worthy only half that of men is only confined to the witnessing of loan agreements.

28:00  Unmarried parents quran.com/24/2

30:00  Wife beating a phased process analogous to employment situations in which a written a verbal warning, a written warning and a formal warning would be given before termination of the marriage contract.

31:00  The Christian practice of burning people at the stake for denying the Trinity
32:00  The Koran does not forbid public assemblies.
33:00  Consultation

33:00  Politicians do change the meaning of words ie marriage because they legalised gay marriage.
34:00  Mental health
Aztec writing was primitive pictograms.

I never said the Word of God would not be interpreted differently by different people, only that it can be found in scripture.  

35:00  The Noahide laws are fair enough as a list of eternal and universal laws.  

Slavery would be reintroduced under Secular Koranism but would be administered by the state in a humane way.

36:00  I had already explained the methodology of believing in God to solve problems at 14:00

37:00  Secular Koranism would only list the commandments and prohibitions of the Koran thereby codifying the Koran.  

Suffering is not caused by sin, according to Mark. 

39:00  UN
43:00 Only the government can interpret the war verses.
45:00  Islamic empires declined because they broke their own rules. 
47:00  A Caliph is a constitutional dictator. 
48:00  Hitler suspended the constitution. 
49:00  If China were Muslim, Xi Jinping would be Caliph and he could be removed by the Politburo Standing Committee.

50:00  A one-party state is a monopoly, the two-party system in the West is an oligarchy. 

51:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

A fully-functioning conscience submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality is essential for the ethical politician.

52:00  Christianity is kaput.
53:00  Lord Acton: "Power corrupts and absolutely power corrupts absolutely."
54:00  Mandate of Heaven
55:00  Confucius

56:00  The rules and principled politicians are really the only checks on power since any system can be subverted by the unprincipled and corrupt.

The judiciary would be the quasi-priesthood.

57:00  Rebellion is the final solution to oppressive government. 

58:00  The rule of law must prevail or there will be rebellion. 

59:00  An ethical political class
1:00:00  Military dictatorships
1:01:00 Hindu caste system
1:02:00  North Korea
1:03:00  The importance of an independent judiciary
1:05:00  Elections can be held in a one-party state.
1:06:00  The best way to understand God is to know His laws.
1:07:00  Islam does not have a priesthood.
1:08:00  The legislature
1:09:00  Hypothetical Supreme Authority = Abrahamic God
1:11:00  Unmarried parents to be treated as sex offenders according to quran.com/24/2
1:12:00  Singapore has corporal punishment. 
1:13:00  No-go areas in Malmo
1:14:00  Corporal punishment
1:15:00  All the human rights we need are already in the Koran. 

1:16:00  Secular Koranism with Australian Characteristics and Secular Koranism with New Zealander Characteristics

Stigmatising unmarried parents as sex offenders is not just a Koranic idea.

1:17:00  Corporal punishment in Aceh Province

1:20:00  Murder rate has increased since capital punishment was abolished.
1:21:00  Prevention is better than cure. 

Becoming an unmarried mother is the quickest way to impoverish yourself.

1:23:00  Doubt

1:24:00  Why not worship the most powerful being because Jews who worship the most powerful being are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe?

Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism and three global empires have been Christian.

Christianity only worked through the Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake until the First Amendment of the American Republic based on quran.com/2/256 destroyed belief in the Trinity.

Islam has already destroyed Christianity because as long ago as the 1870s, Nietzsche said "God is dead and we have killed him." What Nietzsche meant was "The First Amendment based on quran.com/2/256 has destroyed belief in Christianity. 

1:25:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:26:00  Divorce in India
1:28:00  Reincarnation must imply God's existence.
1:29:00  We can't be morally perfect because only God is. 
1:31:00  Treatment of minorities
1:32:00  How do you know you are saved?
1:33:00  The government interpretation will be the official interpretation.
1:35:00  Principled politicians following their principles of submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality would be the best people to put in charge.
1:39:00  The best way to improve government is to make sure that the right laws are being enforced by the right people. 

1:40:00  Decline of empire is signaled when the Mandate of Heaven being withdrawn.
1:41:00  The Koran is a surprisingly liberal document.
quran.com/2/256 is the basis of the First Amendment.

1:42:00  Christianity is totalitarian because it is gentiles adopting the capital punishment of the Torah for blasphemy for which Jesus was crucified. We must remember that Jews technically are not supposed to enjoy freedom of belief as Jews. The Koran however guarantees freedom of belief with quran.com/2/256

1:43:00  Sex education has increased teen pregnancy.  
1:45:00  Single sex secondary schools
1:46:00  Corporal punishment in Aceh Province
1:47:00  No magic pill to prevent rebellion and revolution. 
1:48:00  Good government prevents rebellion and revolutions.
1:49:00  Morality 
1:50:00  Apostasy
1:53:00  The Koran does not criminalise idolatry or blasphemy.
1:55:00  Nationalism is government in the national interest. 
Secular Koransm would restore the patriarchy.
Western law does not reflect Christian principles but the principles of globohomo. 

