Tuesday, 28 September 2021

Would Will Knowland interviewing me on his channel make him a Secular Koranist?

Will Knowland's interview of E Michael Jones

3:00  Seven Deadly Sins
4:00  Men talking about managing women will eventually find themselves talking about God.
7:00  Badges of identity
9:00  Marriage and religion
12:00  Hinduism and the Abrahamic God
13:00  The rules
15:00  \Our descendants we will never meet
17:00   All roads lead to Rome.
18:00  Jews and pornography
Hate speech
20:00  Clear rules
21:00  Burning heretics at the stake
22:00  Hate speech
26:00  Silence implies consent.
29:00  Libido Dominandi
31:00  I am more dangerous than E Michael Jones.
33:00  Secular Koranism
36:00  E Michael Jones
43:00  Government consultant on implementing Secular Koranism

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