Sunday, 15 January 2023

A bodhisattva's message to Muslims

In my time, it has been pointed out to me that I could be a Bodhisattva - one of those souls who have already learned their moral lessons who need not return for another moral rinse cycle but come back out of their desire to prevent their fellow humans being sent to hell after falling into error and disaster.   

One of the matters I enjoy speculating on is how God would punish the different religious groups if He exists.  

If God agrees with the Noahide ranking I have proposed, He would regard Jews as His Chosen People whose afterlives would be based on whether they have committed any of the 36 capital offences.  

Those who have but were not punished in their Jewish lifetimes would be subject to them in their afterlives to execution by beheading, burning, stoning and strangulation. 

Presumably, after the Jewish soul has discharged all the death penalties accumulated during a Jewish lifetime, it will be reincarnated to start again, though I am not sure if they can choose to be Jewish or gentile. 

This does not seem to be a very attractive afterlife, which may explain why so many Jews in fact reject the idea of living as an observant Jew and prefer to assimilate as atheist liberals, which unfortunately adds to the evil of the world.  

Islam, being Judaism Lite, would be the best religion to get to heaven, if you believe in that sort of thing.  

If you are Buddhist or Hindu, you would believe in reincarnation. God if He exists already administers reincarnation. Ultra Orthodox Jews are known to believe in it.

As for Christians, they would all go straight to hell for being idolaters who worship an executed blasphemer as the co-equal of the God of Israel who is also Allah.  

And why shouldn't they? 

Christians of all people should know that God specifically and explicitly forbade idolatry and blasphemy in His Commandments stated in the Torah which is part of the Christian Bible.

I suspect that heaven if it exists would be a rather exclusive place with very few Jews and certainly no Christians.  

Hindus and Buddhists wouldn't enter it since they do not acknowledge its existence.  

Everyone else would just be swirling in the rinse cycle of reincarnation, apparently unable to conceptualise idolatry so that they keep falling into it with Christians being the worst culprits because they most suffer from this learning disability and lack of self-awareness.  

I would like to help Christians avoid this eternal rinse cycle by putting them on notice that Christianity is idolatry and blasphemy.  

As for Muslims, they could surely earn brownie points for joining me in admonishing those who claim that God has begotten a son as of the Koran commands them to do.

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