Thursday, 5 August 2021

The principles of dog training cannot be used on adult humans

1:00  Liberalism
2:00  Immediate punishment reinforces awareness of forbidden behaviour.
4:00  The laws of physics and the laws of morality 

6:00  Our laws should be moral.
7:00  God as the atheist's Hypothetical Supreme Authority
8:00  Objective morality is contained in the Koran. 
9:00  The wisest way of choosing the best moral system
10:00  Discussing subjective morality is a waste of time. 
11:00  Cause and effect
12:00  Truth, Logic and Morality
13:00  Liars and unprincipled people who believe in nonsense
14:00  Narcissism 
15:00  The condition of being mortal and fallible < Koran
16:00  Investigating the causes of our political problems
17:00  The Seven Deadly Sins being suffered by Westerners
18:00  Noahide laws
19:00  Recalcitrant rabbis refusing to properly teach the Noahide laws.
20:00  Muslims disobeying the command in
23:00  Secular Koranism not "Secular Theism"
24:00  The Koran is intended for universal application.
25:00  The Fourth Estate
26:00  The ideological battle plan 
27:00  Censored historical narratives
28:00  The ideological beginnings of antisemitism
29:00  Sinners are not afraid of punishment from a dead or dying Jesus.
30:00  The sin of idolatry is its own punishment.  
31:00  Dutch Noahide community
32:00  The idolatry of pantheism

33:00  Jews no longer fit for the purpose of properly teaching the Noahide laws.
35:00  Jews aiding and abetting idolatry.
36:00  Are Jews and Muslims like bad waiters deliberately ignoring the diner so they don't have to serve him?
38:00  Rabbinically-guidance Noahidism
39:00  London's Muslims would be the "London Noahide Community".
41:00  To be an Islamophobe is to be irrational. 
43:00  The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men. 
44:00  The laws of God forbid usury.
45:00  Phobia
46:00  The rational atheist Israeli Jew - if forced to choose between two theocracies - would choose a theocracy without 36 capital punishments. 
47:00  Sharia for Israel in the form of Secular Koranism with Israeli Characteristics

51:00  The utility of scripture 

53:00  SHAH JAHANI joins.

Sun Flower and me from 3:25:00

57:00  Jews have no freedom of belief. 

58:00  SUN FLOWER joins.
59:00  Sun Flower is an Orthodox Jew. 
1:01:00  Messianic Judaism
1:08:00  It is idolatry to think of Jesus as divine. 

1:12:00  CONOPS makes him presence known. 
1:20:00  My proposed imposition of Secular Koranism
1:23:00  Islam is Judaism Lite. 
Noahide laws
1:24:00  God is the Hypothetical Supreme Authority.
1:26:00  My alleged blasphemy
1:30:00  My alt-right connections
1:31:00  How am I a sociopath?
1:32:00  I am a "giant meme", apparently.
1:33:00  I am not a nihilist. 
1:36:00  I care about the principle of promoting nationalism which I define as government in the national interest.  
1:39:00  Noahide laws
1:40:00  The shituf of Christianity would be more offensive to God than the avodah zarah of Hindusim.
1:44:00  I have not proposed ignoring any verse of the Koran.  
1:47:00  The fastest route to sharia for Muslims in the West is Secular Koranism.
1:48:00  Christianity is kaput.
1:49:00  Sun Flower's religious background
1:50:00  Sun Flower was an agnostic theist. 
1:53:00  The Trinity: gas, liquid and solids

2:24:00  RALPH joins. 
2:26:00  Ralph: "The Koran is the Word of God."
2:35:00  Verses in the Koran 
The story on Hatun
2:37:00  RALPH on Secular Koranism
2:39:00  The radicalism of my proposals
2:40:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
2:41:00  All empires fall. 
2:42:00  CONOPS and RALPH on Hatun, Christianity and Islam
2:51:00  Ralph: "Islam is my ally." 
3:43:00  Post hoc ergo propter hoc.
3:44:00  The sacred cow of liberalism is sexual liberation from the rules of marriage and good parenting
3:46:00  Restoring the patriarchy would raise the price of sex.
3:47:00  Embittered women will vote against the interests of men by voting for pro-immigration parties.
3:50:00  Liberalism has no official handbook. 
3:53:00  Social conservatism
3:54:00  A senescent society
3:55:00  Extramarital sex
3:56:00  Immigration and the proletariat
Driverless cars, driverless trains and Uber
3:56:00  Immigration and the proletariat
3:57:00  The matriarchy imposing an employment contract on Uber and its drivers. 

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