1:57:00  Secular Koranism is Islam Lite. 

1:58:00  US Declaration of Independence
The First Amendment is based on quran.com/2/256

1:59:00  George Washington's farewell speech with Koranic echoes

We must with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion.

Observe good faith and justice towards all Nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all. Religion and Morality enjoin this conduct; and can it be, that good policy does not equally enjoin it? It will be worthy of a free, enlightened, and, at no distant period, a great Nation, to give to mankind the magnanimous and too novel example of a people always guided by an exalted justice and benevolence. Who can doubt, that, in the course of time and things, the fruits of such a plan would richly repay any temporary advantages, which might be lost by a steady adherence to it ? Can it be, that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a Nation with its Virtue? The experiment, at least, is recommended by every sentiment which ennobles human nature. Alas! is it rendered impossible by its vices ?

2:00:00  Mandate of Heaven
2:04:00  "Islam Lite"

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Scripture is objective morality in the best of all possible worlds

Morality is a system of rules designed to keep the group in existence and apart from others. We know that Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe and that Christianity and Islam are derived from Judaism. We also know that when it is finally accepted that Christianity has failed, Islam will be the most rational and moral choice when it is accepted that Islam has superior scripture compared to that of Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. Scripture is objective morality because no one, not even atheists and Islamophobes, can deny that the Koran exists and contains laws for humanity. No other scripture comes from a higher source with laws intended for universal application. This sums up my theory of morality.

This is the best of all possible words for humanity because we know of no other worlds we could possibly inhabit. Even if we find things in this world not to our liking, it remains a fact that this is the best of all possible worlds because the Abrahamic God who created this Universe must have intended it to be so being omnipotent, omniscient and perfectly moral which are believed to be His attributes.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Claire Khaw explaining Secular Koranism on the Perfect Storm from 1:14:00

1:15:00  Each country that interprets the Koran for itself after adopting Secular Koranism would have its own national interpretation. 

When Muhammad had his Islamic Revolution when he re-entered Mecca, not everyone was Muslim, so he must have imposed something like Secular Koranism. This means he did not enforce belief and because he did not impose the Islamic equivalent of the Inquisition, he did not provoke a rebellion. 

1:16:00  The First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256

Non-Muslim parents would use Allah to frighten their children into good behaviour rather than Santa.

1:17:00  Duress vitiates consent. 

1:19:00  Freedom of belief is guaranteed by quran.com/2/256

I am accused of being "arrogant".  

How is it "arrogant"to propose obeying the laws of God in the Koran?

1:19:00  Asia Bibi was convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death by hanging.

1:20:00  I display my knowledge of Islam by pointing out that the Koran is silent on blasphemy, but was interrupted by Hamza the Hostile say what I said was "embarrassing".  

1:21:00  I ask Hamza what I said that he thought was so "embarrassing" but he changed the subject and accused me of something else. 

I point out that Secular Koranism would emphasise quran.com/2/256

1:22:00  The laws in the Koran that I agree with: 

- a flat rate income tax of 20% https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khums
- usury

1:23:00  I declare my agnosticism.

1:26:00  Imran points out that Secular Koranism is an oxymoron. That it is an oxymoron does not invalidate its existence since it is the intention of Secular Koranism - which is a legal system (like EU law that law undergraduates used to learn before Brexit) and not a belief system - to allow non-Muslims to enter the judiciary.

People would obey the laws of God in the Koran because they want to please God ie for religious reasons or obey them because they wish to avoid punishment ie for secular reasons. 

1:27:00  Imran calls me "inherently unjust" because I want to change the laws, apparently unaware that all political activism is about changing the law.  

1:28:00  Imran calls me an atheist even after I have said quite clearly that I was firm in my position of agnosticism.

1:29:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity whether or not God was its author and whether or not we believe in God.  

1:30:00  People can agree with some of the Ten Commandments without believing in God.

1:31:00  Imran says the rules in the Koran are for Muslims.

1:33:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles. When it suits Muslims, they say the Koran is a guide for all humanity.  

1:34:00  Sharia accommodated non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire.  

1:36:00  Secular Koranism for India and China.

1:37:00  Secular Koranism would be an "entry level" theocracy for Israel so it can enjoy better relations with its neighbours. 

