Thursday, 30 September 2021

Muslims, do your dawah and persuade Rabbi Coffman to rank the four gentile religions!

1:14:00  Rabbi Coffman responds to me when I arrive.

1:15:00  Rabbi Coffman: "I don't teach anybody!"

1:16:00  "Source [my claim that Jews are obliged to teach the Noahide laws]"

1:30:00  Prophecy is that non-Jews will come to Jews.

1:31:00  No duty for to denounce idolatry in gentile religions?

1:32:00  Is the shituf of Christianity worse then the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

1:34:00  "Not my obligation to teach non-Jews unless they come to me."

4:05 PM
Claire Khaw
​For what purpose were Jews made God's Chosen People?

4:06 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is it a manifestation of the evil inclination not to properly teach the Noahide laws to gentiles?

4:06 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is Christianity absurdity as well as idolatry and blasphemy?

4:07 PM
Claire Khaw
​Do Jews have a religious obligation to denounce Christianity as idolatry and blasphemy for the sake of humanity?

4:08 PM
Claire Khaw
​Do Jews have a duty to gentiles even if they are antisemites?

4:10 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is idolatrous and blasphemous Christianity kaput and cursed? If so, do Jews have a duty to inform Westerners of their kaput and cursed Christianity?

4:11 PM
Claire Khaw
​Who's the rabbi most likely to rank the 4 gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws? Are there even 10 righteous rabbis in the world prepared to rank the gentile religions?

4:13 PM
Tara Carr
​Hi Claire, you have a lot of interesting questions. Perhaps they will be answered at the end?

4:15 PM
Tara Carr
​I am not sure if rankings matter. Maybe the question should be for each religion/belief system: is this true or not? ranking systems that are internally inconsistent seems futile.

4:16 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr 'Rabbi Coffman has graced my channel with his presence on two separate occasions. I suspect he is rather tired of me asking the same old questions that he does not want to answer.

4:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr It is important that Christians realise that Christianity is a religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers and they must realise that this is so.

4:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr It is important that Christians and Post-Christian Westerners understand that they are without a functioning moral system. When their civilisation collapses they will blame Jews again.

4:19 PM
Claire Khaw
​"We're not doing our job - so what?" So acknowledge this and outsource the job of living under God's laws to Muslims and Islam if you are no longer up to the job of teaching the Noahide laws.

4:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is the shituf of Christianity worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

4:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​It can be *deduced* that Jews were chosen for a purpose and that purpose must be to properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles.

4:20 PM
Tara Carr
​@Claire Khaw Sounds good that you have dialogue. just here seeking truth with humility, respecting others. I gain insight from the Rabbi, learn from other Rabbis too. Shalom, best wishes

4:22 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr Only Rabbi Singer has the courage to say Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. Humanity needs nine more like him to prevent our global village being destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah was.

4:23 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr I do hope you will listen to the videos that Rabbi Coffman featured in on my channel to understand my position.

4:25 PM
Tara Carr
​@ Claire Khaw. Hi Claire, yes I will do that. Thank you for the suggestion.goodvibes

4:25 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are there ten honourable and influential rabbis or good men in the world to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity? Perhaps just five righteous gentiles and five righteous rabbis will do.

4:26 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr Thank you for saying you will have a look at them. They are rather long I'm afraid!

4:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is Islam a Noahide religion?

4:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are there Jews who want to be Noahides?

4:29 PM
Claire Khaw
​The best way for Jews to get to a more seductive heaven more easily is to become Muslim. It is easier to be Muslim than Jewish if you are really going to follow God's laws.

4:30 PM
Claire Khaw
​It is not just idolatry to worship Jesus as God, it is also blasphemy. Why oh why oh why won't Jews warn Christians? Is it because they actually want Christians to go to hell?
Welcome to live chat! Remember to guard your privacy and abide by our Community Guidelines.

4:31 PM
Tara Carr
​There may be Jews who would want an "easier" path, but why would they not just want to be righteous Jews and follow G-d? If G-d made a Jew a Jew, there was a reason for that.

4:34 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr The reason why Jews are so special is they are supposed to lead their life to avoid the 36 capital offences in this life AND the next on the assumption they will get punished in the next.

4:35 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr To avoid the 36 capital offences in this life or the next, become Muslim to get to the more seductive heaven the easier way!

4:38 PM
Tara Carr
​Exactly. It is special to be a Jew, but it is HARD but not impossible. There are so many Jews throughout history who gave their lives and did not convert.

4:38 PM
Tara Carr
​ I do not know any Jew seduced by another religion, that's me though, secularism yes, another religion not so much...

4:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr Have you not heard of Rabbi Singer complaining bitterly about Christian missionaries swooping into Israel like vultures to convert Jews to Christianity to trigger the Second Coming?

Secular Koranism compared to the ideas of Charles Maurras and Rene Guenon

"From reading a bit from your blog, your position seems similar in nature to that of Charles Maurras, with Catholicism replaced with Islam.

In the way that it advocates a political system deeply based on religion from a perspective that is partially agnostic in nature.

Is this a fair assessment? 

Reminds me of the views of Rene Guenon."

Rene Guenon

4:00  "The spirit of Western Man"

5:00  Christianity

6:00  Salem Witch Trials and the American and French Revolutions

7:00  Only the Koran guarantees freedom of worship based on

8:00  Napoleon's conversion to Islam

11:00  The Napoleonic Code

12:00  Imam Malik

14:00  Charles Maurras

16:00  Khavianism

17:00  Action Francaise and Integralism

18:00  The winners of the Wars of the Reformation and the Spanish American War

21:00  Metics

22:00  Fichte

28:00  National cohesion is based on religion.

29:00  The French Revolution confirmed the American Revolution. The final confirmation will come in the form of Islamic Revolutions in Western nations in the way 1848 was the year of revolutions when  the penny finally drops. 

30:00  Christianity was totalitarian and vicious in its application. 

31:00  Cuius regio, eius religio

35:00  Requirements to serve as US President

38:00  Islamic Republic > Christian monarchy

39:00  Caliphates

43:00 Why Constantine was called Constantine the Great

48:00  Antisemitism and Islamophobia have become the quasi-religion of low status low information low education men who call themselves nationalists without even an intellectual to represent them or challenge me because they are collectively unfit to discuss the definition of nationalism with me.

49:00  Secular and divine reasons for the failure of Christianity

50:00  Why did God if He exists permit three global Christian empires to rise?

Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Would Will Knowland interviewing me on his channel make him a Secular Koranist?

Will Knowland's interview of E Michael Jones

3:00  Seven Deadly Sins
4:00  Men talking about managing women will eventually find themselves talking about God.
7:00  Badges of identity
9:00  Marriage and religion
12:00  Hinduism and the Abrahamic God
13:00  The rules
15:00  \Our descendants we will never meet
17:00   All roads lead to Rome.
18:00  Jews and pornography
Hate speech
20:00  Clear rules
21:00  Burning heretics at the stake
22:00  Hate speech
26:00  Silence implies consent.
29:00  Libido Dominandi
31:00  I am more dangerous than E Michael Jones.
33:00  Secular Koranism
36:00  E Michael Jones
43:00  Government consultant on implementing Secular Koranism

Monday, 27 September 2021

Will Knowland's interview of E Michael Jones; I am compared to Atlas.

