THE RADICALISED RABBI is a blog on Judaism and its very useful ideas and the blogger a Secular Koranist and a revolutionary. You don't have to be Jewish to find Jewish ideas very useful in tidying up your thinking and turbo-charging your powers of reasoning to the extent that you can even predict most events and disasters. The West is heading for disaster with its insane policy of Transnational Progressivism, turning our global village into Sodom and Gomorrah attracting the same punishment.
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Muslims, do your dawah and persuade Rabbi Coffman to rank the four gentile religions!
Secular Koranism compared to the ideas of Charles Maurras and Rene Guenon
"From reading a bit from your blog, your position seems similar in nature to that of Charles Maurras, with Catholicism replaced with Islam.In the way that it advocates a political system deeply based on religion from a perspective that is partially agnostic in nature.Is this a fair assessment?Reminds me of the views of Rene Guenon."
Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Would Will Knowland interviewing me on his channel make him a Secular Koranist?
Monday, 27 September 2021
Will Knowland's interview of E Michael Jones; I am compared to Atlas.
Saturday, 25 September 2021
Life as a eusocial naked mole-rat beckons Western Man if he abandons the practice of marriage
Are Jews, Christians and Muslims only pretending to believe in God?
Friday, 24 September 2021
Questions for Jews and Muslims to ask Christians
A reading of Ecclesiastes, God is divine CBT and why your religion is a boiler not a family heirloom
Monday, 20 September 2021
Muslims asking atheist TJump whether God is evil when they should be talking about Secular Koranism
We think God is good because we *want* to believe He is good
Sunday, 19 September 2021
Belief in God is divine Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
My scores:Care 81%Loyalty 58%Fairness 75%Authority 78%Purity 81%Liberty 92%Your strongest moral foundation is Liberty.Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.
1:52:00 Authority conflict problem
1:54:00 Secular Koranism v Islam
1:55:00 Atheists agreeing with some of the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws
1:56:00 The law's power to punish and impose compliance
1:59:00 "Secular Patriarchy"
2:01:00 If it is enforced, it would be legitimised as law.
2:04:00 Parking restrictions
2:06:00 The law's power of compulsion
2:08:00 Why would any Western politician want to adopt Secular Koranism?
2:09:00 Even rich people don't want to be seen to be fleeing from failed states.
2:10:00 Proscription https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proscription
2:12:00 Democracy
2:14:00 The Abrahamic God is my Hypothetical Supreme Authority.
2:17:00 Nationalists would care about the national interest.
2:22:00 The American Republic first rejected Christianity and monarchy before the French did.
2:29:00 Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good enough.
2:30:00 Protecting our children, grandchildren and descendants from the moral sewage of globohomo
2:31:00 Atheists, agnostics, nationalists and non-Muslims
2:32:00 Boomers
2:34:00 Ralph is still thinking of using democracy as a process through which to acquire power.
2:35:00 High average national age
2:36:00 The sexually sated male is politically inert.
2:38:00 Belief in a Hypothetical Supreme Authority
2:39:00 OV foresaw the eventual and gradual Islamification.
2:40:00 Atheist parents using God to frighten their children
2:41:00 Committing to the idea of Secular Koranism
2:42:00 Committing to a cult
The First Amendment was based on quran.com/2/256
2:45:00 Nationalist
2:48:00 Sacrilegious to propose the First Amendment
2:52:00 Freedom of belief is inseparable from freedom of expression.
2:54:00 People's beliefs are sacred and I do not propose to trample over them.
2:55:00 Israeli Jews could control the interpretation of Secular Koranism by forbidding gentiles from entering the legal profession.
2:57:00 Alexander the Great, Hitler and Napoleon
2:58:00 Groups competing wanting to control the interpretation
3:01:00 The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
3:02:00 The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.
3:02:00 Secular Koranism is only a legal system.
3:07:00 Dealing with my detractors: atheists, women, liberals, Muslims.
3:13:00 Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by quran.com/24/2 and the abolition of no fault divorce would restore the patriarchy.
Saturday, 18 September 2021
Prince Andrew avoids pretrial hearings in the U.S.
Wednesday, 15 September 2021
My message to Jews, Christians and Muslims for Yom Kippur 5782
God if He exists would have a view on whether Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy [from 1:49:00]
TJump — Today at 10:17 AMImportant Debate Skills to learn:(TJump Debate course $100/month)1. How to respond when a debater uses complicated esoteric terminology and call out when they misuse technical language Deepak Chopra StylePractice vs @Punished Jen2. How to be entertaining and informative for the audience when opposing debater refuses to engage with anything being saidPractice vs @Biblical Account FTW3. How to respond against someone well versed in academic literature but is completely wrongPractice vs [Standing for truth]4. How to remain calm and address positions of someone's idea who you find abhorrentPractice vs @Agnostic Theocrat AKA Claire Khaw Or any white supremacist5. How to debate academic professionals/professors on a topicTake TJump Debate course to get there
James W — 09/03/2021So we've been discussing it among ourselves, the subscribers, patrons, mods. While you have always been polite to us, it's our viewers and those who support the show financially who make it all possible.The sordid articles and photos circulating the internet are just too big of an elephant in the room, Godwin's Law fully applies and virtual every stream will get pulled in that direction. Nobody is really listening to your ideas, they just wait for you to stop talking so they can berate you for being a terrible person. That's just not the kind of show we want or content we want to put out.The fact you are open about who you are and all that information is available, it's an albatross around the show. We just can't risk alienating a descent amount of our supporters to continue to platform you. You've made your case to them, they heard what you said and they'd rather not hear anymore. At this time we just won't be able to have you on the platform.