1:38:00  Hamza gives me dictatorial powers of Hitler over Nazi Germany and asks what I would do. I trust I said nothing unIslamic since I said I would impose Secular Koranism on Germany if I had been in his position. 

1:39:00  Hamza keeps asking me questions and interrupting my answers. 

1:40:00  If given dictatorial powers over any country, I would impose Secular Koranism in a kind and gentle way. Since I do not expect to become dictator any time soon, I can only petition for a referendum which Parliament would be obliged to consider if it reaches at least 100,000 signatures. There are around 3 million Muslims and enough non-Muslims who would like my proposal of Britain becoming a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism being debated in Parliament. 

1:41:00  Abbas accuses me of "extremism" and being "extremist" after I answered Hamza's hypothetical question of what I would do if I were dictator. 

1:43:00  Allah would be a Hypothetical Supreme Authority for atheists.

1:44:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.  

Hamza accuses me of cherrypicking the Koran when I have never said I would ignore verses I dislike.  

1:45:00  I mention the Jefferson Bible. 

I deny proposing to leave out any verse that is not a do and don't of the Koran. 

1:46:00  Allah is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority. 

I explain my position on agnosticism. 

1:47:00  There are no atheists in foxholes.  

1:48:00  I fasted on Yom Kippur.  

The soul is the memory we leave behind after we are dead. 

1:49:00  Hamza the Hostile refuses to hear what I have to say about the Jefferson Bible. 

1:50:00  Secular Koranism excludes the stories and threats and promises of God. 

1:51:00  The authorship of the Koran and the poet Muhammad had assassinated.

1:54:00 These Muslim men are afraid of being associated with my radicalism. 

1:55:00  Asia Bibi was actually sentenced to death. 

2:33:00  Hamza the Hostile denounces me again. 

2:34:00  I am described as "well-read and cultured" by Abbas. 

The principles of dog training cannot be used on adult humans

1:00  Liberalism
2:00  Immediate punishment reinforces awareness of forbidden behaviour.
4:00  The laws of physics and the laws of morality 

6:00  Our laws should be moral.
7:00  God as the atheist's Hypothetical Supreme Authority
8:00  Objective morality is contained in the Koran. 
9:00  The wisest way of choosing the best moral system
10:00  Discussing subjective morality is a waste of time. 
11:00  Cause and effect
12:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
13:00  Liars and unprincipled people who believe in nonsense
14:00  Narcissism 
15:00  The condition of being mortal and fallible < Koran
16:00  Investigating the causes of our political problems
17:00  The Seven Deadly Sins being suffered by Westerners
18:00  Noahide laws
19:00  Recalcitrant rabbis refusing to properly teach the Noahide laws.
20:00  Muslims disobeying the command in quran.com.18/4
23:00  Secular Koranism not "Secular Theism"
24:00  The Koran is intended for universal application.
25:00  The Fourth Estate
26:00  The ideological battle plan 
27:00  Censored historical narratives
28:00  The ideological beginnings of antisemitism
29:00  Sinners are not afraid of punishment from a dead or dying Jesus.
30:00  The sin of idolatry is its own punishment.  
31:00  Dutch Noahide community
32:00  The idolatry of pantheism

33:00  Jews no longer fit for the purpose of properly teaching the Noahide laws.
35:00  Jews aiding and abetting idolatry.
36:00  Are Jews and Muslims like bad waiters deliberately ignoring the diner so they don't have to serve him?
38:00  Rabbinically-guidance Noahidism
39:00  London's Muslims would be the "London Noahide Community".
41:00  To be an Islamophobe is to be irrational. 
43:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men. 
44:00  The laws of God forbid usury.
45:00  Phobia
46:00  The rational atheist Israeli Jew - if forced to choose between two theocracies - would choose a theocracy without 36 capital punishments. 
47:00  Sharia for Israel in the form of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

51:00  The utility of scripture 

53:00  SHAH JAHANI joins.

Sun Flower and me from 3:25:00

57:00  Jews have no freedom of belief. 

58:00  SUN FLOWER joins.
59:00  Sun Flower is an Orthodox Jew. 
1:01:00  Messianic Judaism
1:08:00  It is idolatry to think of Jesus as divine. 