4:00  Spilling seed

5:00  Immanuel Kant's principle of universalisability

6:00  Being in transition

11:00  Raising and lowering the price of sex
12:00  Ideas of sexual propriety come from the Bible.
13:00  Stags and lions and their harems
14:00  Chimpanzees and bonobos
15:00  The Prince by Machiavelli
15:00  Westerners are obsessed by sex and Jews.
16:00  Jews in Hollywood and porn
19:00  Antisemitism
21:00  E Michael Jones
22:00  Secular Koranism
23:00  Israel and the culture wars in America and Britain 
25:00  Gender relations
26:00  Gender competition and gender complementarity 
29:00  Egalitarian feminism

32:00  DOMINGO joins.
33:00  Jews in pornography
35:00  Antisemitism
38:00  The pathology of antisemitism
41:00  Liberalism
42:00  Israel is a Jewish state and a liberal democracy.
43:00  Jews are still God's Chosen People.
44:00  Jews not asking the Pope how Christianity is not idolatry and blasphemy.
45:00  Recipes, directions and instruction manuals
46:00  The American and French Revolutions
47:00  Joseph Atwill
48:00  Masons
50:00  Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
52:00  Israel
53:00  Christianity's idolatry
55:00  Why should Christians care what Jews think?
56:00  Temple Judaism and Rabbinic Judaism
57:00  Post-Christians
58:00  Worshiping Jesus
1:00:00  Teachings of Christ
1:01:00  Mafia
1:02:00  British government more invested in Holocaust Denial than Jews.
1:04:00  White people are dead funny about Jews.
1:05:00  Bernie Madoff and Jonathan Pollard
1:08:00  Islamophobia
1:09:00  Arab-Jewish relations
1:11:00  Zionism, WW1 and WW2

1:16:00  Rabin 
1:18:00  Banning usury
1:21:00  Hitler needed to fund his imperial wars.
1:24:00  Higher power
1:25:00  Ancestor worship
1:27:00  Liberals
1:28:00  Chuck Schumer and Register of Jews
1:30:00  Male circumcision
1:32:00  Secular Koranism, labour camps
1:33:00  Slavery
1:34:00  Workfare
1:35:00  Manumission
1:36:00  Slave Visitor
1:37:00  Slaves replaced the plebs.
1:38:00  Soylent Green
1:40:00  Slave soldiers
1:42:00  I am compared to Atlas.
1:43:00  Getting rabbis to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws
1:44:00  Judaism will eventually be phased out.
1:45:00  Talmud
1:47:00  The Romans
1:48:00  Jews the Servants of American Imperialism

Saturday, 25 September 2021

Life as a eusocial naked mole-rat beckons Western Man if he abandons the practice of marriage

3:00  The rules for correct behaviour
4:00  Morality is subjective.
5:00  TJump's Objective morality
6:00  Logos and morality
7:00  Evolution and co-operation
8:00  Marriage is a complex and eugenic.
9:00  Monogamy and incels
10:00  Marriage is sexual communism. 
11:00  The life of stags and lions guarding their harems are short and brutish. 
12:00  Patriarchy is a burden on men. 
13:00  Confirmed bachelors
14:00  Low standards
15:00  Women would police each other's morals. 
16:00  The benefits of patriarchy for women who want to be married mothers
17:00  Marriage substitutes
18:00  Demoralised beta males
19:00  The swinging sixties and the Sex Revolution
20:00  A society consisting mostly of the only children of older mothers would be degenerate.
21:00  The motivation and urges of the heterosexual male
22:00  No fault divorce 
23:00  The naked mole-rat
24:00  The golden thread that runs through the five world religions
26:00  The family as an organisational structure 
27:00  The unwed teen mum
28:00  The nuclear and extended family
30:00  Eusociality and matriarchy
36:00  Leading by example
37:00  They'll know you by your works 
Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality
38:00  Privileging married parents over non-parents and unmarried parents
39:00  Equal pay/gender pay gap
43:00  Men capable of supporting wife and family on just one salary
44:00  Female porn actresses are paid more than male porn actors.
45:00  Men and women choose each other using different criteria.
46:00  Selectivity
47:00  Monogamy and male selection
49:00  Beauty, Gaston and the Beast  
51:00  Men are less selective than women. 
53:00  The laws are rigged against men eg Judge Kavanaugh.
54:00  Matriarchy v Patriarchy
56:00  Matriarchy is egalitarian and unaccountable while patriarchy is hierarchical and accountable. 
57:00  Did the buck stop with Harry Truman?
59:00  Absolute dictator v constitutional dictator
1:00:00  The American Republic rejected monarchy and Christianity. 
1:01:00  The European Wars of Religion
1:02:00  The Christian practice of heretic burning
1:03:00  Chinese ancestor worship
1:05:00  The law limits our immorality.
1:07:00  The sanctity of tradition can only be passed on by families.
1:08:00  Nietzsche said as long as the 1870s that God is dead and we have killed him.
1:10:00  The will to power
Marriage is the regulator of gender relations.
1:11:00  Yin and Yang
1:12:00  The Abrahamic God that Jews worship.

1:13:00  Christianity
1:14:00  Self-sacrifice
1:15:00  We can only understand God through the wisdom of His laws. 
1:16:00  Sacrifice
1:19:00  Jesus in Islam
1:21:00  The Virgin Birth
1:23:00  The Trinity is idolatry.
1:25:00  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
1:28:00  Anything created has a purpose.
1:29:00  Evil is the price we pay for knowing good. 
1:30:00  Love thy neighbour as thyself.
1:31:00  Abraham and Jesus
1:32:00  Marriage is a sacrifice. 
1:33:00  Patriarchy is a burden on men too.

Are Jews, Christians and Muslims only pretending to believe in God?

If your society has no functioning moral system, it is going to crash and burn. When it crashes and burns, Jews are going to get it in the neck because it is a law of human nature that gentiles will always blame Jews for their oppressive government. Since their role as God's Chosen People is to improve the governments of gentile nations by teaching properly the Noahide laws, it could be argued that this scapegoating was factored in by God.  

If evil and good come from God and antisemitism is an evil, then antisemitism was created by God to punish Jews for not doing what He made them His Chosen People to do: teach properly the Noahide laws.  

Have they at any point in the 2000 years of Christianity put any Christian monarch or religious leader on notice that Christianity is the idolatry and blasphemy forbidden by the Ten Commandments and Seven Noahide laws? 


Have Muslims at any time since Islamic States were established ever obeyed the command in 18:4 of the Koran to admonish those who claim God has begotten a son?  


If the global pandemic is caused by God's irritation and impatience in Jews, Christians and Muslims, presumably He is just beginning to show His irritation and impatience with earthquakes everywhere and increasing economic, social and political instability suggesting another run-up to another World War. 

I am only an agnostic but it seems pretty clear what Jews, Christians and Muslims are supposed to be doing if they really believe that Abrahamic God exists to reward good and punish evil. 

There is a chapter in the Koran about Hypocrites.  

A Hypocrite would pretend to believe in the moral system of the Abrahamic God where good is rewarded and evil punished but in practice think like an atheist and behave like a nihilist.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Questions for Jews and Muslims to ask Christians

1) Your scripture isn't even from Jesus, let alone God, is it?

2) The New Covenant is really the Koran, isn't it?

3) The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance while the Koran is from God.

4) Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers, isn't it?

5) How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?

6) How is Jesus God?

7) Why don't you care that you are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy?

8) Is the reason why you don't care that you are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy because you don't really believe God exists to punish you for your idolatry and blasphemy in this life or the next?

9) Isn't it hypocrisy to pretend to believe in God when you are really an atheist and a nihilist?

10) Is Christianity a cover to legitimise your antisemitism and Islamophobia?

11) Why do you need to believe Jesus died for your sins?

12) Muslims love Jesus and don't need to believe Jesus is God who died for their sins to get to heaven. You now have the option of worshiping the Abrahamic God without being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. Is it your Islamophobia or atheism that stops you from giving up your idolatry and blasphemy? 

13) Isn't it absurd to believe God sacrificed Himself to save us from Himself? 

14) So you claim to love Jesus but want him to have died horribly to save you from your sins as human sacrifice so you can pretend to be cannibals by pretending to drink the blood and eat the flesh of Jesus? 

15) Are you really that Islamophobic you would rather go to hell Christian than get to heaven Muslim?

16) Do you really prefer to trust your corrupt and incompetent politicians to solve your problems to obeying the laws of God for a better tomorrow for your children, grandchildren and descendants?

17) Do you really think Hinduism, Buddhism or Judaism would be a better replacement for kaput Christianity than Islam? 

18) Is the reason why you don't care about the next generation and future generations because you have no intention of becoming a married parent?

19) Islam privileges married parents over non parents and unmarried parents. If you don't think this matters, it is because you have no intention of becoming a married parent. If you have no intention of ever becoming a married parent and no respect for married parents who try to properly parent their legitimate offspring, why should anyone listen to you? 

20) Islam would discriminate against the unmarriageable who have no biological investment in the next generation because it knows married parents should be privileged over unmarried parents and non-parents to encourage and support. Isn't this only fair considering married parents have to commit to each other as well as the children of their marriage? 

A reading of Ecclesiastes, God is divine CBT and why your religion is a boiler not a family heirloom

Rabbi Weissman

6:00  Why God might be getting impatient with humanity
7:00  Suffering is punishment for sin. 
8:00  Red, Amber and Green countries for Covid

14:00  Ecclesiastes

22:00  King Solomon and the Caliph
23:00  The American Republic conformed to the Islamic model.
25:00  My proposal to disestablish the Church of England
26:00  The extravagance of Solomon
28:00  Belief in the Abrahamic God is belief in the rule of law. 
36:00  Monarchy < Republic
44:00  Being forgotten
46:00  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
52:00  A positive view of martyrdom
54:00  The necessity of sacrifice to show belief in principle
55:00  The sins of Jews, Christians and Muslims
China's laws are more Noahide than the laws of liberal democracies.
56:00  Rules are made to be broken. 
57:00  Biden's Catholicism
What if everyone were Claire clones?
58:00  Unprincipled people
1:03:00  Chou Enlai said it was too early to say if the French Revolution was a good idea. 
1:08:00  Carry on voting is not a viable strategy.
1:09:00  Jonathan Haidt's moral foundation theory
1:10:00  Likelihood of success should not be confused with the viability of my solution. 
1:14:00  The ship of state is filling up with water. 
1:15:00  Scapegoating and chanting mantras rather than honest and rational discussion of the problem and its solution
1:17:00  Cultural Christian
1:18:00  Your religion if it is Christianity is not a family heirloom but an irreparably broken boiler. 

Monday, 20 September 2021

Muslims asking atheist TJump whether God is evil when they should be talking about Secular Koranism

3:00  Book of Job
6:00  The Divine Bargain
7:00  Why worship a dead Jew on a stick who died horribly?
8:00  Hinduism and Buddhism
9:00  Islam is Judaism Lite. 
10:00  The Islamic heaven
11:00  This life benefits of sharia
12:00  Restoring the patriarchy with Secular Koranism
13:00  Islam is not the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
14:00  Jesus was convicted of and crucified for blasphemy.
20:00  The nature and purpose of religion
21:00  Choose the religion with the best scripture.
22:00  The West is as Christian as a human skeleton used to be human.
24:00  The American and French Revolutions
25:00  The burned and blood history of Christianity
26:00  Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813
27:00  Christian on Christian religious persecution
28:00  The First Amendment was based on
29:00  The achievements of liberalism was really based on the Koran. 
30:00  God and Satan work hand in glove. 
32:00  Our moral imperative to behave as if we believed in God and obey His laws even if we doubt His existence
34:00  Whether God is evil is a theologically redundant question.
35:00  Obeying God's laws would restore the patriarchy.
36:00  Christians flee from me and rabbis run from me.  
37:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims
38:00  Muslims asking dumb questions about God.

We think God is good because we *want* to believe He is good

An omnipotent deity that has created good and evil is a more complex and powerful entity than a merely good one that is not omnipotent. We want to worship a benevolent omnipotent and powerful deity and we choose to believe what we want to believe.

If you were omnipotent, would you choose to be good or evil, logical or illogical?

Wouldn't it be harder to be logical than illogical, good rather than evil? 

If you were omnipotent, you could just be the thing that is harder to be, therefore the Abrahamic God if He exists would be good rather than evil.

11:00  Evil is the price we pay for knowing good.

Why do we assume God is good? Because we want Him to be good.

How would we know if God is good or evil? We won't know till we are dead if God exists. As for whether He is good or evil, it would depend on whether we agree with His rules of morality and what kind of afterlife we have been allocated.

How can we know if God is good in this life? We know He is useful as a moral basis for our necessary laws that would keep our group in existence and apart from others. To the extent that following His laws helps us keep our group in existence and apart from others, God is good. Jews are the world's most ancient and powerful tribe. Without Judaism, there would be no Jews. Without Jews, there would be Jesus for Christians to worship. Without Christianity, there would be no Islam. Without Islam, there would be no means of challenging the moral sewage of globohomo.

As flies to wanton boys are we to th' gods,
They kill us for their sport.

1:28:00  King James Bible
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Sunday, 19 September 2021

Belief in God is divine Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

8:00  Stoicism
9:00  Liberalism replaced Christianity.
10:00  Wrong beliefs
13:00  Know ourselves and keeping the channels of communications open
17:00  Submitting to Truth, Logic and Morality
19:00  Secular Koranism a ready-made system of rules
20:00  Cheap imitation or a more advanced model?
21:00  Scapegoating the people we have always disliked
22:00  Narrowing the scope of our action within the bounds of decency, reason and truth
23:00  Choosing the best moral system
24:00  Female prophets
26:00  Maladaptive
27:00  Acknowledging our mistakes
28:00  Democracy
29:00  The First Amendment
30:00  People suffering from amnesia, dementia and personality problems
31:00  People only pretending to believe in God
32:00  Jews and Muslims and their extinct Christian overlords
33:00  The female prophet of Secular Koranism

36:00  Without Judaism, there would be no Jews.
37:00  Islam is the most and Christianity the least Noahide of all gentile religions. 
38:00  Jews suffer because they won't properly teach the Noahide laws.
40:00  Jews have it in their power to improve the government of gentiles if only they would properly teach the Noahide laws, but they are no longer fit for the purpose for which God chose them. 
41:00  Jews no longer prepared to martyr themselves to make a point about the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity.
42:00  Three strikes and you're out? Three global Christian empires unopposed by Jews and Muslims.
44:00  The Christian and Liberals overlords of Jews and Muslims
45:00  Liberalism which replaced Christianity is now failing. 
46:00  The Post-War British narrative that Alison Chabloz blasphemed against
47:00  British government hiding the failure of British foreign policy and diplomacy from their own people 
48:00  The greatest achievement of the British people
49:00  Alison Chabloz
52:00  Aaron Amihud and Dennis Dale
54:00  Stumbling into the dying room
55:00  Intergenerational conflict amongst Westerners
56:00  The failure of Christianity and Western imperialism in the middle of a moral collapse
58:00  Westerners victims of a massive fraud
1:02:00  Dennis Dale
1:04:00  Coming to terms with the massive fraud
1:06:00  The American and French Revolutions moved the West towards the inevitability of Islamic Republics.
1:07:00  Secular Koranism is the Jefferson Bible. 
1:10:00  Belief in God is divine Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

1:12:00  DOMINGO joins.

