Thursday, 5 August 2021

Claire Khaw explaining Secular Koranism on the Perfect Storm from 1:14:00

1:15:00  Each country that interprets the Koran for itself after adopting Secular Koranism would have its own national interpretation. 

When Muhammad had his Islamic Revolution when he re-entered Mecca, not everyone was Muslim, so he must have imposed something like Secular Koranism. This means he did not enforce belief and because he did not impose the Islamic equivalent of the Inquisition, he did not provoke a rebellion. 

1:16:00  The First Amendment was based on

Non-Muslim parents would use Allah to frighten their children into good behaviour rather than Santa.

1:17:00  Duress vitiates consent. 

1:19:00  Freedom of belief is guaranteed by

I am accused of being "arrogant".  

How is it "arrogant"to propose obeying the laws of God in the Koran?

1:19:00  Asia Bibi was convicted of blasphemy and sentenced to death by hanging.

1:20:00  I display my knowledge of Islam by pointing out that the Koran is silent on blasphemy, but was interrupted by Hamza the Hostile say what I said was "embarrassing".  

1:21:00  I ask Hamza what I said that he thought was so "embarrassing" but he changed the subject and accused me of something else. 

I point out that Secular Koranism would emphasise

1:22:00  The laws in the Koran that I agree with: 

- a flat rate income tax of 20%
- usury

1:23:00  I declare my agnosticism.

1:26:00  Imran points out that Secular Koranism is an oxymoron. That it is an oxymoron does not invalidate its existence since it is the intention of Secular Koranism - which is a legal system (like EU law that law undergraduates used to learn before Brexit) and not a belief system - to allow non-Muslims to enter the judiciary.

People would obey the laws of God in the Koran because they want to please God ie for religious reasons or obey them because they wish to avoid punishment ie for secular reasons. 

1:27:00  Imran calls me "inherently unjust" because I want to change the laws, apparently unaware that all political activism is about changing the law.  

1:28:00  Imran calls me an atheist even after I have said quite clearly that I was firm in my position of agnosticism.

1:29:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity whether or not God was its author and whether or not we believe in God.  

1:30:00  People can agree with some of the Ten Commandments without believing in God.

1:31:00  Imran says the rules in the Koran are for Muslims.

1:33:00  The Torah is for Jews, the Koran is for gentiles. When it suits Muslims, they say the Koran is a guide for all humanity.  

1:34:00  Sharia accommodated non-Muslims in the Ottoman Empire.  

1:36:00  Secular Koranism for India and China.

1:37:00  Secular Koranism would be an "entry level" theocracy for Israel so it can enjoy better relations with its neighbours. 

1:38:00  Hamza gives me dictatorial powers of Hitler over Nazi Germany and asks what I would do. I trust I said nothing unIslamic since I said I would impose Secular Koranism on Germany if I had been in his position. 

1:39:00  Hamza keeps asking me questions and interrupting my answers. 

1:40:00  If given dictatorial powers over any country, I would impose Secular Koranism in a kind and gentle way. Since I do not expect to become dictator any time soon, I can only petition for a referendum which Parliament would be obliged to consider if it reaches at least 100,000 signatures. There are around 3 million Muslims and enough non-Muslims who would like my proposal of Britain becoming a one-party theocracy governed by the principles of Secular Koranism being debated in Parliament. 

1:41:00  Abbas accuses me of "extremism" and being "extremist" after I answered Hamza's hypothetical question of what I would do if I were dictator. 

1:43:00  Allah would be a Hypothetical Supreme Authority for atheists.

1:44:00  The Koran is the best available guide to humanity.  

Hamza accuses me of cherrypicking the Koran when I have never said I would ignore verses I dislike.  

1:45:00  I mention the Jefferson Bible. 

I deny proposing to leave out any verse that is not a do and don't of the Koran. 

1:46:00  Allah is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority. 

I explain my position on agnosticism. 

1:47:00  There are no atheists in foxholes.  

1:48:00  I fasted on Yom Kippur.  

The soul is the memory we leave behind after we are dead. 

1:49:00  Hamza the Hostile refuses to hear what I have to say about the Jefferson Bible. 

1:50:00  Secular Koranism excludes the stories and threats and promises of God. 

1:51:00  The authorship of the Koran and the poet Muhammad had assassinated.

1:54:00 These Muslim men are afraid of being associated with my radicalism. 

1:55:00  Asia Bibi was actually sentenced to death. 

2:33:00  Hamza the Hostile denounces me again. 

2:34:00  I am described as "well-read and cultured" by Abbas. 


  1. All I know is that we are living in insane times. In all religions the majority are following the Satanic lockdown agenda. A minority of Christians, Muslims and Jews put their faith in God as opposed to the injections. After this evil survivors will unite. A Christian who does not support the injections has more respect for a fellow minded Muslim or Jew.

  2. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. Muslims oppress women, when not killing non-Muslims kill each other. Ignorance, violence, cruelty are the calling cards of Islam. These jerks want to shut down freedom of speech and all the G-d given freedoms which have advanced civilization for the past 200 years. They "school everyone" by force but learn nothing thremselves. Arrogant bullies brainwashed from infancy not to think and to not have any compassion for those who are not like them. God have mercy on all the enslaved women of Islam- They like to pretend it is only errant individuals who commit their crimes- not true- if they themselves are not the killers- they certainly give them obvious support. The differnce Jews did nothing- did not murder- was prominent contributors to German and European society. Muslims bring rape , threats, bullying and destruction to Europe and what we wsee happening in Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Lybia and throughout the Mslim world give the lie to the shpeel these liars are preaching. BLB, BLA, Bla.

    1. This particular pudding is the failure of Christianity. If you don't think Muslims in their Muslim countries are interpreting the Koran properly, have enough faith that Westerners can do better with my guidance.


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