Thursday, 9 September 2021

Why rabbis must rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws before Yom Kippur 16 September 2021

Aren't Jews supposed to be teaching the Noahide laws to gentiles?

If rabbi after rabbi after rabbi refuse to engage on this subject, they are just confirming their unfitness for the purpose of teaching the Noahide laws aren't they?

If they are indeed unfit for the purpose of teaching the Noahide laws, they should resign from the job for which they were chosen by God to do, shouldn't they?

That would be the only honourable thing for them to do, wouldn't it?

In that case, they should declare that they have ranked Islam as the most and Christianity the least Noahide gentile religion and hope gentiles take the hint and put two and two together.  

Or do they just want to have the best of both worlds and have their cake and eat it?

They want the status of being God's Chosen People without its burdens, clearly.

If Jews were indeed chosen to be the aristocracy of humanity, then they would have been chosen to set and uphold standards as well as behave in a principled way.

Is it the case that Jews just want all the privileges of being Jewish without any of the responsibilities?

Post-Christian gentiles have some memory and some idea of Jews being supposed to be better than they are because most gentiles are Christians who worship a Jew.

We know that because there are more Christians than there are Muslims in the world though the trend for Christianity is a decreasing number of Christians and the trend for Islam is an increasing number of Muslims. 

It has been said that the trend is your friend.

All things being equal, Jews should be able to predict the future and act accordingly in anticipate of the failure of Christianity and Liberalism if not have already noticed it.

Assuming I am correct, then Islam would fill this vacuum unless you are anticipating the tired old ideas secular political ideologies of Communism, Fascism and Nazism, which I think is unlikely since their failure is too recent in time to make them a romantic failure that they would wish to revisit.

Rational people would try something that has not already failed rather than doubling down on recent failures.  Also, Islam is higher status morally and intellectually than failed Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Liberalism.

It is also easy to point out that there are six sharia theocracies still in existence in the world which gives Islam a better track record than Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Liberalism.

As for Liberalism, it is only the failed cobbled-together ideology that came from the American and French Revolutions with its lame three-item wish list of liberty, equality and fraternity. Liberty from what? Equality in what sense? How can men be brothers if there are no rules of behaviour they can identify, let alone agree to, for any length of time?

The American and French Revolutions only came about because they were provoked by unIslamic forms of government, am absurd religion that required compulsory idolatry and blasphemy administered by a corrupt priesthood resented by the majority. Therefore the American and French Revolutions were actually rebellions against Christianity. In America it was against the Church of England headed by George III, in France it was against the Catholic Church.

It is clearly the case that once European governments stopped the Christian practice of burning heretics at the stake, honest and rational men soon made their feelings clear about what they thought of the Trinity and rejected it with the American and French Revolutions.

As early as the 1870s, Nietzsche declared that God was dead, but he did not mean the Abrahamic God, he only meant the absurd and idolatrous Doctrine of the Trinity. The Doctrine of the Trinity Act 1813 made it legal to deny the Trinity when previously it was blasphemy.

In France the soonest rabbis could have in theory safely taught the Noahide laws properly by denouncing the idolatry and blasphemy of Christianity would have been after Jewish emancipation in Napoleonic times. In America it would have been the passing of the First Amendment in 1791.

Now in 2021 another opportunity arises because the West is now Post-Christian and Christianity is in fact the most despised religion. We know it is despised because, unlike Islam, it is not even feared.

Now is the time to push at the falling fence of Christianity whose idolatry and blasphemy is intellectually and morally indefensible as well as offensive to the Abrahamic God if He exists who could be said to be showing signs of impatience with Jews and Muslims who ought to know better being unnecessarily fearful of offending Christians who clearly do not know any better since they are apparently congenitally incapable of conceiving of the offence of idolatry or grasping why it would be offensive to the Abrahamic God they claim to believe in. 

The best defence Christian theologians can come up with is that Christianity is not idolatry is Jesus is indeed God, but they are unable to explain how Jesus is God.

If they refer to any verse in the New Testament, it can be dismissed as the word of mortal and fallible men.

If they refer to any verse in the Old Testament, Jews can easily point out that Christians have misinterpreted that verse.

If they mention the Council of Nicaea, it can be pointed out that the Nicene Creed which is the basis of the Trinity, was only cooked up by a bunch of bishops who couldn't even agree, called to a council by an emperor who wasn't even Christian.

If they mention the Athanasian Creed, read it out to savour its absurdity.

The Trinity is basically an open goal and it would be a tragedy if rabbis allowed this opportunity of pointing out its idolatry and blasphemy before Yom Kippur to slip through their hands when the West is clearly without a functioning moral system even capable of maintaining minimum standards of sexual morality ie ensuring that most parents in society are married parents.

Now is the opportunity for Jews to become heroes for a change doing something they were in fact chosen by God to do, if they still believe in that sort of thing.

As for offending believing Christians, I am pretty sure that they are now extinct.

No one has the right to call themselves Christian unless they have been confirmed, and hardly anyone is these days.

Cultural Christians don't count. After all, I am a Cultural Christian myself.

It would actually be a mercy to these people without a functioning moral system to be told that they no longer have a functioning moral system so they can give up thinking that Christianity is their system or Liberalism is their political ideology, before Western nations become a series of failed states whose minorities become the victims of the majority who might wish to vent their frustration with their own governments on them.

Since blasphemy is no longer a crime now in the West and they cannot now burn you at the stake for blasphemy or heresy, what is stopping rabbis from acting and speaking heroically for a change? The religious obligation of Kiddush Hashem must surely beckon.

Christianity must not be viewed as a precious family heirloom but an irreparable boiler. Only then will Western governments agree that it must be removed to make way for a new one with an official handbook with clear instructions.

Muslims reading this should of course offer support to Orthodox rabbis prepared to rank the four gentile religions according to their conformity with the Noahide laws. 
Noahide ranking of the four gentile religions

Claire Khaw
Political Scientist and Philosopher

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