1:15:00  RALPH joins.
1:16:00  Christians are extinct.
1:21:00  Jonathan Haidt
1:24:00  The good definition of liberal
1:27:00  Secular Koranism
1:28:00  Moral Foundation Theory
1:34:00  Surprise, surprise! Atheists, women, liberals and Muslims don't like Secular Koranism.
1:35:00  If no one accepts Truth, Logic and Morality or sees any virtue in doing so, then they will not be accepting Secular Koranism.
1:37:00  Christianity only worked when governments supported marriage and family values.
1:38:00  Fighting elections is a sign of not getting it. 
1:39:00  Moral Foundation Therapy
1:40:00  Top down and bottom up model
1:41:00  Modelling morality
1:42:00  "Morally accurate"
1:45:00  Model
1:47:00  Modelling morality

My scores:

Care 81%
Loyalty 58%
Fairness 75%
Authority 78%
Purity 81%
Liberty 92%
Your strongest moral foundation is Liberty.

Your morality is closest to that of a Conservative.

1:52:00  Authority conflict problem

1:54:00  Secular Koranism v Islam

1:55:00  Atheists agreeing with some of the Ten Commandments and the Seven Noahide laws

1:56:00  The law's power to punish and impose compliance

1:59:00  "Secular Patriarchy" 

2:01:00  If it is enforced, it would be legitimised as law.

2:04:00  Parking restrictions

2:06:00  The law's power of compulsion

2:08:00  Why would any Western politician want to adopt Secular Koranism?

2:09:00  Even rich people don't want to be seen to be fleeing from failed states.

2:10:00  Proscription

2:12:00  Democracy 

2:14:00  The Abrahamic God is my Hypothetical Supreme Authority.

2:17:00  Nationalists would care about the national interest. 

2:22:00  The American Republic first rejected Christianity and monarchy before the French did. 

2:29:00  Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good enough.

2:30:00  Protecting our children, grandchildren and descendants from the moral sewage of globohomo

2:31:00  Atheists, agnostics, nationalists and non-Muslims

2:32:00  Boomers

2:34:00  Ralph is still thinking of using democracy as a process through which to acquire power.

2:35:00  High average national age

2:36:00  The sexually sated male is politically inert. 

2:38:00  Belief in a Hypothetical Supreme Authority

2:39:00  OV foresaw the eventual and gradual Islamification.

2:40:00  Atheist parents using God to frighten their children

2:41:00  Committing to the idea of Secular Koranism

2:42:00  Committing to a cult

The First Amendment was based on

2:45:00  Nationalist

2:48:00  Sacrilegious to propose the First Amendment

2:52:00  Freedom of belief is inseparable from freedom of expression.  

2:54:00  People's beliefs are sacred and I do not propose to trample over them. 

2:55:00  Israeli Jews could control the interpretation of Secular Koranism by forbidding gentiles from entering the legal profession. 

2:57:00  Alexander the Great, Hitler and Napoleon

2:58:00  Groups competing wanting to control the interpretation

3:01:00  The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. 

3:02:00  The distinction between religion and politics is a distinction without a difference.

3:02:00  Secular Koranism is only a legal system. 

3:07:00  Dealing with my detractors: atheists, women, liberals, Muslims.

3:13:00  Treating unmarried parents as sex offenders as prescribed by and the abolition of no fault divorce would restore the patriarchy.

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Prince Andrew avoids pretrial hearings in the U.S.

The consequence of forgetting your Judeo-Christian heritage is not thinking to use as a defence against accusations of historic sexual offences.

Wednesday, 15 September 2021

My message to Jews, Christians and Muslims for Yom Kippur 5782

4:00  Nationalism
9;00  The greatest divide is inter-generational.
10:00  False egalitarianism
13:00  Nationalists should repent
15:00  Risk averse beta males
17:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims
19:00  Jewish leadership lacking
20:00  Year in Review
22:00  The Trinity
23:00  Ed Dutton and Richard Spencer
24:00  How Jews would deal with Paul and Jesus
25:00  36 capital offences in the Torah
26:00  Global Secular Koranism
28:00  American Secular Koranism with stately characteristics
30:00  Liberal democracy
32:00  Conservatism
33:00  The Abrahamic God's view idolatry
35:00  Christianity is a spent force.
40:00  Sharia
41:00  Repentance from Jews, Christians and Muslims
42:00  Jews and Muslims don't like me either.
43:00  The Noahide laws and Rabbi Schneerson
44:00  Jewish-Muslim co-operation to lead Christians away from their idolatry and blasphemy
45:00  Nicene creed
47:00  The burned and bloody history of Christianity
48:00  Why idolatry is bad for your society
49:00  The First Amendment destroyed belief in the Trinity.
50:00, deism and theism
52:00  The Founding Fathers were proto-Muslim.
53:00  Is America a Christian country?
55:00  Jews and Muslims going native
56:00  Repentance for denying and ignoring the truth
59:00  Christian overlords
1:00:00  British government more invested in the Holocaust than Jews.
1:01:00  Holocaust memorials
1:02:00  Alison Chabloz
1:03:00  Breaking our own rules
1:07:00  Israeli Holocaust Denial laws
1:08:00  Imperial wars
1:09:00  UnIslamic reasons for Britain starting WW1 and WW2
1:10:00  George Washington's farewell speech
1:12:00  Acknowledging receipt of my message

God if He exists would have a view on whether Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy [from 1:49:00]

Post mortem of my exchange with TJump
10:00  Definition of objective
11:00  Judaism
12:00  TJump saying Neanderthals are secularists. 
15:00  WiR
16:00  My care and concern for white people
20:00  Patriarchy > Matriarchy

TJump — Today at 10:17 AM
Important Debate Skills to learn:
(TJump Debate course $100/month)
1. How to respond when a debater uses complicated esoteric terminology and call out when they misuse technical language Deepak Chopra Style
Practice vs @Punished Jen 
2. How to be entertaining and informative for the audience when opposing debater refuses to engage with anything being said
Practice vs @Biblical Account FTW 
3. How to respond against someone well versed in academic literature but is completely wrong
Practice vs [Standing for truth]
4. How to remain calm and address positions of someone's idea who you find abhorrent
Practice vs @Agnostic Theocrat AKA Claire Khaw Or any white supremacist
5. How to debate academic professionals/professors on a topic
Take TJump Debate course to get there

24:00  Amy Newman no longer welcomes me.

