Tuesday, 31 August 2021

The idolatry of Christianity and its three global empires unchallenged by Jews and Muslims

I am agnostic, but it makes my mind squirm when I think of this question:

If the Abrahamic God exists and forbade idolatry and blasphemy, what would He do to those who claim that God has begotten a son and have been practising idolatry and blasphemy for 2000 years with three global Christian empires unchallenged by Jews and Muslims?

My tidy mind wants to resolve the tension of the Jewish and Muslim concept of idolatry and associating partners with God coinciding with the Christian concept of God. 

If God exists, then He is either a unity or a trinity. Have you ever asked Christians how Jesus is God?

And if so, did you get a coherent answer that you can remember?

If they did mention a verse, it would be from the New Testament, which is the world of mortal and fallible men.  

If you are complaining about an evil empire that is turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah. are you not in fact part of it if you refuse to ask and resolve these questions yourself?

The Bible and Koran are both nationalist in the sense that they acknowledge tribal identity and nationhood. The New Testament is so vague and ambiguous that it allows governments claiming to be Christian to pretend their laws have the approval of Jesus while a dumbed down populace await the Second Coming of Christ.

If you expect Jesus to return, you must think he is divine. If you think he is divine, then you worship him. If you worship him, you are guilty of the idolatry and blasphemy explicitly and specifically forbidden by the Ten Commandments, the Seven Noahide laws and defined by Maimonides in the Third Principle of Judaism.  

If you ignore this as a Christian, you must really be atheist denying the existence of God and the afterlife. If you really believed in God and the afterlife, you would fear punishment for idolatry and blasphemy.

Jews and Muslims claiming to be afraid of taking away the faith of Christians by pointing out the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity are in fact afraid offending the feelings of atheists and nihilists.

Nihilism is a product of atheism. Nihilists are people who are proud not to have any moral principles believing that moral principles only get in the way of their self interest.  

Can you think of a Western politician who is not a nihilist? Trump comes closest because he did say what he stood for and did his best to stand by them before he was cancelled by the Western political establishment. Anyone else? 

If God exists, then I imagine He would have a bone or two to pick with Jews and Muslims who have let all this happen under their watch.  

For how long have Jews not been properly teaching the Noahide laws?

For how long have Muslims been ignoring quran.com/18/4 of the Koran commanding them to admonish those who claim God has begotten a son?

Is God if He exists showing signs of impatience and irritation?

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