Friday, 24 September 2021

Questions for Jews and Muslims to ask Christians

1) Your scripture isn't even from Jesus, let alone God, is it?

2) The New Covenant is really the Koran, isn't it?

3) The New Testament is only the word of mortal and fallible men of dubious provenance while the Koran is from God.

4) Christianity is the religion of idolaters and blasphemers in denial that they are idolaters and blasphemers, isn't it?

5) How is Christianity not idolatry and blasphemy?

6) How is Jesus God?

7) Why don't you care that you are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy?

8) Is the reason why you don't care that you are guilty of idolatry and blasphemy because you don't really believe God exists to punish you for your idolatry and blasphemy in this life or the next?

9) Isn't it hypocrisy to pretend to believe in God when you are really an atheist and a nihilist?

10) Is Christianity a cover to legitimise your antisemitism and Islamophobia?

11) Why do you need to believe Jesus died for your sins?

12) Muslims love Jesus and don't need to believe Jesus is God who died for their sins to get to heaven. You now have the option of worshiping the Abrahamic God without being guilty of idolatry and blasphemy. Is it your Islamophobia or atheism that stops you from giving up your idolatry and blasphemy? 

13) Isn't it absurd to believe God sacrificed Himself to save us from Himself? 

14) So you claim to love Jesus but want him to have died horribly to save you from your sins as human sacrifice so you can pretend to be cannibals by pretending to drink the blood and eat the flesh of Jesus? 

15) Are you really that Islamophobic you would rather go to hell Christian than get to heaven Muslim?

16) Do you really prefer to trust your corrupt and incompetent politicians to solve your problems to obeying the laws of God for a better tomorrow for your children, grandchildren and descendants?

17) Do you really think Hinduism, Buddhism or Judaism would be a better replacement for kaput Christianity than Islam? 

18) Is the reason why you don't care about the next generation and future generations because you have no intention of becoming a married parent?

19) Islam privileges married parents over non parents and unmarried parents. If you don't think this matters, it is because you have no intention of becoming a married parent. If you have no intention of ever becoming a married parent and no respect for married parents who try to properly parent their legitimate offspring, why should anyone listen to you? 

20) Islam would discriminate against the unmarriageable who have no biological investment in the next generation because it knows married parents should be privileged over unmarried parents and non-parents to encourage and support. Isn't this only fair considering married parents have to commit to each other as well as the children of their marriage? 

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