James W — 09/03/2021
So we've been discussing it among ourselves, the subscribers, patrons, mods. While you have always been polite to us, it's our viewers and those who support the show financially who make it all possible. 
The sordid articles and photos circulating the internet are just too big of an elephant in the room, Godwin's Law fully applies and virtual every stream will get pulled in that direction. Nobody is really listening to your ideas, they just wait for you to stop talking so they can berate you for being a terrible person. That's just not the kind of show we want or content we want to put out.
The fact you are open about who you are and all that information is available, it's an albatross around the show. We just can't risk alienating a descent amount of our supporters to continue to platform you. You've made your case to them, they heard what you said and they'd rather not hear anymore. At this time we just won't be able to have you on the platform.

27:00  Secular Koranism 

30:00  Political scientist

33:00  Atheism makes cowards of most people. 

34:00  Atheists v Jihadis

36:00  Mental health issues

37:00  Amnesiacs

38:00  The media campaign I envisage

42:00  LEVENT YILDIZ joins.

46:00  Selling Secular Koranism as an agnostic would be more effective than selling sharia as a Muslim. 

50:00  Obeying only out of fear of punishment  

52:00  Nationalism is only possible under a patriarchy.

53:00  A more efficient society under a patriarchy

54:00  Why not convert to Islam?

56:00  Successfully selling Secular Koranism is more important to me than my afterlife.

57:00  The soul is the memory we leave behind.

58:00  Marriage and family values

59:00  People who say they are Jews, Christians and Muslims who don't believe in God

1:03:00  Positioning myself as an agnostic

1:06:00  Afghanistan and the fall of Saigon

1:09:00  Imperialism

RALPH joins.

1:10:00  Secular Koranism and liberalism

1:12:00  The shahada

1:13:00  Explaining colour to a blind person

1:14:00  Our conception of God

1:17:00  The utility of patriarchy

1:22:00  The meaning is the meaning!


1:23:00  Muslim bankers

1:32:00  People who would reject Secular Koranism

1:34:00  Muslims

1:37:00  Why I care about politics

1:39:00  Utility and moral high ground


1:47:00  Social conservatism

1:48:00  Gay marriage legalised under a Conservative Prime Minister

1:49:00  Why I care about the Trinity

1:50:00  Hypocrisy

1:51:00  Idolaters and blasphemers

1:53:00  Orban and the Pope

2:00:00  We should judge a religion by its scripture. 

2:01:00  Christendom

2:03:00  Ralph quotes Matthew

2:04:00  How is Jesus God?

2:09:00  The penalty for idolatry is death for Jews.

2:11:00  "Intentionality"

2:12:00  New Testament

2:15:00  The absurdity of the Trinity

2:16:00  Muslims can get to heaven without worshiping Jesus as God ie being guilty of idolatry.

2:18:00  The burned and bloody history of Christianity

2:19:00  Freedom of belief would be more valued than idolatry, ultimately.

2:20:00  I am a latter day Jonah.

2:22:00  The American Republic founded on the Islamic principle of rejected monarchy and Christianity.

2:23:00  It is necessary for Westerners to understand the enormity of the idolatry Christians are practising, for 2000 years.

2:24:00  Horse and carriage should be exchanged for 4x4.

2:25:00  Ralph is pandering to their prejudices.

2:26:00  Western society needs a functioning moral system but Christianity and liberal democracy have failed.

2:27:00  Believing Christians are in fact extinct. 

2:28:00  Christianity is the odd one out. 

2:29:00  We know the moral and political system of Westerners has failed because they are always complaining about Jews and Muslims who have a religion dignifying and protecting them. 

I annoy Jews by telling them that they haven't been properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles for 2000 years and also Muslims by reminding them that they have obeyed 

2:32:00  Hardly any Westerner is a confirmed Christian. 

2:34:00  To talk about Christendom in the 21st century is to be anachronistic. 

2:35:00  Christianity no longer protects Westerners.

2:36:00  A patient who is told by the doctor his gangrenous leg has to come off will find doctor's advice "offensive". 

I have shown care and concern and love and affection for white people by spending so much time and energy trying to tell them the truth about the failure of their moral and political system. 

2:37:00  Yom Kippur

I have been telling Jews, Christians and Muslims to atone for their sins.

2:39:00  Jews, Christians and Muslims guilty of the conceptual idolatry of worshiping Liberalism. 

2:40:00  The American Republic destroyed Western belief in the Trinity.

Christianity began to die in 1791.

2:42:00  DOMINGO joins. 

2:43:00  Secular Koranism with Chinese Characteristics

2:44:00  The Third Principle of Judaism

2:45:00  Relentless

2:47:00  How Judaism defines God 

2:48:00  The nature of Jesus

2:49:00  God would have a view on Christian idolatry.

2:52:00  Idolatry is a mortal sin.

2:56:00  Confirmation

2:58:00  When will I give up Secular Koranism?

3:01:00  Heidegger

3:02:00  No idea better or bigger than Secular Koranism

3:06:00  Jen and Claire

3:08:00  Trinity

3:15:00  Discord

3:17:00  Domesticated, affable and obedient

3:19:00  efdawah

3:20:00  Mohammed Hijab wouldn't be man enough to enter hostile territory on his own the way I did.

3:21:00  Objective, Judaism and secularism

3:22:00  If Islam is Judaism Lite, Secular Koranism is Islam Lite.

Friday, 10 September 2021

TJump believes Jews could exist without Judaism which he says is like spears

1:00  I explain Secular Koranism.
2:00  Objective morality is public morality backed by divine law. 
3:00  The law is the law. 
4:00   TJump strawmans me. 
The problem of defining morality
5:00  TJump's objective morality
6:00  My definition of morality
7:00  No people, no minds, no ideas.

matthew fors
​are they talking about secular humanism or QURANISM?

Nate The Lawyer
​Objective is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.

8:00  TJump: "All ideas are subjective."

Nate The Lawyer
​For it to be objective it has to exist without humans

9:00  CK: "To be objective is to be impartial."

10:00  TJump: "Your intentionality is subjective."

CK:  If all concepts are subjective, is the concept of being objective also subjective?
TJump falsely accuses me of equivocation fallacy.

Restream Bot
​[Twitch: Fred_COH2] I saw Claire debate Mark Reed, check out his channel:

11:00  I am again accused of equivocation fallacy. 

12:00  Ontology

My killer point which was lost on TJump:

Isn't his concept of objective morality also subjective?

Why did TJump mention "supernatural things"?

13:00  Epistemology

14:00  TJump's objective morality

14:00  "All beliefs are subjective" apart from God's. 

Restream Bot
​[Twitch: Fred_COH2] Here comes the burps

15:00  Truth

​We have a concept of gravity, that does not mean that gravity is subjective. However, our concept of gravity would be subjective.

16:00  My definition of objective morality 

TJump claims his objective morality is a law of physics.

17:00  The law is for practical purposes, objective morality for atheists who agree with that law. The law is also objective morality for theists who agree with that law. The law of the US is objectively the law of the US if it is in force, even if some Americans do not agree with it and even if it is not in practice enforced equally or fairly. 

I am again accused of "equivocation fallacy".

18:00  TJump insists that his use of objective is correct while mine is not. 

19:00  Public morality is the law of the land, but TJump says this is subjective. 

20:00  TJump says all laws are subjective. 

