Tuesday, 7 September 2021

The purpose for which Jews were made God's Chosen People and collective global repentance by 16 September 2021

Dear Rabbi Herzog

I trust you had a sweet new year. 

While talking to a Saudi contact about how Christians can never coherently explain why Jesus is God, it occurred to me to ask if Saudi had a Chief Rabbi, and I was delighted to discover that it was you.  

I was therefore ecstatic when I saw that your website even mentioned the Noahide laws! 

https://radicalisedrabbi.blogspot.com/2021/04/discussing-noahide-law-against-idolatry.html is my lengthy exchange with a rabbi who rejected my idea of using the Noahide laws to rank the four gentile religions, which I insist is the only effective way to teach the Noahide laws so that Christians can finally understand after 2000 years that the shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism.  

Rabbi Singer: The shituf of Christianity is worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism

While only an agnostic, it seems to me obvious that anyone who believes in the Abrahamic God would have to accept that He forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His commandments.  

If all good and evil come from God, and He is perfectly moral, then our suffering has meaning because it is punishment for sin. To end suffering, stop sinning and disobeying God's laws. 

Which of God's laws are most disobeyed in the world? 

There are five world religions, and it is my contention that only two are acceptable to God: Judaism and Islam which are agreed on the oneness of God and because Jews and Muslims have received the Word of God through the Torah for Jews and the Koran for gentiles.

It cannot be denied that the past three global empires have been Christian, so if Jews were made God's Chosen People to teach properly to gentiles the Noahide laws, they have not been successful.  

My suggestion is that ranking the four gentile religions in order of their conformity with the Noahide laws would be most effective at making the point to Christians that they are the ones who are the least Noahide, which it is necessary for them to understand so that they give up thinking that Christianity is a functioning moral system once they finally understand that it is in fact a religion of compulsory idolatry and blasphemy cursed by God.

If they still don't get the point, the Pope, Archbishop of Canterbury and Patriarchs of the Orthodox Church should be asked the following questions:

How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?

How is Jesus God?

All that needs to be done is for these Christian leaders to be invited to explain as a matter of urgency the Trinity because it a sin that has been practised for two millennia by people claiming to believe in the Abrahamic God. They will predictably make excuses since it is impossible to explain nonsense, but their excuses will be noted and inferences will be drawn from that by the rest of the world.  

The other point to make to Christians is that Muslims do not believe that Jesus died on the cross. If these Christians love Jesus as they claim to do, they would be happy to learn from the Koran that he did not die horribly on the cross. They only want him to have died horribly on the cross to save them from their sins which means they are no better than primitive tribes people practising cannibalism because to this day they still pretend to drink to blood and eat the flesh of Christ and still believe in the efficacy of human sacrifice which was meant to have been abolished since the time of Abraham as the story of Abraham and Isaac was meant to convey.

If humanity is being punished with the pandemic, then it must be because of the global idolatry and blasphemy of three global Christian empires which Jews have not been equal to the task of preventing or even challenging even after 2000 years.  

Since Israel itself is not even Noahide and half the Jews in the world are secular heretical Jews, then it would appear that Jews are no longer up to the job of teaching properly the Noahide laws to themselves, let alone to gentiles.  

Because God would not wish to burden Jewish souls with more than they can bear, and this is confirmed in https://quran.com/2/286, now would be the time for Jews to resign from the job, so to speak, and have a formal handover ceremony to outsource the job to Islam. I imagine this would delight the Ummah since so many are very keen to do their dawah.  

Since Jews were believed to have been given the Torah through Moses on Mount Sinai, it is not a matter of them just not turning up for work the next day and never going back to work again because it would just be disrespectful and unmannerly to all concerned. A resignation letter is at least in order and this should be composed in time for Yom Kippur on 16 September 2021. 

It is my belief that if all this is done in time for Yom Kippur and Jews, Christians and Muslims collectively repent of their sins of disobedience, all might yet be well, and the pestilence will end. 

The atheist solution to the pandemic is lockdown and vaccines. 

The theist solution is collective global repentance on Yom Kippur. 

Which is easier to do?

Muslims should be reminded that they have themselves not obeyed the command in quran.com/18/4 and it is necessary that they make a point of refraining from cherry picking their holy book.

With best wishes for a successful atonement

Claire Khaw
Moral and Political Philosopher
Political Activist promoting Civic Nationalism
Political Scientist
Sent: Tuesday, 7 September 2021, 12:09:54 BST


  1. furtherbeyondeddie11 September 2021 at 11:21

    You could rebuild the Great Wall of China with the balls it took to write this article lol

  2. Thanks! I think the Great Wall is doing OK, isn't it?

  3. Is it your takeaway from the article that Jews are chosen people but are failing in their job, or that since they are failing in their job that they are not chosen people?

  4. They are still God's Chosen People, but it now time to put down the burden that they are clearly not up to shouldering. They need to hand in their resignation. The formal handover ceremony would be the ranking of the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Nooahide laws. http://radicalisedrabbi.blogspot.com/2020/02/noahide-ranking-of-other-four-world.html

    In their own interests, they should do it, because if God exists, their punishment in the afterlife would be harsher. If they don't even believe in God, they should resign as Jews by first being put on my proposed Register of Jews and then getting themselves struck off.


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