Friday, 20 August 2021

Talking to a Calvinist about theocracy

1:00  Scripture
2:00  Muslims don't pray to the Kabbah.
3:00  Catholics don't pray to the wafer.
4:00  Prayer
5:00  Jews
6:00  Last rites
7:00  A corrupt priesthood and individual responsibility
8:00  Catholicism
10:00  Christophobe
11:00  The past three global empires have been Christian.
12:00  Most people in the West are Post-Christian.
13:00  Islam without sharia is a car without an engine.

"Theocracy is heretical in Christianity."

14:00  Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.

16:00  Mark 12

22:00  Mecca
25:00  Corrupt priesthood
26:00  The Unlettered Prophet
27:00  Muhammad didn't write the Koran.
28:00  Obeying God's laws
30:00  New Testament
31:00  "Christianity does not require theocracy."
32:00  Ten Commandments
33:00  Noahide laws
35:00  Idolatry and blasphemy
36:00  Spinoza
38:00  Idolatry
39:00  "My God is stronger than your god."
40:00  Happy ending
41:00  Human sacrifice and Temple Judaism
42:00  Al Aqsa
47:00  "Weak powerless god"
48:00  Trojan Horse of

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