21:00  Morality

22:00  TJump refuses to explain how the law of physics is relevant to morality.

23:00  If God exists, objective morality exists. TJump denies this.

24:00  If God exists, whatever He says goes. TJump contradicts me. 

So I ask again if God's view of things is just another opinion, in the opinion of TJump and he refers to Euthyphro's false dilemma.

26:00  I point out that the Abrahamic God is supposed to be perfectly moral. 

Church of Entropy
​lol hes called claire jen

29:00  What makes something good?

31:00  TJump attempts to explain his objective morality.
32:00  Map and territory

Harry Nicholas
​for the sake of progress, does it matter if morality is objective or not? what difference does it make??

34:00  If the perfectly Abrahamic God exists, His view of morality would be supreme. 

35:00  How exactly has TJump won?

TJump's says God's opinion is subjective. 

36:00  God's nature

Is TJump really 6' 2"?

37:00  If the perfectly moral Abrahamic God exists, then He would be the supreme authority on morality. 

38:00  The false dilemma of Euthyphro

Hamlet: "There is nothing good or evil, only thinking makes it so."

40:00  TJump points out God is immoral for drowning babies.

​Tom is now arguing himself now

41:00  I explain the bargain with God.

42:00  Bears killing children

43:00  TJump rejects the Noahide laws because God allowed the bears to kill the children who mocked the prophet Elisha.

​The Quran clearly says God saves the innocents before destroying a society

​Elijah prayed that 42 children would die bc they made fun of him being bald

​If we fundamentally can’t understand god’s reasoning, doesn’t that means god’s actions are fundamentally nonsensical?


Dis Noodle
​Actually this isn’t from the Quran lol

​@Udhehf nope he says he saves the innocent only the guilty get destroyed


Best In Show
​Claire also approves of Sharia Law to manage women. She approves of whippings & lashes for sex outside of marriage or homosexuals. Believes unwed parents should be labeled as "Sex Offenders." Awful!

​@udhehf no the Quran specifically says the innocent are saved

​Agree or disagree, at least theists can sleep better knowing that my moral foundations lead me to conclude that murder is wrong (etc) and that I ought to do good WHETHER OR NOT ANY GODS EXIST

​Muhammed's wars were defensive afaik


Church of Entropy
​if claire listened to @doooovid, this wouldnt be happening

49:00  Judging the quality of a moral system by its outcome

50:00  TJump likens moral systems to spears.

I point out that morality is an abstract concept while a spear is a weapon. 

52:00  Criteria on how to judge the effectiveness of a moral system
Happiness Index

53:00  JEWS
​Morality is not only judged by its purpose or intention, it can also be judged by its results.

Colin Sixhitter
​"And keeping it apart from others" the sole reason for religion.

David Frisken
​So the Greek evolution of democracy method is the best because it has been around longer than Jews?

54:00  But for Judaism, there would be no Jews.
But for Jews, there would be no Jesus for Christians to worship.
Islam is about ending the absurdity, blasphemy, human sacrifice and idolatry of Christianity. 

Rise Over here305
​Hinduism doesn’t have a founder and it’s the first oldest religion

55:00  If nobody practised Judaism, there would be no one called Jews to pass on their ethnicity to their offspring. 

Adam Albilya
​lol people [ie TJump] don't differentiate Judaism and Jewish people again

​Jews and Arabs are semitic

​omg cant believe she just said that!! Jews would die out if they stopped being Jewish

David Frisken
​Jew society lasted for a very small amount of time over its on again off again time

Rise Over here305
​Arab is an ethnicity

​@Udhehf the point is to teach others the outcome of taking the piss out of laws of God

​Jewish is a cultural identity

Doubting Thomas
​jews are determined by their mother

Rise Over here305
​Also Sikhism is an ethnoreligion group

57:00  A peculiarity of the Jews

58:00  I was not given the opportunity to explain how if no one at all practised Judaism, there would be no Jews to pass on their ethnicity to their children. 

​actually Judaism is an ethnoreligion, both things are true

Doubting Thomas
​I'm an atheist my mother's Jewish

Ben Noach
​tom is ignorant of halakhic law

1:00:00  The nature and purpose of religion 
1:01:00  I will be consulting my rabbinical contacts. 

Church of Entropy
​>ends up being an exposition of claires incredibly bigoted opinions

Church of Entropy
​TJump is starting to understand 0.1% of my plight

Doubting Thomas
​what are Israelis and what are Hebrews

​team Claire

Church of Entropy
​@doooovid always holding to principle!

Ben Noach
​Rabbis would disagree with Tom tbh

1:03:00  I point out that according to God, Jews have no religious freedom. 

1:04:00  God forbids Jews from having religious freedom but tolerates this in gentiles. 

Someone has to define what being Jewish means. 

1:05:00  TJump does not seem to understand that in order for the next generation of Jews to be produced, their parents have to be Jewish. For Jews to remain in existence, they have to practise Judaism. 

1:07:00  TJump: "Religion has nothing to do with morality."

​Tom dont shout at Claire this isnt allowed you commoner

Ben Noach
​according to the Torah Jews came into existence when Moses received the Torah

Church of Entropy
​dumbass... is that the technical term?

1:07:00  TJump: "Religion has nothing to do with morality."

I express disappointment at not having a more civilised discussion. 

Church of Entropy
​claire wants to be a theocratic dictator, while larping as a secular liberal @TJump it took me a while to realise that level of mind bending hypocrisy

Church of Entropy
​its like she tries to maximise dishonesty while not lying, its actually quite something

1:08:00  TJump shouts at me again.
Adam Albilya
​@David im a jewish and an Atheist.nothing new except for people who dont know jewish identity and history,looking at it from western lenses.i wont define the classification of one to self and identity

​Tom seems unusually aggressive

Church of Entropy
​morality comes from rules, can we even agree on that

1:10:00  Laws should be moral.
It is impossible to have a discussion about morality without discussing religion and God.
But TJump claims academics think otherwise but is unable to cite any. 

David Frisken
​Laws are not an indication of morality

Church of Entropy
​morality comes from adherence to principle

​laws are ethical norms

Charles Insolo
​Morality is not helped by God.

1:11:00  Logic tells which moral system is best.

Rise Over here305
​Laws came from different religions not only Christianity

Colin Sixhitter
​There is one objective morality. To live long enough to breed and pass on your genes everything else is how we organised to make that chance better.

Rise Over here305
​The Stone Age didn’t have any morals or laws

1:13:00  Everyone in the world could be wrong about something. 
Rise Over here305
​The Christian God said thou shall not worship other Gods before me. Thou shall not make idols. But some Christians worship white Jesus or black Jesus

​but she has a nice voice.

Charles Insolo
​Objective = independent of thought or opinion

Charles Insolo
​Gotta love the accent!

Capt Rabbit
​claire went to private school

Rise Over here305
​Laws came from religions and government

1:15:00  The teleology of religion

Charles Insolo
​Something about an English accent that makes you sound smarter than you really are.

1:16:00  Lies
One should judge a religion by its effectiveness since it is impossible to establish the truth of it. If it is both effective and true, or at least unfalsifiable, then all the better.