27:00 Secular Koranism
30:00 Political scientist
33:00 Atheism makes cowards of most people.
34:00 Atheists v Jihadis
36:00 Mental health issues
37:00 Amnesiacs
38:00 The media campaign I envisage
42:00 LEVENT YILDIZ joins.
46:00 Selling Secular Koranism as an agnostic would be more effective than selling sharia as a Muslim.
50:00 Obeying only out of fear of punishment
52:00 Nationalism is only possible under a patriarchy.
53:00 A more efficient society under a patriarchy
54:00 Why not convert to Islam?
56:00 Successfully selling Secular Koranism is more important to me than my afterlife.
57:00 The soul is the memory we leave behind.
58:00 Marriage and family values
59:00 People who say they are Jews, Christians and Muslims who don't believe in God
1:03:00 Positioning myself as an agnostic
1:06:00 Afghanistan and the fall of Saigon
1:09:00 Imperialism
RALPH joins.
1:10:00 Secular Koranism and liberalism
1:12:00 The shahada
1:13:00 Explaining colour to a blind person
1:14:00 Our conception of God
1:17:00 The utility of patriarchy
1:22:00 The meaning is the meaning!
1:23:00 Muslim bankers
1:32:00 People who would reject Secular Koranism
1:34:00 Muslims
1:37:00 Why I care about politics
1:39:00 Utility and moral high ground
1:47:00 Social conservatism
1:48:00 Gay marriage legalised under a Conservative Prime Minister
1:49:00 Why I care about the Trinity
1:50:00 Hypocrisy
1:51:00 Idolaters and blasphemers
1:53:00 Orban and the Pope
2:00:00 We should judge a religion by its scripture.
2:01:00 Christendom
2:03:00 Ralph quotes Matthew
2:04:00 How is Jesus God?
2:09:00 The penalty for idolatry is death for Jews.
2:11:00 "Intentionality"
2:12:00 New Testament
2:15:00 The absurdity of the Trinity
2:16:00 Muslims can get to heaven without worshiping Jesus as God ie being guilty of idolatry.
2:18:00 The burned and bloody history of Christianity
2:19:00 Freedom of belief would be more valued than idolatry, ultimately.
2:20:00 I am a latter day Jonah.
2:22:00 The American Republic founded on the Islamic principle of quran.com/2/256 rejected monarchy and Christianity.
2:23:00 It is necessary for Westerners to understand the enormity of the idolatry Christians are practising, for 2000 years.
2:24:00 Horse and carriage should be exchanged for 4x4.
2:25:00 Ralph is pandering to their prejudices.
2:26:00 Western society needs a functioning moral system but Christianity and liberal democracy have failed.
2:27:00 Believing Christians are in fact extinct.
2:28:00 Christianity is the odd one out.
2:29:00 We know the moral and political system of Westerners has failed because they are always complaining about Jews and Muslims who have a religion dignifying and protecting them.
I annoy Jews by telling them that they haven't been properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles for 2000 years and also Muslims by reminding them that they have obeyed quran.com/18/4
2:32:00 Hardly any Westerner is a confirmed Christian.
2:34:00 To talk about Christendom in the 21st century is to be anachronistic.
2:35:00 Christianity no longer protects Westerners.
2:36:00 A patient who is told by the doctor his gangrenous leg has to come off will find doctor's advice "offensive".
I have shown care and concern and love and affection for white people by spending so much time and energy trying to tell them the truth about the failure of their moral and political system.
2:37:00 Yom Kippur
I have been telling Jews, Christians and Muslims to atone for their sins.
2:39:00 Jews, Christians and Muslims guilty of the conceptual idolatry of worshiping Liberalism.
2:40:00 The American Republic destroyed Western belief in the Trinity.
Christianity began to die in 1791.
2:42:00 DOMINGO joins.
2:43:00 Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics
2:44:00 The Third Principle of Judaism
2:45:00 Relentless
2:47:00 How Judaism defines God
2:48:00 The nature of Jesus
2:49:00 God would have a view on Christian idolatry.
2:52:00 Idolatry is a mortal sin.
2:56:00 Confirmation
2:58:00 When will I give up Secular Koranism?
3:01:00 Heidegger
3:02:00 No idea better or bigger than Secular Koranism
3:06:00 Jen and Claire
3:08:00 Trinity
3:15:00 Discord
3:17:00 Domesticated, affable and obedient
3:19:00 efdawah
3:20:00 Mohammed Hijab wouldn't be man enough to enter hostile territory on his own the way I did.
3:21:00 Objective, Judaism and secularism
3:22:00 If Islam is Judaism Lite, Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.
Friday, 10 September 2021
TJump believes Jews could exist without Judaism which he says is like spears
Thursday, 9 September 2021
Why rabbis must rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws before Yom Kippur 16 September 2021
AI fun with Secular Koranism and Vincent Bruno #17 Register of Dissidents and classifying Hilonim as Heretical Jews
4:00 Why no feedback? 5:00 Over 1000 views Are people scared of the power of Secular Koranism? 6:00 Carol liked the Concubine Contract. ...

The attempt to deplatform Rabbis Mizrachi and Reuven (who think liberalism is evil) by Rabbi Slifkin8:00 Alarmed by ‘death threat’ video, Orthodox Jews try to de-platform fiery ‘folk preachers’ https://forward.com/news/451636/mizrachi-reuv...
1) Which verse of the Koran infringes the Noahide laws? 2) Why is it impossible that God would first reveal the Torah to Jews first and t...
Our moral system ie religion tells us what to believe and what we should and shouldn't do. All religions are moral systems. Secular pol...