Thursday, 2 September 2021

My parking space analogy applied to the story of Moses and the spies

3:05:00  I appear to offer to answer their questions on the Book of Numbers.

3:13:00  Parking space analogy to the story of the spies

3:17:00  First and last prophets

3:20:00  Lies serve a purpose.

The Noble Lie

3:21:00  But for Judaism, Jews would not exist. 

3:23:00  I cannot read minds. 

3:27:00  Lifestyle choices are based on personal preferences.

3:30:00  God accepted the argument of Moses not to destroy Jews. 

3:40:00  The New Testament is not suitable for legislation because it is only the word of mortal and fallible men. 

3:42:00  Not following recipes or directions

3:46:00  The Koran is a book of rules not a science textbook. 

3:48:00  The Ten Commandments

3:50:00  The New Testament is the testimony of mortal and fallible men. 

3:51:00  What is the New Covenant? Luther and Calvin disagree with each other on usury. 

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