Noble lie

Rise Over here305
​God has the right to do what God wants with his creations because God is above everybody and outside of time and space

1:17:00  The purpose of religion is to keep the group in existence and apart from others.
​she sounds like my mother when she's talking to the police lol

1:18:00  The status of Jews as God's Chosen People

1:20:00  TJump believes the achievement of secular political ideologies outweighs that of religions though each generation rests on the shoulders of the previous generation. 

Doubting Thomas
​every human being in the world is born an atheist

Religion is like spears. [sic]

1:22:00  TJump cannot seem to understand that all successful religions allow the achievements of previous generations to be built on. Failing religions are ones which use up resources rather than build on them. 

1:23:00  Past performance is no guarantee of future results. 

1:25:00  My criteria for measuring the effectiveness of religions: longevity, status, empire

David Frisken
​Zoroastrianism is the oldest continuous religion

1:27:00  I reject his suggestion that moral systems are like spears and guns because moral systems are ideas. Moral systems should be judged by how effective they are at keeping the group in existence and apart from others, while spears and guns are weapons which should be judged by how effective they are as weapons. 


​oh i thought she stopped

​Tom please dont shout at Claire you commoner

​longevity is a temporal word. Its incorrect to use it to describe physical length lmao

Colin Sixhitter
​How long did the ancient Egyptian society last?

​The definition if longevity is "1.) long life."long existence or service.

​the length of a spear is not longevity

Doubting Thomas
​what you're talking about is the origins of Technology

Benevolent Intelligence
​few people today even know the fact that hammers were invented originally to smash toes....

1:34:00  Bizarrely, TJump says atheism has been around for longer than religion.

Muslim have been around for centuries and Muslim theocracies exist. 

​yeah but if you replace "societies" with "countries/nations" the secular ones fail **miserably** lmao

​Claire needs to explain why the two scenarios are disanalogous. She just keeps saying that she thinks that longevity does apply when considering morality.

ME Game
​Kids haven't lived as long as their parents, but they will live longer than the parents. Older doesn't necessarily mean better.

​the societies that existed before religion are now completely extinct

​there is no persisting 'atheist' society from a time before religion

1:37:0  Bizarrely, TJump calls atheism a moral system.


​all of these societies died out or converted to religious societies.... lmao

Colin Sixhitter
​Didn't they find a S American tribe that had no concept of god? They still had a moral system.

​spears are just a tool used by man, Jews have been at the top of all societies for thousands of years

Mr Jones
​You needed religion in the first place

Travis Statham
Member (2 months)
​A missionary went there and lost his faith.

​the success (and persecution) of the Jews is the greatest logical proof of the Bible

​someone point me to the atheist society that has been atheist since before religion and lasted until the present.???? Wtf? please??

1:39:00  I was speechless at being told Neanderthals were secular. 

​TJump is comparing Jews to spears?

​tjumps argument is like saying 'the only reason electricity had success is because the societies without electricity that came before it built things up for it'

​LOL neanderthals

Church of Entropy
​these metaphors @doooovid i cant take em anymore

​and thats supposed to mean electricity is somehow bad

​this argument makes no sense

1:40:00  TJump: "I don't need to prove anything [ie that atheists pre-existed theists whose achievements theists built on], I win either way."

​tjumps argument is like saying 'the only reason electricity had success is because the societies without electricity that came before it built things up for it'

​why does tjump get so mad he has no chill

​some kind of circumcision thing to keep comparing Jews to spears?

​they can't just agree to disagree about the meaning of objective

​electricity obviously was massively beneficial and helpful to humanity, not at all due to the societies that preceded it

Udhehf Hehcuw
​Tjump needs to chill with the combative talk

​lmao why is tjump freaking out

​that Jews have excelled in all societies for thousands of years is (non)-objective proof that the legal system of the Bible is objectively better than other legal systems

1:42:00  Dinosaurs
​secular does mean separate from religion in the context of religiosity

​i dont think most historians would refer to pre-religious societies as "Secular"

​Claire is destroying TJump, TJump just doing his rhetoric 101 class, but not actually making arguments

​TJump might have some point in teaching Claire a few definitions or points of logic, but Claire is winning the larger argument,

Mr Jones
​Even aminals have death ceremonies

​Just because there were no organized religions back then doesnt' mean people didn't believe in superstitious crap

​Tom is playing with semantics

1:44:00  Animism
Jason Horner
​I think Tom is getting upset because she is becoming very dishonest.

​i think Tom is being dishonest tbh

​She’s absolutely dishonest

Udhehf Hehcuw
​not a good reason to make yourself look unhinged

Benevolent Intelligence
​the vast majority of this debate has been tjump trying to get Clair to acknowledge what words mean... 🤦‍♀

​a lot of the rituals and ceremonies of societies that existed before religion could probably seen as proto-religious

1:45:00  The nature and purpose of religion
​press 1 if Claire is wiping the floor with TJump

​also this is the list of countries that have had nationalized atheism: the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Cuba are or were officially atheist.'

​If the people existed before religion, then their beliefs would have no religious basis.

1:46:00  I am accused of hypocrisy. 

​That's not what hypocrisy is btw


Colin Sixhitter
​No Claire is middle class English

1:47:00  TJump cannot think of a group of atheists in history. 

​Not "instructive" discussion? For Claire it should be very intstructive, but for the rest of us, it ahs not been lol

Ben Noach
​Which ones?

​the entire population of people who dont believe in religion was wiped out, and then slowly began to trickle back into the world, mostly during/after the enlightenment (there were a few before tho)

David H
​Anyone know what Secular Koranism mean?

​if tjump could point to a currently functioning society that predates religion and never adopted religion of any kind, that would perfectly prove his argument here

1:48:00  Golden Rule

1:49:00  Confucius was a proponent of the Golden Rule.
Jay G
​Where is the evidence that the Golden rule predates religion?

Rabbi Hillel and the Silver Rule

Jainism and Buddhism

​“People weren’t secular before religion because the word hadn’t yet been invented” - I’m dying over here

1:50:00  TJump: "They [theists] stole from our worldview."
​Finish him Claire, you got TJump on the ropes

​whats the source on 'do not lie, do not kill' etc, existing in pre-religious societies?

​Do u guys just accept that claim without asking for any proof or citation whatsoever ? lmao

1:51:00  TJump: The Ten Commandments of God was plagiarised from atheists.

Udhehf Hehcuw
​sunflower "do not lie" had to be invented when religion came about

​"Love your neighbor", predates historical record. "Love your enemy", predates Christianity.

Church of Entropy
​is TJ sure he wants to follow that line of logic to its concloosion

Member (2 months)
​Humanism is by default our oldest moral code

​@Kyle - TJump just keeps on repeating his same talking points he always does, and acts like it is a philosophy 101 class, and does not actually address the points

​@TJump can you go in for the kill, this is getting hard to watch

​TJump just gives some random analogy that has little to do with topic, and claims victory, that is his strategy, every time same thing. Even Claire beats TJump easy

​people behaving a certain way or not behaving a certain way does not entail an explicit "ought" like the ones that we get from religion

Josh Wainer
​Laws of the Hittites - 200 years The code of Hammurabi - 300 yearsThe code of Eshnunna - 500 yearsThe code of Ur-Nammu 600 yearsUrukagina’s Code 1,000 years

Udhehf Hehcuw
​I think Tjump is really arguing a dumb and wrong point here. this doesn't make a difference in which society is better

​im just as curious as Claire about this

Ben Noach

Norfolk Iceni
​Claire's moral religious condescending sanctimonious crown slips!