1:12:00  CONOPS makes him presence known. 
1:20:00  My proposed imposition of Secular Koranism
1:23:00  Islam is Judaism Lite. 
Noahide laws
1:24:00  God is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.
1:26:00  My alleged blasphemy
1:30:00  My alt-right connections
1:31:00  How am I a sociopath?
1:32:00  I am a "giant meme", apparently.
1:33:00  I am not a nihilist. 
1:36:00  I care about the principle of promoting nationalism which I define as government in the national interest.  
1:39:00  Noahide laws
1:40:00  The shituf of Christianity would be more offensive to God than the avodah zarah of Hindusim.
1:44:00  I have not proposed ignoring any verse of the Koran.  
1:47:00  The fastest route to sharia for Muslims in the West is Secular Koranism.
1:48:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:49:00  Sun Flower's religious background
1:50:00  Sun Flower was an agnostic theist. 
1:53:00  The Trinity: gas, liquid and solids

2:24:00  RALPH joins. 
2:26:00  Ralph: "The Koran is the Word of God."
2:35:00  Verses in the Koran 
The story on Hatun
2:37:00  RALPH on Secular Koranism
2:39:00  The radicalism of my proposals
2:40:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
2:41:00  All empires fall. 
2:42:00  CONOPS and RALPH on Hatun, Christianity and Islam
2:51:00  Ralph: "Islam is my ally." 
3:43:00  Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
3:44:00  The sacred cow of liberalism is sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting
3:46:00  Restoring the patriarchy would raise the price of sex.
3:47:00  Embittered women will vote against the interests of men by voting for pro-immigration parties.
3:50:00  Liberalism has no official handbook. 
3:53:00  Social conservatism
3:54:00  A senescent society
3:55:00  Extramarital sex
3:56:00  Immigration and the proletariat
Driverless cars, driverless trains and Uber
3:56:00  Immigration and the proletariat
3:57:00  The matriarchy imposing an employment contract on Uber and its drivers. 

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Rabbi talks to mamzer

Hamza Myatt and Claire Khaw talk to a Christian

From 2:25:00

I explain Secular Koranism to a largely hostile audience

1:55:00  I join to discuss exercising moral judgement. 
1:59:00  The Utility of God
2:00:00  Religion is about protecting group interests.
2:01:00  Religion does ask us to be my kind, generous, forgiving and merciful to each other. 
2:02:00  The difference between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference. 
2:10:00  "Slut single mums" 
2:11:00  All the world religions pay lip service to upholding the institutions of marriage and family values. Monogamy is the ideal. 
Amaretto confesses to polyamory. 
2:12:00  The danger of being hurt and unhappy after polyamory
2:13:00  The purpose of religion is to make us low maintenance.
Your religious community is your support group.
2:14:00  Amaretto calls herself a theist but she is really a pagan and Wiccan. 
2:15:00  Amaretto says she has had an abortion. 

Religion is about moral, intellectual and emotional manipulation. 

2:17:00  Christians hypocritically forbid others from practising idolatry but they are the worst idolaters. 
2:18:00  Idolatry is a Jewish idea.  
2:19:00  The Abrahamic God is the most powerful being conceivable. 
2:20:00  All the world religions disapprove of unmarried parents. 
2:22:00  The Abrahamic God is the Uncaused First Cause.
2:36:00  What would it take for me to give up Secular Koranism?
2:41:00  I explain the benefits of theocracy whose laws are contained in scripture. 
2:43:00  Eternal and universal laws are not supposed to change. 
2:45:00  The purpose of marriage is legitimate children.
2:46:00  No right to have sex with each other if you are a same-sex couple.  
2:47:00  Christianity is a more advanced religion than the paganism of Wicca.
Roman paganism was already failing, and Constantine replaced it with Christianity. 
2:50:00  The law should encourage the right things and discourage the wrong things. 
2:52:00  The harm of gay marriage is not immediately apparent. 
2:54:00  Immigrants
3:01:00  I deny changing the verses of the Koran or even choosing the ones I want to obey.  
3:02:00  Amaretto should not be afraid of the corporal punishment I propose under quran.com/24/2 because I am not going to apply it retrospectively.
3:03:00  I have volunteered to suffer this punishment on behalf of the British people.
3:04:00  I get on fine with Jews. 
3:06:00  Are Jews white?
3:11:00  JON VANCE defends the patriarchy and questions BLM while Amaretto makes excuses for BLM.
3:25:00  My avatar and that article about me on Vice
3:26:00  Christianity
3:27:00  "heinous act of evil"
3:30:00  "Secular Koranism is a meme."
3:31:00  Why wouldn't Muslims accept Secular Koranism?
3:32:00  Secular Koranism is the Chicken Tikka Massala of Sharia.
3:33:00  quran.com/2/256 is the basis of the First Amendment.
3:35:00  The Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake
3:37:00  Colonial American bastardy laws
3:42:00  Why I use the Koran as the basis of my moral and legal political system
3:44:00  Why I call my moral and legal political system Secular Koranism
3:46:00  My niqab avatar
4:21:00  My outro in which I defend myself against accusations

AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews

4:00  Why no feedback? 5:00  Over 1000 views  Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00  Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...