Thursday, 30 September 2021

Muslims, do your dawah and persuade Rabbi Coffman to rank the four gentile religions!

1:14:00  Rabbi Coffman responds to me when I arrive.

1:15:00  Rabbi Coffman: "I don't teach anybody!"

1:16:00  "Source [my claim that Jews are obliged to teach the Noahide laws]"

1:30:00  Prophecy is that non-Jews will come to Jews.

1:31:00  No duty for to denounce idolatry in gentile religions?

1:32:00  Is the shituf of Christianity worse then the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

1:34:00  "Not my obligation to teach non-Jews unless they come to me."

4:05 PM
Claire Khaw
​For what purpose were Jews made God's Chosen People?

4:06 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is it a manifestation of the evil inclination not to properly teach the Noahide laws to gentiles?

4:06 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is Christianity absurdity as well as idolatry and blasphemy?

4:07 PM
Claire Khaw
​Do Jews have a religious obligation to denounce Christianity as idolatry and blasphemy for the sake of humanity?

4:08 PM
Claire Khaw
​Do Jews have a duty to gentiles even if they are antisemites?

4:10 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is idolatrous and blasphemous Christianity kaput and cursed? If so, do Jews have a duty to inform Westerners of their kaput and cursed Christianity?

4:11 PM
Claire Khaw
​Who's the rabbi most likely to rank the 4 gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws? Are there even 10 righteous rabbis in the world prepared to rank the gentile religions?

4:13 PM
Tara Carr
​Hi Claire, you have a lot of interesting questions. Perhaps they will be answered at the end?

4:15 PM
Tara Carr
​I am not sure if rankings matter. Maybe the question should be for each religion/belief system: is this true or not? ranking systems that are internally inconsistent seems futile.

4:16 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr 'Rabbi Coffman has graced my channel with his presence on two separate occasions. I suspect he is rather tired of me asking the same old questions that he does not want to answer.

4:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr It is important that Christians realise that Christianity is a religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers and they must realise that this is so.

4:17 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr It is important that Christians and Post-Christian Westerners understand that they are without a functioning moral system. When their civilisation collapses they will blame Jews again.

4:19 PM
Claire Khaw
​"We're not doing our job - so what?" So acknowledge this and outsource the job of living under God's laws to Muslims and Islam if you are no longer up to the job of teaching the Noahide laws.

4:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is the shituf of Christianity worse than the avodah zarah of Hinduism?

4:20 PM
Claire Khaw
​It can be *deduced* that Jews were chosen for a purpose and that purpose must be to properly teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles.

4:20 PM
Tara Carr
​@Claire Khaw Sounds good that you have dialogue. just here seeking truth with humility, respecting others. I gain insight from the Rabbi, learn from other Rabbis too. Shalom, best wishes

4:22 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr Only Rabbi Singer has the courage to say Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy. Humanity needs nine more like him to prevent our global village being destroyed as Sodom and Gomorrah was.

4:23 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr I do hope you will listen to the videos that Rabbi Coffman featured in on my channel to understand my position.

4:25 PM
Tara Carr
​@ Claire Khaw. Hi Claire, yes I will do that. Thank you for the suggestion.goodvibes

4:25 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are there ten honourable and influential rabbis or good men in the world to denounce the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity? Perhaps just five righteous gentiles and five righteous rabbis will do.

4:26 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr Thank you for saying you will have a look at them. They are rather long I'm afraid!

4:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​Is Islam a Noahide religion?

4:27 PM
Claire Khaw
​Are there Jews who want to be Noahides?

4:29 PM
Claire Khaw
​The best way for Jews to get to a more seductive heaven more easily is to become Muslim. It is easier to be Muslim than Jewish if you are really going to follow God's laws.

4:30 PM
Claire Khaw
​It is not just idolatry to worship Jesus as God, it is also blasphemy. Why oh why oh why won't Jews warn Christians? Is it because they actually want Christians to go to hell?
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4:31 PM
Tara Carr
​There may be Jews who would want an "easier" path, but why would they not just want to be righteous Jews and follow G-d? If G-d made a Jew a Jew, there was a reason for that.

4:34 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr The reason why Jews are so special is they are supposed to lead their life to avoid the 36 capital offences in this life AND the next on the assumption they will get punished in the next.

4:35 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr To avoid the 36 capital offences in this life or the next, become Muslim to get to the more seductive heaven the easier way!

4:38 PM
Tara Carr
​Exactly. It is special to be a Jew, but it is HARD but not impossible. There are so many Jews throughout history who gave their lives and did not convert.

4:38 PM
Tara Carr
​ I do not know any Jew seduced by another religion, that's me though, secularism yes, another religion not so much...

4:40 PM
Claire Khaw
​@Tara Carr Have you not heard of Rabbi Singer complaining bitterly about Christian missionaries swooping into Israel like vultures to convert Jews to Christianity to trigger the Second Coming?

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