​@cazzac Buddhism is a religion dude

Udhehf Hehcuw
​sunflower that's totally wrong. just look at animals who have morals. are you saying dogs and elephants believe in God?

Ray Gowlett
​If you know where they come from...just tell her.

​@Udhehf Hehcuw I dont think that animals have morals.

1:54:00  TJump cannot name a single authority in academia for the proposition that theists built on the achievements atheists.    

​Claire destroyed Tjump in this debate

Udhehf Hehcuw
​sunflower I don't see any distinction between say some Apes who clearly show similar morals to us, and us

Norfolk Iceni
​Fkn sick of religious people taking the moral high ground, WD

​@Udhehf Hehcuw Just because something behaves in a way that resembles moral notions that we understand, does not mean they actually comprehend and intentionally 'act morally'...

David H
​of course athiesm pre-dates religion - it is just common sense

​@Udhehf Hehcuw So if an ape is WILLING to kill, but simply never has to, you couldnt say 'this ape clearly abides by the moral law "Do not kill" - because look, he never kills anything!'

Laws of the Hittites - 200 years The code of Hammurabi - 300 yearsThe code of Eshnunna - 500 yearsThe code of Ur-Nammu 600 yearsUrukagina’s Code 1,000 years

​how could religion predate atheism lol 😀

Udhehf Hehcuw
​sunflower we can analyze the way we act according to our morals and find similes in the animal kingdom.

1:56:00  TJump: "Neanderthals were secular."
​@Udhehf Hehcuw If an ape is willing to kill or lie or steal etc, but it never encounters a situation where those things would be beneficial, how can you ever deduce that the ape has morals?

Udhehf Hehcuw
​sunflower we observe apes have similar morals to us in regards to killing. they will kill in similar situations as us, like when one of their own is a danger

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Why rabbis must rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws before Yom Kippur 16 September 2021

Aren't Jews supposed to be teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles?

If rabbi after rabbi after rabbi refuse to engage on this subject, they are just confirming their unfitness for the purpose of teaching the Noahide laws aren't they?

If they are indeed unfit for the purpose of teaching the Noahide laws, they should resign from the job for which they were chosen by God to do, shouldn't they?

That would be the only honourable thing for them to do, wouldn't it?

In that case, they should declare that they have ranked Islam as the most and Christianity the least Noahide gentile religion and hope gentiles take the hint and put two and two together.  

Or do they just want to have the best of both worlds and have their cake and eat it?

They want the status of being God's Chosen People without its burdens, clearly.

If Jews were indeed chosen to be the aristocracy of humanity, then they would have been chosen to set and uphold standards as well as behave in a principled way.

Is it the case that Jews just want all the privileges of being Jewish without any of the responsibilities?

Post-Christian gentiles have some memory and some idea of Jews being supposed to be better than they are because most gentiles are Christians who worship a Jew.

We know that because there are more Christians than there are Muslims in the world though the trend for Christianity is a decreasing number of Christians and the trend for Islam is an increasing number of Muslims. 

It has been said that the trend is your friend.

All things being equal, Jews should be able to predict the future and act accordingly in anticipate of the failure of Christianity and Liberalism if not have already noticed it.

Assuming I am correct, then Islam would fill this vacuum unless you are anticipating the tired old ideas secular political ideologies of Communism, Fascism and Nazism, which I think is unlikely since their failure is too recent in time to make them a romantic failure that they would wish to revisit.

Rational people would try something that has not already failed rather than doubling down on recent failures.  Also, Islam is higher status morally and intellectually than failed Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Liberalism.

It is also easy to point out that there are six sharia theocracies still in existence in the world which gives Islam a better track record than Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Liberalism.

As for Liberalism, it is only the failed cobbled-together ideology that came from the American and French Revolutions with its lame three-item wish list of liberty, equality and fraternity. Liberty from what? Equality in what sense? How can men be brothers if there are no rules of behaviour they can identify, let alone agree to, for any length of time?

The American and French Revolutions only came about because they were provoked by unIslamic forms of government, am absurd religion that required compulsory idolatry and blasphemy administered by a corrupt priesthood resented by the majority. Therefore the American and French Revolutions were actually rebellions against Christianity. In America it was against the Church of England headed by George III, in France it was against the Catholic Church.

It is clearly the case that once European governments stopped the Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake, honest and rational men soon made their feelings clear about what they thought of the Trinity and rejected it with the American and French Revolutions.

As early as the 1870s, Nietzsche declared that God was dead, but he did not mean the Abrahamic God, he only meant the absurd and idolatrous Doctrine of the Trinity. The Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 made it legal to deny the Trinity when previously it was blasphemy.

In France the soonest rabbis could have in theory safely taught the Noahide laws properly by denouncing the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity would have been after Jewish emancipation in Napoleonic times. In America it would have been the passing of the First Amendment in 1791.

Now in 2021 another opportunity arises because the West is now Post-Christian and Christianity is in fact the most despised religion. We know it is despised because, unlike Islam, it is not even feared.

Now is the time to push at the falling fence of Christianity whose idolatry and blasphemy is intellectually and morally indefensible as well as offensive to the Abrahamic God if He exists who could be said to be showing signs of impatience with Jews and Muslims who ought to know better being unnecessarily fearful of offending Christians who clearly do not know any better since they are apparently congenitally incapable of conceiving of the offence of idolatry or grasping why it would be offensive to the Abrahamic God they claim to believe in. 

The best defence Christian theologians can come up with is that Christianity is not idolatry is Jesus is indeed God, but they are unable to explain how Jesus is God.

If they refer to any verse in the New Testament, it can be dismissed as the word of mortal and fallible men.

If they refer to any verse in the Old Testament, Jews can easily point out that Christians have misinterpreted that verse.

If they mention the Council of Nicaea, it can be pointed out that the Nicene Creed which is the basis of the Trinity, was only cooked up by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.

If they mention the Athanasian Creed, read it out to savour its absurdity.

The Trinity is basically an open goal and it would be a tragedy if rabbis allowed this opportunity of pointing out its idolatry and blasphemy before Yom Kippur to slip through their hands when the West is clearly without a functioning moral system even capable of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in society are married parents.

Now is the opportunity for Jews to become heroes for a change doing something they were in fact chosen by God to do, if they still believe in that sort of thing.

As for offending believing Christians, I am pretty sure that they are now extinct.

No one has the right to call themselves Christian unless they have been confirmed, and hardly anyone is these days.

Cultural Christians don't count. After all, I am a Cultural Christian myself.

It would actually be a mercy to these people without a functioning moral system to be told that they no longer have a functioning moral system so they can give up thinking that Christianity is their system or Liberalism is their political ideology, before Western nations become a series of failed states whose minorities become the victims of the majority who might wish to vent their frustration with their own governments on them.

Since blasphemy is no longer a crime now in the West and they cannot now burn you at the stake for blasphemy or heresy, what is stopping rabbis from acting and speaking heroically for a change? The religious obligation of Kiddush Hashem must surely beckon.

Christianity must not be viewed as a precious family heirloom but an irreparable boiler. Only then will Western governments agree that it must be removed to make way for a new one with an official handbook with clear instructions.

Muslims reading this should of course offer support to Orthodox rabbis prepared to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 
Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions

Claire Khaw
Political Scientist and Philosopher

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